2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Abid Datul Mukhoyaroh ◽  
Ririn Susilawati

<p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><em>. This community service activity aims to empower the potential of the two partners as prospective entrepreneurs of Tali Kur bags by providing training to market products (marketing 4.0) and educating good business management patterns. This is based on the problems faced by the two partners who have less knowledge about how to market this strap bag product. So both partners only have the ability to produce, and do not have the ability to sell or market their products. The constraints of the two partners do not have networks and channels in marketing their products in the digital era like now. The solutions offered include providing skills training in the field of marketing and training on good business management and making a brand for these products. The method used is to observe the production sites of the two partners, conduct interviews about the problems faced by the two partners, establish cooperation with the two partners to resolve the problem in accordance with the mutual agreement. The results obtained indicate that, the two partners are better prepared to become independent entrepreneurs by being given the knowledge of marketing management and having a business network digitally. The two partners gained an increase in the turnover of the number of sales of Tali Kur bags after implementing the 4.0 marketing concept. As a conclusion of this service activity are 4.0 marketing activities for UKM Curly strap bags in Ds Mojongapit, Kec Jombang, Kab Jombang, East Java, with training and marketing solutions 4.0 very helpful in overcoming the problems of marketing the products of the two partners.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: marketing, marketing 4.0, bag strap, micro business</em></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Abstrak.</strong> Marketing 4.0 Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan potensi kedua mitra sebagai calon pengusaha mandiri tas tali kur dengan memberikan pelatihan untuk memasarkan produk (marketing 4.0) dan edukasi pola manajemen usaha yang baik. Hal ini didasarkan pada permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh kedua mitra yang memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang terhadap cara memasarkan produk tas tali kur ini. Jadi kedua mitra hanya memiliki kemampuan dalam memproduksi saja, dan belum memiliki kemampuan menjual atau memasarkan produknya. Kendala kedua mitra tidak memiliki jaringan dan channel dalam pemasaran produknya di era digital seperti sekarang ini. Solusi yang ditawarkan diantaranya adalah memberikan pelatihan ketrampilan dalam bidang pemasaran dan pelatihan tentang manajemen usaha yang baik serta membuatkan merek untuk produk tas tali kur ini. Metode yang digunakan adalah melakukan observasi ke tempat produksi kedua mitra, melakukan wawancara tentang permasalahan yang dihadapi kedua mitra, menjalin kerjasama dengan kedua mitra untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan sesuai dengan kesepakatan bersama. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa, kedua mitra lebih siap menjadi pengusaha mandiri dengan diberikan bekal pengetahuan menajemen pemasaran dan memiliki jaringan usaha secara digital. Kedua mitra memperoleh peningkatan omzet jumlah penjualan tas tali kur setelah menerapkan konsep marketing 4.0.  Sebagai kesimpulan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah kegiatan marketing 4.0 untuk UKM Tas tali kur di Ds Mojongapit, Kec Jombang, Kab Jombang Jawa Timur, dengan adanya pelatihan dan solusi marketing 4.0 sangat membantu mengatasi permasalahan pemasaran produk kedua mitra.</p><p><strong>Keywords: <em>marketing, </em></strong><strong><em>marketing</em></strong><strong> 4.0, tas tali kur, usaha mikro</strong><strong></strong></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 183-190
Ria Novianti ◽  
Febrialismanto Febrialismanto ◽  
Enda Puspitasari ◽  
Hukmi Hukmi

This community service activity aims to improve the knowledge of parents in educating children in the digital era. It is important to be done so that parents can respond to technological developments and adjust parenting for children, so technology which is essentially created for the ease and goodness of human life, will not give negative affect children and adolescents. Therefore, parents need to have adequate information and knowledge. Through this activity, we convey a variety of materials on how to educate children in the digital age with the hope that young children will be able to socialize, empathize, speak well, and be healthy, both physically and spiritually. The activities are divided into two parts, socialization, and training, while the participants of this activity are mothers in Koto Gasib District Siak Regency, which has young children. From the implementation of this community service, it can be concluded. There was an improvement in parent’s knowledge. Pretest results were 47.61% and increased to 76.90% on posttest. This indicates that the community service activity went well and effectively.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Jeffrie F. Mokolensang ◽  
Lusia Manu

