2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Puthut Megantoro

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan guna mengetahui kelayakan multimedia interaktif RMR yang dikembangkan sebagai media pendeteksi dan pereduksi miskonsepsi materi redoks menggunakan strategi Conceptual change text (CCT). Kelayakan media dinilai dari tiga aspek yaitu : 1) Aspek validitas media yang meliputi validitas isi dan konstruk, 2) Aspek kepraktisan media yang dinilai dari angket respon siswa dan observasi aktivitas siswa, 3) Aspek keefektifan media yang diketahui dari nilai pergeseran konsep siswa dari miskonsepsi menjadi tahu konsep. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development (R&D). Subjek penelitiannya adalah 16 siswa kelas XII IPA SMAN 1 Papar Kediri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa multimedia interaktif RMR layak digunakan untuk mereduksi miskonsepsi siswa pada materi redoks. Kelayakan dibuktikan dengan hasil penilaian dari tiga aspek kelayakan sebagai berikut : 1) Rata-rata persentase validitas isi adalah 94,72% dan rata-rata persentase validitas konstruk adalah 92,78% kedua validitas dikategorikan sangat valid 2) Rata-rata persentase kepraktisan dari angket respon siswa adalah 98,44% dan dari observasi aktivitas siswa adalah 88,89% keduanya dikategorikan sangat praktis, 3) Keefektifan media berdasarkan hasil pergeseran konsep siswa mendapatkan persentase pergeseran konsep siswa sebesar 86,29% dan dikategorikan sangat efektif. Kata kunci : Multimedia Interaktif RMR, Miskonsepsi, Redoks, Conceptual change text. Abstract: This study aims to determine the feasibility of RMR interactive multimedia developed to detect and reduce misconceptions in redox material using Conceptual Change Text (CCT) strategy. Media feasibility is reviewed from three aspects, namely : 1) Media validity that includes content and constructs validity, 2) Practicality of the media, which is assessed from the questionnaire of student response and observation of student activities, and 3) The effectiveness of the media, which is known from the shifting concept of students from misconception into knowing the concept. This study used the Research and Development (R&D) method with the research subjects were 16 students of 12th grade at Senior High School 1 Papar Kediri. This study showed that RMR multimedia interactive is feasible to reduce students' misconceptions in redox material. The feasibility is proven by the assessment results of the three aspects of feasibility as follows: 1) The average percentage of content validity is 94.72%, and the average percentage of construct validity is 92.78% both of validity are categorized as very valid, 2) The practicality of the media reviewed from the student response questionnaire gets a percentage score of 98.44%, and observation of student activities with a percentage of 88.89% both are categorized as very practical, 3) The effectiveness of media reviewed from the results of shifting student concepts gets a percentage of 86.29% with a very effective category. Keywords : RMR Interactive Multimedia, Misconception, Redox, Conceptual Change Text.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 387-396
Zainab Zainab ◽  
Sukarmin Sukarmin

Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan pengembangan software anti mischem sebagai media untuk mereduksi miskonsepsi peserta didik dalam materi hidrolisis garam dengan strategi conceptual change text. Kelayakan software anti mischem ditinjau dari tiga aspek yaitu (1) validitas isi dan validitas konstruk software anti mischem yang ditentukan dari hasil validasi oleh validator (2) kepraktisan software anti mischem yang ditentukan dari hasil respon peserta didik dan didukung dengan hasil observasi aktivitas peserta didik (3) keefektifan software anti mischem yang ditentukan dari pergeseran pemahaman konsep peserta didik dari miskonsepsi menjadi paham konsep. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development (R&D). Subyek penelitian yang digunakan berjumlah 15 peserta didik kelas XI IPA SMAN 1 Krembung Sidoarjo. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh persentase rata-rata hasil validasi isi sebesar 84,44% dan validasi konstruk sebesar 82,74% yang masuk dalam kriteria sangat valid. Hasil persentase rata-rata respon peserta didik sebesar 92,59% dan observasi aktivitas peserta didik sebesar 92,50% yang masuk dalam kriteria sangat praktis. Hasil pergeseran pemahaman konsep peserta didik diperoleh rata-rata sebesar 83,65% yang masuk dalam kriteria sangat efektif, sehingga dapat disimpulkan software anti mischem yang telah dikembangkan dapat dinyatakan layak sebagai media untuk mereduksi miskonsepsi peserta didik pada materi hidrolisis garam dengan menggunakan strategi conceptual change text. Kata Kunci: Software Anti Mischem, Reduksi Miskonsepsi, Hidrolisis Garam, Conceptual Change Text. Abstract Research development aims to determine the feasibility of developing anti- mischem software as a medium to reduce students misconceptions in hydrolysis of salt with conceptual change text strategies. Feasibility anti-mischem software in terms of three aspects that is: (1) content validity and construct validity of antimischem software from the results of validation by the validator, (2) practicability of anti-mischem software determined by the outcome of student response and supported by observation result of students’ activities, (3) the effectiveness of anti-mischem software is determined from the shift in students’ understanding of concepts from misconceptions to understanding concepts. This study using a method of Research and Development (R&D). Research subject used were 15 students 11th grade science at SMAN 1 Krembung Sidoarjo. The results of the research that have been done, obtained an average percentage of the results of content validation of 84,44% and construct validation of 82,74% which fall into the very valid criteria. The results of the average percentange of students responses of 92,59% and observations of student activities of 92,50% which fall into very practical criteria. The results of the shift in understanding the concept of students obtained an average of 83,65% which is included in the criteria very effective, so it can be concluded that anti-mischem software that has been developed can be declared as a medium to reduce the student misconceptions on hydrolysis of salt using conceptual change text strategy. Keywords: Software Anti Mischem, Reduce Misconception, Hydrolysis of Salt, Conceptual Change Text.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 427-436
Fikri Sugiyantoro ◽  
Sukarmin Sukarmin

