scholarly journals Migrations of city dwellers to suburban areas – the example of the city of Olsztyn

2012 ◽  
Vol 18 (18) ◽  
pp. 117-124 ◽  
Agnieszka Szczepańska ◽  
Adam Senetra

AbstractThe migration of city dwellers to suburbs is a commonly observed phenomenon. The growth of residential areas on the fringes of cities is referred to as suburbanisation. In the present study, migration patterns were investigated in rural districts located in the direct vicinity of the administrative boundaries of Olsztyn over a 10-year timespan. Several hundred building plot purchase/sale transactions in the form of notarial deeds were analysed to determine the dwelling place of the buyer. The analysis of the transactions revealed that the dominant group of purchasers were owners of apartments in multi-family precast concrete buildings, located in the city quarter closest to the studied suburbs. Changes in the spatial structure of suburban areas were also noted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (5) ◽  
pp. 99-106
А. Badmaev ◽  
В. Sharaldaev ◽  

The article analyzes the processes of suburbanization and transformation of the spatial structure of the city of Ulan-Ude. Modern trends in the growth of Western and historical factors of development, due to socio-economic and historical factors of development. In the 1990s-2000s, because of the decline in agriculture and, as a result, the lack of jobs, the rural population began to migrate massively to the Buryat Republic’s capital. However, the prices for houses and apartments in the city center were unbearable for many migrants, so the purchase of land plots and the construction of houses were affordable for many. The estrangement of agricultural lands and their inclusion in residential areas allowed the city of Ulan-Ude and suburban areas to somewhat expand the territory of settlements and create a huge number of GNPP (gardeners non-profit partnership) and DNPP (dacha non-profit partnership). The city and suburban areas were not ready for such a flow and were not able to provide the newly arrived migrants with social, road transport and communal infrastructure. As a result, the city was surrounded by a suburbia almost devoid of any infrastructure. There are some elements of false urbanization or squatter area, which is a type of urbanization in which the urban population rapid growth is not accompanied by a commensurate increase in urban functions. In recent years, the growth rate of suburban settlements has decreased, mainly due to mortgages, which have become more affordable for the population and the growth of multi-storey construction. In addition, the village is slowly depleting the human resources that feed the city and the suburbs. In other words, those who wanted to move to the city have already moved

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-42
Mukhoriyah Mukhoriyah ◽  
Samsul Arifin ◽  
Esthi Kurnia Dewi ◽  
Silvia Silvia

The development of an urban area and the increasing totally of population growth greatly affect the need for land. To satisfy these needs, the land changes into built land which causes the density of an area. This study aims to analyze the development pattern of built land and the spatial structure of Bandung City. The data used are the 2015-2020 Landsat 8 time series imagery, the 2019 SPOT-6 imagery, and the administrative boundary map. The analytical methods used to identify and differentiate between built and non-built land classes are NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and the OTSU method with a threshold of 0.1. Based on the analysis, the results obtained are that the changes in the area of built and non-built land in 2015 amounted to 7,115.9 Ha and in 2017 it was 5,977.3 Ha and for 2 years the area decreased by 4%. Meanwhile, in 2017-2019 there was an increase of 2%, and in 2020 it decreased by 2% again. Based on the results of the analysis, the development pattern of land developed in the city of Bandung generally spreads from the city center to the suburbs, which are used as service / government centers, trade and service areas, and infrastructure. With this spreading pattern, the spatial structure is in the form of multiple nuclei or evenly distributed throughout the city of Bandung, where the City Center or CBD is used as a landmark for the surrounding areas. The high development pattern of built land has an impact on the surrounding environment, especially residential areas that have high building density causing the settlement area to become slum and reduce water catchment areas. The conclusion of this study is that the changes in the built-in land from 2015-2020 decreased by 3%, with the development pattern of the constructed land spreading out following the form of the road network, both arterial, collector and local roads.