This community service activity aimed to apply the bioflock culture techniques and good business management to fish farmer group. As much as 2000 individuals catfish ranging from 5-7 cm in length was used in this activity. The fish obtained from Fresh Water Aquaculture Board, Tatelu were pun in oxygenated plastic bags and transported to fish farmer group in West Kombos, District of Singkil. The culture activity that applied the bioflock culture techniques took place for about six months. The specific target to be achieved at the end of the training were all members of the partner group could make the fish feed formulations with local raw materials by themselves. In addition, they have skilled on management, marketing and could have simple bookkeeping note as well.  In overcoming these problems, an approach was carried out through direct field counseling and training.  Then, partners had the opportunity to practice it until they can do it by themselves. The first step of this activities was preparation, the second was three days of training (4 hours /day), and the last were monitoring, evaluation, and assistance up to the end of this program

2021 ◽  
pp. 1005
Herman Ruslim

For many businesses, choosing the right marketing channel is not easy. This is because marketing will have a major impact on business development. Therefore, it must be done as best as possible. In the world of the digital era like now, the internet is the center of many people's activities, online marketing is predicted to be the most effective method. Online marketing is considered capable of expanding its business marketing wings optimally at a much lower cost than offline. Online marketing or often referred to as digital marketing is defined as a marketing strategy that utilizes the internet. Marketing activities to get consumers' attention by utilizing sales through social media, websites and emails.This PKM program is in the form of online marketing information on the lubricant trading business in Bekasi, where this business has experienced a decline in sales due to the pandemic. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide input to this business to start the concept of online marketing in order to fulfill customer desires, namely transacting through online purchases. Through the right online marketing, it can ultimately increase sales and even win the competition. Tarumanagara University as an entrepreneur campus that helps provide funds for the implementation of this community service activity.Bagi banyak bisnis, memilih jalur pemasaran yang sesuai bukanlah hal yang mudah. Hal ini karena pemasaran akan  berpengaruh besar terhadap perkembangan bisnis. Oleh karena itu, harus dilakukan sebaik mungkin. Di dunia era digital seperti sekarang, internet menjadi pusat kegiatan banyak orang, pemasaran online digadang-gadang menjadi metode paling efektif. Pemasaran online dianggap mampu melebarkan sayap pemasaran bisnis secara optimal dengan biaya yang jauh lebih ringan dibandingkan secara offline. Pemasaran online atau sering disebut sebagai pemasaran digital diartikan sebagai strategi pemasaran yang memanfaatkan internet. Kegiatan pemasaran untuk mendapatkan perhatian konsumen dengan memanfaatkan penjualan melalui media sosial, website dan email. Program PKM ini berupa informasi pemasaran online pada usaha dagang pelumas di Bekasi, dimana usaha ini mengalami dampak penurunan penjualan karena pandemi. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dapat memberikan masukan kepada usaha ini untuk memulai konsep pemasaran secara online agar dapat memenuhi  keinginan pelanggan, yaitu bertransaksi melalui pembelian secara online. Melalui pemasaran online yang tepat maka pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan penjualan bahkan memenangi persaingan. Universitas Tarumanagara sebagai kampus entrepreneur yang membantu penyediaan dana demi terselenggaranya kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-55
Tajidan Tajidan ◽  
Efendy Efendy ◽  
Halil Halil ◽  
Edy Fernandez

The objectives of the community service are:  maintaining the alumni commitment as agricultural young entrepreneurs;  increase the capacity and ability of alumni in the management of business in agriculture;  increasing the business scale by adding the ability to finance agribusiness businesses; and developing business networks (net-working) and financing and marketing cooperation. The output expected as an output of this service activity is an article published in national or international journals. To achieve the purpose of this service, it is carried out with a coaching and mentoring approach. Coaching is done by the focus group discussion (FGD) method, training with the agribusiness field school method, and mentoring in the problem solving method. From a series of implementation activities can be summarized as follows: the commitment of alumni as young agricultural entrepreneurs is still able to be held which is shown by the still strong spirit and entrepreneurial spirit; (the alumni who are members of the PWMP Group have the ability to increase the capacity of business management in agriculture, including 3 (three) of the 7 (seven) PWMP groups that have opened business branches and appointed employees to assist production activities and services to customers; in general there has been an increase in the ability of financing sourced from an average allowance for operating results of 18.3% from November 2017 to July 2018 or 2.29% / month; and the development of business networks and marketing is still an obstacle for most young agricultural entrepreneurs, except the PWMP Bintang Tani Group which has a business network and regular customers in the marketing aspect.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-96
Achmad Nur Sholeh ◽  
Ahmad Nazir ◽  
Nefo Indra Nizar ◽  
Ahmad Yani Nasution ◽  
Ivan Putranto

