scholarly journals Development of evaluative knowledge about educational activities in modern English

Neophilology ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 626-635
Liudmila A. Furs ◽  
Elizaveta A. Finaeva

The aim of the study is to develop evaluative knowledge about educational activities in modern English. The relevance of the study is determined by the cognitive approach, in the framework of which the level belonging of evaluative concepts is considered and the means of their representation are revealed. As the main method, the conceptual-definitional analysis is declared, on the basis of which the characteristics of the UPBRINGING concept are revealed and the evaluative benchmarks of the subject of assessment are established in relation to various aspects of educational activity, presented in the form of a frame. We determine that at the superordinate level, evaluative knowledge is based on the acceptability of certain indicators and their compliance with social norms. At this level, assessment is represented by the adjectives accepta-ble/unacceptable and proper. Evaluative knowledge of the basic level is represented by the adjec-tives good, bad, perfect, great, fine. For the observer, in this case, private evaluative meanings are not important, the assessment is presented in a gestalt manner and indicates the approval of the observer due to the compliance of a certain objective characteristic with the standard. At the subordinate level, the assessment is projected onto various private assessment benchmarks that are significant for the observer. It is concluded that the evaluative knowledge about educational activities is formed at the intersection of objective and evaluative characteristics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. p43
Evangelos C. Papakitsos ◽  
Georgia Korakidi ◽  
Xenophon Vamvakeros ◽  
Anastasios Mavrakis

In this paper, a project of the local sustainability network of schools in the area of Western Attica (Greece) is described. The subject of this project is “Road Safety”, and it was addressed to third grade pupils of junior high-schools. It has been planned as the result of collaboration between the local Secondary Education Directorate, a few voluntary organizations, some private Vehicle Technical Inspection Centers and the local traffic-police department. This educational activity had been mainly implemented through the teaching and learning method of “experiential learning”. The pupils were divided into groups and attended six workshops that were designed accordingly. The entire process aims at establishing educational activities that in long-term will deal effectively with the acute problem of road safety.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 182-198
Salem Ali Al-Qahtani ◽  
Asyraf Isyraqi Jamil ◽  
Fakhrul Adabi Abdul Kadir

The objective of this research is to determine how far the general objectives of teaching the subject of Hadith for the first intermediate grade have been achieved. The main question of this study is how adequate the educational activities in achieving the general objectives of teaching the subject of Hadith for the first intermediate grade. The study has used analytical descriptive approach to answer the questions of research. The tool of research is an analysis card which contains 52 educational activities; the sample of research. The study came to results which are: 1) the criteria laid down for the study were highly verified and the average was (3.50), 2) achieving the axis of the study that represented the tool was arranged by the criteria related to the form of knowledge which highly verified and the average was (3.87) and the criteria related to the general objectives of teaching the subject of Hadith which highly verified and the average was (3.43), and 3) The criteria related to the activities and their general ways were highly verified and the average was (3.13). Some of the most important recommendations of the study are to increase the quorum of Hadith to two classes per week, to care of educating students about the concept of activity and the difference between it and the content and the benefit of each of them to students, in a language that can be understood simply by the students, to differentiate between activities of male students and female students after uniting the content which is better that the activities become to each sex according to what is suitable to nature and characteristic, and to form special committees or appointing educational supervisors whose first task is to follow up educational activities in the Islamic religious courses, and evaluating them, and then help the teacher and students to pass everything can be difficult to achieve these activities.

Liudmila Vasilevna Baiborodova

Ensuring the subject position of a student, and especially a master’s student, is one of the most pressing problems of modern training of teaching staff. The purpose of the article is to present the experience of designing individual educational activities of undergraduates as a subject-oriented technology. Research methods used: literature analysis, study and generalization of experience, observation, focus group, survey, conversation. The article defnes the concepts of «individual educational activity» (IOD), « designing individual educational activities»; the article considers the essence and principles of designing individual educational activities of undergraduates, describes the main projects of IOD (plan, program, route), highlights and reveals the main stages of designing individual educational activities of undergraduates: preparatory, motivational and diagnostic, understanding and analysis, goal setting and planning, implementation of individual educational projects, evaluation and analysis of achievements, making adjustments to projects of individual educational activities. It shows the use of a number of pedagogical tools that are used in the design of individual educational activities: cluster, portfolio, mapping, tutorial, etc. The conditions that ensure the success of designing individual educational activities of undergraduates are called.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (33) ◽  
pp. 342-349
Maria Helane Rocha Batista Gonçalves ◽  
Auricélio Felício de Sousa ◽  
Paulo Rômulo Viana de Oliveira Filho ◽  
Meyssa Quezado de Figueiredo Cavalcante Casadevall ◽  
Andressa Cena de Sousa ◽  