2018 ◽  
pp. 40-46
G. Kononenko ◽  
L. Nazarenko

The article deals with the theoretical and methodological principles of creating the concept of forming artificial light city environment. The principle of the concept is a fundamentally new attitude towards the evening environment and architecture of the city, their qualities, means and methods of creation. The result of the concept implementation is a theoretical model of light-spatial structure of the environment in residential areas. It should have a certain regulation based on a number of criteria and an assessment of the light-composition parameters.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Raka Maulana ◽  
Yulianti Pratama ◽  
Lina Apriyanti

<p>Some areas in the city of Bandung is an area that dilitasi by the flow of the river, to prevent the introduction of garbage into the river basin is necessary to note the waste management systems in residential areas along the river. Cidurian river has a length of 24.86 Km along the river flow. Consists of the city of Bandung and Bandung regency. Administrative regions Cidurian River past eight (8) districts, from the region in the District Kiaracondong precisely Village Babakan Babakan Sari and Surabaya populous and the most densely populated. Thus, there should be community-based waste management in the form of a reduction in resources to prevent potential entry of waste into the river basin. Planning waste reduction will be divided into two, namely the reduction of inorganic waste with waste bank then the reduction of organic waste with absorption holes biopori, and bio reactor mini determination of the reduction is determined by the results of the analysis of the sampling covers the composition and garbage, then the result of the measurement characteristics test and analysis results questionnaire.</p>

PCI Journal ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 112-131 ◽  
Gary J. Klein ◽  
Richard E. Lindenberg

Georgiana Grigoraș ◽  
Bogdan Urițescu

Abstract The aim of the study is to find the relationship between the land surface temperature and air temperature and to determine the hot spots in the urban area of Bucharest, the capital of Romania. The analysis was based on images from both moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS), located on both Terra and Aqua platforms, as well as on data recorded by the four automatic weather stations existing in the endowment of The National Air Quality Monitoring Network, from the summer of 2017. Correlation coefficients between land surface temperature and air temperature were higher at night (0.8-0.87) and slightly lower during the day (0.71-0.77). After the validation of satellite data with in-situ temperature measurements, the hot spots in the metropolitan area of Bucharest were identified using Getis-Ord spatial statistics analysis. It has been achieved that the “very hot” areas are grouped in the center of the city and along the main traffic streets and dense residential areas. During the day the "very hot spots” represent 33.2% of the city's surface, and during the night 31.6%. The area where the mentioned spots persist, falls into the "very hot spot" category both day and night, it represents 27.1% of the city’s surface and it is mainly represented by the city center.

2016 ◽  
Giandomenico Toniolo ◽  
Stefano Pampanin ◽  
S. K. Ghosh ◽  
Larbi Sennour ◽  
Thomas D’Arcy ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (14) ◽  
pp. 7533
Jakub Bil ◽  
Bartłomiej Buława ◽  
Jakub Świerzawski

The article describes the risks for the mental health and wellbeing of urban-dwellers in relation to changes in the spatial structure of a city that could be caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. A year of lockdown has changed the way of life in the city and negated its principal function as a place of various meetings and social interactions. The danger of long-term isolation and being cut-off from an urban lifestyle is not only a challenge facing individuals, but it also creates threats on various collective levels. Hindered interpersonal relations, stress, and the fear of another person lower the quality of life and may contribute to the development of mental diseases. Out of fear against coronavirus, part of the society has sought safety by moving out of the densely populated city centres. The dangerous results of these phenomena are shown by research based on the newest literature regarding the influence of COVID-19 and the lockdown on mental health, urban planning, and the long-term spatial effects of the pandemic such as the urban sprawl. The breakdown of the spatial structure, the loosening of the urban tissue, and urban sprawl are going to increase anthropopressure, inhibit access to mental health treatment, and will even further contribute to the isolation of part of the society. In addition, research has shown that urban structure loosening as a kind of distancing is not an effective method in the fight against the SARS-COV pandemic. Creating dense and effective cities through the appropriate management of development during and after the pandemic may be a key element that will facilitate the prevention of mental health deterioration and wellbeing. It is also the only possibility to achieve the selected Sustainable Development Goals, which as of today are under threat.

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