Bahing Siritman ◽  
Mayang Meilantina

This research was highly concerned on the study ethnography of communication, i.e. in the way of speaking a language. The objective was on learn realization of English speech acts in the class interaction between students and lecturer(s). The study conducted in the English Education Study Program of Palangka Raya University. The method applied was a communication ethnography based on the social phenomena of empirical facts in terms of illocutionary speech acts of directives. It is a qualitative research focusing on the speakers’ utterances. Data collected using the Spradley’s ethnography method. Data analysis using the model of Hymes’ communication analysis, including: analysis of communication situation, communication events, communication acts, and Spradley’s analysis of cultural theme. The first finding and the novelty showed that the realization of directive speech act had been the most dominant one. This finding proved that the illocutionary speech act of directives has a higher social status in an interaction. The use of speech acts of directives proved that it was closely related with the context of situation and culture of the speaker(s) whereas the higher(s) had dominated the lower(s). Finally, directive speech act was used to control the class to be interactive by the lecturer(s).

2018 ◽  
pp. 253
Gusti Alit Mahendra ◽  
I Gusti Ayu Gede Sosiowati ◽  
Ni Ketut Alit Ida Setianingsih

The study entitled “Direct and Indirect Directive Illocutionary Acts in the Movie Penguin of Madagascar” is aimed at identifying the direct and indirect directive types of illocutionary acts and explaining and analyzing the meaning of the utterances interpreted by the listeners. The data of this study were taken from the movie entitled Penguins of Madagascar, and it was chosen because of many utterances identified as directive of illocutionary acts. The observation and documentation methods were used in collecting the data since the data were obtained from the spoken source in the movie. The data were analyzed using the descriptive qualitative method since the purpose of this study is to analyze the social phenomena like speech acts. The first theory proposef by Bach and Harnish (1979: 47) is used to analyze the type of directive of illocutionary acts. The second theory, the context of situation proposed by Dell Hymes (1972, is used to analyze the meaning of directive of illocutionary acts that can be interpreted by the listeners. There are six types of directive of illocutionary act proposed by Bach and Harnish (1979). They are requestives, questions, requirements, permissives, prohibitives and advisories. In this study, several types of directive illocutionary were found in the movie, except the indirect question, and direct prohibitive. The way the listeners interpret the meaning depends on the context of situation.

Mariana Lewier ◽  
Merlyn Rutumalessy ◽  
Viona Sapulette

Up to the present time, there are still many children games played with their respective accompanying songs by young children in Maluku. The lyrics of these children songs can be categorized as one form of texts that can be analyzed in terms of language aspects. This paper discusses directive speech acts contained in the children songs-attached games in Maluku. The purpose of this paper is to describe the various acts of directive speech, the social-cultural context that embodies it, and the level of politeness they may carry. The approach used was pragmatic approach, specifically the framework of speech act theory. The data used in this study was children songs in Ambon-Maluku, both oral and written data containing directive statements. Data analysis was done by interpreting, making inferences, and presenting it in the form of descriptive analysis. Descriptive analysis is intended to describe, provide an overview and identify the relationship between the phenomena being studied. The directive act of speech contained in the children game songs in Maluku can be categorized as direct or indirect. The direct way of directive speech acts is used for requesting, ordering, inviting, and forbidding, while the indirect way is preferred than imperative mode by using interrogative sentence, news report, and a particular request statement. Thus, through this analysis, we may come to an understanding of the dynamics of socio-cultural realm that underlies the presence of children game traditions in Maluku.

Deswita Davi Isa ◽  
Ninuk Lustyantie ◽  
Ratna Dewanti

The objective of this study is to understand comprehensively the directive speech acts contained in the comic Tous Super-Héros by Jean-Christophe Camus, Lilian Thuram and Benjamin Chaud which includes forms, meanings and functions. The data analysed were dialogues between the characters in the Tous Super-Héros comic that were found in the dialogue balloon. The data, hereafter processed through a content analysis method with a qualitative approach. Qualitative approach used here is an approach that investigates a social phenomenon and human problems which the data collected consists of words (or text) from the expressions between speakers and interlocutors in the dialogue. Analysis of the findings shows that literal direct speech acts as a form of directive speech act has the highest intensity of 65.12%, the context of commands and warnings as the meaning of directive speech acts has the highest intensity of 20.93%, and advisories as a directive speech act function has the highest intensity of 24.41% . The findings in this study have implications for general French language insights, and for understanding the social and cultural of French expressions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Evi Jovita Putri