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan software anti mischem yang dikembangkan untuk mereduksi miskonsepsi pada materi asam basa kelas 11 dengan menggunakan stratgei conceptual chnage text. Kelayakan sebuah software dapat ditinjau tiga aspek, meliputi (1) Validitas dapat ditunjukan dengan validasi isi dan validasi konstruk, (2) Kepraktisan dapat ditunjukan dengan hasil angket respon siswa yang didukung dengan hasil obesrvasi aktivitas siswa, (3) Keefektifan dapat ditunjukan dengan hasil pergeseran konsepsi siswa dari miskonsepsi menjadi paham konsep. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu metode Research and Development (R&D) yang dikembangkan oleh Sugiyono, dengan subjek 15 siswa SMAN 1 Krembung yang mempunyai persentase miskonsepsi tertinggi. Hasil penelitian yang dipeoleh menunjukan bahwa software dinyakatakan layak untuk mereduksi miskonsepsi siswa dalam materi asam basa dengan ditunjukannya perolehan validasi isi mendapatkan persentase rata–rata sebesar 84,63% dan validasi konstruk memperoleh 82,22%, kepraktisan dari hasil angket respon siswa mendapat rata–rata persentase sebesar 78,33% dan obsevasi aktivitas siswa mendapat rata-rata persentase 85,83%, serta keefektifan bisa ditunjukan dengan hasil pergeseran konsepsi siswa yang awalnya miskonsepsi menjadi paham konsep mendapatkan rata-rata persentase 85,52%. Kata kunci : Software Anti Mischem, Miskonsepsi, Conceptual Change Text, Asam Basa. Abstract The aims of this research are to know the feasibility of software anti mischem developed to reduce misconceptions material acid-base in 11th grade by using conceptual change text strategy. The feasibility of software can be reviewed in three aspects, including (1) Validity can be reviewed from the content validation and construct validation, (2) Practicality can be demonstrated by the results of student response questionnaires that are supported by the results of student activity observation, (3) Effectiveness can be demonstrated by the results of students' conception shifts from misconception to conceptual understanding. The method used in the research is the Research and Development (R&D) method by Sugiyono, with the subject of 15 high school students 1 Krembung who has the highest percentage of misconceptions. The results obtained showed that the software was said to be feasible for reducing students misconception in acid-base material by demonstrating the content validation getting an average percentage of 84.76% and the construct validation of getting 82.22%, the practicality of the results of the student questionnaire responses getting an average percentage of 78.33% and observing the activities of students getting an average the percentage of 85.83%, as well as effectiveness can be demonstrated by results the conception shift of students who initially misconception into understanding the concept of getting an average percentage of 85.52%. Keywords: Software Anti-Mischem, Misconception, Conceptual Change Text, Acid-Base.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 423
Rizky Amallia Prastika ◽  
Sukarmin Sukarmin

