Bernini's S. Andrea al Quirinale: Payments and Planning

1982 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-37 ◽  
Joseph Connors

S. Andrea al Quirinale was Bernini's architectural masterpiece. A detailed account in the Jesuit Archives now allows a more exact chronology and shows how the design evolved over a fourteen-year period, 1658-1672. The church, which is often compared to a jewelbox, is used as the starting point for a discussion of various attitudes to wealth on the part of baroque architects and patrons. The issue of Bernini's classicism as an architect is discussed with reference to his use of geometry and his development as a designer of church façades. The famous rivalry between Bernini and Borromini is seen as a result of fundamental differences of principle, though some examples are presented from the late 17th and early 18th centuries which show attempts to reconcile the styles and approaches of the two unfriendly geniuses.

2014 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
Jan Kurowiak

AbstractAs a work of propaganda, graphics Austroseraphicum Coelum Paulus Pontius should create a new reality, make appearances. The main impression while seeing the graphics is the admiration for the power of Habsburgs, which interacts with the power of the Mother of God. She, in turn, refers the viewer to God, as well as Franciscans placed on the graphic, they become a symbol of the Church. This is a starting point for further interpretation of the drawing. By the presence of certain characters, allegories, symbols, we can see references to a particular political situation in the Netherlands - the war with the northern provinces of Spain. The message of the graphic is: the Spanish Habsburgs, commissioned by the mission of God, they are able to fight all of the enemies, especially Protestants, with the help of Immaculate and the Franciscans. The main aim of the graphic is to convince the viewer that this will happen and to create in his mind a vision of the new reality. But Spain was in the seventeenth century nothing but a shadow of former itself (in the time of Philip IV the general condition of Spain get worse). That was the reason why they wanted to hold the belief that the empire continues unwavering. The form of this work (graphics), also allowed to export them around the world, and the ambiguity of the symbolic system, its contents relate to different contexts, and as a result, the Habsburgs, not only Spanish, they could promote their strength everywhere. Therefore it was used very well as a single work of propaganda, as well as a part of a broader campaign

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-115
Aloysius Iryanto ◽  
Don Bosco Karnan Ardijanto

The Sacrament of Baptism and of Confirmation urge the faithful to participate in the mission of the Church. One of various realizations of the Church’s mission is running the Catholic Schools.  In other words, all members of a Catholic school: teachers, employees, students, foundations or parents, are called and sent to be involved in the mission of the Church. One of the fruits of carrying out Church missionary duties in Catholic schools is baptism. In 2012-2016 the number of baptisms in the Catholic High Schools in the city of Madiun was 15 people. Starting from the above, several questions can be asked as the starting point of this research: 1) What is the Church’s mission? 2) What is the Church’s mission according to the Catholoc religious educators? 3) How do the Catholic religious educators implement the Church’s mission in the Catholic Senior High Schools in Madiun city? This study aims: describing the understanding of the Church’s mission, to analyze the understanding of Religious Educators on the Church’s mission and to analyze how the religious educators to realize the Church’s mission in the Catholic Senior High Schools in the Madiun city. To achieve these objectives, researcher used qualitative research methods with interview techniques. The respondents of this study were religious educators in four Catholic Senior High Schools in Madiun. The results of the study show that: 1) The Religious Educators know the understanding of the Church’s mission. 2) All faithful are responsible to participate in the Church’s mission. 3) The Religious Educators had to be responsible and to involve in the Church’s mission in Catholic Senior High Schools. 4) The Religious Educators had already done and implemented the Church’s mission in their schools. In fact, there were some difficulties come from extern or intern of the schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 76 (4) ◽  
pp. 1707-1724
Massimo Borghesi

