scholarly journals Conceptions of the importance of Science Education in basic education by pre-service teachers of a Rural Education Degree course

Renata Jose de Melo ◽  
Fernanda Welter Adams ◽  
Simara Maria Tavares Nunes

Education seeks to follow scientific and technological changes, in order to provide a critical formation of the subjects. Teaching of Natural Sciences is essential for students to interpret the world and be active citizens in society. Rural students also need this critical training. Thus, our objective is to analyse the conception of the importance of the Teaching of Natural Sciences in Basic Education of undergraduate students of the Course in Education in the Field of the Federal University of Goiás/Regional Catalão. For the integral training of the target audience subjects of rural education, is perceived the need for a differentiated initial training, which guarantees the undergraduate students to become critical subjects. This work starts from a qualitative research that used questionnaires for data collection, being applied to nine undergraduates, about to obtain licensee degree. They believed that Science Education is important for Basic Education, as it provides knowledge that allows the understanding of the world and the responsible and active performance of students in society. During their training, the undergraduate students reported that they had the opportunity to experience the contextualization of scientific knowledge, enabling them, for a quality teaching, in order to also train students in rural education in a critical and contextualized way.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Sri Murni Soenarno

The Law of The Republic of Indonesia number 14 in 2005 concerning Teacher and Lecturer opened opportunities for a fresh graduate of S1/D4 programs to become a teacher. This opportunity is a big challenge for a fresh graduate of Natural Sciences Education Program in competition against a fresh graduate of pure natural sciences program to be a teacher. This study was a literature study and observation. The purpose of this study was to explain how to prepare undergraduate students of Natural Sciences Education Program facing competition to become teachers. The result of this study showed that the mastery of pedagogical content knowledge becomes important for the students of Natural Sciences Education Program to show their advantages in employment competition.

R.R. Ismagilova ◽  
G.Kh. Akhmetshina

The humanitarian potential of school mathematics and natural science disciplines for the education of a person who has a unified representation of the modern picture of the world, its scope and content require more and more study. The humanities-oriented teaching of mathematics and natural sciences at school is implemented in the learning process within the framework of traditional academic disciplines and has the full means for the comprehensive and harmonious development of the student's personality. The use of components of literature, language, history of the native land in the implementation of programs of mathematical, natural science education contributes to the development of interest in learning, the formation of personal values of students. Cognitive interest is created and maintained through the design of problem situations in the classroom, through the development of the ability to solve, develop plot problems that form functional (mathematical and natural science) literacy. The combination of natural science and humanitarian approaches in the representation and assessment of the world in the process of mastering the content of educational disciplines will spiritually enrich every student.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-96
Camila Rinaldi Bisconsini ◽  
Arestides Pereira da Silva Júnior ◽  
Amauri Aparecido Bássoli de Oliveira

Objetivo: averiguar as ações pedagógicas adotadas por docentes de um curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física para abordar a escola no decorrer das aulas. Métodos: participaram da pesquisa 41 acadêmicos do último ano e 18 professores permanentes de um curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física, os quais participaram de entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados foram tratados por meio de análise de conteúdo, com a utilização do software de análise qualitativa NVivo 10. Resultados: Os resultados demonstram que os professores, de modo geral, estabelecem relações entre os conteúdos e a escola por meio de discussões nas salas de aula na universidade, ou ainda promovem aulas simuladas, nas quais os acadêmicos planejam e ensinam conteúdos para a própria turma no ambiente universitário. No entanto, constatou-se que são raras as ações que oportunizam a aproximação entre teoria e prática, por meio de encontros, visitas, aulas e demais práticas de ensino no contexto escolar da Educação Básica. Conclusão: reforça-se a necessidade de possibilitar ao futuro professor de Educação Física a sua imersão na realidade da escola, como forma de vivenciar in loco os elementos básicos e aplicados do ser professor.ABSTRACT.  Pedagogical actions linked to school in the physical education initial training. Objective: to investigate the pedagogical actions adopted by professors of a degree in Physical Education to approach the school in the course of the classes. Methods: thirty-one students of a last year course and eighteen permanent professors from a Physical Education degree participated in the study, by a semi-structured interview. The results were treated through content analysis using the NVivo 10 qualitative analysis software. Results: the results demonstrate that professors, in general, establish relationships between content and school through discussions in the classroom university, or they promote simulated classes in which students plan and teach content for their own class in the university environment. However, it has been observed that there are few opportunities in which the approach between theory and practice is approached through meetings, visits, classes and other teaching practices in the school context of Basic Education. Conclusion:  the need to enable the future Physical Education teacher to be immersed in the reality of the school is reinforced as a way of experiencing in practice the basic and applied elements of being a teacher.

