scholarly journals Blended Learning Instructional Design Development On The Prepackaged Products Training Using Pedati Model

Wicaksono Febriantoro

<p class="Abstract">Civil State Apparatus (ASN) Act No. 5 2014 stated that ASN have the right to gain competence development. Further in PP No.11 2017 on Civil Servant Management confirmed that every government officer is entitled to competence development for at least 20 (twenty) lesson hours in 1 (one) year.Limited metrological technical training allocationcauses not all ASN in Indonesia have the opportunity to develop their competence. Therefore, it is necessary to develop varieties of metrological trainings in addition to conventional methods. The alternative is e-learning based training. One of its goal is to reduce face to face lesson hour, as a result more technical training can be conducted by PPSDK without compromising training quality. This study will analyzed the development of blended learning design that is tailored to the training needs and characteristics of participants in government institutions with prepackaged products training case study using PEDATI model. Research and development (R&amp;D) methods with descriptive qualitative approach is used in this study. Design outcomes are as follows: all stages in PEDATI model can be used to develop blended learning instructional design based on validation by subject matter experts. A recommendation in the 4th stage the design of asynchronous learning activities should include time allocation for each learning activity in order to estimate the total time required. Accurate learning activity mapping into synchronous and asynchronous learning can ensure the achievement of competence standard and simultaneously reducing time needed to conduct face to face learning. The design prune face to face learning activity from total 50 Learning Hours (5 days) to only 20 Learning Hours (2 days), but as the trade off training participants have to occupy longer time in online activities.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Suwarno Suwarno ◽  
Teguh Pramono ◽  
Ajie Hanif Muzaqi

ABSTRACT The COVID 19 pandemic has demanded that people adapt to a new normal life, including theeducation sector. This condition is a challenge for schools and the community. To avoid thewidespread spread of the Covid-19 virus, schools must temporarily stop face-to-face learningactivities. The blended learning method is a solution to these conditions. Blended learningactivities are not only seen as a combination of online and face-to-face learning. However,this learning activity has a great opportunity to integrate innovation in educationaltechnology and can be done online or face-to-face. Besides, blended learning is a solution toanswering challenges in assembling learning and developing students' creativity. Even in thelong term, blended learning is an important requirement for every school to face a brighterfuture. The implementation method in this program consists of the planning, implementation,and evaluation stages. The partners involved in this program are a team of IT experts at theLocal Government of Kediri. Also, the partners involved are also active as speakers ofeducational technology. The results of this program are expected that teachers and schoolscan innovate in developing learning methods so that education in Indonesia will develop.Keywords: Blended Learning, School, EducationABSTRAKPandemi Covid 19 memaksa masyarakat untuk beradaptasi dengan tatanan kehidupan yangbaru tak terkecuali di dunia pendidikan. Kondisi ini menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi sekolah,dan masyarakat. Guna menjaga dari semakin maraknya penyebaran virus Covid-19, sekolahterpaksa menghentikan kegiatan belajar tatap muka di kelas untuk sementara. Metodepembelajaran blended learning menjadi solusi di tengah kondisi seperti ini. Aktivitaspembelajaran blended learning bukan hanya dilihat sebagai kombinasi online denganpembelajaran tatap muka saja. Namun aktivitas pembelajaran ini sangat berpeluang untukmengintegrasikan inovasi di bidang teknologi pendidikan dan dapat di ajarkan secara onlinemaupun tatap muka. Selain itu, blended learning juga sebagai solusi dalam menjawabtantangan dalam merangkai pembelajaran serta pengembangan kreativitas peserta didik,bahkan dalam jangka panjang pembelajaran berbasis blended learning menjadi kebutuhanpenting bagi setiap sekolah guna menyongsong masa depan yang lebih cerah. Metodepelaksanaan dalam pengabdian ini terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi.Mitra yang dilibatkan dalam pengabdian ini adalah tim tenaga ahli IT di Pemerintah Kota Kediri. Selain itu mitra yang terlibat juga aktif sebagai pembicara di bidang teknologipendidikan. Sedangkan sasaran dari pengabdian ini adalah guru dan Dinas Pendidikan. Hasildari program ini diharapkan guru dan sekolah mampu berinovasi mengembangkan metodepembelajaran agar dunia pendidikan di Indonesia semakin berkembang.Kata Kunci: Blended Learning, Sekolah, Pendidikan 

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-70
Dani Cahyani Rahayu ◽  
Abdulloh Hamid ◽  
Mohammad Salehuddin ◽  
Winarto Eka Wahyudi