When in October 2016 I started working on my book Jorge Mario Bergoglio. An intellectual biography I did not have the slightest idea of ​​the importance played by the figure and work of Gaston Fessard in the formation of Bergoglio’s thought. There was nothing to suggest that Gaston Fessard could be a relevant author for the intellectual formation of the future Pope. I was struck by the polar and dialectical model of thought that animated him, the possibility of harmonizing opposites, of inviting concepts to a common table that apparently could not be approached, because it places them in a higher plane in which they find their synthesis. This paradigm, of the Church and of the Society of Jesus as complexio oppositorum, finds its verification, according to Bergoglio, in the way in which the Jesuits have achieved the inculturation of the faith in the indigenous peoples of Latin America. Bergoglio rereads Ignatius in the light of a dialectical model. As he will say in one of the interviews he gave me on the occasion of the writing of my book: “In Ignatian spirituality there is always this bipolar tension”. It is certainly an original, uncommon reading of Ignatius’s thought. It is the ideal factor that allows us to explain why Bergoglio, when in 1986 he went to Frankfurt to write his doctoral thesis, chose the Guardinian essay dedicated to the polar opposition. When I concluded my volume on the intellectual biography of the future Pontiff in February 2017, one element, however, remained obscure. Where, from which author had Bergoglio drawn his polar model? Where did your antinomic reading of Ignatian spirituality come from? Not by Guardini discovered philosophically in 1986. Francis indicated the starting point of his intellectual formation. The reading of Fessard’s La dialectique des Exercices spirituels de saint Ignace de Loyola, published in 1956, is the work that “ had a great influence “ on him. It is the work that clarifies Bergoglio’s antinomian thought, his subsequent ideal encounter with Guardini’s philosophy.

David Carroll Cochran

Using Charles Taylor’s A Catholic Modernity? as its starting point, David Cochrane explores the evolving role of Catholicism in Ireland over the last half century and concludes that the disentangling of the Church from the dominant political and cultural institutions of society has paradoxically extended many of the very values Catholicism celebrates. Due to the severing of its close traditional connection to the State, the Church has rediscovered its original mission to provide a prophetic spiritual voice, especially in favour of the poor, and to align itself more closely with the concerns of its founder, Jesus Christ.

1993 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 347-360 ◽  
Michael C. Questier

This article is concerned with one aspect of movement between religions in England at the end of the Jacobean period, namely the polemical use which could be made of the convert to Protestantism. The increasing likelihood of a successful conclusion of the Spanish Match negotiations had for some time been threatening the Protestant Establishment. In this climate, prominent changes of religion were of great interest to polemicists of both sides. As in Elizabeth’s reign, Protestants could attack the Church of Rome by focusing on the apostates from it. The point of reference from which this polemical use of conversion will be analysed is the best-selling vitriolic anti-Catholic tract written by the wavering Protestant minister John Gee, entitled The Foot out of the Snare. Gee is familiar to modern historians as a source on Roman Catholic priests in the 1620s but he is important also for the way in which he was employed as an anti-Catholic writer. His tract originated with the clerical group which gathered around Archbishop Abbot, clerics distinguished by their violent opposition to encroaching Roman Catholicism, evident in the likely success of the Spanish Marriage project and the conversions which had started to occur as the political climate changed. Gee’s tract may be used as a starting point to explore some of the politics and literature of conversion at this time.

2016 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 376-390
David Starling

This paper commences with an outline of the vision of the missio Dei that Paul offers to his readers in Rome, taking as a starting point the letter’s thesis statement in 1:16–17. The remainder of the paper traces the key pneumatological themes of the letter and orients them in relation to this overarching vision. The picture that emerges is one that highlights the close connectedness between the Spirit’s life-giving work and the saving righteousness manifested in Christ, proclaimed in the gospel, and at work within the church. Life without righteousness and righteousness without life are both, for Paul, equally unthinkable. 本文以保罗给他在罗马的读者提出的 missio Dei 异象的大纲为开始,用一章十六至十七节的论证作为起点,并在余下部分追溯此书信的关于圣灵论的课题,将其放在此书总括的异象之下。这样逐步出现的图画,即是赐生命的圣灵的工作与在耶稣基督里彰显的救赎的义之间紧密的联结,这救赎的义就是在福音里宣讲并在教会里运行工作的。对于保罗来说,没有义的生命和没有生命的义是同样不可思议的。 Este artículo comienza con un resumen de la visión de Missio Dei que Pablo ofrece a sus lectores en Roma, tomando como punto de partida la declaración de la tesis de Romanos 1: 16–17. El resto del artículo traza los temas pneumatológicos clave de la carta y los orienta en relación a esta visión global. La imagen que surge es una que pone de relieve la estrecha conexión entre el trabajo vivificante del Espíritu y la justicia salvífica manifestada en Cristo, proclamada en el Evangelio, y activa en la iglesia. Una vida sin rectitud y una justicia sin vida son, para Pablo, igualmente inconcenbibles. This article is in English.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-44 ◽  
Paul Mariani

