scholarly journals Educação ambiental na formação inicial de professores de Matemática em Boa Vista/RR: temas Transversais e interdisciplinaridade

Rossano André Dal-Farra ◽  
Ney David Veloso

Resumo: O presente artigo apresenta os resultados preliminares de um estudo realizado com licenciandos de Matemática de uma instituição pública de Boa Vista/RR relacionando interdisciplinaridade, situações-problema e questões ambientais locais e globais. Entre as premissas que motivaram os pesquisadores para a realização desses estudos estão: a urgência da questão ambiental na Região Amazônica da qual faz parte Roraima e a relevância de incluir os saberes matemáticos na compreensão desses aspectos por parte de docentes e discentes. Um grupo de 30 graduandos do primeiro semestre participou de atividades envolvendo a exposição dialogada, debates com docentes/pesquisadores e a aplicação de questionários compondo um conjunto de dados analisados por meio dos Métodos Mistos. A maior parcela dos estudantes considerou satisfatória a abordagem vivenciada na educação básica em relação à interdisciplinaridade (84%), situações-problema (63%) e questões ambientais (60%), embora considerem de grande relevância abordar esses aspectos na Licenciatura em Matemática, indicando boas possibilidades para a adoção de práticas educativas calcada na transversalidade e na interdisciplinaridade no âmbito da formação inicial de professores. Palavras-chave: Interdisciplinaridade. Educação Matemática. Formação de Professores. Educação Ambiental. Situações-problema. ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION IN THE INITIAL TRAINING OF TEACHERS OF MATHEMATICS OF BOA VISTA/RR: TRANSVERSAL THEMES AND INTERDISCIPLINARITYAbstract: This article presents the preliminary results of a study performed with licensees of Mathematics of a public institution of Boa Vista/RR correlating interdisciplinarity, problem situations, and local and global environmental issues. The assumptions that motivated the study are the urgency of the environmental issue in the Amazon region, the relevance of including the mathematical knowledges in understanding of these aspects on the part of teachers and students. A group of 30 undergraduate students of first semester participated of activities involving exposure dialogued, discussions with teachers/researchers and the application of questionnaires composing a set of data analyzed by mixed methods. The majority of students considered satisfactory the approach experienced in basic education in relation to interdisciplinarity (84%), problem situations (63%) and environmental issues (60%). However, they considered relevant to address these aspects in Mathematics, indicating good opportunities for the adoption of educational practices with transversality and interdisciplinarity in the framework of the teacher initial education. Keywords: Interdisciplinarity. Mathematics education. Teacher Education. Environmental Education. Problem-situations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (6) ◽  
pp. 1071-1086
Madeleine Orr ◽  
Brian P. McCullough ◽  
Jamee Pelcher

Purpose Given greater awareness of environmental issues and the acceleration of climate change, universities are increasingly requiring undergraduate students to complete coursework in environmental issues. Research has shown that environmental courses hosted in science departments can be too challenging for students with no science background. Thus, new approaches to general environmental education at the undergraduate level are necessary. This paper aims to advance three transformative sustainability learning (TSL) interventions that leverage sport as the living laboratory for environmental education through examining green teams and in depth sport venue tours. Design/methodology/approach This paper details the experimental application of three TSL interventions in undergraduate sport courses. Findings Each intervention produced lasting benefits for several parties. Students benefit from greater exposure to sport management organizations and a hands-on learning opportunity. Sport organizations benefit from a promotional opportunity to showcase their sustainability efforts, improved sustainability practices at their facilities and the opportunity to leverage the students’ involvement for fan engagement initiatives Research limitations/implications The interventions presented in this paper were developed in a North American sport context, however, there is a considerable opportunity to develop similar interventions in any region where sport organizations exist. Originality/value Despite being one of the most universally appreciated and visible industries, the sport industry has yet to be used as a site for meaningful sustainability learning interventions. The interventions presented herein introduce the opportunity to leverage students’ love of sport for outcomes for all parties: the students, the host organization and sport fans.

2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 198-224
Natanael Gomes Lima ◽  
Karla Caroline Sousa Dornelas ◽  
Liberta Lamarta Favoritto Garcia Neres ◽  
Ana Paula Martins Guimarães ◽  
Júlio Cesar Ibiapina Neres ◽  

