Inflatable Enables Successful Water Shutoff in High Angle Wellbores in Ghawar Field

Mohammed Saudi ◽  
Mohammed Ibrahim Al-Umran
Hemant Sharma ◽  
Jorge Duarte ◽  
Eid Mufeed ◽  
Saadoun Turki ◽  
Jose R. Vielma

Hemant Sharma ◽  
Jorge Duarte ◽  
Eid Mufeed ◽  
Saadoun Turki ◽  
Jose R. Vielma

J. W. Matthews ◽  
W. M. Stobbs

Many high-angle grain boundaries in cubic crystals are thought to be either coincidence boundaries (1) or coincidence boundaries to which grain boundary dislocations have been added (1,2). Calculations of the arrangement of atoms inside coincidence boundaries suggest that the coincidence lattice will usually not be continuous across a coincidence boundary (3). There will usually be a rigid displacement of the lattice on one side of the boundary relative to that on the other. This displacement gives rise to a stacking fault in the coincidence lattice.Recently, Pond (4) and Smith (5) have measured the lattice displacement at coincidence boundaries in aluminum. We have developed (6) an alternative to the measuring technique used by them, and have used it to find two of the three components of the displacement at {112} lateral twin boundaries in gold. This paper describes our method and presents a brief account of the results we have obtained.

P.R. Swann ◽  
A.E. Lloyd

Figure 1 shows the design of a specimen stage used for the in situ observation of phase transformations in the temperature range between ambient and −160°C. The design has the following features a high degree of specimen stability during tilting linear tilt actuation about two orthogonal axes for accurate control of tilt angle read-out high angle tilt range for stereo work and habit plane determination simple, robust construction temperature control of better than ±0.5°C minimum thermal drift and transmission of vibration from the cooling system.

C. W. Price

Little evidence exists on the interaction of individual dislocations with recrystallized grain boundaries, primarily because of the severely overlapping contrast of the high dislocation density usually present during recrystallization. Interesting evidence of such interaction, Fig. 1, was discovered during examination of some old work on the hot deformation of Al-4.64 Cu. The specimen was deformed in a programmable thermomechanical instrument at 527 C and a strain rate of 25 cm/cm/s to a strain of 0.7. Static recrystallization occurred during a post anneal of 23 s also at 527 C. The figure shows evidence of dissociation of a subboundary at an intersection with a recrystallized high-angle grain boundary. At least one set of dislocations appears to be out of contrast in Fig. 1, and a grainboundary precipitate also is visible. Unfortunately, only subgrain sizes were of interest at the time the micrograph was recorded, and no attempt was made to analyze the dislocation structure.

D.R. Rasmussen ◽  
N.-H. Cho ◽  
C.B. Carter

Domains in GaAs can exist which are related to one another by the inversion symmetry, i.e., the sites of gallium and arsenic in one domain are interchanged in the other domain. The boundary between these two different domains is known as an antiphase boundary [1], In the terminology used to describe grain boundaries, the grains on either side of this boundary can be regarded as being Σ=1-related. For the {110} interface plane, in particular, there are equal numbers of GaGa and As-As anti-site bonds across the interface. The equilibrium distance between two atoms of the same kind crossing the boundary is expected to be different from the length of normal GaAs bonds in the bulk. Therefore, the relative position of each grain on either side of an APB may be translated such that the boundary can have a lower energy situation. This translation does not affect the perfect Σ=1 coincidence site relationship. Such a lattice translation is expected for all high-angle grain boundaries as a way of relaxation of the boundary structure.

M. Libera ◽  
J.A. Ott ◽  
K. Siangchaew ◽  
L. Tsung

Channeling occurs when fast electrons follow atomic strings in a crystal where there is a minimum in the potential energy (1). Channeling has a strong effect on high-angle scattering. Deviations in atomic position along a channel due to structural defects or thermal vibrations increase the probability of scattering (2-5). Since there are no extended channels in an amorphous material the question arises: for a given material with constant thickness, will the high-angle scattering be higher from a crystal or a glass?Figure la shows a HAADF STEM image collected using a Philips CM20 FEG TEM/STEM with inner and outer collection angles of 35mrad and lOOmrad. The specimen (6) was a cross section of singlecrystal Si containing: amorphous Si (region A), defective Si containing many stacking faults (B), two coherent Ge layers (CI; C2), and a contamination layer (D). CBED patterns (fig. lb), PEELS spectra, and HAADF signals (fig. lc) were collected at 106K and 300K along the indicated line.

Y. Sato ◽  
T. Hashimoto ◽  
M. Ichihashi ◽  
Y. Ueki ◽  
K. Hirose ◽  

Analytical TEMs have two variations in x-ray detector geometry, high and low angle take off. The high take off angle is advantageous for accuracy of quantitative analysis, because the x rays are less absorbed when they go through the sample. The low take off angle geometry enables better sensitivity because of larger detector solid angle.Hitachi HF-2000 cold field emission TEM has two versions; high angle take off and low angle take off. The former allows an energy dispersive x-ray detector above the objective lens. The latter allows the detector beside the objective lens. The x-ray take off angle is 68° for the high take off angle with the specimen held at right angles to the beam, and 22° for the low angle take off. The solid angle is 0.037 sr for the high angle take off, and 0.12 sr for the low angle take off, using a 30 mm2 detector.

D.E. Jesson ◽  
S. J. Pennycook

It is well known that conventional atomic resolution electron microscopy is a coherent imaging process best interpreted in reciprocal space using contrast transfer function theory. This is because the equivalent real space interpretation involving a convolution between the exit face wave function and the instrumental response is difficult to visualize. Furthermore, the crystal wave function is not simply related to the projected crystal potential, except under a very restrictive set of experimental conditions, making image simulation an essential part of image interpretation. In this paper we present a different conceptual approach to the atomic imaging of crystals based on incoherent imaging theory. Using a real-space analysis of electron scattering to a high-angle annular detector, it is shown how the STEM imaging process can be partitioned into components parallel and perpendicular to the relevant low index zone-axis.It has become customary to describe STEM imaging using the analytical treatment developed by Cowley. However, the convenient assumption of a phase object (which neglects the curvature of the Ewald sphere) fails rapidly for large scattering angles, even in very thin crystals. Thus, to avoid unpredictive numerical solutions, it would seem more appropriate to apply pseudo-kinematic theory to the treatment of the weak high angle signal. Diffraction to medium order zero-layer reflections is most important compared with thermal diffuse scattering in very thin crystals (<5nm). The electron wave function ψ(R,z) at a depth z and transverse coordinate R due to a phase aberrated surface probe function P(R-RO) located at RO is then well described by the channeling approximation;

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