Yuliia Kukovynets ◽  
Vladyslava Akkurt ◽  
Olena Velychenko

The article reveals the concept of comic effect, its types, techniques in fiction, as well as their differential features. In order to conduct a deep analysis of humor, the means of its transmission were identified and analyzed, that is, stylistic figures and artistic tropes. The author of the scientific paper revealed the essence of translation transformations, substantiated their role in conveying the comic effect in the literary text for children and adult readers, and also analyzed the features of conveying the comic effect using translation lexical, lexicalsemantic, grammatical, complex lexico-grammatical transformations and translation techniques.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-22
Ismail Yusuf Panessai ◽  
Dedy Iskandar ◽  
Afriani ◽  
Pratiwi ◽  
Eddy Effendi

Penerjemahan berperanan penting dalam sebuah komunikasi. Penerjemahan adalah serangkaian tindakan analitis terhadap teks sumber (TSu) untuk dialihbahasakan kedalam teks sasaran (TSa) yang sepadan sehingga menghasilkan terjemahan yang baik dan dapat di mengerti oleh pembaca. Penerjemahan tidak hanya sekedar mengubah kata, tetapi juga mentransfer kesepadanan budaya dengan budaya bahasa TSu dan penerima bahasa tersebut dengan sebaik-baiknya. Salah satu naskah yang selalu menggunakan proses penerjemahan adalah adalah abstrak. Abstrak bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran umum tentang isi sebuah tulisan karya ilmiah. Karya ilmiah ini merupakan studi kasus penerjemahan abstrak artikel yang diterbitkan di International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJAI) pada Terbitan 6(1) tahun 2019. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan proses penerjemahan yang dilakukan pada teks sumber (TSu) ke dalam teks sasaran (TSa) untuk menghasilkan terjemahan yang sepadan dan juga metode atau teknik yang muncul dalam penerjemahan teks sumber (TSu) kedalam teks sasaran (TSa). Dari penelitian yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam proses penerjemahan yang dilakukan pada teks sumber (TSu) ke dalam teks sasaran (TSa) harus mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor yang terkandung di dalam teks tersebut agar mendapatkan hasil terjemahan yang sepadan dan dapat difahami dengan baik oleh pembaca. Faktor utama yang sangat mendukung adalah bahwa penerjemah harus mengetahui istilah-istilah dalam TSu dan memahami penggunaan istilah tersebut sehingga penerjemah bisa dengan mudah menerjemahkan naskah TSu ke dalam TSa. Selain itu, teknik penerjemahan yang banyak digunakan dalam kedua naskah adalah teknik transposisi, teknik meminjam kata baik murni maupun dengan perubahan serta teknik adaptasi dan calque.   Analysis of Translation Techniques in the journal abstract of IJAI 6(1) Abstract: Translation plays an important role in communication. Translation is a series of analytical actions on the source text (TSU) to be translated into equivalent target text (TSA) so as to produce a good translation and can be understood by the reader. Translation does not just change the word, but also transfers the cultural correspondence to the culture of the TSu language and its recipient as best as possible. One of the texts that always uses the translation process is an abstract. Abstract aims to provide an overview of the contents of a scientific paper. This scientific work is a case study of translating article abstracts published in the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJAI) in Issue 6 (1) in 2019. The purpose of this research is to describe the translation process carried out on the source text (TSu) into the target text (TSa) to produce an equivalent translation and also the methods or techniques that appear in the translation of the source text (TSu) into the target text (TSa). From the research conducted, it can be concluded that in the translation process carried out on the source text (TSu) into the target text (TSa) must consider the factors contained in the text in order to get a translation result that is equivalent and can be well understood by readers. The main factor that is very supportive is that the translator must know the terms in TSu and understand the use of these terms so that the translator can easily translate the TSu script into TSa. In addition, the translation techniques that are widely used in the two texts are transposition techniques, techniques for borrowing words both pure and with changes as well as adaptation and calque techniques. Keywords: Abstract, Translation Technique, Journal, TSu ≈ TSa.

Цзин Ли ◽  
Татьяна Николаевна Бурукина

Исследуются особенности перевода языковой игры русскоязычных произведений на китайский язык. Цель работы заключается в выявлении основных подходов к переводу игры слов в «классическом» современном романе В. Пелевина «Generation “П”» на китайский язык. Анализируемый материал представлен примерами из романа и его перевода, определяющиеся поэтикой различных названий; звучанием слоганов; обращением к текстам знаковых песен; обыгрыванием английской графики, английских выражений в русском культурном контексте; «обращенностью» к классике, ее крылатым выражениям. На основе проведенного анализа было установлено, что особенности передачи игры слов при переводе художественного текста с русского языка на китайский обусловлены целым рядом переводческих приемов и методов (в т.ч. замены, добавления и пр.), позволяющих представить «игровую» постмодернистскую эстетику, построенную по принципам интертекста. Материалы исследования могут служить основой для разработки переводческих соответствий в языковой паре русский-китайский. The article dwells upon the features of the translation of the language game from Russian into Chinese. The purpose of this work is to identify the main approaches to the translation of wordplay in the “classic” postmodern novel by V. Pelevin “Generation “P” into Chinese. Examples from the novel and its translation, determined by the poetics of various names, were used as the analyzed material; sounding slogans; referring to the texts of iconic songs; playing with English graphics, English expressions in the Russian cultural context; “appeal” to the classics, its catchphrases. Based on the analysis, it was found that the peculiarities of the transfer of wordplay when translating a literary text from Russian into Chinese are due to a number of translation techniques and methods (including replacements, additions, etc.) that allow us to present “playful” postmodern aesthetics which are built on the principles of intertext. Research materials can serve as a basis for the development of translation equivalents in the Russian-Chinese language pair.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (193) ◽  
pp. 99-104
Olena Panchenko ◽  

