2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (02) ◽  
pp. 1
Mulyani Mudis Taruna

<p>This research was done at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I in Pontianak,<br />the capital of Western Borneo. The focus of the research was the imple­<br />mentation of Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) at Madrasah<br />Aliyah Negeri I Pontianak which was seen from the aspects of the imple­<br />mentation of KTSP itself, of the management, of the administration of<br />the management, of developmental method, of learning facilities, and of<br />the evaluation of learning system. In addition, this research also exam­<br />ined how learners' perceptions of the implementation of KTSP were.</p><p><br />From the result of the research showed that the implementation of<br />KTSP at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I Pontianak could run well in accor­<br />dance with learning procedure, namely operationally the curriculum<br />had been composed by the education unit itself with various kinds of<br />dynamism although it did not free from the standard of content which<br />was composed by BSNP (National Education Standard Agency). Simi­<br />larly, learners' perceptions showed that they understood enough and<br />were able to follow the learning process with KTSP as the new curricu­<br />lum after the application of KBK (Competency Based-Curriculum).</p><p><br />However, on another side, there were several disadvantages which<br />needed improvement such as human resources factor, namely teachers<br />who had experience in local level but lacked insight into communica­<br />tion in national level, frequent occurrences of technical obstacles in the<br />implementation, insufficient facilities for the learning process such as<br />incomplete multimedia and the existing learning media if they were con­<br />nected to the ratio of learners, a high shortage of teachers' handbooks<br />so that on average teachers only mentioned 2 reference books namely I<br />package book and I book published by Toha Putra Semarang and prac­ <br />tically the supervision of education has not yet been done by counselors<br />from Regional Office of Ministry of Religious Affairs of Pontianak.</p>


This research aims to find out the similarities or differences in learning management implemented in Formal Diniyah Education (PDF) Ulya DDI Mangkoso and SMA Islam Athirah Boarding School of Bukit Baruga. This research uses comparative type research with descriptive qualitative approaches. The results of the study concluded that: (1) Learning plan on PDF Ulya DDI Mangkoso does not yet have standard learning tools such as syllabus, lesson plan, semester and annual programs, because the education unit is still new and does not have a standard format set by the ministry of religion, in contrast to SMA Islam Athirah Boarding School. (2) The organization of learning in PDF Ulya DDI Mangkoso has been carried out well through the roles and responsibilities of all parties concerned ranging from the Head of Madrasah, Dormitory Builder, Ustadz / teacher especially to the Islamic students’ organization in it that supports each other. While in SMA Islam Athirah Boarding School, the organization of learning has been carried out by existing SOPs, but still often gets its challenges. (3) The implementation of learning in PDF Ulya DDI Mangkoso has been running by its learning system, namely madrasy, halaqy, and idhafi system, and these three systems have been running by its characteristics as a boarding school, as well as SMA Islam Athirah Boarding School, the implementation of learning has been running well by its characteristics as a formal education unit under the Ministry of Education. (4) The evaluation of learning in PDF Ulya DDI Mangkoso has been going well by the provisions set by the national education office, namely by carrying out cognitive, psychomotor, and effective assessments, similar to the evaluation of learning carried out at SMA Islam Athirah Boarding School, but the method of implementation sometimes has differences. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persamaan atau perbedaan manajemen pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan pada Pendidikan Diniyah Formal (PDF) Ulya DDI Mangkoso dan SMA Islam Athirah Boarding School Bukit Baruga. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian jenis komparatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa : (1) Perencanaan pembelajaran pada PDF Ulya DDI Mangkoso belum memiliki perangkat pembelajaran yang baku seperti silabus, RPP, Program semester dan tahunan, karena satuan pendidikannya masih baru dan belum memiliki format standar yang ditetapkan oleh kementrian agama, berbeda dengan SMA Islam Athirah Boarding School. (2) Pengorganisasian pembelajaran pada PDF Ulya DDI Mangkoso sudah terlaksana dengan baik melalui peran dan tanggung jawab seluruh pihak yang terkait mulai dari Kepala Madrasah, Pembina Asrama, Ustadz/guru terlebih lagi kepada organisasi santri yang ada didalamnya yang saling mendukung antara satu dengan lainnya. Sementara di SMA Islam Athirah Boarding School, pengorganisasian pembelajarannya sudah terlaksana sesuai dengan SOP yang ada, namun masih sering mendapatkan tantangan tersendiri. (3) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran pada PDF Ulya DDI Mangkoso telah berjalan sesuai dengan sistem pembelajarannya yaitu sistem madrasy, halaqy, dan idhafi, dan ketiga sistem ini sudah berjalan sesuai dengan karakteristiknya sebagai pondok pesantren, sama halnya dengan SMA Islam Athirah Boarding School pelaksanaan pembelajarannya sudah berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan karakteristiknya sebagai satuan pendidikan formal di bawah Kemendikbud. (4) Evaluasi pembelajaran pada PDF Ulya DDI Mangkoso sudah berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh dinas pendidikan nasional yaitu dengan melaksanakan penilaian kognitif, psikomotorik, dan efektif, sama dengan evaluasi pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan pada SMA Islam Athirah Boarding School, namun metode pelaksanaannya terkadang memiliki perbedaan.

