2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 1271
Kevin Wijaya ◽  
F.X Supartono

Prestress losses are one of the important factors that used in prestress concrete construction design. Prestress losses generally divided into immediately losses and time dependent losses. On the process of bridge construction, the prestress losses caused by time dependent have a big influence on the deflection and stressess results that because the life services of bridges normally more than 10 years. If there are any error occurs in calculating the effect of time dependent losses, then the deflection that occurs when life service could exceed the maximum allowed deflection. Therefore, the purpose on making this thesis is to analyst how much the influences of time dependent effect (creep and shrinkage) using 3 different methods, that is ACI209.2R-08, CEB-FIP MC90 and EN-1992-1-1. This bridge has  total span length of 60m with rolled-joint placement and single span type. Using double cellular prestress concrete as girder. Stages of loading apply a superimposed deadload, creep and shrinkage using a interval duration of 7,30 and 10000 days. This analysit was carried out by using MIDAS 2020 software. The result of this analyist showed the deflection that occurs with  the 3 different methods is quite similiar. And the deflection after construction still below the maximum allowable deflection.Kehilangan prategang atau yang biasa disebut prestress losses adalah komponen penting dalam konstruksi menggunakan beton prategang. Prestress losses dibagi menjadi dua yaitu immediately losses dan time dependent losses. Dalam proses konstruksi jembatan, prestress losses yang diakibatkan oleh time dependent sangatlah berpengaruh terhadap lendutan dan tegangan yang dihasilkan  karena umur layan jembatan biasanya berkisar hingga 10 tahun keatas, jika salah dalam memperhitungkan efek dari time dependent losses maka lendutan yang terjadi dapat melampaui batas ijin lendutan sehingga dapat menyebabkan jembatan collapse. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh time dependent losses mengcakup creep dan shrinkage dengan menggunakan 3 metode yang berbeda yaitu ACI209.2R-08, CEB-FIP MC90 dan EN-1992-1-1. Jembatan yang didesain memiliki panjang 60m dengan perletakan sendi-rol dan jenis jembatan single span. Menggunakan double cellular prestress concrete sebagai  girder. Interval analisis adalah 7 hari , 30 hari dan 10000 hari. Analisis digunakan menggunakan program Midas Civil 2020. Hasil dari analisis ini menunjukkan bahwa lendutan yang dihasilkan dari ketiga metode relatif identik dan lendutan yang terjadi hingga 10000 hari masih dalam batas ijin.

1973 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 841-851
Juan J. Gagliardino ◽  
María T. Pessacq ◽  
Oscar Marcote ◽  
Elma E. Gagliardino

Oncology ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 81 (5-6) ◽  
pp. 365-371 ◽  
Aristotle Bamias ◽  
Christina Bamia ◽  
Alexandra Karadimou ◽  
Nikolaos Soupos ◽  
Flora Zagouri ◽  

Mohamed Réda Sefrioui ◽  
Ibrahim Sbai El Othmani ◽  
Halima Filali ◽  
Sanae Derfoufi ◽  
Soufiane Derraji ◽  

Background and objective. Chemical spermicides currently marketed and widely used are known to have many side effects. Thereby, and in order to look for more tolerated natural spermicidal agents, the aim of this work was to evaluate the spermicidal potential of saponin extracts from the roots of Saponaria officinalis / Caryophyllaceae, Glycyrrhizia glabra / Fabaceae, and Herniaria glabra / Caryophyllaceae by studying their in vitro effects on sperm mobility and vitality. Methods. Methanolic saponin extracts from the plants roots were performed. Sperm suspensions were prepared by centrifugation on a PureSperm® density gradient (70 and 45%) and incubated with various concentrations of saponin extracts (50, 250, 500 and 750 mg/mL) at 37°C. The spermicidal activity was evaluated by studying the mobility and vitality of spermatozoa at different time intervals ranging from 10 to 240 minutes. Results. A dose and time dependent effect on sperm mobility and vitality was observed for our extracts. Extracts from Saponaria officinalis roots induced an irreversible immobilization and a total non-viability of sperm within 10 minutes at a concentration of 750 mg/mL. A similar effect was observed within 30 minutes at 750 mg/mL for Herniaria glabra extract and within 90 minutes at 500 mg/ml for Glycyrrhizia glabra extract. Conclusion. The results of our study showed that the saponin extracts of our plants roots possess potent in vitro dose and time dependant spermicidal effect. These natural products could therefore represent a safer and better tolerated alternative to chemical spermicides.

2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (5) ◽  
pp. 04018019 ◽  
Huahuai Sun ◽  
Jun Xu ◽  
Weizhen Chen ◽  
Jianxi Yang

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