scholarly journals Fresh Fruit Bunch Quality Effects for Oil Loss and Crude Palm Oil Production with Sem Pls Analysis Method

Syufrianto et al., Syufrianto et al., ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-149
MA Awal ◽  
SS Tabriz

At present oil palm growers are facing problem to extract crude palm oil in Bangladesh. Processing of palm oil categorized into various forms but basic processing stages are essentially the same including harvesting, sterilization, bunch stripping, digestion, crushing, clarification and drying. Extracting of palm oil is very difficult by traditional method and oil recovery rate is very low. Although mechanical processing is costly but produces good quality Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and oil recovery rate is high. An electric motor operated oil palm crusher was designed and developed and tested in laboratory under the Department of Farm Power and Machinery, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh for processing of crude palm oil from fresh fruit bunch. The crusher was designed by using Auto-Cad software. It was fabricated according to design parameters. The major parts of the crusher were screw shaft, cylinder, hopper, hollow bars, pressure case cap, jamnut and frame which were fabricated by mild steel (MS), ball bearing, gear and pinion, line and idle shaft and spring were fabricated by carbon steel (CS) whereas driver and driven pulley were fabricated by cast iron(CI). Crusher was mounted on the frame. A 9 hp electric motor was used as a power source. Crusher was tested after fabrication and 3000 gm fresh fruits were used. About 700 gm crude palm oil, 800 gm oil cake, 1400 gm skum were collected from 2700 gm pretreated fruits. The crushing capacity and crude oil percentage of the crusher was 6.49 kg/hr and 25.93%, respectively. Rotating speed of screw was 40 rpm for smooth running. The weight of crusher was only 70 kg which is easy to operate by single person. The developed oil palm crusher may fulfill the demand of smallholder growers to extract oil from fresh fruit bunches. Progressive Agriculture 30 (1): 141-149, 2019

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-75
Mohd Zulfahmi Mohd Yusoff

Malaysia is the world’s second largest producer of palm oil after Indonesia. There are six main processes in most commercial palm oil production. In harvesting, the collection of loose fruit is an important process because the loose fruit contain the highest percentage of oil compared to fresh fruit bunch. Thus, the loose fruit collection process needs to be taken into consideration. In order to properly manage the collection of clean loose fruit, there is a need for a loose fruit-collecting machine that can collect the loose fruit efficiently. In this paper, a loose fruit collecting machine and roller type oil palm loose fruit picker in Malaysia are reviewed and the advantages and disadvantages of these two machines categories are discussed. These two machines could provide significant advantages to the industry by increasing productivity through the efficient collection of loose fruit.   Keywords: Oil palm, loose fruit, fresh fruit bunch

2021 ◽  
Vol 52 (2) ◽  
pp. 479-490
K. Sukiyono ◽  
N. N. Arianti ◽  
B. Sumantri ◽  
M. Mustopa Romdhon ◽  
M. Suryanty

This study was aimed to determining a fitted forecasting method for the forecasting of crude palm oil prices at international and domestic market as well as fresh fruit bunch prices at collecting merchant and farmer level in Bengkulu Province market by considering three models, namely, double exponential smoothing, autoregressive integrated moving average, and classical decomposition.  The data used were monthly data of crude palm oil prices at domestic and world markets from January 2012 – October 2016 and January 2012 – April 2017, while the fresh fruit bunch data at collecting merchant and farmers in Bengkulu Province were also monthly data from 2007 – 2014.  The result showedthat the most accurate method was ARIMA for all prices at all market levels.  This decision was based on all criteria used to determine the best model including MAPE, MAD, and MSD.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 72-77
Nurmaya Sari ◽  
Minarni Shiddiq ◽  
Ramma Hayu Fitra ◽  
Nadia Zakyyah Yasmin