2021 ◽  
pp. 57-72
Dina Bethere ◽  
Agrita Tauriņa ◽  
Tija Zīriņa ◽  

The research is conducted within the framework of the National Research Programme (NRP) “Latvian Language” (No. VPP-IZM-2018/2-0002) 8th sub-project, “Acquisition of Latvian Language”. The aim of this article is to summarise and systematise the scientific knowledge on the promotion of Latvian language in ethnically and linguistically heterogeneous pre-school groups in the context of a competency-based approach. In Latvia, the competency-based approach has been implemented in pre-school educational institutions since 2019. In the pedagogical work, the transition has taken place from the result to the process, emphasising the child being a researcher. The implementation of this approach has changed the arrangement of the pre-school environment, and also the work of teachers has improved in order to successfully develop the child’s self-directed learning, thinking and creativity, self-knowledge and transversal skills. In the pre-school, children develop literacy, which determines the acquisition of Latvian language both in Latvian and ethnic minority pre-school education programmes. In the competency-based curriculum, it is indicated that the following language acquisition skills should be achieved at the end of pre-school education: • a child can explain why people use language when communicating, listen to the text, name the people acting in it, re-tell the events, invent a continuation to a text, ask questions if confused and answer a specific question, clearly and consistently tell what is seen, heard and experienced, participate in a conversation, does not interrupt the speaker, uses different speech intonations when speaking, distinguishes and names sounds, marks sound with an appropriate letter, reads words and understands what is read, writes written letters; • a child who has acquired an ethnic minority pre-school education curriculum can answer questions in Latvian about what he/she has seen and heard, ask questions to obtain the information, express one’s needs, engage in a conversation on topics related to everyday life and the learning process; learns to pronounce sounds correctly, knows printed letters, reads short words used in the learning process and everyday situations (Pirmsskolas mācību programma 2019). However, it is a challenge for the national education system to ensure high achievements in language acquisition for both monolingual and bilingual children. From an early age, the children’s language development is focused on the expansion and perfection of their skills. At first, children learn to understand and use the sounds, then the words, then the sentences, and finally the whole text. This ensures a diverse interaction with the social environment, using the language tools that stimulate the child’s personal development and the formation of social experience. Within the framework of the NRP “Latvian Language”, a study has been conducted in relation to the language acquisition of pre-school children, indicating the main problem issues. Thus, the following research questions are put forward: (1) How have the opportunities for children’s language acquisition improved in the two years since the competency-based approach is implemented in the pre-school institutions? (2) What are the benefits and challenges of bilingual education? (3) What solutions can be offered to improve the situation?

2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (01) ◽  
pp. 67
Abdullah Aly