Misconceptions often occur, especially in chemical material like stoichiometry which are full of abstract concepts. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of mistion software to detect and reduce misconceptions in stoichiometric material with conceptual change text strategy. This research was conducted using the Research and Development (R&D) method with 15 students of SMAN 1 Gedangan as research subjects. Software is developed using Adobe Flash CS 6 with action script 3.0. The software's feasibility is viewed from the validity practicality, and effectiveness. The data analysis results show that 1) the software is very valid with the average result of content validation is 93.52%, and the construct validation is 91.82%. 2) The software is very practical, with an average result of student response questionnaires is 95.28% and supported with the average result of student observations is 85%. 3) Software is effective with the average result of misconception shift for sub-concept basic chemical law is 77.27% with effective category, sub-concept of reaction equation is 85.05% with very effective category, and sub-concept of mole is 73,72% with effective category. Based on the result, we can conclude that mistion software is feasible to detect and reduce students' misconception.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 36-47
Alvira Dwi Yanti ◽  
Sukarmin Sukarmin

This research aims to determine the feasibility of software HIDROKSI to detect and reduce students' misconceptions using a conceptual change text strategy on salt hydrolysis. This research used the Research & Development (R&D) method with 3rd grade SMAN 1 Krian’s student as a subject. The instruments used are student response questionnaires and student activity observations. Software HIDROKSI was developed using the Adobe Flash CS6 Action Script 3.0. The results analyzed using the quantitative descriptive method are as follows: (1) Software HIDROKSI isvalid with an average percentage of content validation is 86.67% and construct validation is 86.22% (2) The practicability of software HIDROKSI is very practical with an average percentage of student response questionnaire results is 96.61% (3) The effectiveness of software HIDROKSI in detecting and reducing student’s misconceptions is very effective with an average percentage of students' shift in conceptions from misconceptions to knowing concepts is 86.34%.

Bagus Ginanjar ◽  
Apri Utami Parta Santi

This research is motivated by the difficulty of students in working on thematic questions and the lack of appropriate evaluation media for thematic learning. The aim is to develop a media for evaluating the learning practices of thematic learning theme 6 sub themes 1 about my ideals and knowing the level of student response to the media developed based on the media validation questionnaire, material, language and questionnaire for small and large groups of students. This research was conducted at SDN PONDOK BETUNG 02 Pondok Aren with the research subjects consisted of 4 students for the small group test and 16 students for the large group test. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D). development procedures used by researchers refer to the Borg and Gall research model. The instrument used was a questionnaire. Pelatik learning media on thematic learning theme 6 sub themes 1 about my ideals have gone through a revision stage based on the suggestions and input from 4 validators namely 2 material experts, 1 media expert and 1 linguist. The results of the study were obtained namely 1) this learning media has gone through the stages of development to the validation test and was declared valid with a score of 85.33% with a very decent category; 2) based on the data obtained from the questionnaire students' responses to the media developed got very good responses with a score of 98.4%. The results of this study are expected to help teachers and students in the learning process and make students more interested in working on problems in thematic learning.   Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh adanya kesulitan siswa dalam mengerjakan soal tematik dan kurangnya media evaluasi yang sesuai untuk pembelajaran tematik. Tujuannya untuk mengembangkan media evaluasi pembelajaran pelatik pada pembelajaran tematik tema 6 sub tema 1 tentang cita-citaku dan mengetahui tingkat respon siswa terhadap media yang dikembangkan berdasarkan angket validasi media, materi, bahasa serta angket uji coba kelompok kecil dan besar siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SDN PONDOK BETUNG 02 Pondok Aren dengan subjek penelitian siswa berjumlah 4 siswa untuk uji kelompok kecil dan 16 siswa untuk uji kelompok besar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D). prosedur pengembangan yang digunakan peneliti mengacu pada model penelitian Borg and Gall. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket. Media pembelajaran pelatik pada pembelajaran tematik tema 6 sub tema 1 tentang cita-citaku  ini telah melalui tahap revisi berdasarkan saran dan masukan dari 4 validator yaitu  2 ahli materi, 1 ahli media dan 1 ahli bahasa. Hasil dari penelitian diperoleh yaitu 1) media pembelajaran ini telah melalui tahapan pengembangan sampai uji validasi dan dinyatakan valid dengan skor 85,33% dengan kategori sangat layak; 2) berdasarkan berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari angket respon siswa pada media yang dikembangkan mendapat respon sangat baik dengan skor 98,4%. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu guru dan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran dan membuat siswa lebih tertarik dalam mengerjakan soal dalam pembelajaran tematik.   Kata Kunci: Media evaluasi pembelajaran, pelatik, pembelajaran tematik    

