scholarly journals Political Implications of Orthodox Identity: An Example of the World Russian People’s Council

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 600-613
Natalya D. Shikher

The article examines the conceptual ideas of the World Russian Peoples Council, acting under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church, regarding the implementation of the right to freedom of conscience and the status of religious associations in Russia. Furthermore, the speeches of heads of the states at the Councils were studied for their attitude to the ideological content of the activities of this organization. On the basis of the data obtained, the author attempts to find a correlation between the proposals voiced at the Councils on changing certain aspects in the religious sphere and the reforms of the Russian legislation on freedom of conscience. As a result of this study, a striking coincidence was revealed between the two factors mentioned: the provisions discussed at the Councils, as a rule, after some time were reflected in Russian normative legal acts. Not having sufficient grounds for declaring an unambiguous causal relationship between conciliar ideas and legislative reform, one can, in any case, assume a significant impact of the activities of the World Russian Peoples Council on the state policy in implementation of the right to freedom of conscience in modern Russia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 74-93

The main purpose of the article is to analyze the emergence of opposition to ecumenism in the Rus-sian Orthodox Church (ROC) in the post-perestroika period of Russia. The article examines the issues of interaction between the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and the World Council of Churches (WCC), the aspects of opposition to the ecumenist movement in the Russian Federation in the post-Soviet realities. The author comes to the conclusion that in the post-perestroika period, a number of representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church were negatively disposed towards ecu-menism and considered this movement a heresy. The issues of this kind caused disagreement not only at the international level, but also within the structure of the ROC itself.

Aliaxandr V. Slesarau

The article is devoted to considering the specifics of the administrative and canonical status of the Belarusian Metropolis in the diaspora, during 1946–1956 stayed in the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. The conclusion is drawn about what happened from 1950 to 1956 phasing down the status of the metropolis, which led to the cessation of its existence. One of the most important reasons for the liquidation of the Belarusian Metropolis in the diaspora seems to be the fear of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad bishop about the possible occurrence of disturbances in church life caused by the national question. The liquidation of the Belarusian Metropolis led to a deeper integration of Belarusian emigrants into the cultural environment of the Russian diaspora.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 252-258
Матвеева ◽  
Evgeniya Matveeva

The article analyzes the changes in the spiritual, moral and religious climate in Russian society in XIX - early XX century. The peculiarities of national modernization, that predetermined the gradual destruction of the traditional patriarchal way of life of the masses, are revealed; they led to the transformation of the world towards its secularization. The underlying problems of "religious ignorance" of a large part of the Orthodox population of the central part of Russia are determined, which are expressed in a large number of superstitions, prejudices and heresies incompatible with the official teaching. The crisis of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) is characterized, which is expressed in the rapid numerical growth of the various sects, strengthening of the Old Believer communities, the development of free God-seeking and spreading atheism. The pedagogical foundations of Russian Institute of elders are considered in the article, which determine certain anthropological strategy for Russia and are based not only on legal laws, but also on spiritual and moral primordial. Great importance is paid to the justification of the role of the institutions of elders in matters of correction of juvenile offenders.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 307-315
Ekaterina Gurina

The article deals with the stylistic peculiarities of the translations made by R. Pevear and L. Volokhonsky, L. and A. Maud, J. Carmichael of the novel Anna Karenina by L. Tolstoy on the basis of pragmastylistics and comparative analysis. It tries to analyze the text of the novel using the lingo-stylistic characteristics in accordance with the national bias in the way of thinking and individual creative preferences of every translator taking an attempt to introduce a foreign picture of the world to his countrymen. It underlines the impact of Tolstoy’s complicated attitude towards the customs and traditions of the Russian Orthodox church and the specific relationship of the author of the novel with God and its manifestation in the description of the heroes’ characters. In stresses how vital it may turn out to preserve the author’s ideostyle - lexis and syntax (the word order, the choice of them and the length of the sentences) for the successful interpretation of the writer’s views and stance by the reader.

