Enhanced Spectrum Slicing--Wavelength Division Multiplexing Approach for Mitigating Atmospheric Attenuation in Optical Communication
Abstract Over the last decades, free-space optics (FSO) emerged as a prominent way of communication over radio frequency communication and microwave communication. Working of FSO in comparison with optical fiber cable (OFC) network is the same. The only difference between FSO & OFC is the transmission of an optical beam. The optical beam is transmitted through the free space in the case of FSO. Whereas the transmission of optical beam takes place using OFC core, i.e. glass fiber in the case of OFC. Fog, haze, rain, and clouds in the atmosphere directly affect FSO performance and the power of signal propagation. Further added, the wavelength of propagating beam is based on the size of fog particles which leads to atmospheric attenuation. To mitigate the impact of atmospheric attenuation on signals, the proposed study is based on a spectrum slicing (SS) - wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) system with Pre and Post Amplification. The analysis of SS-WDM-Pre and SS-WDM-Post has been done over various values of attenuation. The comparison analysis proves that the SS-WDM-Post is more efficient than both SS-WDM-Pre and traditional SS-WDM in terms of Q-factor.