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 344-353
Nabila Yuniar Mandasari ◽  
Sukarmin Sukarmin

Penelitian pengembangan ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengembangkan software anti chemmisco sebagaimedia pendeteksi dan pereduksi miskonsepsi peserta didik dengan strategi conceptual change text padamateri laju reaksi. Pengembangan software ini ditinjau berdasarkan kelayakan software dari tiga kriteria.Kelayakan software yang dikembangkan ditinjau dari validitas, kepraktisan dan keefektifan. Metode yangdigunakan dalam pengembangan software ini yaitu metode Research and Development (R&D). Uji cobaterbatas dilakukan dengan subyek 15 peserta didik di SMA Negeri 1 Krembung Sidoarjo. Hasil daripenelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa software dikatakan layak digunakan sebagai mediapendeteksi dan pereduksi miskonsepsi peserta didik dalam materi laju reaksi. Hal ini dibuktikan denganhasil dari validasi isi yang mendapatkan persentase rata-rata sebesar 94,65% dan validasi konstrukmemperoleh 91,99% dimana termasuk kategori sangat valid. Kepraktisan dari hasil angket respon pesertadidik termasuk kategori sangat praktis dengan persentase rata-rata sebesar 96% dan aktivitas peserta didiksebesar 100% dengan kriteria sangat praktis. Keefektifan ditinjau dari hasil pergeseran atau perubahankonsepsi peserta didik dari miskonsepsi menjadi paham konsep termasuk kategori sangat efektif denganpersentase rata-rata sebesar 91,64%.Kata kunci: Software Anti Chemmisco, Conceptual change text, Laju Reaksi.AbstractThis research development has the aim to develop an anti chemmisco software as a medium for detectingand reducing misunderstandings students with conceptual text change strategies in reaction rate material.Software development is reviewed based on the proprietary software of the three criteria.. The methodused in this software development is a method of research and development (R&D). Limited trials wereconducted with the subject of 15 students in Senior High School 1 Krembung Sidoarjo. The resultsobtained indicate that the software is said to be suitable for use as a medium for detecting and reducingstudent’s misconceptions in the material reaction rate. This is evidenced by the results of validation ofcontent to get the average percentage of 94.65% and 91.99% construct validation categorized obtain veryvalid. Practicality results of the student questionnaire responses included very practical category with anaverage percentage of 96% and student activity 100% with very practical criteria.. The effectiveness interms of outcomes of major shifts in student's conceptions of misunderstanding understand the concept,including the category of very effective with an average percentage of 91.64%.Keywords: Anti Chemmisco Software, Conceptual change text, Reaction Rate

Nurul Arfinanti

Abstract:The aim of this study is to develop media for learning using Scilab and Latex in Numerical Methods course. Numerical methods is a course which use a lot of numerical symbol. Scilab is used to solve a numerical problem, and Latex is used to write subject matter with a lot of numerical symbols. This study use Research and Development (R&D) models by Thiagarajan which compreised in three steps: defining, designing, and developing. The data were collect from two expert in content, two expert in media for learning, and 11 responses from students. Data were analyzed using qualitative method. The results of this study showed that the media for learning has fulfilled the criteria of the quality determined. This is based on the results of the assessment of content’s experts which get percentage of idealism score 94,53 (very good), the results of the assessment of media for learning’s experts which get percentage of idealism score 86,46 (very good), student response results with an average percentage of idealization score of 89.325 (very good), and students had fulfilled lesson learnead which designed.Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran matakuliah Metode Numerik dengan implementasi Scilab berbantuan software Latex. Metode Numerik merupakan matakuliah yang banyak melibatkan simbol dan angka tetapi belum tersedia media pembelajarannya. Inovasi yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini berupa penggunaan freeware Scilab dan Latex dalam pembuatan media pembelajarannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan  metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) yang dikembangkan oleh Thiagarajan, yang meliputi tahap define (pendefinisian), design (perancangan), dan develop (pengembangan). Data dikumpulkan dari dua orang ahli materi, dua orang ahli media, dan respon dari 11 mahasiswa. Analisis data menggunakan teknik deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan telah memenuhi kriteria kualitas yang ditetapkan. Hal ini didasarkan pada hasil penilaian dari ahli materi yang memperoleh persentase keidealan skor rata-rata 94,53 (sangat baik), hasil penilaian dari ahli media yang memperoleh persentase keidealan skor rata-rata 86,46 (sangat baik), hasil respon mahasiswa dengan persentase keidealan rata-rata skor sebesar 89,325 (sangat baik), serta penguasaan mahasiswa terhadap capaian pembelajaran telah dinyatakan lulus semuanya (nilai minimal 65 dan rata-rata 80,82).