O termo analfabetismo ambiental surgiu na conferência RIO-92 após destacarem a necessidade da implementação de um modelo sustentável que determinasse a relação das pessoas com os problemas ambientais, a fim de formar cidadãos comprometidos com as questões socioambientais. Neste contexto, a pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o analfabetismo ambiental acerca da percepção dos docentes e discentes do Ensino Médio no município de Guaraí-TO, buscando identificar esse possível analfabetismo. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foram utilizados recursos que auxiliassem nos levantamentos de dados, possibilitando uma visão mais clara desse analfabetismo por parte de professores e alunos. Através do uso de questionário e observações com o intuito de descrever as características dos entrevistados, foi possível perceber entre os professores uma visão predominantemente globalizada, ressaltando a relação homem-natureza e entre os alunos prevaleceu uma visão antropocêntrica, evidenciando a natureza como fonte de recursos para a sobrevivência humana. Foi possível perceber que os estudantes e profissionais da educação conhecem os conceitos básicos de ambiente, mas não possuem uma noção clara e objetiva de sua real dimensão, evidenciando o egocentrismo. Com essa análise, será possível traçar estratégias e realizar trabalhos de educação ambiental que possam contribuir para que esta comunidade escolar consiga facilmente compreender a complexidade do tema e as possíveis consequências da degradação ambiental e sociocultural nos dias atuais. Environmental illiteracy: the perception of teachers and students about the environment of a school in the municipality of Guaraí-TO The term environmental illiteracy emerged at the RIO-92 conference after highlighting the need to implement a sustainable model that determines the relationship of people to environmental problems in order to train citizens committed to social and environmental issues. In this context, the research aimed to analyze environmental illiteracy about the perception of teachers and high school students in the municipality of Guaraí-TO, seeking to identify this possible illiteracy. For the development of this work, resources were used to assist in data collection, allowing a clearer view of this possible illiteracy by teachers and students. Through the use of a questionnaire and observations to describe the characteristics of the interviewees, it was possible to perceive among the teachers a predominantly globalized view, emphasizing the relation between man and nature and among the students anthropocentric vision prevailed, evidencing nature as a source of resources for human survival. It was possible to perceive that the students and professionals of the education know the basic concepts of environment, but do not have a clear and objective notion of its real dimension. With this analysis, it will be possible to draw up strategies and carry out environmental education works that can contribute to this school community being able to easily understand the complexity of the theme and the possible consequences of environmental and sociocultural degradation. Key words: Environmental Perception, Illiteracy, Environment and Environmental Education.

Leandra Dos Santos ◽  
Nair Cristina Margarido Brondino ◽  
Sueli Liberatti Javaroni

ResumoFrente à exposição dos indivíduos a um conjunto cada vez maior de informações, muitas vezes em forma de dados numéricos, a análise, interpretação e a tomada de decisões se fazem necessárias diante das exigências sociais. Nesse cenário, a Estatística possibilita que competências e habilidades sejam desenvolvidas, em particular por estudantes em formação. Diante disso, o presente artigo objetiva apresentar três atividades didáticas distintas: uma delas desenvolvida remotamente e as demais de forma semipresencial e presencial nas aulas da disciplina de Estatística de um curso de Licenciatura em Matemática por estudantes do último semestre, objetivando a produção de conhecimentos sobre conteúdos estatísticos e reflexões acerca de possibilidades para o ensino na Educação Básica. Mais especificamente, a primeira atividade envolveu a comparação de características de duas populações distintas; a segunda, o ajuste de um modelo de regressão linear; e a terceira, a elaboração e apresentação de um seminário sobre tipos de amostragens específicos e de uma proposta de intervenção na Educação Básica associada ao tema em questão. Os resultados indicaram o envolvimento e o desenvolvimento de conhecimentos pelos licenciandos quanto aos conceitos envolvidos nas três atividades propostas, além de distintas sugestões apontadas por eles para abordagem de temas associados à Estatística na Educação Básica, considerando a aprendizagem de seus futuros alunos a partir da experiência vivenciada. Por fim, o presente trabalho ressalta a importância de atividades didáticas que propiciem reflexões acerca dos conceitos e o ensino de Estatística pelo professor em formação inicial, além do papel da tecnologia digital nas atividades desenvolvidas. Palavras-chave: Ensino de Estatística. Atividades Didáticas. Formação Inicial do Professor de Matemática. Educação Básica. Excel. AbstractGiven the exposition of individuals to an increasing amount of information, especially in the form of data, both the interpretation and decision-making are crucial due to the new social requirements. In this scenario, statistical knowledge, when considered beyond the application of formulas, allows that students in training can develop competences and skills. In that context, this paper aims to present three didactic activities employed in a Statistics discipline taught to the last semester students of a Mathematics Degree course. The objective of these activities was the knowledge production about statistical contents, besides providing reflections about possibilities for teaching in Basic Education. The first activity was developed remotely and aimed to compare the characteristics of two different populations and the second one consisted of the adjustment of a linear regression model to the data. In the last activity, the students elaborated and presented a seminar about sampling techniques jointly with an intervention proposal, which aimed for a further application in Basic Education classes. The results indicated the involvement and knowledge development by the undergraduate students regarding the concepts involved in the proposed activities. Moreover, from their experience, undergraduate students could suggest new strategies to teach some themes in Statistics, taking into account the learning of their future students. Finally, this paper reinforces the importance of didactic experiences able to promote reflections about the concepts and the teaching of Statistics by the teacher in initial training, besides the importance of using digital technology in the developed activities. Keywords: Teaching Statistics. Didactic Activities. Initial Mathematics Teacher Education. Basic Education. Excel.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Filiz Kabapınar ◽  
Candan Cengiz ◽  
Oya Aglarci