Entering the age of 56, UMS still need to make improvements and development inthe learning process. For the sake of improvement and development, this study was conductedin order to map the performance of UMS lecturer in lesson plan, in the implementation oflearning and in the evaluation of learning outcomes. Based on non-experimental descriptivestudy of the survey form, by questionnaire, review of documents, and FGD, the study foundthree important findings. First, UMS lecturer has a good performance in lesson planning. Second,UMS lecturer’s performance in the implementation of the learning process has not beenentirely good, because they are not using a variety of learning methods. Third, UMS lecturer’sperformance in the evaluation of learning outcomes is quite good. By the three findings abovecan be said that the performance of UMS lecturer in the learning process nearly meet the liabilitycomponent required by Law on Teachers and Lecturers in 2005 and has been referred tothe PP 19 on National Education Standards (NES) in 2005.Keywords: Lecturer’s Performance; Law on Teachers and Lecturers; the National Standards;Student Centered Learning (SCL).Abstrak: Memasuki usianya ke-56, UMS masih harus melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangandalam proses pembelajaran. Untuk kepentingan perbaikan dan pengembangan tersebut,studi ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memetakan kinerja dosen UMS dalam prencanaanpembelajaran, kinerja dosen UMS dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaraan, dan kinerja dosen UMSdalam evaluasi hasil pembelajaran. Berdasarkan studi deskriptif non-eksperimental berbentuksurvei, dengan metode angket, telaah dokumen, dan FGD, studi ini menemukan tiga temuanpenting. Pertama, dosen UMS memiliki kinerja yang baik dalam perencanaan pembelajaran.Kedua, kinerja dosen UMS dalam pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran belum sepenuhnya baik,karena belum menggunakan metode pembelajaran yang beragam. Ketiga, kinerja dosen UMSdalam evaluasi hasil pembelajaran cukup baik. Dengan tiga temuan di atas dapat dikatakanbahwa kinerja dosen UMS dalam proses pembelajaran selama ini hampir memenuhi komponenkewajiban yang diminta oleh UU Guru dan Dosen Tahun 2005 dan telah mengacukepada PP No. 19 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan (SNP) Tahun 2005.Kata kunci: Kinerja Dosen; UU Guru dan Dosen; Standar Nasional Pendidikan; StudentCentered Learning (SCL).

2017 ◽  
Pavels Pestovs ◽  
Dace Namsone ◽  

For successful curriculum implementation in the framework of the project “Competency-based Education Curriculum Development and Implementation” funded from the European Social Fund (ESF), it is essential to develop validated and reliable national level tests with an objective to monitor students’ progress. The purpose of the research is to analyse students’ current situation in explaining natural phenomena scientifically in order to give a clear insight into the assessment process of students’ skills. At a first glance, a substantial amount (more than 50 %) of 15-16 years old students are capable of explaining natural phenomena in science, however, detailed analysis reveals two problems: both deep and surface student explanations are scored in the same way in test and item assessing criteria are not allowing teachers to assess student skills at different cognitive levels. Keywords: explaining phenomena scientifically, natural phenomena in science, skill assessment.

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 216
Loeziana Uce

Curriculum is one of important elements in education that need to be designed well in order to succeed teaching and learning process in schools. The meaning of praxis of curriculum is closely related to what and how educational curriculum had been validated and enforceable. This paper discusses the factual condition of curriculum in Indonesia, including the background of curriculum change since the promulgation of National Education System, and also about the implementation of the concept of Competency Based Curriculum (CBC/KBK), Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) and Curriculum 2013. The results of this study indicate that changes of curriculum are necessary. Nonetheless, curriculum changes implemented should have strong fundamentals and careful planning; hence it does not confuse the policy makers in the area of education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-69
Moh Fachri

Learning process is the most important part in education as an effort to mature learners, The success of the learning process becomes a benchmark achievement of learning objectives. To know the achievement of the success of learning objectives, it must be done evaluation / assessment. In particular the purpose of evaluation to determine the progress of learning outcomes of learners after following the learning, as well as to determine the level of effectiveness and efficiency of methods, strategies that teachers use in learning. Evaluation of learning has an important and strategic meaning in education, because the learning process becomes meaningful, as well as its evaluation results can be used as a basis to determine the next step, for teachers, principals, institutions, parents, and government. The importance of learning evaluation can be seen from the approach of the learning process, the characteristics of professional educators, and the institutional approach, but it can also be seen from its purpose, function and principles and the validity and reliability of its evaluation tool.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Atika Atika ◽  
I Made Sudana ◽  
Basyirun Basyirun