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 1727
Sukarmin Sukarmin

This study aims to describe the feasibility of interactive multimedia and the developed kits, the activities of students, the understanding of students' concepts, and students' responses. Interactive multimedia and kits were developed with Writing to Learn strategies. Feasibility criteria consist of content, presentation, language, and graphics. This type of research was developed with the Research and Development (R & D) method. The research subjects are interactive multimedia and developed kits. The research instruments consisted of validation sheets, student activity observation sheets, concept understanding test sheets, and student response questionnaire sheets. Data sources were obtained from chemistry lecturers, Special Education lecturers, Special School teachers, and five students from Blitar State Special Junior High School. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results of the study show that interactive multimedia and kits are very feasible to be used as learning media with a percentage of eligibility ≥ 61%. Percentage of students student activities were in range 66,66% - 100% for each activities. Students’ score and Students’ concept understanding were increased after trial. The results of student responses indicate that interactive multimedia and kits get a positive response because they get a percentage of  ≥ 61% for each aspects.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-176
Kusumawati Dwiningsih ◽  
NFn Sukarmin ◽  
NFn Muchlis ◽  
Pipit Tri Rahma

This research and development aims to develop appropriate virtual laboratory-based chemical instructional media in the subject matter of Chemical Elements. The feasibility of chemical instructional media is based on two criteria, namely media validity based on the results of the validator's assessment and media practicality based on the results of the student response questionnaire and observation of student activities. The type of research used is Borg & Gall's research and development (R & D) and carried out in four steps, namely; investigation and data collection, planning, initial development of product formats, and initial trials. The research instruments used in this research were media review sheets, media validation sheets, student response questionnaires, and student activity observation sheets. The results show that; the media were declared valid with a very valid validity category and a validity percentage of ≥61%; The media is stated to be practical based on student response questionnaires in term of students' interest in the media were 98% and 93.33% in term of convenience understanding and use, while the results of student observation show an activity of 88.75%. Based on the results of this research, the virtual laboratory-based chemistry instructional media are feasible to be used as in the subject matter of Chemical Elements.ABSTRAKPenelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran kimia berbasis laboratorium virtual yang layak pada materi pokok Kimia Unsur. Kelayakan media pembalajaran didasarkan pada 2 kriteria yaitu validitas media berdasarkan hasil penilaian validator dan kepraktisan media berdasarkan hasil angket respon siswa dan observasi aktivitas siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) Borg & Gall dan dilakukan dalam empat langkah yaitu; penyelidikan dan pengumpulan data, perencanaan, pengembangan awal format produk, dan uji coba awal. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah lembar telaah media, lembar validasi media, angket respon siswa, dan lembar observasi aktivitas siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa; media dinyatakan valid dengan kategori sangat valid dan presentase kevalidan ≥61%; Media dinyatakan praktis berdasarkan angket respon siswa dalam hal ketertarikan siswa terhadap media diperoleh presentase 98% dan 93,33% dalam hal kemudahan pemahaman dan penggunaan, sementara hasil observasi aktivitas siswa sebesar 88,75%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, maka media pembelajaran berbasis laboratorium virtual layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran pada materi pokok Kimia Unsur.

Wenny Anggraeni ◽  
Syahnan Daulay ◽  
M. Oky Ferdian Gafari

The media serves to direct students to gain various learning experiences. The aim of this study is to know the feasibility of interactive multimedia development in children' story of character education-based. Sources of data in this study were obtained from: 1) Respondents: 7th grade students of Junior High School Panca Budi Medan which amount to 23 students, 2) Informants: validators, students and Indonesian language teachers of Junior High School Panca Budi Medan. The results of the feasibility of learning media validation by instructional media design experts was declared "very good" The assessment of the content feasibility aspect was declared "very good" with a total average percentage of 91%. The assessment of the presentation feasibility was declared "very good" with a total average percentage of 83%. The assessment of the graphic feasibility was declared "good" with a total average percentage of 77%.

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