The article deals with the problem of researching translation of scientific paper titles, which includes consideration of the title as a specific type of concise text and translation of scientific and technical terminology. Both aspects are relevant at the time of rapidly increasing information flows and the development of various technologies and scientific challenges. The main sources of typical translation problems are incorrect reproduction of ambiguous common vocabulary, abbreviations, "false friends of the translator", paronyms, pseudo-internationalisms, foreign words and terms, various proper names and titles. Problems of translating titles are studied in a number of linguistic works. S. Barkhudarov, G. A Weikhman, O. M. Kovalenko, D. Bieber, and others made a significant contribution to the development of the problem. But, in our opinion, there are still unresolved issues, in particular, one of them - lexical problems of title translation and means of overcoming them. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to analyze the means of translation of scientific vocabulary in the titles in order to establish their expediency or inexpediency. The main translation techniques for lexical items are calquing, addition, omission, concretization, generalization and compensation. It can be noted that this type of translation of names requires not only linguistic, but also scientific and technical, and journalistic knowledge. Knowledge and correct use of the above translation methods will help to avoid incorrect transmission of English vocabulary in the Ukrainian language, as well as distortion of the logical content. The translation of the titles of English popular science articles is a complex but interesting process, which, in principle, is a careful work on many lexical and grammatical difficulties. The title, like a mirror, reflects all the difficulties of translating English text.

Natalya Zhmayeva ◽  
Olena Blidar

The article is devoted to the analysis of translation techniques of English lexical colloquialisms into Ukrainian. Lexical colloquialisms are widely represented in the modern fiction that is caused by the tendency to maximal naturalness. Artistic relevance of lexical colloquialisms in a literary text (imitation and stylization of colloquial speech, characteristics of a hero, his / her attitude to the reality) proves the importance of their adequate rendering in the target text. The degree of ethical depth serves as a criterion for singling out the categories of lexical colloquialisms. The lowest degree is attributed to general colloquialisms, the highest one to vulgarisms and the medium degree to slangisms. Stylistic equivalent, descriptive translation, compensation, omission, cause and effect substitution, generalization, antonymic translation, addition are proved to be the main techniques of translating lexical colloquialisms. Significant neutralization of stylistically reduced words in the Ukrainian translation is revealed. The degree of ethical depth of a considerable number of lexical correspondences is proved to be higher than the one of the units of the original text. Decrease of expressiveness (increase of the degree of ethical depth) is extremely evident when translating vulgarisms. Euphemisation of vulgarisms is applied by the translator three times more than disphemisation. The general number of the units of the lexical colloquialisms translated with the preservation of the degree of ethical depth makes 52,6 %, while decrease of the degree of the original ethical depth amounts to 8 % and increase of the related parameter makes 39,4 %. 19,5 % of the units of the English lexical colloquialisms are not rendered into Ukrainian at all. These facts prove distortion of the speech of the main hero caused by its artificial ennoblement.

2007 ◽  
Norbert Maionchi-Pino ◽  
Bruno De Cara ◽  
Annie Magnan ◽  
Jean Ecalle

CounterText ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 348-365 ◽  
Mario Aquilina

What if the post-literary also meant that which operates in a literary space (almost) devoid of language as we know it: for instance, a space in which language simply frames the literary or poetic rather than ‘containing’ it? What if the countertextual also meant the (en)countering of literary text with non-textual elements, such as mathematical concepts, or with texts that we would not normally think of as literary, such as computer code? This article addresses these issues in relation to Nick Montfort's #!, a 2014 print collection of poems that presents readers with the output of computer programs as well as the programs themselves, which are designed to operate on principles of text generation regulated by specific constraints. More specifically, it focuses on two works in the collection, ‘Round’ and ‘All the Names of God’, which are read in relation to the notions of the ‘computational sublime’ and the ‘event’.

2010 ◽  
Vol 12 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 337-314
ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad al-Shāmī

The question of clarifying the meaning of a given Arabic text is a subtle one, especially as high literature texts can often be read in more than one way. Arabic is rich in figurative language and this can lead to variety in meaning, sometimes in ways that either adhere closely or diverge far from the ‘original’ meaning. In order to understand a fine literary text in Arabic, one must have a comprehensive understanding of the issue of taʾwīl, and the concept that multiplicity of meaning does not necessarily lead to contradiction. This article surveys the opinions of various literary critics and scholars of balāgha on this issue with a brief discussion of the concepts of tafsīr and sharḥ, which sometimes overlap with taʾwīl.

2017 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-63
Benjamin Pickford

Benjamin Pickford, “Context Mediated: Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Political Economy of Plagiarism” (pp. 35–63) Context has long been a critical determiner of methodologies for literary studies, granting scholars the tools to make objective claims about a text’s political or economic relation to the situation of its genesis. This essay argues that Ralph Waldo Emerson anticipatively criticizes our commitment to such practices through his use of plagiarism—a literary mode that exemplifies the denial of the sovereignty of context. I focus on two core principles that underlie Emerson’s conception of literature’s civic role in Essays: Second Series (1844): first, that literature is driven by an impulse to decontextualize; second, that this means that it has a deep affinity with the deterritorializing logic of capital. Provocatively proposing Emerson as a theorist of the relation between literature and economics, I argue that Essays: Second Series shows how the literary text can negotiate its ineluctable culpability with capitalism, but this does not mean that it can presume to possess a privileged point of vantage that might deny such culpability. Given that this is precisely what much historicizing or contextualizing scholarship implies, I contend that Emerson gives us a case study in the limits of literature and criticism’s economic agency.

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