2009 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 4-7
Vincentas Lamanauskas

Natural science education (NSE) - one of the most actual fields of activity of a comprehensive school. One of most acute problems of today's education - low interest to natural sciences and especially to chemistry. This problem is actual not only in Lithuania, but also all over the world. Many researches of last years specify necessity of perfection of natural science education at all levels of an education system and especially at a level of a primary school. Acquaintance to natural sciences in a primary school does not meet today's requirements. It is necessary to return teaching of natural sciences in primary schools. The main accent of process of natural science education in a primary school should become a different sort of researches and experiments. The teaching and learning process in primary school level should have strong focus on constructivist learning and the role of social interaction in learning. The teachers should be able to improve motivation for learning through enjoyment and giving children some control of their science activities. The primary goal of natural sciences in an primary school is acquaintance of pupils to world around, formation of a complete picture of the world to all complex interrelations that further, in the basic school, to pass to studying separate subjects of a natural cycle (for example, chemistry, physics, biology). One of many reasons of low interest to chemistry - insufficient attention to a component of chemistry in the content of a primary education. For the period of primary school pupils does not receive the basic initial knowledge in chemistry and research skills. On the other hand, teachers of primary classes are not prepared at a sufficient level in sphere of modern natural science education. We should help children learn more about the chemicals that surround them in their everyday life. Also we should to complete the design of equipment and supporting materials for chemistry at the primary school level. It is obvious, that science remains abstract and alien to young students and they are not attracted to further study. We should try to change such a situation. First of all, a complete system for doing practical work from grade 1 to 4 in science must be carefully designed. Finally, we can note, that encouraging interest in the natural sciences is the priority of education (teaching and learning) process in primary school. Key words: science education, primary school, priority of education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 132-149
Maria Eduarda Ferreira ◽  
Rui Pitarma

Abstract Deforestation is a global issue. Education has a fundamental role to play in this context. In this regard, the direction and effectiveness of educational practices should focus on the empowerment of students in ecocentric environmental attitudes. A key point in education for environmental sustainability is pedagogical approaches focused on the development of critical and reflective thinking. In this context, objectified research was developed in the (re)conceptualization of the “living being”, with thermogram didacticization, as a way to develop egalitarian feelings of the need for similar attitudes among living beings. The study was developed in an action-research context. The pedagogical-didactic intervention was within the scope of the “Natural Sciences” curricular unit of the “Basic Education” degree at a Portuguese Institution. After a pedagogical-didactic intervention, the reconceptualization of “living being” was observed in these students, presenting, now, a reflexive argument concerning the ecocentric environmental attitudes regarding the “living being” – the tree vs. animal, highlighting the importance that the thermographic images had in the (re)significance of their “new look” regarding the tree.

2009 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 4-7
Vincentas Lamanauskas

A term “Natural Science(s)” most frequently associates with natural sciences such as physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, geography, etc., i.e. inanimate and animate nature. An extensive list of sci-ences testifies to the complexity of nature and its problematic character. The senior forms of comprehensive school are taught these sciences as individual subjects with little interdependence. Thus, undivided materiali-ty of nature seems to be “disjointed” and a general view of it is lost. Trying to perceive the phenomena that surround us, we always divide the world into single dimensions (for easier perception). What would happen if a chemist saw the world in a hundred – dimensional universe (following the number of chemical ele-ments)?! How deeply and properly one part may be studied it can never disclose the wholeness (a holistic or systemic aspect). On the other hand, we try to design complex systems from the observed and perceived single-dimensional fragments (for example, periodic law, etc.). In this case, any subject of nature cannot describe the wholeness of it. Of course, the view of general nature cannot be fully displayed within the frame of one of its branches. We have lost the real world as the set of interconnected parts. The pictures of the partial worlds (a world of physics, chemistry, biology, etc.) are fragmentary, incoherent and influence our consciousness as a stream of separate pictures. Therefore, it is necessary to form a system that would comprise the knowledge accumulated by all natural sciences establishing the linkage between subjects, inte-grating the knowledge of natural sciences, creating a picture of the world and turning back to the undivided individual world. Thus, in order to clearly realize and understand our environment and nature, to perceive therein existing relations between phenomena and laws, to have orientation in nature following the latest requirements for a scientific knowledge, it is equally important both, the differentiation and integration of natural sciences: the reconstruction of the “disjoined” nature as a unified system in a more advanced level of a theoretic cognition. The task to be resolved is in no manner easy; still the solution has to necessarily be found. The emphasis is put today on one of the reasons indicating why interest in natural sciences is de-creasing. The point is that natural science education (physics, chemistry, biology, etc.) stands behind the latest academic science achievements. According to N.Lisov (2000), scientific content is a key component of the educational process that promotes general - theoretic and functional - practical literacy of a person. The necessity of systemic thinking (approach) unfolds and implements natural science education. The correlation between human being and nature becomes more and more problematic. Human being cannot be treated only as a component of biosphere. The necessary systemic development of both nature and society is considered to be examined. In other words, a mind strategy is needful in the correlation with nature, society and a technical environment. Hypothetically we can say that nature “created” human being and human being established technical (technological) environment, but the latter “turned back” to both nature and human being. How not to wander? Although every living creature, including human being, is able to keep stability (homeostasis) it has to succeed in changing (evolution) as great stability can harm any organism. The sys-temic approach is extremely important to natural science education. The acknowledgment of a single com-ponent does not afford an opportunity to perceive the whole system. A similar method could be used creating a number of systems. For example, thermodynamics (entro-py, chaos, temperature and thermal energy are fundamental characteristics of thermodynamics), cybernetics (information and management are two fundamental characteristics of cybernetics) and synergetic (a science explaining the links between the phenomena, seeking to find out the origin of new objects that produce new phenomena or disappear) can be examined only as a closely operating system. Nature study (in a broad sense) is a complex, specific subject. Human being needs to be trained to feel nature and research it what makes him able to immediately communicate with it. Nature value awareness, experience and practice impersonation are the fundamental manifestations of the interaction between human being and nature. This is one of the primary tasks of natural science education in the 21st century. Key words: science education, systemic approach, human being, general education.

