scholarly journals Liability of Legal Entities for Offenses Recorded by Special Technical Devices

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (12) ◽  
pp. 11-16
P. N. Smolyakov

The article is devoted to the exemption of legal entities from liability for administrative offenses recorded by special technical devices operating in an automatic mode and having functions of photo and film shooting, video recording, or by means of photo and film shooting, video recording. It is noted that the existing regulation in the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation in the interpretation of the highest court and other courts makes such liability ephemeral, allowing to arbitrarily shift it, for example, onto natural persons, e.i. drivers of vehicles belonging to legal entities. This situation allows legal entities with a large number of commercial vehicles throughout the country to easily avoid paying large amounts of administrative fines, which has nefative effect on pumping up the treasury and encourages further illegal behavior of their drivers on the roads. The author proposes to discuss the state of legislation and law enforcement on this issue.

Alexandr V. Izmalkov ◽  
Alexander A. Kuznetsov ◽  
Pavel A. Kuznetsov ◽  
Ella Y. Kuzmenko

We analyze the law enforcement practice of judicial authorities on taxes and fees, since the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is a rather controversial regulatory legal act. Tax disputes arise both at the initiative of tax authorities and at the initiative of taxpayers. Purpose: to determine the main directions of law enforcement practice of courts in tax disputes. We use general scientific and specially legal methods as research methods. The focus is on the method of analysis. In the course of the research, we analyze the con-sideration of cases by judicial authorities on tax disputes, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics. We conclude that the emergence of disagree-ments between taxpayers and the state body when resolving the issue of the legality of their actions (inaction), as well as the legality of a non-normative legal act is the main reason for the formation of law enforcement practice in tax disputes. During the passage of all stages of the application of the law, it is also necessary to establish the existence of a cause-and-effect relationship between the actions of the taxpayer and the resulting consequences. The main points of this process go through several stages. We define the main directions of the law enforcement practice of courts in tax disputes.

Олег Игоревич Денисенко ◽  
Оганнес Давитович Мкртчян

В связи с увеличением числа преступлений террористической направленности разрешения требуют вопросы, связанные с обеспечением объектов (территорий) УИС инструментами антитеррористической защищенности, к которым можно отнести такие, как проведение организационно-практических мероприятий антитеррористической защиты объектов УИС, наличие соответствующей документации и ответственного должностного лица, выполнение режимных требований на объектах УИС в соответствии с законодательством РФ, а также обеспечение контроля за количественными и качественными характеристиками эксплуатируемых инженерно-технических средств охраны и надзора. Актуальность проводимого исследования обусловлена необходимостью качественной реализации в правоприменительной практике совокупности требований обеспечения мероприятий по обеспечению антитеррористической защищенности объектов (территорий) УИС с целью защиты прав и интересов всех субъектов уголовно-исполнительной системы от террористического посягательства. Авторами выявляются проблемы правового и организационного уровня при оценке состояния антитеррористической защищенности объектов УИС: формализм при проведении обследований, недостаточный уровень оснащенности объектов УИС инженерно-техническими средствами охраны и надзора, а также финансирования для удовлетворения нужд объектов УИС в части обеспечения антитеррористической защищенности. Помимо прочего упоминаются такие проблемы, как отсутствие унифицированных принципов организации деятельности комплексных комиссионных обследований, разработанных с учетом современных правоприменительных норм и запросов практики, а также обосновывается необходимость повышения компетентности сотрудников ФСИН России при проведении комплексных комиссионных обследований. In connection with the increase in the number of terrorist crimes, the resolution requires issues related to the provision of facilities (territories) of the penal system with anti-terrorist security tools, which include such as the implementation of organizational and practical measures for the anti-terrorist protection of the penal system, the availability of appropriate documentation and a responsible official, the implementation of regime requirements at the facilities of the penal system in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as ensuring control over the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the operating engineering and technical means of protection and supervision. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in law enforcement practice, a high-quality implementation of the set of requirements for ensuring the anti-terrorist protection of objects (territories) of the penal system is required so that the rights and interests of all subjects of the penal system in terms of protection from terrorist encroachment are observed. The authors identify the problems of the legal and organizational level when assessing the state of anti-terrorist security of penal facilities: formalism in conducting surveys, insufficient equipment of penal facilities with engineering and technical means of protection and supervision, as well as the level of funding to meet the needs of penal facilities in terms of ensuring anti-terrorist protection. Among other things, such problems as the lack of unified principles for organizing the activities of complex commission surveys, developed taking into account modern law enforcement norms and practice requests, are mentioned, as well as the need to improve the competence of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia when conducting comprehensive commission surveys is substantiated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-65
S.A. Kubatko ◽  
I.M. Vilgonenko ◽  

