scholarly journals Speech-Integrated ICT, a communication aid for the People with disability …a special step towards “Digital India”

Think India ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (5) ◽  
pp. 338-341
D. Sindhuja

Disability studies provoke a clear and consistently thought provoking portrayal of differently abled people. Nowadays, people with disability face many problems in their day-to-day life. All people have their own dreams to achieve something special in this world. Likewise, the people with disabilities also have some dreams. The novel,The Incomplete by VaibhavKolhe deals with the difficulties and the challenges undergone by the protagonist in his life. The protagonist narrates several incidents from his childhood to his adolescence. He faces a lot of struggles in his life because of his physical disability. Even in his love, he fails because of expressing his inner emotions. This novel mainly depicts the fact that how the protagonist accepts his disability as a challenge and how he overcomes his weakness. The present paper focuses on the sufferings and reactions of a differently abled man and how he adapts to the environment and the people in the substandard society.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
Elnaz Esfandfard ◽  
Mohammad Hussaini Wahab ◽  
Rohayah Che Amat

Urban public spaces play important role in providing good quality of life to the people living in the city. This is in line with the social goal on sustainable development, which the purpose is to attain a higher social equity. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 15% of global population are disabled. During the eight-year war between Iran and Iraq, many of the victims in Iran were left disabled. The war left many people injured and this has significantly increased the impairment rate. Amongst the problems faced by people with disability in Tehran are difficulty traveling in the city, lack of public facilities and accessibility to particular facilities such as urban public spaces. This study first sought a definition of urban public spaces and Universal Design, and then finding solution for increasing interaction of people with disability in urban public spaces through Universal Design approach. This research was based on applied theory and qualitative method of field observation was engaged. One of the city district in Tehran was chosen for a case study. Based on the findings, urban design methods and solutions were suggested to increase the interaction and comfort of disabled people in urban public spaces.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Abdullah Fikri

This paper focuses on the disability in the context of inclusive democracy that is based on the prophetic values. There are two terms used in this paper. First, inclusive democracy; this term asserts that the people with disability are not the object in a social and political system, conversely, the people with disability are positioned as the subject in citizenship. The people with disability are part of the political system and society and they have the rights to engage and compete in the political practices. Second, “prophetic values” that refers to the elaboration of disability studies and Islamic studies, where the later is related to the earlier. Disability studies with the prophetic social science are prominent as a social transformation in order to get a better humanist and transcendence understanding of disability in the local context of Indonesia. The result of this study shows that the inclusive democracy, in terms of Indonesian local context, is constructed by four prophetic values: humanism, liberation, transcendence and inclusive society.[Tulisan ini akan membahas difabilitas dalam konteks demokrasi inklusif berbasis nilai-nilai profetik. Ada dua term yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini. Pertama, “demokrasi inklusif”; term ini ingin menegaskan bahwa difabel bukan lagi sebagai orang yang hanya dijadikan objek saja, akan tetapi kaum difabel diposisikan sebagai subjek warganegara. Dengan kata lain, kaum difabel merupakan bagian dari entitas sistem politik dan sistem masyarakat, yang memiliki hak untuk ikut serta dalam kompetisi politik praktis. Kedua, “nilai-nilai profetik”; sebagai elaborasi kajian difabilitas dan studi Islam, maka penting melakukan interelasi antara difabilitas dengan nilai-nilai profetik. Kajian disabilitas dengan Ilmu Sosial Profetik (ISP), sebagai upaya melakukan transformasi sosial, agar  didapatkan sebuah pemahaman yang lebih humanis-transenden terhadap kaum difabel dalam konteks ke-Indonesiaan. Adapun hasil dari kajian ini adalah bahwa demokrasi inklusif berbasis paradigma profetik dalam konteks ke-Indonesiaan, dikonstruksi atas empat pilar, yaitu nilai humanisasi, liberasi, transendensi, dan masyarakat inklusif.]

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 79
Lady Denisse Sánchez Palma ◽  
Cristina Beatriz Macías Mendoza

El presente trabajo manifiesta en su introducción, cómo el proceso de inclusión educativa en nivel superior ha mejorado en los últimos años. En el desarrollo de este artículo se presentan los conceptos de discapacidad y toma énfasis en los procesos que el Ecuador tiene para promover la inclusión a la educación; Se analiza el estado de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí y su progreso en la educación. Como parte fundamental, el artículo brinda un protocolo para la atención e inclusión de personas con discapacidad y uso de los tics para mejorar la enseñanza. En el artículo manifiesta como conclusión, la importancia de la inclusión a la educación de personas con discapacidad y cómo el profesor juega un papel importante es éste ideal. PALABRAS CLAVE: Discapacidad; Inclusion; educación. FACILITATORS FOR THE TEACHING AND CARE OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ABSTRACT This work shows in its introduction how the inclusion process had been improving better over the recently years. During the development of this article are shown the disability concepts emphasizing about the process promoted by Ecuador about the inclusion of the education; was analyzed the status of the “Universidad Técnica de Manabí” and its progress in the education. As a fundamental part, this article offers a protocol for the attention and inclusion of the people with disability and gadgets for improving the act of teaching. It´s expressed a conclusion of the importance of the inclusion of the education of the people with disability and how the teacher plays an important role on this ideal. KEYWORDS: Disability; Inclusion; education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
Elnaz Esfandfard ◽  
Mohammad Hussaini Wahab ◽  
Rohayah Che Amat

Urban public spaces play important role in providing good quality of life to the people living in the city. This is in line with the social goal on sustainable development, which the purpose is to attain a higher social equity. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 15% of global population are disabled. During the eight-year war between Iran and Iraq, many of the victims in Iran were left disabled. The war left many people injured and this has significantly increased the impairment rate. Amongst the problems faced by people with disability in Tehran are difficulty traveling in the city, lack of public facilities and accessibility to particular facilities such as urban public spaces. This study first sought a definition of urban public spaces and Universal Design, and then finding solution for increasing interaction of people with disability in urban public spaces through Universal Design approach. This research was based on applied theory and qualitative method of field observation was engaged. One of the city district in Tehran was chosen for a case study. Based on the findings, urban design methods and solutions were suggested to increase the interaction and comfort of disabled people in urban public spaces.

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