<p>The research entitled Directive Speech Act Seen on Family 2.0 Drama Script Written by Walter Wykes purposes to describe and uncover the types of form and intended meaning of directive speech act on that drama script. This descriptive research uses pragmatic approach and theory. The collecting and analysing data are focused on the using of declarative, imperative, and interrogative sentences in the text of drama. The forms of those sentences will be analysed to find out the types of form of directive speech act, while the context of those sentences will be used to analyze the intended meaning of directive speech act uttered by speakers. The results of the research are found that, first, there are two types of the form of directive speech acts, direct directive speech acts and indirect directive speech acts. Direct directive speech acts are represented by imperative sentence without subject; imperative sentence with let; and negative imperative sentence. Meanwhile the indirect directive speech acts are represented by declarative sentence statement; declarative sentence if clause; negative declarative sentences; and interrogative sentences. Second, the intended meanings seen on drama script of Family 2.0 are command, prohibition, request, treat, and persuasion. It can be concluded that, the most frequent intended meaning appeared in directive speech acts on this script is command by the use of imperative forms. Then, the declarative and interrogative forms are used to request something by adults charaters; in contrast the kids characters use them to command and prohibit the hearer.<strong></strong></p><strong>Keywords: </strong> family 2.0, pragmatic, speech act, directive, form and intended meaning

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 226 ◽  
Azweed Mohamad ◽  
Radzuwan Ab Rashid ◽  
Kamariah Yunus ◽  
Shireena Basree Abdul Rahman ◽  
Saadiyah Darus ◽  

This paper discusses the speech acts in Facebook Status Updates posted by an apostate of Islam. The Facebook Timeline was observed for a duration of two years (January 2015 to December 2016). More than 4000 postings were made in the data collection period. However, only 648 postings are related to apostasy. The data were classified according to the types of speech acts. Expressive speech act is the most frequent speech act (33%, n=215), followed by the directive (27%, n=177), assertive (22%, n=141), and commissive (18%, n=115), respectively. Based on the speech acts used, it is discernible that the apostate attempts to engage other Facebook users and persuade them into accepting her ideology while gaining their support. This paper is novel in the sense that it puts forth the social actions of an apostate which is very scarce in literature. It is also methodologically innovative as it uses social media postings as a tool to explore the apostate’s social actions in an online space.

Vidya Karya ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
Johan Arifin

Abstract: This research deals with directive speech in the Mario Teguh Golden Ways. This study uses a qualitative approach. That is, data that has been found later identified, analyzed and classified through a qualitative analysis. In line with the approach, the method used is descriptive method. From the results of the study, it is showed that the speech act in Mario Teguh Golden Ways is a directive speech act, which is seen from the number of words used by Mario in giving advice. This can be seen in terms of understanding that researcher found. Directive speech acts (directives) illocutionary aim to produce an effect of an act committed by the addressees; this illocutionary is for example, ordering, commanding, pleading, demanding, and giving advice. Keywords: Discourse, Directives Speech Acts, Mario Teguh Golden Ways Abstrak: Penelitian ini berkenaan dengan bentuk tidak tutur direktif dalam acara Mario Teguh Golden Ways. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Artinya, data yang telah ditemukan kemudian diidentifikasi, dianalisis dan diklasifikasikan melalui analisis secara kualitatif. Sejalan dengan pendekatannya, metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tindak tutur yang banyak terdapat pada acara Mario Teguh Golden Ways adalah tindak tutur direktif yang dapat diamati dari banyaknya kalimat yang digunakan oleh Mario Teguh dalam berbicara memberi saran dan nasihat. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari segi pengertian yang telah peneliti dapatkan. Tindak tutur direktif (directives) ilokusi ini bertujuan menghasilkan suatu efek berupa tindakan yang dilakukan oleh petutur; ilokusi ini misalnya, memesan, memerintah, memohon, menuntut, memberi nasihat.Kata kunci : Wacana, Tindak Tutur Direktif, Acara Mario Teguh Golden Ways

