Understanding ESP Performance Under High Viscous Applications and Emulsion Production
Abstract Although being widely used as an artificial lift method for heavy oil field developments, Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) performance in high viscous applications is not fully understood. In order to improve knowledge of pump behavior under such conditions, Equinor has developed stage qualification tests as part of the technical requirements for deploying ESPs in Peregrino Field located offshore Brazil and has funded a series of research efforts to better design and operate the system more efficiently. Qualification tests were made mandatory for every stage type prior to field deployment in Peregrino. It is known that the affinity laws don´t hold true for high viscosity applications. Therefore, extensive qualification tests are required to provide actual stage performance in high viscous applications. Test results are used to optimize ESP system design for each well selecting the most efficient stage type considering specific well application challenges. In addition, the actual pump performance improves accuracy in production allocation algorithms. A better understanding of ESP behavior in viscous fluid application helps improving oil production and allows ESP operation with higher efficiency, increasing system run life. Shear forces inside ESP stages generate emulsion that compromises ESP performance. Lab tests in controlled environments have helped Equinor to gather valuable information about emulsion formation and evaluate ESP performance in conditions similar to field application. Equinor has funded studies to better understand two-phase flow (oil-water) which allowed visualization and investigation of oil drops dynamics inside the impeller. In addition, experimental procedures were proposed to investigate the effective viscosity of emulsion at pump discharge and the phase inversion hysteresis in the transition water-oil and oil-water emulsion. In addition to qualification tests and research performed to better understand system behavior, Equinor has developed and improved procedures to operate ESP systems in high viscous applications with emulsion production during 10 years of operation in Peregrino field. Such conditions also impose challenges to ESP system reliability. Over the years, Equinor has peformed failure analysis to enhance ESP system robustness which, combined with upper completion design, have improved system operation and reliability decreasing operating costs in Peregrino field.