The present study aims to investigate prospective teachers’ (PTs’) and secondary students’ (SSs’) ideas related to environmental issues. A case study design was adopted in this study. SSs (n = 100) who received instruction on environmental issues and PTs (n = 150) who attended courses concerning environmental education were participated in this study. An open-ended questionnaire was designed and used as a data collection tool. Written answers of the participants were analysed in ideographic terms. The results of the study showed that the PTs held a range of alternative ideas similar to SSs. They both linked environmental problems which were irrelevant with cause–effect chain. Yet, PTs provided a more scientific definitions regarding greenhouse effect, global warming and ozone layer depletion as compared to SSs.   Keywords: Global environmental issues, prospective teachers, secondary students, environmental education, greenhouse effect, global warming, ozone layer depletion.    

EAD em FOCO ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Thaís Tenório ◽  
Marilda Adlong Laudelino ◽  
André Tenório

Foi investigada a dinâmica de utilização do ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (AVA) de um curso a distância de graduação em Engenharia de uma instituição pública de São Paulo. Cinquenta alunos do primeiro semestre participaram da pesquisa. Quase todos acessavam o AVA, baseado no sistema Canvas, semanalmente. As percepções dos alunos foram conhecidas por meio de questionário. Dúvidas e dificuldades manifestadas em encontros presenciais e virtuais também foram registradas. As dificuldades iniciais de manipulação do AVA puderam ser dirimidas ou mitigadas no decorrer do semestre. Os calouros tinham à disposição diversos recursos. Os preferidos para trabalhar conteúdos eram textos complementares e videoaulas, e para comunicação, videoconferência e e-mail. Não obstante, foi sugerido que houvesse listas de questões com respostas on-line e retorno das correções de exercícios. Para os participantes da pesquisa, o AVA facilitava o acesso à informação e fornecia flexibilidade, mas carecia da possibilidade de comunicação imediata com tutores nos momentos desejados.Palavras-chave: Educação a distância; Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem; Aluno. The View of E-Learning Undergraduate Students on the Virtual Learning EnvironmentAbstractThe utilization dynamics of the virtual learning environment (VLE) employed of graduation engineering course of a public institution in São Paulo State was investigated. Fifty students on the first semester of the course have participated on the research. Almost all of them accessed weekly VLE based on Canvas learning management system. Doubts and difficulties expressed by the students during face to face and virtual meetings were also recorded. Initial difficulties related to the VLE use could be solved or mitigated during the semester. Many learning resources were made available to students in the VLE. According to the students opinion, complementary literature, video lessons and e-mail were the preferred type studying material. Yet, it was suggested the use of worksheets with answers available online and feedbacks to the correction. To them, the VLE facilitates access to information and provides flexible studying schedules. However, the lack of on-demand live communication with tutors was considered a drawback.Keywords: Distance learning; Virtual Learning Environment; Student.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 1772-1783
Mohammad Khair M. Al-Salamat ◽  
Hamad H. Alsowat ◽  
Rashid M. Al-roqil

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, like other countries in the world, is facing the Covid-19 pandemic, as it is trying with all its efforts to pursue higher education in its universities and schools through distance learning using the latest electronic programs. The current research attempted to investigate Taif University experience in distance learning and the effectiveness of BlackBoard in pursuing education in the light of the Covid-19 pandemic from the viewpoints of teachers and students. To achieve this goal, the descriptive survey approach was used. Two questionnaires were designed; one for teachers and the other for students. A random sample was chosen from all university colleges during the first semester of the academic year 2020/2021. The sample consisted of (240) faculty members and (804) male and female students. The results showed large effectiveness of distance learning(BlackBoard) in pursuing education from the viewpoints of faculty members, and to a very large degree from the students’ point of view.No impact of the two variables (gender, academic rank) appeared in the viewpoints of faculty members in that effectiveness. The results also showed that male students’ views were higher than those of females, and the views of master’s students were higher than those of undergraduate students on this effectiveness.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 234-248
Bianca Guimarães Severo dos Santos ◽  
Marcia Regina Royer