Tujuan penelitian, diantaranya menguraikan bagaimana pelaksanaan standar proses, menganalisis seberapa tingkat kesenjangannya dan merancang bagaimana solusi permasalahan terkait kesenjangan pelaksanan standar proses. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Aspek dalam penelitian ini adalah (a) perencanaan pembelajaran; (b) pelaksanaan pembelajaran; (c) penilaian hasil belajar; (d) pengawasan oleh kepala sekolah. Teknik pengumpulaan data, yang digunakan adalah metode observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam hal perencanaan pembelajaran diperoleh kriteria tidak senjang, artinya pada kegiatan perencanaan tidak banyak guru yang mengabaikan standar yang ditetapkan oleh Permendikbud No. 65 tahun 2013. Hasil analisis pelaksanaan pembelajaran diperoleh kriteria cukup senjang, artinya standar proses yang ditetapkan belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pada kegiatan penilaian masih diperoleh hasil cukup senjang, artinya masih terdapat ketentuan yang belum diterapkan. Hasil analisis pada komponen pengawasan memberikan kesimpulan jika masih terdapat kepala sekolah yang tidak menjalankan fungsinya sebagai pengawas internal.Therefore, the aims of study are to investigate the implementation of the standard process, analyze the discrepancy rate and design the solution toward the issue of discrepancy. This research uses the quantitative descriptive approach. There are several aspects investigated; (a) lesson plan, (b) learning process, (c) evaluation of learning result, and (d) headmasters control. To collect the data, the methods of observation, interview, and documentation are used. The result is explained in form of criteria. It is no discrepancy for lesson plans, means that most of the lesson plans are in accord with the Basic Principles issued by Ministry of Education and Culture Number 65 in 2013. The learning process has a quite discrepancy rate, means the standard process is incompletely applied; so does the evaluation which ignores several principles to apply. It is also noted that some headmasters ignore their function as an internal supervisor. To sum up, the discrepancy issue needs further concrete solution.

1970 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 348-445
Muhandis Azzuhri

Information technology era necessitate changing of learning system, mainly on method and media Arabic language learning. Arabic language learning system nowadays criticized because its monotone, traditional, and not innovative compared with other language learning. This is because absolutism and lack of creativity of Arabic learning sta­keholders (lecturer, teacher, Kiai) to apply method and Arabic language learning media that appropriate with information technology advancement. internet- based Arabic language learning embarked because as most communicative learning media at information technology era because integrate internet and other information channel as tools to empower learning process to more creative, innovative, and competitive. .

Edum Journal ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-117
Khamim Khamim ◽  
Wresni Pujiyati

The main focus of this research is on the self-concept and pedagogical competence of the teacher and its influence on the quality of the learning process both partially and double. The research method used is a survey method in which the authors go directly to the empirical level by distributing questionnaires to 47 teachers. The processing and analysis techniques used are linear and multiple regression. The results of the study show that: (1) There is a positive and significant influence of the teacher's self-concept on the quality of the learning process (2) There is a positive and significant influence on the teacher's pedagogical competence on the quality of the learning process. (3) There is a positive and significant effect of self-concept and pedagogical competence of teachers together on the quality of the learning process. Therefore, the authors suggest: (1) So that the teacher improves health and appearance because the results of the study show that the weakness of the teacher's self-concept is in the appearance and significance of the body. So that the teacher needs to be given enlightenment related to how to maintain health and fitness through the implementation of joint gymnastics or conducting group discussions related to the dirt to maintain a prime body. (2) To face future competition and improve the quality of education it is deemed necessary to further increase the pedagogical competence of teachers, especially those related to planning and evaluation of learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 3159-3168
Sohail Ahmed Soomro ◽  
Yazan A M Barhoush ◽  
Zhengya Gong ◽  
Panos Kostakos ◽  
Georgi V. Georgiev

AbstractPrototyping is an essential activity in the early stages of product development. This activity can provide insight into the learning process that takes place during the implementation of an idea. It can also help to improve the design of a product. This information and the process are useful in design education as they can be used to enhance students' ability to prototype their ideas and develop creative solutions. To observe the activity of prototype development, we conducted a study on students participating in a 7-week course: Principles of Digital Fabrication. During the course, eight teams made prototypes and shared their weekly developments via internet blog posts. The posts contained prototype pictures, descriptions of their ideas, and reflections on activities. The blog documentation of the prototypes developed by the students was done without the researchers' intervention, providing essential data or research. Based on a review of other methods of capturing the prototype development process, we compare existing documentation tools with the method used in the case study and outline the practices and tools related to the effective documentation of prototyping activity.

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