This study aims to develop a blended learning-based e modulon the hadith material about intentions at the madrasah ibtidaiyah or elementary education level. This study uses the research and development method (Research and Development) with the ADDIE or Analyze development model, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluate. The moduldeveloped is made using the Kvisoft Flipbook Maker application and published in Html format, which can be accessed via the internet network. The developed blended learningcombines face-to-face learning and distance learning as the learning process occurs, especially during the pandemic and the new normal. E modulis used as a companion to teaching materials that can stimulate students to study independently due to the parents' busyness or the teacher's distance, which makes the obligation to study independently echoed together with the independent campaign in learning. The validity and response tests carried out 85% agreed with the use of e moduland the pretest and posttest test of students' learning outcomes also showed the effectiveness of using the blended learning-based e modulwith an average of 87 out of 20 students who became respondents.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Uwes Anis Chaeruman ◽  
Santi Maudiarti

Blended learning is not just simply combining online learning with face-to-face learning. It is dynamic and context dependent. It can be viewed from different contexts and perspectives. Different context has different needs and characteristics. It needs different blend of blended learning. But, blended learning has one same ultimate goal, i.e. to determine the most appropriate blend to make optimum learning experience occur. Recent literatures and studies showed that e-learning and blended learning are synonymous with synchronous and asynchronous learning. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to propose a conceptual model of blended learning design and its definition viewed from the perspective of those learning setting. This conceptual model, called quadrant of blended learning. It consists of four quadrants, i.e.: 1) quadrant 1: live synchronous learning; 2) quadrant 2: virtual synchronous learning; 3) quadrant 3: collaborative asynchronous learning; and 4) quadrant 4: self-directed asynchronous learning. As a conceptual model, it is expected that it can provide framework and idea for instructional designers in designing effective blended learning strategies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-94
Afroh Nailil Hikmah ◽  
Ibnu Chudzaifah

Online learning has become a demand for education since the Covid-19 pandemic and continues in New Normal until it continues until post-pandemic even if teachers or lecturers have to develop learning strategies. Therefore teachers/lecturers are required to be literate in technology and always up to date on learning models, one of which is Blended Learning. This research itself is expected to explain what is meant by the Blended Learning Model. And, how is the application of the Blended Learning Model when applied to the new order after the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method in this article uses a literature review, where an action on the quality and new findings of scientific work. The development of a blended learning model is a combination of learning models carried out in an online and offline context. The allocation used is 50:50, meaning that from the time allocation provided, 50% for face-to-face learning activities and 50% for online learning. The same is the case with using a 75:25 composition and doing 25:75. Blended learning model development techniques that need to be developed; 1) Face-to-face Learning Model; 2) Learning Using Electronic Teaching Materials, and 3) Learning Using Technology Media.

I Kadek Suartama ◽  
Punaji Setyosari ◽  
Sulthoni Sulthoni ◽  
Saida Ulfa

The development of information and communication technology has brought a surprise and revolutionary challenge to the idea and practice of traditional education. Mobile internet technology has become the main promoter and accelerator to apply the concept of mobile learning. Mobile technology offers new opportunities to integrate face-to-face learning and online learning methods. We see a tendency to use blended learning scenarios by combining various forms of learning and integrating a variety of ways to access content using mobile technology. The objective of this study is to develop a mobile blended learning design that can systematically guide the instructor or lecturer in the lecturing processes. By combining the ideas of mobile learning and blended learning, mobile blended learning design has been developed. Implementing research and development (R&D) method, the mobile blended learning design has been constructed through designing process and validation by experts. This instructional design has feasibility to use in learning; therefore, it effectively increases the popularity of mobile blended learning

Rini Dian Anggraini ◽  
Titi Solfitri

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa dan kegiatan belajar siswa pendidikan fisika dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah (PBM) dengan metode blended learning. Metode blended learning diterapkan dengan mengintegrasikan pembelajaran tatap muka dengan pembelajaran online ke dalam sintaks pembelajaran PBM (langkah). Bentuk pembelajaran tatap muka dilakukan di dalam kelas, sedangkan bentuk pembelajaran online dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas internet dan forum diskusi kelas online. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) dengan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Studi ini akan direncanakan dalam dua siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahap: perencanaan, melakukan, observasi, dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester 1 fisika yang mengambil mata pelajaran biologi dasar dan dosen mata kuliah. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah lembar tes berpikir kritis dan lembar observasi. Data hasil tes dilakukan dengan menghitung persentase berpikir kritis dan menentukan kriteria. Data kegiatan belajar yang diamati juga dihitung menggunakan rentang nilai yang muncul dan menentukan kriteria. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa pada siklus I adalah 52,12% (cukup kritis), sedangkan pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 63,27% (kritis). Kegiatan mengajar dosen pada siklus I dan siklus II adalah sama yaitu 36 (kategori baik). Aktivitas belajar siswa pada siklus I adalah 35 (kategori baik) dan pada siklus II yaitu 34 (kategori baik). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penerapan pembelajaran berbasis pembelajaran (PBM) menggunakan metode blended learning dapat meningkatkan berpikir kritis dan aktivitas belajar siswa pendidikan jasmani dalam mata pelajaran biologi dasar.   This study aims to improve students' critical thinking skills and learning activities of physics education students by applying problem-based learning model (PBM) with blended learning method. The blended learning method is applied by integrating face-to-face learning with online learning into the PBM learning syntax (step). Form of face-to-face learning is done in the classroom, while the form of online learning is done by utilizing internet facilities and online class discussion forums. The type of research is classroom action research (PTK) with quantitative descriptive research method. This study will be planned in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages: planning, doing, observation, and reflection. The subjects of this research are physics semester 1 students who take basic biology subject and lecturer of course subject. Instruments used to collect data are critical thinking test sheets and observation sheets. The test result data is done by calculating the percentage of critical thinking and determining the criteria. The observed data of learning activity is also calculated using the range of values ​​that appear and determine the criteria. The results showed that the percentage of critical thinking skills of students in the first cycle is 52.12% (quite critical), while in cycle II increased to 63.27% (critical). The teaching activities of lecturers in cycle I and cycle II are the same is 36 (good category). Student learning activity in cycle I is 35 (good category) and on cycle II that is 34 (good category). The conclusion of this research is application of learning based learning (PBM) using blended learning method can improve critical thinking and student learning activities physical education in basic biology subject.

