prestress losses
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Sang-Hyun Kim ◽  
Sung Yong Park ◽  
Sung Tae Kim ◽  
Se-Jin Jeon

AbstractThe proper estimation of prestressing force (PF) distribution is critical to ensure the safety and serviceability of prestressed concrete (PSC) structures. Although the PF distribution can be theoretically calculated based on certain predictive equations, the resulting accuracy of the theoretical PF needs to be further validated by comparison with reliable test data. Therefore, a Smart Strand with fiber optic sensors embedded in a core wire was developed and applied to a full-scale specimen and two long-span PSC girder bridges in this study. The variation in PF distribution during tensioning and anchoring was measured using the Smart Strand and was analyzed by comparison with the theoretical distribution calculated using the predictive equations for short-term prestress losses. In particular, the provisions for anchorage seating loss and elastic shortening loss were reviewed and possible improvements were proposed. A new method to estimate the amount of anchorage slip based on real PF distributions revealed that the general assumption of 3–6-mm slip falls within a reasonable range. Finally, the sensitivity of the PF distribution to a few of the variables included in the equation of the elastic shortening loss was examined. The study results confirmed that the developed Smart Strand can be used to improve the design parameters or equations in PSC structures by overcoming the drawbacks of conventional sensing technologies.

2021 ◽  
pp. 136943322110220
Marco Bonopera ◽  
Kuo-Chun Chang

Testing methods are required for estimating prestress losses in Prestressed Concrete (PC) girder-bridges. They mainly include destructive approaches which cause significant damages. Conversely, dynamic nondestructive methods are unsuitable. Given these findings, a novel method for identifying residual prestress force in simply supported PC girder-bridges was implemented. Following the vertical load application in a three-point bending, the method estimates the prestress force by measuring the vertical deflection at a quarter or, alternatively, at the midspan of the PC girder-bridge. The method also requires information regarding its flexural rigidity. Particularly, the initial tangent Young’s modulus must be evaluated by compression tests on cores drilled at its quarter and midspan cross-sections after three-point bending. In absence of the geometric and/or material properties, the flexural rigidity can be estimated according to free vibrations. Secondly, the method comprises a reference solution, or a finite element model of the PC girder-bridge, in which the prestress force is unknown. Thirdly, the measured deflection becomes a parameter of the prestress force identification process. Accurate identifications are obtained when the deflection, under a higher vertical load, was precisely measured and the flexural rigidity was determined using reference solution and initial tangent Young’s modulus. In this article, the novel method was simulated on a simply supported PC beam-bridge subjected to time-dependent prestress losses for ≈9.5 months in the laboratory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (14) ◽  
pp. 7875
Nick Markosian ◽  
Raed Tawadrous ◽  
Mohammad Mastali ◽  
Robert J. Thomas ◽  
Marc Maguire

Belitic calcium sulfoaluminate (BCSA) cement is a sustainable alternative to Portland cement that offers rapid setting characteristics that could accelerate throughput in precast concrete operations. BCSA cements have lower carbon footprint, embodied energy, and natural resource consumption than Portland cement. However, these benefits are not often utilized in structural members due to lack of specifications and perceived logistical challenges. This paper evaluates the performance of a full-scale precast, prestressed voided deck slab bridge girder made with BCSA cement concrete. The rapid-set properties of BCSA cement allowed the initial concrete compressive strength to reach the required 4300 psi release strength at 6.5 h after casting. Prestress losses were monitored long-term using vibrating wire strain gages cast into the concrete at the level of the prestressing strands and the data were compared to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Load and Resistance Factor Design (AASHTO LRFD) predicted prestress losses. AASHTO methods for prestress loss calculation were overestimated compared to the vibrating wire strain gage data. Material testing was performed to quantify material properties including compressive strength, tensile strength, static and dynamic elastic modulus, creep, and drying and autogenous shrinkage. The material testing results were compared to AASHTO predictions for creep and shrinkage losses. The bridge girder was tested at mid-span and at a distance of 1.25 times the depth of the beam (1.25d) from the face of the support until failure. Mid-span testing consisted of a crack reopening test to solve for the effective prestress in the girder and a flexural test until failure. The crack reopen effective prestress was compared to the AASHTO prediction and AASHTO appeared to be effective in predicting losses based on the crack reopen data. The mid-span failure was a shear failure, well predicted by AASHTO LRFD. The 1.25d test resulted in a bond failure, but nearly developed based on a moment curvature estimate indicating the AASHTO bond model was conservative.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (13) ◽  
pp. 5971
Jakub Kraľovanec ◽  
František Bahleda ◽  
Jozef Prokop ◽  
Martin Moravčík ◽  
Miroslav Neslušan

In the case of prestressed concrete structures, information about the actual state of prestressing is an important basis for determining their load-carrying capacity as well as remaining service life. During the service life of the prestressed concrete structure, the initial level of prestressing is inevitably reduced as a result of the actions of various factors. These reductions of prestressing force are considered as prestress losses, which are influenced by construction stages, used materials, prestressing technology, or required length of service life. Available standards enable the determination of the expected values of prestress losses. Ultimately, their calculation is part of the design procedure of every prestressed concrete structure. However, aging and often neglected infrastructure in Europe is also exposed to factors, such as environmental distress, that are not considered in standard calculations. Therefore, verified and reliable methods for determining the actual state of prestressing are needed. This paper presents an experimental program of an indirect method for the evaluation of the value of prestressing force in seven prestressed concrete sleepers. Particularly, the non-destructive saw-cut method as a pivotal object of this study is performed and assessed. Furthermore, the Barkhausen noise technique is used as a comparative method. Subsequently, the experimental campaign is supported by the numerical analysis performed in the ATENA 3D software. Finally, the experimentally determined values of residual prestressing force are compared to the expected level of prestressing according to Eurocodes.

