Social’naya politika i sociologiya
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Published By Russian State Social University


2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 165-172
Mikhail V. Firsov, ◽  
Margarita V. Vdovina ◽  

Since the second half of the twentieth century, humanity has increasingly begun to face the contradictory consequences of population aging. In our country, various practices of social assistance to aging citizens have also begun to expand, primarily related to their medical, social and material support, provision of social services at home, which were an alternative to living and servicing in homes for the elderly and disabled. It was during these years that the system of social assistance to the older generation (first of all, the lonely, those with chronic diseases and those in need of outside help), which is currently functioning, was laid. However, the domestic model was quite different from the foreign ones. Nevertheless, it made it possible to support various groups of people of late age and to develop certain socio-political approaches in the context of demographic aging.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 146-154
Leonid L. Rybakovsky ◽  
Natalia I. Kozhevnikova ◽  

The article shows that due to the fact that Russia has the largest territory among the rest of the world, the richest natural resources, making it a self-sufficient, advantageous geographical position, as well as a kind of history of the creation and development of the state, in the past, and still causes hostile attitude to it a number of states. Thanks to sufficient human potential, Russia, constituting the core of a state united with other peoples in pre-revolutionary and Soviet times, was able to defend its homeland, even from such an enemy as Nazi Germany. The increase in the population of Russia has always been the most important factor in ensuring the security of the state. The paper provides a detailed description of the demographic development of Russia, both as part of the Soviet Union and as an independent state. The dynamics of the population of Russia is considered, on the one hand, in the group of countries with a predominance of the Slavic ethnos, and on the other hand, it is compared with the demographic dynamics of the English-speaking group of countries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 43-50
Natalia M. Velikaya ◽  
Galina V. Tartygasheva ◽  

The processes of strengthening the country’s security are inextricably linked with ensuring demographic security, preserving and supporting the population, improving the quality of life, and this direction of state and civil efforts is one of the most important for modern Russia. Within the framework of the concept of overcoming the most pressing demographic threats – depopulation and unregulated migration processes, in addition to the pro-natalist policy of the state, the creation of economic conditions for improving the quality of life in general, the most popular and at the same time controversial tool for solving demographic problems is the migration policy aimed at attracting migrants from foreign countries. countries that must solve both the demographic and economic problems of the state. The article presents the results of expert polls of sociological research in 2019 and 2021. “Monitoring of public opinion of the population regarding current socio-cultural threats”, “Image of the future of Russia” conducted by the Center for Sociological Research of the Russian State Humanitarian University using a similar method, which analyzes the public opinion of experts on trends in Russia’s demographic development and possible sociocultural threats associated with them

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 135-145
Galina I. Osadchaya ◽  
Irina V. Leskova ◽  
Tatyana N. Yudina ◽  

The scientific article, based on the basic ideas of sociological theories about the adaptation of a person to a changing socio-cultural environment, raises the problem of building individual and group adaptation strategies by Kyrgyz young migrants upon arrival in the Moscow agglomeration. The semantic field of the studied phenomenon of social adaptation covers such conceptual strategies as accommodation, acculturation, integration. The basic principles of sociological theories in the author’s interpretation of meanings in relation to the phenomenon of adaptation are investigated. The main niches of employment of Kyrgyz migrants in the Moscow region are established, it turns out how the Kyrgyz youth lives on the territory of the host community. Four groups of migrants were recorded according to the level of adaptation. Three types of attitudes of respondents to the acculturation process are identified and interpreted: the strategy of marginalization in Moscow society, the strategy of complementarity, the strategy of assimilation of dominant norms. The conducted research contributes to the further expansion of the explanatory potential of the features of social adaptation of young citizens of Kyrgyzstan, fills the theory of social adaptation of migrants with new methodological content, allows conceptually ensuring the implementation of further empirical studies of the problems of social adaptation of migrants from the EAEU member states in Russia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 78-86
Chulpan I. Ildarhanova ◽  

Theoretical and methodological base of the research includes socio-demographic, thesaurus and generational approaches. Scientific and methodical base of the research is a survey held in the Volga Federal District (Republic of Tatarstan) and the North-Western Federal District (Vologda Region). This study reflects the rupture of the family thesaurus, the loss of the authoritarian value system of family relations, which leads to the leveling of responsibility, distortion of the forms of family relations, and orientation to false family values. Transmission of marital and reproductive behavior of Russian men in intergenerational aspect is analyzed on the base of the empiric survey, the role of father in comparative correlation with transmission of value heritage of fatherhood image is discovered. The scientific novelty of the study is to identify, based on the original methodology, problem areas for the implementation of various models of generative behavior of Russian men in the conditions of transformation of family and parenting institutions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 33-42
Anna P. Bagirova ◽  