Zamzami Zainuddin

This article aims to review the potential of a Blended learning model implementation in Indonesian higher education institutions during the time of Covid-19. This conceptual paper attempts to explain the concept of Blended learning in terms of theory and practice, based on the literature discussed in several reputable international journals. Blended learning is defined as a learning model integrating face-to-face instruction with an online learning environment or e-learning. Initially, this model proposes to improve the deficiencies of a traditional learning model which is lack of technological resources, and at the same time to develop the gap of e-learning practice which is lack of a face-to-face learning experience. In the blended instruction, students will learn through face-to-face interaction in the classroom and supported by digital media such as a Website, Video, or Learning Management System (LMS). Meanwhile, the use of technologies is ordinarily applied for students' learning and peer-interaction outside of the class, especially for online discussion and homework submission. This method emphasizes that learning activity should not only occur in the classroom but also outside of the class through the digital device.

R J Singh

This article reports on the use of blended learning in higher education. Blended learning has become popular in higher education in recent years. It is a move beyond traditional lecturing to incorporate face-to-face learning with e-learning, thereby creating a blend of learning experiences. The problem is that learning in higher education is complex and learning situations differ across contexts. Whilst there is face-to-face contact at some institutions, others offer distance learning or correspondence learning. In each context, the mode of learning may differ. The challenge is to cater for various learning opportunities through a series of learning interactions and to incorporate a blended approach. The aim of this study was to examine various ways of defining blended learning in different contexts. This was done through an examination of experiences of the use of blended learning in different higher education contexts. The study presents a case of blended learning in a postgraduate course. The experiences from all these cases are summarised and conclusions and recommendations are made in the context of blended learning in higher education in South Africa.

Sica Septyenthi ◽  
Aprizal Lukman ◽  
Upik Yelianti

Vocational high school consists of face-to-face learning and dual education system. Learning and dual education system may be either industrial work practices held for 3 or 6 months.During dual education system students can not attend face-to-face learning teaching material that students need to be able to learn independently. Specifically, learning science that students need to learn about the environment and its benefits for students.The purpose of this research is to develop instructional materials in the form of science module which helps students to learn independently and determine the response of vocational students to the science learning modules. Modules developed based entrepreneurship and contextual material with real life needs or students. The material presented is structured to support student entrepreneurship in order to be fit for purpose namely vocational work. This module development research design using the design development of Richey and Klein with Dick and Carey model for the development phase of the module material. Results of test responses of teachers and students concluded that the module gets a very good response, interesting and appropriate to the needs of students. Then the module materials can help students cultivate skills become entrepreneurs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Magdalena Kartikasari Tandy Rerung

<p>Nowadays, the communicative teaching has been influenced by the development of technology. Becoming interactive teacher would not be enough if it is not supported by technology usage. Online learning in this case has been a powerful tool to help language learners during their learning progress.  It is said that that online instruction raised the good and average student’s reading performance and the performance of the lowest-performing as well. In listening and speaking, online learning can help students improve their pronunciaton as well the comprehension skill. Therefore, the following study is designed to find out the students’ perceptions towards the use of both online and face-to-face learning in listening and speaking classroom. There are 30 students from the 1<sup>st</sup> and 3<sup>rd</sup> semester of English Language and Culture Departement and they joined the class for 1 semester. Online learning platform used was taken from Cambridge Learning Management System integrated with Unlock 2 and Unlock 4 books as the source of learning. The result shows that most of the students see online learning as an alternative tool to help them during their learning process.<strong></strong></p><strong>Keywords: </strong>blended learning, online learning, face-to-face learning, language learning

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