2021 ◽  
pp. 210-230
Алексей Андреевич Рудченко

Статья посвящена практике награждения иерархическими отличиями священнослужителей, трудившихся в системе духовного образования в XIX в. В данном исследовании ставится цель изучить обстоятельства и условия награждения учёных клириков богослужебными отличиями в рассматриваемый хронологический период. Для этого анализируется деятельность представителей учёного духовенства данного времени, даётся оценка их трудов, изучаются биографии и послужные списки. Знакомство с наградной системой Русской Православной Церкви XIX в. показало, что преподаватели учебных учреждений в священном сане представляли совершенно особый разряд духовенства, награждение которого зачастую зависело не от выслуги лет, а от вклада в развитие церковной науки. В духовных учебных заведениях награждались ректоры, инспекторы, библиотекари и заслуженные преподаватели. Обычно представители администрации в академиях и семинариях получали сан архимандрита, игумена или протоиерея. Рядовые преподаватели за понесённые труды могли быть удостоены правом ношения набедренника, скуфьи, камилавки или наперсного креста. Кроме того, аналогичными отличиями награждались преподаватели иных учебных учреждений, если их деятельность была связана с религиозным образованием и просвещением. The article is devoted to the practice of awarding hierarchical distinctions to clergymen who worked in the system of spiritual education in the XIX century. The purpose of this study is to study the circumstances and conditions of awarding academic clerics with liturgical distinctions in the considered chronological period. To do this, the activities of the representatives of the learned clergy of this time are analyzed, their works are evaluated, biographies and service records are studied. Introduction to the award system of the Russian Orthodox Church of the XIX century. It showed that the teachers of educational institutions in the holy order represented a very special category of clergy, the award of which often depended not on the length of service, but on the contribution to the development of church science. Rectors, inspectors, librarians, and distinguished teachers were awarded in ecclesiastical educational institutions. Usually, representatives of the administration in academies and seminaries received the rank of archimandrite, abbot or archpriest. Ordinary teachers could be awarded the right to wear a loincloth, skufya, kamilavka or a pectoral cross for their hard work. In addition, similar distinctions were awarded to teachers of other educational institutions, if their activities were related to religious education and enlightenment.

Alexey N. Rukhlin

Introduction. The presented article touches upon one of the serious religious problems of Russian history, the phenomenon of “sects”. The author, with the help of the provincial periodical press of the Russian Orthodox Church, tried to highlight the activities of sectarians in the second half of the 19th century until the end of the First World War. The significance of the material presented is undoubtedly, especially in the context of the emergence of new radical sects. To these days, too much depends on the experience of solving this issue, which is acute in our country. The successful resolution of religious problems is the foundation of Russia’s peaceful existence. The purpose of the article is to determine the historical place of sects and sectarianism in the religious life of provinces Middle Volga region, based on the characteristics of their condition and activities, to highlight the policy of the Russian Orthodox Church in relation to sectarians in the period under review, to reveal the special role of the church periodicals aimed at forming environment of negative perception of sects, heretics and all those who broke away from the “true Orthodox teaching”. Materials and Methods. The most important in the study, based on the provisions formulated by the above authors, is the historical method, or, as it is also formulated, the principle of historicism. In carrying out this scientific research, the author relied, first of all, on special historical or general historical methods. Research Results. The study showed that the church media, controlled by local bishops and supported by the secular authorities, carried out an anti-sectarian policy on the pages of their magazines. The Russian Church in Russia had the status of a “state religion” and a monopoly on religious consciousness, therefore it suppressed any deviations from its dogmas. The anti-sectarian tone did not change until 1917. Discussion and Conclusion. We can conclude that the topic of sectarianism is still relevant, moreover, sects continue to arise and develop throughout the world. As long as there are official religions, new sects will be born and spun off. The image of a heretic-sectarian, when necessary, is actively used in propaganda in the media today. The proposed provisions and conclusions create prerequisites for further study of this problem.

Marina V. Kochergina

The article is devoted to the difficult fate of the old believers' priests of the Russian Orthodox Church of Old Believers in the period of Stalin's repression, the events on the World War II East Front and the postwar period, associated with a new oppression against the Church. The author restores the fate of old believers' priests from the ancient centres of Starodub and Vietka, who managed to preserve, despite the repression by the Soviet authorities, the faith of their ancestors, to show selflessness in relation to their flock, love for the Motherland, patriotism. The analysis of published biographies of old believers' priests of the Russian Orthodox Church of Old Believers, the memories of old believers themselves, recorded by the author, allow tracing the difficult way of restoring the spiritual life of old believer communities of Starodub and Vietka in this period, to show the regional aspects of the activity of old believers' priests in the field of state-confessional relations, their interaction with members of communities.

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