Leandra Dos Santos ◽  
Nair Cristina Margarido Brondino ◽  
Sueli Liberatti Javaroni

ResumoFrente à exposição dos indivíduos a um conjunto cada vez maior de informações, muitas vezes em forma de dados numéricos, a análise, interpretação e a tomada de decisões se fazem necessárias diante das exigências sociais. Nesse cenário, a Estatística possibilita que competências e habilidades sejam desenvolvidas, em particular por estudantes em formação. Diante disso, o presente artigo objetiva apresentar três atividades didáticas distintas: uma delas desenvolvida remotamente e as demais de forma semipresencial e presencial nas aulas da disciplina de Estatística de um curso de Licenciatura em Matemática por estudantes do último semestre, objetivando a produção de conhecimentos sobre conteúdos estatísticos e reflexões acerca de possibilidades para o ensino na Educação Básica. Mais especificamente, a primeira atividade envolveu a comparação de características de duas populações distintas; a segunda, o ajuste de um modelo de regressão linear; e a terceira, a elaboração e apresentação de um seminário sobre tipos de amostragens específicos e de uma proposta de intervenção na Educação Básica associada ao tema em questão. Os resultados indicaram o envolvimento e o desenvolvimento de conhecimentos pelos licenciandos quanto aos conceitos envolvidos nas três atividades propostas, além de distintas sugestões apontadas por eles para abordagem de temas associados à Estatística na Educação Básica, considerando a aprendizagem de seus futuros alunos a partir da experiência vivenciada. Por fim, o presente trabalho ressalta a importância de atividades didáticas que propiciem reflexões acerca dos conceitos e o ensino de Estatística pelo professor em formação inicial, além do papel da tecnologia digital nas atividades desenvolvidas. Palavras-chave: Ensino de Estatística. Atividades Didáticas. Formação Inicial do Professor de Matemática. Educação Básica. Excel. AbstractGiven the exposition of individuals to an increasing amount of information, especially in the form of data, both the interpretation and decision-making are crucial due to the new social requirements. In this scenario, statistical knowledge, when considered beyond the application of formulas, allows that students in training can develop competences and skills. In that context, this paper aims to present three didactic activities employed in a Statistics discipline taught to the last semester students of a Mathematics Degree course. The objective of these activities was the knowledge production about statistical contents, besides providing reflections about possibilities for teaching in Basic Education. The first activity was developed remotely and aimed to compare the characteristics of two different populations and the second one consisted of the adjustment of a linear regression model to the data. In the last activity, the students elaborated and presented a seminar about sampling techniques jointly with an intervention proposal, which aimed for a further application in Basic Education classes. The results indicated the involvement and knowledge development by the undergraduate students regarding the concepts involved in the proposed activities. Moreover, from their experience, undergraduate students could suggest new strategies to teach some themes in Statistics, taking into account the learning of their future students. Finally, this paper reinforces the importance of didactic experiences able to promote reflections about the concepts and the teaching of Statistics by the teacher in initial training, besides the importance of using digital technology in the developed activities. Keywords: Teaching Statistics. Didactic Activities. Initial Mathematics Teacher Education. Basic Education. Excel.