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Widdya Syafitri

<p>This research is conducted based on two purposes; they are to identify the types of expressive speech act found in the statuses of the Facebook users, and to explain the modes of expressive utterance used in the statuses. Therefore, the data source is the social network that is Facebook and the data are the statuses of the Facebook users. The data are collected by using observational method, followed by non-participant observational technique and taking-note technique. The data analysis is based on pragmatic identity method proposed by Sudaryanto (2015) which is also supported by the theory of the types of expressive speech act by Ronan (2015), and theory about the modes of utterance from Alwi, et al (2000). The analysis result shows that there are fourteen types of expressive speech act in the statuses. They are the expression of agreement, disagreement, apology, gratitude, sorrow (sadness), exclamation (complaint), volition (hope), anger, disappointment, encouragement, satire, annoyance, pride, and congratulation. Meanwhile, the modes of expressive speech act that are used consist of declarative mode, interrogative mode, and exclamative mode. The importance of this research is to reveal or show that there is something else the Facebook users want to say behind their statuses. Sometimes, they do not really state what they mean in their statuses. They use indirect way and there lies the use of expressive speech act which can be stated in different way.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 96 (3) ◽  
pp. 401-418
Claudia Bianchi

According to Mitchell Green, speech act theory traditionally idealizes away from crucial aspects of conversational contexts, including those in which the speaker’s social position affects the possibility of her performing certain speech acts. In recent times, asymmetries in communicative situations have become a lively object of study for linguists, philosophers of language and moral philosophers: several scholars view hate speech itself in terms of speech acts, namely acts of subordination (acts establishing or reinforcing unfair hierarchies). The aim of this paper is to address one of the main objections to accounts of hate speech in terms of illocutionary speech acts, that is the Authority Problem. While the social role of the speaker is the focus of several approaches (Langton 2018a, 2018b; Maitra 2012; Kukla 2014; Green 2014, 2017a, 2017b), the social role of the audience has too often been neglected. The author will show that not only must the speaker have a certain kind of standing or social position in order to perform speech acts of subordination, but also the audience must typically have a certain kind of standing or social position in order to either license or object to the speaker’s authority, and her acts of subordination.

1986 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 37-46
Erika Niehaus

Communication has at least two different aspects: the propositi-onal aspect and the social aspect. Any utterance in a face-to-face-interaction therefore has the function to give information and to indicate how the ralation to the other participant is interpreted. In order to establish his communicative goal, the speaker has to analyse the social situation and the preceding context. Depending on this interpretation he selects between the different verbal patterns to perform a certain speech act. This involves for instance the choice of direct/indirect speech act realizations, the selection of certain linguistic elements (modality markers) for downtoning or upgrading the illocutionary force of speech acts. The contrastive analysis of the realizations of the speech act REQUEST in three different dialogue batteries elicited via role play from Dutch learners of German, native speakers of Dutch and native speakers of German has shown 1. that Dutch native speakers use modality markers in different communicative functions than German native speakers, 2. that Dutch learners of German mostly choose the same social strategies when speaking the target language as they do when speaking the mother tongue, 3. that the learners are not always able to establish their modal goal, that is, the are not able to communicate their intentions on an interpersonal level. The reason for this seems to be that in the Netherlands the teaching of German as a second language is mainly a matter of teaching grammatical rules and linguistic expressions without taking into consideration that the meaning of these expressions is pragmaticalley conditioned and that their usage is motivated by the relevant characteris-tics of such social situations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 20-26
Samaila Yakubu

Speech act analysis is an act of investigating how utterances not only disseminate information but perform actions as well.  Dialogues in Henshaw’s This Is Our Chance are not only employed to exchange information about animosity between the people of Koloro Village and the people of Udura Village but to take actions on matters that involved the two neighbouring villages.  The present paper seeks to explore the dialogues in the above mentioned text to see how they have been used.  The paper adopts speech act theory of J. L. Austin which was later developed by J. R. Searle.  The data for the study were analysed based on speech act theory. Components of directive speech act such as commands and questions are used extensively in the text while those like requests, advice, directives and warnings are used insignificantly; constituents of representative speech act, namely, statements and reports run throughout the text; elements of expressive speech act such as complaints and appreciations are found in the text; declaration speech acts, and constituent of commissive speech act such as promise are used scantly in the text.  The study concludes that speech act theory is the most appropriate instrument for handling civil conflict.

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