This service activity aims to find out how the involvement of PR GP Ansor Kel. Petir. Kec. Cipondoh in entrepreneurship. To find out how to carry out entrepreneurial management at PR GP Ansor Kel. Petir, Kec. Cipondoh, to build a community with strong character, independent, productive, and creative and innovative in entrepreneurship. The method of approaching community encoding carried out on the management and members of the PR GP Ansor Kel. Petir, Kec. Cipondoh by using methods in the form of skills training through lectures, demonstrations, and questions and answers about entrepreneurship and business management. The results obtained in this service are that every community in this case PR GP Ansor Kel. Petir has the same opportunities as other people in running entrepreneurship and business. Running entrepreneurship and business management in today's era can be done by anyone, anytime, no. know the place and time and who the customers are. Abstrak Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana keterlibatan PR GP Ansor Kel. Petir, Kec. Cipondoh dalam kewirausahaan. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana menjalankan manajemen kewirausaha. pada PR GP Ansor Kel. Petir, Kec. Cipondoh, untuk membangun masyarakat yang berkarakter kuat, mandiri, produktif, dan kreatif serta inovatif dalam berwirausaha. Metode pendekatan dalam pengandian masyarakat yang dilakukan pada pengurus dan anggota PR GP Ansor Kel. Petir, Kec. Cipondoh  dengan menggunakan metode dalam bentuk pelatihan keterampilan melalui ceramah, demontrasi, dan tanya jawab tentang manajemen kewirausahaan dan bisnis.  Adapun hasil yang didapatkan dalam pengabdian ini adalah setiap masyarakat dalam hal ini PR GP Ansor Kel. Petir memiliki peluang yang sama dengan masyarakat yang lainnya dalam menjalankan kewirausahaan dan bisnis. Menjalankan manajemen kewirausaha dan bisnis pada era sekarang ini dapat dilakukan oleh siapa saja, kapan saja tidak mengenal tempat dan waktu dan siapa pelanggannya. Kata Kunci: manajemen; kewirausahaan; penggiat bisnis

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-72
Khaeruman ◽  
M. Ilmi Syiraf ◽  
Defi Mugfiroh ◽  
Yeny Safriyana ◽  
Fariha Maulani ◽  

Marketing is a business function that identifies current unmet wants and needs and manages their size, determines which target markets the organization can best serve, and determines the appropriate range of products, services and programs to serve those markets. So marketing acts as a liaison between the needs of the community and the pattern of industrial responses.This community service activity is carried out at the home of the business actor who has the address. The method used in the implementation of community service activities is business assistance.The purpose of this method is the participatory-lecture method,discussion-information and continued with direct training on making business management development models for business actors "Cireng Ceu Iin" in Padasuka Village, Baros District, Serang Regency.In a business, it is better to plan carefully both in terms of future prospects and the management system that can be done to manage the business in question. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the prospect of competition, market segmentation and the smooth running of its business. Especially for the management of the Cireng-making business, it is necessary to pay attention to the availability of raw materials in the form of sago and flour which must be processed into dough. Setting the selling price is one of the factors that must be considered in a business. Prices must be realistic but do not forget the capital spent to carry out the business in question.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 8-13
Eliza Eliza ◽  
Riswan Effendi ◽  
Shorea Khaswarina ◽  
Ermitety Ermitety ◽  
Novia Dewi

The waste of cassava peel is thrown away by the community, cassava peel can be used as a variety of snacks including sticks. Sticks are an attractive, varied and easier to carry, can be an innovation in increasing people's income. The service activity aims to provide knowledge, skills and guidance to PKK mothers, UMKM people in processing products made from cassava peel into sticks in Kampung Panjang Village. This activity is expected to motivate the entrepreneurial spirit towards innovative and economical efforts to increase income. The method of this activity is counseling in the form of serving the benefits of cassava peel and training and guidance on how to process cassava skin into steak. The results of the community service are obtained: a) Participants knew the benefits and importance of training cassava peel processing as an alternative to household side activities, b) Activness the participants during the service shows a positive response seen from the enthusiasm, discussion, question and answer and good cooperation. c) The achievement level of the target program has been the participants who have applied the processing of cassava peel to sticks with various flavors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-122
Ahmad Muchlisin Natas Pasaribu