Rossano André Dal-Farra ◽  
Ney David Veloso

Resumo: O presente artigo apresenta os resultados preliminares de um estudo realizado com licenciandos de Matemática de uma instituição pública de Boa Vista/RR relacionando interdisciplinaridade, situações-problema e questões ambientais locais e globais. Entre as premissas que motivaram os pesquisadores para a realização desses estudos estão: a urgência da questão ambiental na Região Amazônica da qual faz parte Roraima e a relevância de incluir os saberes matemáticos na compreensão desses aspectos por parte de docentes e discentes. Um grupo de 30 graduandos do primeiro semestre participou de atividades envolvendo a exposição dialogada, debates com docentes/pesquisadores e a aplicação de questionários compondo um conjunto de dados analisados por meio dos Métodos Mistos. A maior parcela dos estudantes considerou satisfatória a abordagem vivenciada na educação básica em relação à interdisciplinaridade (84%), situações-problema (63%) e questões ambientais (60%), embora considerem de grande relevância abordar esses aspectos na Licenciatura em Matemática, indicando boas possibilidades para a adoção de práticas educativas calcada na transversalidade e na interdisciplinaridade no âmbito da formação inicial de professores. Palavras-chave: Interdisciplinaridade. Educação Matemática. Formação de Professores. Educação Ambiental. Situações-problema. ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION IN THE INITIAL TRAINING OF TEACHERS OF MATHEMATICS OF BOA VISTA/RR: TRANSVERSAL THEMES AND INTERDISCIPLINARITYAbstract: This article presents the preliminary results of a study performed with licensees of Mathematics of a public institution of Boa Vista/RR correlating interdisciplinarity, problem situations, and local and global environmental issues. The assumptions that motivated the study are the urgency of the environmental issue in the Amazon region, the relevance of including the mathematical knowledges in understanding of these aspects on the part of teachers and students. A group of 30 undergraduate students of first semester participated of activities involving exposure dialogued, discussions with teachers/researchers and the application of questionnaires composing a set of data analyzed by mixed methods. The majority of students considered satisfactory the approach experienced in basic education in relation to interdisciplinarity (84%), problem situations (63%) and environmental issues (60%). However, they considered relevant to address these aspects in Mathematics, indicating good opportunities for the adoption of educational practices with transversality and interdisciplinarity in the framework of the teacher initial education. Keywords: Interdisciplinarity. Mathematics education. Teacher Education. Environmental Education. Problem-situations.

Alexandre Leite dos Santos Silva ◽  
Suzana Gomes Lopes ◽  
Tamaris Gimenez Pinheiro ◽  
Gardner de Andrade Arrais

The aim of this paper is to present a study and promote reflections on the contributions and challenges of Pedagogy of Alternation in a Rural Education Degree Course, with a focus on Natural Sciences. For the development of the research, data were collected through questionnaires and from the analysis of the Course’s documents. The results showed contributions of Pedagogy of Alternation, which opens the possibility of graduates entering and continuing in university studies, and brings teachers and students closer to their communities. Challenges were also pointed out, such as the financial burden on undergraduates and the Course to cover housing expenses and cover transportation and food expenses; exhaustiveness and little use in University Time; the need for the graduates to get closer to the university environment and life during the Community Time; the importance of the adherence of the professors to teaching methodologies that are linked to the principles and foundations of Rural Education; the realization of integrative alternating; and the promotion of an inter and transdisciplinary Science teaching, aimed at the formation of rural educators.

2020 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 190-193
А. Jumadillayevа ◽  
K. Jumadillayev ◽  
Z. Jakupova ◽  
A. Kozybay ◽  

The article deal with the problems of implementing intersubject communications of physics with the natural sciences in natural science education. The relevance, significance, goals, methods and forms of the implementation of intersubject communications of physics with the natural sciences in natural science education are established. It is shown that the only way for future teachers of physics to form deep and systematic knowledge is to prepare them for the implementation of interdisciplinary knowledge. Intersubject communication should be considered as a manifestation in the educational process of the relationship of different sciences. No single science, no matter how significant and developed it may be, can create a holistic view of the world, but can only take part in its formation. Interdisciplinary communication, acting as a bridge connecting all objects and sciences, opens up wide opportunities for the development of specific sciences and the scientific picture of the world. Therefore, interdisciplinary communication, as a prerequisite for the successful development of scientific knowledge, and as a method of searching for new results and cognition, reveals to students the way of understanding the world, and thereby ensures conceptual thinking.

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