Analisar a percepção dos Enfermeiros acerca da Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem Perioperatória (SAEP) e sua implementação em um hospital de referência em um município do estado do Ceará. O estudo foi realizado com dez enfermeiros do referido hospital. Realizou-se reuniões e levantou-se questões sobre o tema abordado e realização de atividade educativa sobre a SAEP. Mostrou-se que na rotina da unidade não era realizada a SAEP; entretanto, segundo os enfermeiros, eles detinham conhecimento sobre a sistematização e sabiam da importância de sua implementação. Os resultados obtidos com os questionários foram satisfatórios no ponto de vista da possibilidade de se implementar a sistematização. Observou-se que a realização da atividade educativa reduziu dubiedades dos profissionais acerca do assunto. Neste estudo foi possível perceber que mesmo com o conhecimento dos profissionais quanto à sistematização, esse processo não é aplicado.Descritores: Processo de Enfermagem, Enfermagem Perioperatória, Centro Cirúrgico. Perception of nurses inside ceará about SAEPAbstract: To analyze the perception of Nurses about the Systematization of Perioperative Nursing Care (SAEP) and its implementation in a reference hospital in a city in the state of Ceará - Brazil. The study was carried out with ten nurses from that hospital. Meetings were held and questions were raised on the topic addressed and educational activities on SAEP were carried out. It was shown that SAEP was not performed in the routine of the unit; however, according to the nurses, they had knowledge about systematization and knew the importance of its implementation. The results obtained with the questionnaires were satisfactory in terms of the possibility of implementing the systematization. It was observed that the accomplishment of the educational activity reduced doubts of the professionals on the subject. In this study it was possible to notice that even with the professionals' knowledge regarding systematization, this process is not applied.Descriptors: Nursing Process, Perioperative Nursing, Surgicenters. Percepción de enfermeros em el interior de ceará sobre SAEPResumen: Analizar una percepción de los enfermeros acerca de la Sistematización de la Asistencia de Enfermería Perioperatoria (SAEP) y su implementación en el hospital de referencia en el municipio del estado de Ceará. El estudio se realizó con diez enfermeros de ese hospital. Se realizaron reuniones y se han formulados perguntas sobre el tema abordado y la realización de una actividade educativa sobre un SAEP. Se demonstró que no se realizaba el SAEL en la rutina de la unidade;  sin embargo, según los enfermeros, ellos estabam conscientes sobre la sistematização y conocián la importancia de su implementación. Los resultados obtenidos con los cuestionarios fueron satisfactorios em cuanto a la posibilidad de implementar la sistematización. Se observó que la realización de la actividad educativa redujo las dudas de los profesionales sobre el tema. En este estúdio, fue posible que aún con el conocimiento de los profissionales en matéria de sistematización, este proceso no se aplique.Descriptores: Proceso de Enfermería, Enfermería Perioperatoria, Centros Quirúrgicos.