Every citizen of the Russian Federation in everyday life directly or indirectly becomes a participant in tax relations, which are regulated by the Tax code. Since legal acts and laws are quite ambiguous, and the activities of the state are associated with the seizure of property from individuals and legal entities, the emergence of tax conflicts is inevitable. Compromise forms of pre-trial settlement of conflicts are particularly relevant in modern tax relations. They contribute to the emergence and development of trust and fruitful relations between citizens and representatives of tax authorities on the basis of cooperation. The introduction of such procedures as direct negotiations between the parties, mediation and arbitration allow not only to resolve tax disputes promptly, minimize the costs of the parties, reduce the periods of consideration, but also contributes to the unloading of arbitration courts. This article discusses all forms of pre-trial settlement of tax disputes, examines their strengths and weaknesses, the synergetic effect of these forms with preventive and Advisory methods, as well as the introduction of new procedures for the settlement of tax disputes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 62 ◽  
pp. 10003
Y.A. Dorofeeva ◽  
M.N. Zubkova

A legal entity as a union recognized in law and absent as an independent entity outside the law, exists and carries out its activities through the governing bodies whose composition and competence are always predetermined by the norms of positive law. Undoubtedly, the rights of the governing bodies of a legal entity, as well as the duties of the head of the organization, must be strictly predetermined and have limits defined by law. Failure of this rule would mean the possibility of abuse of the right by the governing bodies of legal entities, their release from the obligation to lead the organization in good faith and reasonably, evasion from the fulfillment of obligations assumed by the legal entity through the sole executive body or another governing body of the organization. In order to prevent harm to the organization and third parties, the governing bodies of the legal entity, the legislator set certain rules for the activities of the governing bodies of the legal entity, as well as the grounds for applying measures of responsibility for violating such rules. The responsibility of the head includes the recovery of damages caused by his fault to a legal entity. The purpose of the study is to analyze the grounds and conditions for recovery of damages caused by the head of the organization in the legislation of the Russian Federation and arbitration practice. The objectives of the study are to determine the grounds for liability of the head of a legal entity in the form of damages, show the genesis of the formation of Russian legislation and the practice of its use by courts on recovering losses of a legal entity from the head of an organization, identify criteria for determining the presence of both good faith and reasonableness in the behavior of managers of legal entities, brought to responsibility in the form of the obligation to pay damages to the organization they lead. In carrying out the study, such methods were used as: general scientific - analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, historical method; private-scientific: formal-legal, comparative-legal, allowing to consider the issues of bringing to responsibility in the form of recovery of damages of the head of a legal entity; Formal legal method for determining the content of abstract categories - reasonableness, good faith, permissible behavior, method of system-structural analysis - to study the possibility of applying damages as a form of responsibility for the guilty behavior of a special entity - the head of a legal entity The result of the study is the establishment of the grounds and conditions for applying to the head (former head) of a legal entity responsibility in the form of recovery of damages caused to the organization managed by it, in the legislation of the Russian Federation and judicial practice. The findings and results of the study can be used for further research and as educational material, in legislative work and in law enforcement practice.

A. V. Danilovskaya ◽  
A. P. Tenishev

The anti-monopoly practice concerning agreements prohibited by the Federal Law “On Protection of Competition” traditionally defines the so-called collusions at tenders. Depriving the state of the opportunity to save budget funds, collusions at auctions do not only violate the procedure established by the law, but, by limiting competition, adversely affects the country’s economy.For collusion at an auction, both administrative (Article 14.32 “Conclusion of an agreement restricting competition, the implementation of concerted actions restricting competition, coordination of economic activities” of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation) and criminal responsibility (Article 178 “Restriction of competition”, as well as Articles 159, 285, 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) is set.However, the current version of Article 178 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which is supposed to be the main one in the fight against anti-competitive agreements, has significant drawbacks that make the fight against these dangerous anti-competitive agreements ineffective. The damage from the activities of all cartels (in the commodity markets, during the procurements by state-owned companies and the state, during the bidding for the alienation of state property) is estimated at 1.5-2% of GDP.Meanwhile, when carrying out public procurement and procurement of companies with state participation consume up to 30 trillion rubles a year. If the bidding is held under collusion, the reduction in the initial (maximum) contract price hardly reaches 1%; if the bidding is held in a competitive environment, the price decline reaches 20-30%. Perhaps not so obvious, but this does not mean that the collusion at auctions has a negative effect on competition. Companies compete neither in price nor in quality. Access to the state order, and therefore, an undoubted competitive advantage in the commodity markets, is obtained not by those companies that are better and more efficient, but by those that have been able to come to an agreement. Only in 2016, due to the low level of competition in trading, the budgets of all levels lost more than 180 billion rubles. Moreover, the Federal AntiMonopoly Service (FAS) considers this number underestimated — the application of the methodology adopted in OECD countries brings the figure of damage up to 1 trillion rubles per year.The current situation requires an appropriate response, in particular, introducing changes into the legislation of the Russian Federation that reflect the substantially increased public danger of anti-competitive agreements and will also contribute to the development of the practice of countering them.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-103
Svyatoslav V. Ivanov