Resumo: Discussões a respeito de questões ambientais têm conquistado espaço na sociedade e a escola como uma das principais instituições de socialização do ser humano possui um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento de uma Educação Ambiental emancipatória, capacitando o indivíduo para viver harmonicamente com o Meio Ambiente. O objetivo da pesquisa foi analisar a concepção dos alunos do Ensino Médio de uma instituição pública do município de Uniflor sobre Educação Ambiental, além de buscar compreender a percepção sobre Meio Ambiente como participantes das ações humanas na natureza. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionários e os resultados indicaram uma concepção totalmente conservacionista de Meio Ambiente. Logo, os professores desses alunos, ao planejarem atividades em Educação Ambiental, devem considerar esses resultados a fim de construir, coletivamente com toda a comunidade escolar, um conceito de Meio Ambiente mais amplo e crítico.Palavras-chave: Questões ambientais; Conservacionista; Escola. Abstract: Discussions about environmental issues have gained space in society and the school as one of the main institutions of socialization of the human being has a fundamental role in the development of an emancipatory Environmental Education, enabling the individual to live in harmony. with the Environment. The objective of the research was to analyze the conception of High School students of a public institution in the city of Uniflor about Environmental Education, as well as to understand the perception of Environment as participants of human actions in nature. The data were collected through questionnaires and the results indicated a totally conservationist conception off environment. Therefore, the teachers of these students, when planning activities in Environmental Education, must consider these results in order to build, collectively with the whole school community, a broader and critical environment concept.Keywords: Environmental issues; Conservationist; School.

Renata Jose de Melo ◽  
Fernanda Welter Adams ◽  
Simara Maria Tavares Nunes

Education seeks to follow scientific and technological changes, in order to provide a critical formation of the subjects. Teaching of Natural Sciences is essential for students to interpret the world and be active citizens in society. Rural students also need this critical training. Thus, our objective is to analyse the conception of the importance of the Teaching of Natural Sciences in Basic Education of undergraduate students of the Course in Education in the Field of the Federal University of Goiás/Regional Catalão. For the integral training of the target audience subjects of rural education, is perceived the need for a differentiated initial training, which guarantees the undergraduate students to become critical subjects. This work starts from a qualitative research that used questionnaires for data collection, being applied to nine undergraduates, about to obtain licensee degree. They believed that Science Education is important for Basic Education, as it provides knowledge that allows the understanding of the world and the responsible and active performance of students in society. During their training, the undergraduate students reported that they had the opportunity to experience the contextualization of scientific knowledge, enabling them, for a quality teaching, in order to also train students in rural education in a critical and contextualized way.

D. B. de Oliveira ◽  
R. W. Becker ◽  
C. Sirtori ◽  
C. G. Passos

It is essential to develop a safety culture with the participation of university teachers and students in actions and studies that can contribute to safer and more sustainable practices in academic laboratories. The present work analyzes the potential of a training program to raise awareness and establish environmental education and green chemistry concepts concerning procedures for the management and treatment of chemical waste generated in experimental classes. This is a qualitative case study providing a critical perspective of environmental education. The training activity, lasting 45 minutes, was conducted with 66 students entering Chemistry courses at a Brazilian public university. Data collection was carried out using an initial questionnaire to identify the students’ prior knowledge, and a final one applied after the training period. The questionnaires contained open questions and closed questions with a Likert-type scale. The results showed that the training activity contributed to the students’ understanding of the concepts, procedures, and attitudes related to the management and treatment of chemical waste, including the interrelations among the environmental, social, and economic impacts of waste management, the importance of correct separation and storage of residues for disposal using different types of treatment, the civil liability of the academic community for the residues generated, and how the 3Rs principles can favor sustainable practices in the academic context.

2009 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 51
Salina Abdullah ◽  
Ern Chen Loo

Research on social and environmental accounting (SEA) has mainly concentrated on disclosure of SEA by corporate bodies, where investigations on ones attitude towards SEA are rarely discussed. SEA is a medium that develops relationships between business and society, community and nature. In addition, SEA involves a concept of sustain ability; where natural resources need to be sustained for the needs of future generations (Alhabshi et al., 2003). SEA also tries to recognise the role of accounting in sustainable development and the use of environmental resources. There are arguments that the young generations today are not fully aware of preserving these natural resources as well as handling social and environmental issues wisely. This perhaps link closely to their belief and cultural background. Hence, this paper examines the influence of gender and belief factors on the undergraduate students’ attitude towards SEA. Four dimensions of belief (fixed ability, quick learning, simple knowledge and certain knowledge) proposed by Schommer (2005) were adapted to analyse how belief factors have influence on their attitude towards SEA. An independent sample t-test was used to examine the relationship between gender and students’ attitude towards SEA. Spearmen’s correlation was employed to show the relationship between belief and attitude towards SEA. The results revealed that gender differences did not show influences on their attitude towards SEA. It was found that there is a significant relationship between belief and students’ attitude towards SEA. Students who believe on the importance of SEA tend to report positive attitude towards SEA. Perhaps findings of this study may provide some information on the SEA education and further be incorporated in the syllabus.

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