П.В. Новиков

Актуальность статьи обусловлена проблемой развития личности младших школьников. Показана сущность развивающего образования, заключающаяся в формировании школьника как субъекта деятельности. Цель статьи заключается в раскрытии путей развития рефлексивной сферы учащихся младших классов в учебной деятельности. Описаны составляющие умения учиться. Особое внимание уделено характеристике рефлексивных способностей младших школьников, тесно связанных с умением учиться и проблемой формирования субъекта учебной деятельности. Автором показана многозначность понимания понятия «рефлексии» в психологии, охарактеризованы виды рефлексии, доказана значимость рефлексивных действий в учебной деятельности и показано их влияние на формирование умения учиться. Охарактеризованы диагностические методики, позволяющие исследовать виды рефлексии у учащихся. Проведено исследование уровня развития содержательной рефлексии. Показана необходимость создания специальных условий для развития рефлексивной сферы младших школьников. Статья предназначена педагогам-психологам, учителям начальных классов и всем, кого интересуют вопросы повышения оптимизации личностного и интеллектуального развития младших школьников. The relevance of the article is due to the problem of the development of the personality of primary schoolchildren. The essence of developmental education is shown, which consists in the formation of a student as a subject of activity. The purpose of the article is to reveal the ways of development of the reflective sphere of primary school students in educational activities. The components of the ability to learn are described. Special attention is paid to the characteristics of the reflexive abilities of primary schoolchildren, which are closely related to the ability to learn and the problem of the formation of the subject of educational activity. The author shows the ambiguity of understanding the concept of "reflection" in psychology, characterizes the types of reflection, proves the importance of reflexive actions in educational activities and shows their influence on the formation of the ability to learn. The diagnostic techniques that allow to study the types of reflection in students are characterized. The necessity of creating special conditions for the development of the reflexive sphere of primary schoolchildren has been proved. The article is intended for educational psychologists, primary school teachers and everyone who is interested in improving the optimization of the personal and intellectual development of younger students.

Мarina Roganova ◽  
Victoria Yatsenko ◽  
Tatiana Onischuk ◽  

The article examines the issues of educational activity of a modern teacher from the point of view of humanitarian methodology, which is based on the subject-subject relationship of the teacher and the pupil; states that the humanistic position of the educator presupposes the presence of deep knowledge about a person, about the laws of his development, his place in the world around him. The principles of humanitarian pedagogy in the educational activities of higher educational institutions direct the understanding of the teacher both to the students as a whole, and to each individual separately, forms a "soft" apparatus for the differential perception of each student by the teacher, develops pedagogical activity in overcoming situations of misunderstanding, provides the depth of comprehension of each student, brings the teacher closer to solving urgent problems of humanizing the life of young people, forms their life creative competence; it is proved that existential philosophy enriches the educational activity of a teacher with scientific information about a person and the mechanisms of its personal dynamics; synergetics gives an idea of creating a flexible, open dialogue space, in which zones of self-organization of the individual are provided; acmeology helps the teacher to understand the path of a person, as an exit to the heights of creativity, but because of difficulties and overcoming; hermeneutics helps a teacher understand a young person through comprehending the meanings of his behavior.

1997 ◽  
pp. 26-32
Vitaliy Pereveziy

The main purpose of the educational activities of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in the 20-30th years of the twentieth century. was the upbringing of the younger generation. The Church's Church created a holistic system of its activities, which was intended to broaden the Christian upbringing.

2020 ◽  
pp. 9-27
Małgorzata Obrycka

The issue stated in the title is an attempt to understand the profound changes that have taken place in the culture of ethical education related to the relationship between humans and nature. The subject of analysis is linked to the need to promote interpersonal and interspecies humanitarianism. The author refers here to the educational activities aimed at shaping attitudes of respect for all living beings. The theoretical plane covers the ideas developed within the framework of the trend known as post-humanism. In this paper, the stance is that upbringing in humanitarianism is a great capacity that must be developed in children and adults. This is an ethical capacity for a community-oriented and respectful coexistence.

Galyna Zhukova

Growing problem of inconsistency of the academic system of education with the new needs of society and individual, lack of existing structures of education contribute to the emergence of a different approach for the organization of educational activities, which is non-academic. As a philosophical phenomenon, it fully complies with the students' diverse interests and possibilities. Nonacademic education functions outside the academic education, free from strict rules and regulations, it focuses on specific educational requests of different social, professional, demographic groups.

Irina Yu. Yel'kina

The article touches upon the topic of pedagogic communication. A review of psychological and pedagogic approaches to the definition of communicative qualities necessary for the pedagogue to organise effective interaction with students, as well as for the organisation of personality-developing educational space. The emotional side of the attitude of students to educational activity, consisting in satisfaction with this activity is considered. Mathematical processing of the data showed the presence of a statistically significant relationship between the degree ofmanifestation of communicative qualities of the pedagogue and the level of satisfaction of students with educational activities in the classes of this pedagogue. It is revealed that the most pronounced relationship of satisfaction with educational activities with indicators of pedagogic cooperation and emotional attractiveness of pedagogues. The author emphasises the need to develop the communicative qualities of future pedagogues in the system of higher pedagogic education. The article will be of interest to specialists, pedagogues of higher education.

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