PCI Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (3) ◽  
pp. 32-48
Ahmed Almohammedi ◽  
Cameron D. Murray ◽  
Canh N. Dang ◽  
W. Micah Hale

Inaccurate prediction of prestress losses leads to inaccurate predictions for camber, deflection, and concrete stresses in a bridge girder. This study aims to improve the prediction of prestress losses and provides bridge designers with insights into the differences between design and actual concrete properties. Prestress losses, compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, shrinkage, and creep were measured for several American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Types II, III, IV, and VI girders. The investigation revealed that the measured total prestress losses at the time of deck placement were lower than the design losses calculated using the refined estimates method of the 2017 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. This was mainly attributed to the actual concrete compressive strength at transfer being greater than the design compressive strength. This discrepancy was as high as 73% for some girders. It was also determined that the 2017 AASHTO LRFD specifications’ refined estimates method for estimating prestress losses overestimates the total prestress losses at the time of deck placement for AASHTO Types II and III girders.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 1271
Kevin Wijaya ◽  
F.X Supartono

Prestress losses are one of the important factors that used in prestress concrete construction design. Prestress losses generally divided into immediately losses and time dependent losses. On the process of bridge construction, the prestress losses caused by time dependent have a big influence on the deflection and stressess results that because the life services of bridges normally more than 10 years. If there are any error occurs in calculating the effect of time dependent losses, then the deflection that occurs when life service could exceed the maximum allowed deflection. Therefore, the purpose on making this thesis is to analyst how much the influences of time dependent effect (creep and shrinkage) using 3 different methods, that is ACI209.2R-08, CEB-FIP MC90 and EN-1992-1-1. This bridge has  total span length of 60m with rolled-joint placement and single span type. Using double cellular prestress concrete as girder. Stages of loading apply a superimposed deadload, creep and shrinkage using a interval duration of 7,30 and 10000 days. This analysit was carried out by using MIDAS 2020 software. The result of this analyist showed the deflection that occurs with  the 3 different methods is quite similiar. And the deflection after construction still below the maximum allowable deflection.Kehilangan prategang atau yang biasa disebut prestress losses adalah komponen penting dalam konstruksi menggunakan beton prategang. Prestress losses dibagi menjadi dua yaitu immediately losses dan time dependent losses. Dalam proses konstruksi jembatan, prestress losses yang diakibatkan oleh time dependent sangatlah berpengaruh terhadap lendutan dan tegangan yang dihasilkan  karena umur layan jembatan biasanya berkisar hingga 10 tahun keatas, jika salah dalam memperhitungkan efek dari time dependent losses maka lendutan yang terjadi dapat melampaui batas ijin lendutan sehingga dapat menyebabkan jembatan collapse. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh time dependent losses mengcakup creep dan shrinkage dengan menggunakan 3 metode yang berbeda yaitu ACI209.2R-08, CEB-FIP MC90 dan EN-1992-1-1. Jembatan yang didesain memiliki panjang 60m dengan perletakan sendi-rol dan jenis jembatan single span. Menggunakan double cellular prestress concrete sebagai  girder. Interval analisis adalah 7 hari , 30 hari dan 10000 hari. Analisis digunakan menggunakan program Midas Civil 2020. Hasil dari analisis ini menunjukkan bahwa lendutan yang dihasilkan dari ketiga metode relatif identik dan lendutan yang terjadi hingga 10000 hari masih dalam batas ijin.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (20) ◽  
pp. 7257
Marco Bonopera ◽  
Kuo-Chun Chang ◽  
Zheng-Kuan Lee

Prestressing methods were used to realize long-span bridges in the last few decades. For their predictive maintenance, devices and dynamic nondestructive procedures for identifying prestress losses were mainly developed since serviceability and safety of Prestressed Concrete (PC) girders depend on the effective state of prestressing. In fact, substantial long term prestress losses can induce excessive deflections and cracking in large span PC bridge girders. However, old unsolved problematics as well as new challenges exist since a variation in prestress force does not significantly affect the vibration responses of such PC girders. As a result, this makes uncertain the use of natural frequencies as appropriate parameters for prestress loss determinations. Thus, amongst emerging techniques, static identification based on vertical deflections has preliminary proved to be a reliable method with the goal to become a dominant approach in the near future. In fact, measured vertical deflections take accurately and instantaneously into account the changes of structural geometry of PC girders due to prestressing losses on the equilibrium conditions, in turn caused by the combined effects of tendon relaxation, concrete creep and shrinkage, and parameters of real environment as, e.g., temperature and relative humidity. Given the current state of quantitative and principled methodologies, this paper represents a state-of-the-art review of some important research works on determining prestress losses conducted worldwide. The attention is principally focused on a static nondestructive method, and a comparison with dynamic ones is elaborated. Comments and recommendations are made at proper places, while concluding remarks including future studies and field developments are mentioned at the end of the paper.

Wood Research ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (4) ◽  
pp. 645-652

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