The purpose of the article is to study the volumes, forms, content, specific subjects of grandparental labor, to assess the determinants of the frequency of implementation of this type of labor. We used the data of a sociological survey conducted in May-June 2021. Residents of the Sverdlovsk region who have both minor children and their parents and(or) their spouse’s parents living at the same time were interviewed. The main results are as follows: 1) every fifth parent surveyed uses the help of grandparents on an almost daily basis; the same number-on weekends. In a little more than a quarter of cases, there is no grandparental assistance to families; 2) raising grandchildren is the most common form of assistance to a family with children from the older generation; 3) parents on the part of the child’s mother often perform the functions of grandparental labor than parents on the part of the child’s father; 4) most often, grandparents perform a communicative function; then follows the introduction to work, then accompanying children to various educational institutions, organizing leisure activities, attending cultural events, etc.; 5) in the group of parents who are not helped by grandparents, the average number of children is higher; 6) more intense desire to increase the amount of assistance from the grandparents is expressed by those parents who are currently less often helped by grandparents. The results obtained can be used in the development of tools aimed at activating grandparental labor in Russia, as well as mechanisms for stimulating it.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 200-207
Larisa S. Ruban ◽  

From the XVIII to the XXI century, there was an evolution of the image of Russia in the perception of its Western states. These changes can be traced according to the methodology of system analysis. The data of the project “Russia in the Western European press of the XVIII century” of the Higher School of Economics University and international expert surveys of the project “Dialogue partnership as a factor of stability and integration” 2005–2019 are analyzed in 16 countries, empirical materials of public opinion polls conducted by the Gallop Institute (2007, 2010), INION (2008–2012) and the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2002, 2007) on the study of socio-cultural aspects of the European identity of Russians. The content analysis of publications on this problem is carried out. Comparative analysis shows that the perception of our country by Western states has changed and its image has evolved: from a militarily strong power acting on an equal footing with Western countries in the XVIII century, to the image of the “gendarme of Europe” that developed in the XIX century, and to the personification of Russia as a “citadel of communist evil” in the twentieth century, starting from 1917, and then at the turn of the twentieth century and in the XXI century as a country that has lost the status of a “great power”. A number of experts assess Russia as a regional power trying to regain the status of a great power.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 6-15
Vera A. Gnevasheva ◽  

The conditions of the pandemic have left an imprint on the development of many socioeconomic processes, including the process of reproduction of labor resources. The consequences of the pandemic on the labor market have yet to be assessed, but today it is already possible to draw interim conclusions regarding emerging trends, transformation or strengthening of old ones. In this regard, it is important to assess in advance the structural changes of the labor market in order to timely manage the processes of formation and distribution of the labor force. Processes in the labor market, in turn, are a consequence of changes in demographic factors and, in turn, are an impetus for the development of economies and society as a whole, which emphasizes the importance of studying the current situation in the labor market, assessing it and forming predictive development scenarios.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 99-108
Victor K. Levashov ◽  
Oksana V. Grebnyak ◽  

The low online activity of the majority of Russians during online discussions on socially significant issues and on the e-voting eve is reflected in the results of the 51st stage of the all-Russian sociological monitoring conducted by ISPR FCTAS RAS. The progressively increasing level of digitalization of society is shifting to the sphere of financial and entertainment sector, the demand for network communication opportunities remains traditionally high. But the activity of civil society is “digitalizing” weakly and unevenly. The audience of active Internet users who openly express their civic position in discussions and debates remains low. This category of respondents is prone to oppositional sentiments. While openly expressing distrust of the existing institutions of power and social structures, they remain critical without falling into radicalism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 51-59
Julia A. Zubok ◽  
Elena V. Chankova ◽  

The article is devoted to the study of the general and special in the attitude of young people to their health and the perception of the pandemic in the conditions of its first wave. The analysis is based on the results of a study conducted during the lockdown in June 2020. The study examines the understanding of the meaning of health and its meaning, behavioral attitudes and self-preservation practices of young people. Shown are gender differences in attitudes towards health and measures to protect it in the acute phase of a pandemic. The socio-cultural conditionality of the practices of selfpreserving behavior is revealed by their connection with attitudes towards individualism, solidarity, and paternalism. The semantic perception of instrumental values in women and men has a different degree of expression and different semantic content. Women showed less pragmatism and more anxiety, but more indifference to antiviral measures than men. The lack of readiness for extensive preventive measures and early diagnosis of the disease was found to be similar for both groups. The contradictions in the identified attitudes of the respondents the authors associate with the lack of communication between the authorities and the youth, as well as the weakness of cultural and educational work among young people. The results obtained correlate with the main differentiating features expressed in attitudes towards solidarity / individualism, paternalism / emancipation and an active life position, which indicates the relationship between life-meaning values and behavioral practices in the attitude of young people to health

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