This essay aims to present a detailed account of the restoration of the Catholic Church in Shanghai during 1979–1981 and then to explain how the arrests and suppression of Catholic leaders in late 1981 solidified the division between the official and underground Catholic churches. Two of the major factors that lead to the reemergence of the Shanghai Catholic underground community were the release and rehabilitation of veteran priests and other Catholic leaders and the dissemination of a 1978 Vatican decree that gave great latitude to the church, which was functioning in “difficult circumstances.” The essay ends with a discussion of current prospects of the Catholic Church in China.

Fundiswa A. Kobo

While it cannot be denied that the 16th-century Reformation, which challenged papal authority and questioned the Catholic Church’s ability to define Christian moral practice in a just manner, indeed came with deep and lasting political changes, it remained a male-dominated discourse. The Reformation was arguably patriarchal and points to a patriarchal culture of subordination and oppression of women that prevailed then and is still pertinent in the church and all spheres of society today. The absence of Elmina and the silenced yet loud voices and cries from the female dungeons below a Dutch Reformed Church in the upper levels of the castle in the retelling of the narrative of the Reformation leaves much to be desired and has a bearing on how black women perceive the Reformation 500 years later. The article thus problematises the Reformation through the heuristic eyes of Elmina Castle in Ghana as the genesis of the ‘dungeoning’ of black women justified by faith. The article argues that black women are reformers from the dungeons following the historical experience of reformation and the Reformed faith as racist and sexist, among other ills experienced by blacks in the Global South, with black women literally kept in the dungeons below a Reformed Church building as they were in Elmina with a biblical inscription, Psalm 138, on the threshold of its main door. This article thus points to irreconcilable contradictions maintained by the Reformed faith that continues to bury black women in the ‘dungeons’ even today. The enfleshment of black bodies in the dungeons of the Elmina Castle underneath a Reformed Church building is seen as the historical and heuristic starting point of engaging Reformed faith from a womanist perspective.

2019 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-32
Dale T. Irvin

In his 1998 article titled “God Inside Out: Toward a Missionary Theology of the Holy Spirit,” Stephen Bevans referred to Johannes Hoekendijk’s 1964 publication The Church Inside Out as his starting point. This article follows Bevans’s lead in exploring Hoekendijk’s legacy and contribution to theology and mission today. At key points I draw the connection of Hoekendijk’s thinking with that of Bevans, highlighting in the end the manner in which they both agree that the church itself is not of ultimate importance to God, but the world into which the Spirit still sends us in mission.

Ecclesiology ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-186
Jakob Egeris Thorsen

On the background of sociological and theological analyses of the transformations of the religious field and of the Roman Catholic Church in Latin America, this article sketches a proposal for a practical ecclesiology. This ecclesiology understands the church as a dynamic field of tension between priestly, prophetic and diaconal expressions. These fundamental expressions of the church parallel Christ’s threefold role as King, high priest and prophet. Combining P. Bourdieu’s theory of the religious field with N. M. Healy’s call for a practical-prophetical ecclesiology, the article argues that the changes in the Roman Catholic Church in Latin America can be understood as a re-articulation of the church’s prophetic and diaconal dimensions. The apparent disorder and tension hereby created can in fact be the starting point for a constructive, practical ecclesiology, which is able to make sense of the often disharmonious character of ecclesial life.

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