The subject. The article is devoted to the analysis of public authorities’ activities in order to strengthen unity of domestic legal space and the people of Russia with regard to constitutional legal support of the state unity and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.The purpose of the article is to make a critical analysis of implementing a system that consists of constitutional legal rules and procedures of regulatory impact on the unity of domestic legal space and the people of Russia with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of their implementation.The methodological basis of the study includes general-scientific methods (analysis and syn-thesis, system-structural approach) as well as academic methods (formal-legal method, method of interpretation of legal acts).Results, scope. Consistent constitutional legal support of the state unity and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation requires elimination of defects and gaps in legal regulation and improvement of law enforcement practice. In particular, it is necessary to eliminate the practice of denial of a state registration of political parties on insignificant formal grounds in order to implement guarantees of the unity of the people of Russia.Conclusions. The consistent strengthening of the unity of domestic legal space and the people of the Russian Federation is of paramount importance to the constitutional and legal support of its state unity and territorial integrity. It is necessary to eliminate a number of legal defects and to make law enforcement practice more effective in order to implement these constitutional values.

Денис Печегин ◽  
Denis Pechegin ◽  
Евгения Прохорова ◽  
Evgeniya Prohorova

The police as a law enforcement body of a specific state was created to perform a variety of tasks in order to maintain the law and order in society, to ensure the security of the state, its citizens. In accordance with the role of the police in the legal doctrine of different countries (Germany, France, England, etc.), in due time, there were even separate schools to study this institution. The police are also one of the subjects of anti-corruption. Nevertheless, this does not mean that corruption cannot exist in the ranks of the police. Despite the general increase in confidence in the police and their employees, noted by the All-Russia centre of studying of public opinion over the last few years in the Russian Federation, today the efforts to combat corruption need to be undertaken not only outside, but also within the police departments themselves. It is obvious that corrupt law enforcement bodies are not able to perform effectively and qualitatively their tasks, and this fast poses a real threat to the state, society and the individual. Thus, the task of improving the complex of anti-corruption measures in the police bodies is becoming more urgent. The article presents a comparative legal analysis of anti-corruption in the police bodies of Russia and Germany in modern conditions. The measures of influence are defined, as well as the forms of interaction of law enforcement agencies in the fight against this negative social phenomenon. The authors come to conclusion that the effective system of anti-corruption in police facilitates not only by the system of legislative sanctions adopted in the state, but also by the qualitative implementation of the state’s social policy with regard to civil servants.

Mikhail Dvoretskiy

We investigate the possibility of introducing criminal liability of legal entities in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. We analyze the provisions of regulatory enactment providing for this substantial reform. We consider initiatives and projects proposed by public authorities to amend and supplement domestic legislation. We examine the positions of reputable ex-perts, famous scientists and high-demand practitioners, who express opposite opinions on the initiated correlations and participating in the discussion. We analyze the provisions of the conventions of international organizations pro-viding for the introduction of criminal liability of legal entities in the legisla-tion of member states, due to involvement in corruption crimes, if bribery of foreign officials and corporate corruption were used. The work discusses the provisions of the bill of 2015 finalized by the Investigative Committee of Russia on the introduction of criminal liability for legal entities for the com-mission of crimes contained in the current thirty eight articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, to which Russian, as well as a number of foreign companies and international organizations represented and separate units. We draw conclusions and make suggestions for further improvement of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (11) ◽  
pp. 0-0
Станислав Липски ◽  
Stanislav Lipski

The article reviews new rules on allotment of land plots to citizens and legal persons. The State Duma included these rules into the Land Code of the Russian Federation in summer 2014. Now they have come into force. The article focuses on the following issues. 1. How do these rules affect the land legislation in general? 2. What are the changes in the powers of public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and bodies of local self-government in regulating the order of land plots’ allotment and in implementation of such allotment? 3. How justified is the fact that now auctions are the only possible form of a land tender? The author believes that it is necessary to preserve competitive bidding for cases when same agricultural land plots are allotted to citizens and legal entities. Also there remains a problem associated with the transfer of power on allotment of lands from local governments of municipal areas to the level of rural settlements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 234 (11) ◽  
pp. 12-15

The article discusses the issue of the execution of punishment in the form of restriction of freedom, problematic issues faced by a law enforcement officer. The purpose of the study is to identify problematic issues of the implementation of the restriction of freedom and to suggest possible ways of solving them. The methodological basis of the research was formed by the analysis, synthesis and formallogical methods. As a result of the work carried out, some problematic issues arising in the execution of restrictions on freedom have been studied, in particular, the calculation of the term of punishment, bringing the convicted person to criminal responsibility for committing a crime provided for in part 1 of Article 314 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The state of law enforcement in the issues under consideration is analyzed. As a result of the study, the need to amend the legislation of the Russian Federation for resolving the problematic issues indicated in the article has been substantiated. Key words: convict, punishment, restriction of freedom.

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