Abstract   The purpose of this Community Service activity is to provide physical condition training to novice athletes, training programs for physical trainers at Padepokan Judo Ksatria Bhayangkara (PJKB). This training needs to be done because the training process is still minimal. Trainers have the obligation to provide training and make athletes excel, but there are still limitations in doing so. Training for novice athletes is still very much needed because of the lack of planning and maturity in carrying out training activities both in terms of training material and from the intensity given. Higher education as an institution that produces trainers and educators, as well as an organization that organizes community service activities, has a moral obligation to carry out coaching and training. For this reason, community service programs providing athlete training are the way to be taken to overcome this problem. Activities include physical condition training. The material discussed is the judo training program. The training is planned to be held on October to December 2020.   Keywords: Judo, Physical Condition, Training   Abstrak   Tujuan kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pelatihan kondisi fisik kepada para atlet pemula, program latihan kepada para pelatih fisik di Padepokan Judo Ksatria Bhayangkara (PJKB). Pelatihan ini perlu dilakukan karena adanya proses latihan yang masih minim. Pelatih memiliki kewajiban untuk memberikan latihan dan menjadikan atlit berprestasi, namun masih ada keterbatasan dalam melaksanakannya. Pelatihan bagi atlet pemula masih sangat diperlukan karena kurangnya perencanaan dan kematangan dalam melakukan kegiatan latihan baik dari segi materi latihan maupun dari intensitas yang diberikan. Perguruan Tinggi sebagai lembaga penghasil pelatih maupun pendidik, sekaligus lembaga yang secara terorganisisir melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat memiliki kewajiban moril untuk melakukan pembinaan dan pelatihan. Untuk itu program pengabdian kepada masyarakat menghadirkan untuk memberikan pelatihan atlet adalah cara yang ditempuh untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Kegiatan meliputi pelatihan kondisi fisik. Materi yang dibahas adalah program latihan judo. Pelatihan direncanakan akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal Oketober hingga Desember 2020.   Kata kunci: Judo, Kondisi fisik, Pelatihan

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-62
Sari Purnavita ◽  
Sri Sutanti ◽  
Herman Yoseph Sriyana

The world of national education is required to be able to produce superior human resources, so that they are able to face all challenges that arise in the future. Referring to this, chemistry learning methods at the high school level need special attention. This is due to the lack of student interest in learning chemistry, because the learning is often carried out through a one-way process using the theoretical explanation method. This Community Service Program activity was carried out through workshop and training methods with practice-based chemistry learning. The training materials included liquid detergent, dish soap, and floor cleaner. The partner involved in this program was SMAN 15 Semarang. The implementation of this community service activity began with a material giving session, workshop session and training on household products manufacturing, and discussions. The results of the implementation of this community service activity can provide various benefits for the involved partner in the form of increased knowledge and understanding in the field of chemistry and motivation for entrepreneurship. Practice-based community service activities received a positive response from the partner involved in this program, so that this practice-based learning model would be applied in Chemistry learning at SMA N 15 Semarang. Abstrak Dunia pendidikan nasional harus mampu melahirkan Sumber Daya Manusia yang unggul, agar mampu menghadapi tantangan di masa depan. Salah satu metode pembelajaran yang perlu menjadi perhatian adalah pembelajaran kimia di tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas. Pembelajaran kimia kurang diminati siswa karena pada umumnya hanya dilakukan secara satu arah dengan metode penjelasan teoritis. Kegiatan Program Pengabdian Masyarakat ini dilakukan melalui metode workshop dan pelatihan dengan pembelajaran kimia berbasis praktikum. Materi pelatihan yang diberikan meliputi detergen cair, sabun cuci piring, dan pembersih lantai. Sebagai mitra kegiatan adalah SMAN 15 Semarang Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan mulai dari sesi pemberian materi, sesi workshop dan pelatihan pembuatan produk household, dan diskusi. Dari hasil kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat , mitra mendapatkan manfaat berupa bertambahnya ilmu dan pemahaman dalam bidang kimia serta termotivasi untuk melakukan wirausaha. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang berbasis praktikum mendapat respon positif dari mitra sehingga model pembelajaran berbasis praktikum akan diterapkan dalam pembelajaran Kimia di SMA N 15 Semarang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-59
Enny Dwi Oktaviyani ◽  
Ariesta Lestari ◽  
Licantik Licantik

Digital literacy is defined as the ability to understand and use information in various forms from various sources accessed through computer devices. Digital literacy will create a society with a critical-creative mindset and views. Provocative issues will not easily consume it, become victims of hoax information, or victims of digital-based fraud. Residents of Hurung Village, Banama Tingang District, Pulang Pisau Regency are partners in this community service activity who are active users of digital technology via mobile phones to access the internet and interact with other people. However, in digital technology, partners have not been able to distinguish true or false information and forward information obtained from social media or unclear sources. Likewise, in the search for information, still using sources or references that are not valid. So that the information obtained cannot be justified. In this service activity, the service team created digital media using a village profile website to support digital literacy for Hurung village. The activity was carried out in three stages, namely material presentation, mentoring, and training on the use of village profile websites. With this activity, it is hoped that it can be helpful to add insight, knowledge and build Hurung village to become a pioneer village of digital literacy

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