Penggunaan spektroskopi fluoresensi yang nondestruktif bidang pertanian semakin intensif dilakukan khususnya untuk evaluasi produk pertanian. Sortasi dan grading Tandan Buah Segar (TBS) Kelapa Sawit sebelum memasuki proses produksi Crude Palm Oil sangat penting untuk memenuhi standar produksi dan ekspor. Sistem sortasi dan grading elektronik dibutuhkan untuk mengantikan metode sortasi manual mengandalkan penglihatan dan pengalaman. Pada penelitian ini probe optik yang terdiri dari laser dioda 640 nm dan dua fotodioda inframerah dalam konfigurasi triangulasi digunakan untuk mengevaluasi tingkat kematangan TBS kelapa sawit dan hubungannya dengan kekerasan buah dan tegangan fotodioda. Sampel terdiri dari 23 TBS Tenera. Buah kelapa sawit pada setiap TBS disinari laser pada tiga bagian yaitu pangkal, tengah dan ujung, setiap bagian terdiri dari tiga buah kelapa sawit. Tegangan keluaran dari kedua fotodioda dijumlahkan dan diperkuat oleh rangkaian multiboard komersial. Setelah tegangan diperoleh, ke-9 buah kelapa sawit dilepaskan dari TBS, tingkat kekerasan buah diukur mengunakan penetrometer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kematangan TBS mempunyai korelasi linier terhadap kekerasan buah dengan kekerasan yang tertinggi pada buah mentah sebesar 9,39 kg/cm2 dan terendah pada buah terlalu matang sebesar 5,64 kg/cm2. Nilai tegangan rata-rata terkecil pada buah mentah dan tertinggi pada buah matang kemudian turun pada buah lewat matang. Hasil K-means clustering menunjukkan pengelompokan 4 tingkat kematangan berdasarkan nilai kekerasan dan tegangan yaitu F0, F1, F2, dan F3. Applications of nondestructive fluorescence spectroscopy in agriculture have been intensively carried out especially to evaluate agriculture products. Sorting and grading oil palm fresh fruit bunches (FFB) before Crude Palm Oil milling processes are important tasks to meet the production and export standards. Electronic systems for sorting and grading of FFBs are needed to replace manual sorting method which depends on human vision and experience. In this study, an optical probe consisted of a 635 nm diode laser and two photodiodes was used to evaluate the ripeness level of oil palm FFB and its relation to both the fruitlet firmness and resulted photodiode voltages. Laser was directed to each of nine fruitlets of each FFB from three parts; basil, equatorial, and apical. Output voltages from each photodiode were summed and amplified by a commercially multi-board circuit. Then their firmness levels were obtained using a penetrometer. The results show that there is a linear correlation between the firmness levels and the FFB ripeness levels. The firmness values ranges from 9.39 kg/cm2 for unripe FFB and 5.64 kg/cm2 for overripe FFB. The highest voltage is obtained for ripe FFB and less for unripe and overripe FFB. K-means clustering results indicate that the overall ripeness levels are grouped into 4 levels of ripeness, namely F0, F1, F2 and F3 based on the values of hardness and the voltage of each sample.               Keywords: Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Oil Palm, Fresh Fruit Bunch, Firmness, Optical Probe

Siravit Pakdeechot ◽  
Makatar Wae- hayee ◽  
Sherly Hanifarianty

In palm oil milling factory, Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) must undergo by sterilizing before processing oil extraction. In commercial industry, conventional sterilization units, a boiler and a sterilizer in steaming process, are separated. To minimize srerilization unit, a boiler and a sterilizer can be combined in one unit. Therefore, the aim of this work is to study ability to combine the boiler and the sterilizer in one unit. Palm fruit bunches were sterilized in a mini sterilizer by direct steaming at 2.5 bar for 30, 45, 60 and 70 minutes. The results show that a percentage of fruit-bunch separation and crude palm oil yield increased when sterilization time was longer. The trend of increasing crude palm oil yield was similar to the trend of increasing fruit-bunch separation. The suggested condition was at 60 minutes giving acceptable fruit-bunch separation, FFA and DOBI.

Jaizuluddin Mahmud ◽  
Marimin ◽  
Erliza Hambali ◽  
Yandra Arkeman ◽  
Agus R. Hoetman

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 161-175 ◽  
Mohan Munasinghe ◽  
Priyangi Jayasinghe ◽  
Yvani Deraniyagala ◽  
Valente José Matlaba ◽  
Jorge Filipe dos Santos ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-26
Ezerie Henry Ezechi ◽  
Khalida Muda

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