scholarly journals Manajemen Kewirausahaan Bagi Para Penggiat Bisnis Pemula Pimpinan Ranting Gerakan Pemuda Ansor Kelurahan Petir, Kecamatan Cipondoh, Kota Tangerang

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-96
Achmad Nur Sholeh ◽  
Ahmad Nazir ◽  
Nefo Indra Nizar ◽  
Ahmad Yani Nasution ◽  
Ivan Putranto

This service activity aims to find out how the involvement of PR GP Ansor Kel. Petir. Kec. Cipondoh in entrepreneurship. To find out how to carry out entrepreneurial management at PR GP Ansor Kel. Petir, Kec. Cipondoh, to build a community with strong character, independent, productive, and creative and innovative in entrepreneurship. The method of approaching community encoding carried out on the management and members of the PR GP Ansor Kel. Petir, Kec. Cipondoh by using methods in the form of skills training through lectures, demonstrations, and questions and answers about entrepreneurship and business management. The results obtained in this service are that every community in this case PR GP Ansor Kel. Petir has the same opportunities as other people in running entrepreneurship and business. Running entrepreneurship and business management in today's era can be done by anyone, anytime, no. know the place and time and who the customers are. Abstrak Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana keterlibatan PR GP Ansor Kel. Petir, Kec. Cipondoh dalam kewirausahaan. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana menjalankan manajemen kewirausaha. pada PR GP Ansor Kel. Petir, Kec. Cipondoh, untuk membangun masyarakat yang berkarakter kuat, mandiri, produktif, dan kreatif serta inovatif dalam berwirausaha. Metode pendekatan dalam pengandian masyarakat yang dilakukan pada pengurus dan anggota PR GP Ansor Kel. Petir, Kec. Cipondoh  dengan menggunakan metode dalam bentuk pelatihan keterampilan melalui ceramah, demontrasi, dan tanya jawab tentang manajemen kewirausahaan dan bisnis.  Adapun hasil yang didapatkan dalam pengabdian ini adalah setiap masyarakat dalam hal ini PR GP Ansor Kel. Petir memiliki peluang yang sama dengan masyarakat yang lainnya dalam menjalankan kewirausahaan dan bisnis. Menjalankan manajemen kewirausaha dan bisnis pada era sekarang ini dapat dilakukan oleh siapa saja, kapan saja tidak mengenal tempat dan waktu dan siapa pelanggannya. Kata Kunci: manajemen; kewirausahaan; penggiat bisnis

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Abid Datul Mukhoyaroh ◽  
Ririn Susilawati

<p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><em>. This community service activity aims to empower the potential of the two partners as prospective entrepreneurs of Tali Kur bags by providing training to market products (marketing 4.0) and educating good business management patterns. This is based on the problems faced by the two partners who have less knowledge about how to market this strap bag product. So both partners only have the ability to produce, and do not have the ability to sell or market their products. The constraints of the two partners do not have networks and channels in marketing their products in the digital era like now. The solutions offered include providing skills training in the field of marketing and training on good business management and making a brand for these products. The method used is to observe the production sites of the two partners, conduct interviews about the problems faced by the two partners, establish cooperation with the two partners to resolve the problem in accordance with the mutual agreement. The results obtained indicate that, the two partners are better prepared to become independent entrepreneurs by being given the knowledge of marketing management and having a business network digitally. The two partners gained an increase in the turnover of the number of sales of Tali Kur bags after implementing the 4.0 marketing concept. As a conclusion of this service activity are 4.0 marketing activities for UKM Curly strap bags in Ds Mojongapit, Kec Jombang, Kab Jombang, East Java, with training and marketing solutions 4.0 very helpful in overcoming the problems of marketing the products of the two partners.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: marketing, marketing 4.0, bag strap, micro business</em></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Abstrak.</strong> Marketing 4.0 Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan potensi kedua mitra sebagai calon pengusaha mandiri tas tali kur dengan memberikan pelatihan untuk memasarkan produk (marketing 4.0) dan edukasi pola manajemen usaha yang baik. Hal ini didasarkan pada permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh kedua mitra yang memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang terhadap cara memasarkan produk tas tali kur ini. Jadi kedua mitra hanya memiliki kemampuan dalam memproduksi saja, dan belum memiliki kemampuan menjual atau memasarkan produknya. Kendala kedua mitra tidak memiliki jaringan dan channel dalam pemasaran produknya di era digital seperti sekarang ini. Solusi yang ditawarkan diantaranya adalah memberikan pelatihan ketrampilan dalam bidang pemasaran dan pelatihan tentang manajemen usaha yang baik serta membuatkan merek untuk produk tas tali kur ini. Metode yang digunakan adalah melakukan observasi ke tempat produksi kedua mitra, melakukan wawancara tentang permasalahan yang dihadapi kedua mitra, menjalin kerjasama dengan kedua mitra untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan sesuai dengan kesepakatan bersama. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa, kedua mitra lebih siap menjadi pengusaha mandiri dengan diberikan bekal pengetahuan menajemen pemasaran dan memiliki jaringan usaha secara digital. Kedua mitra memperoleh peningkatan omzet jumlah penjualan tas tali kur setelah menerapkan konsep marketing 4.0.  Sebagai kesimpulan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah kegiatan marketing 4.0 untuk UKM Tas tali kur di Ds Mojongapit, Kec Jombang, Kab Jombang Jawa Timur, dengan adanya pelatihan dan solusi marketing 4.0 sangat membantu mengatasi permasalahan pemasaran produk kedua mitra.</p><p><strong>Keywords: <em>marketing, </em></strong><strong><em>marketing</em></strong><strong> 4.0, tas tali kur, usaha mikro</strong><strong></strong></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-32
I Iswahyudi ◽  
M Muslimah ◽  
A Abdurrachman

ABSTRAKTujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah memberikan pelatihan produksi bersih dan manajemen usaha kepada kelompok usaha garam rakyat di Desa (Gampong) Kuala Idi Cut Kecamatan Darul Aman Kabupaten Aceh Timur. Prosedur pelaksanaan kegiatan teridiri dari; koordinasi kegiatan, sosialisasi, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Kelompok masyarakat yang menjadi mitra pada kegiatan ini adalah Kelompok Putik Meulu.  Kelompok tersebut merupakan salah satu kelompok usaha garam rakyat, dengan anggota kelompok terdiri dari inong balee (janda) yang kehidupan ekonominya serba kekurangan. Kelompok ini telah menjalankan usahanya sejak tahun 2000 dan mampu memproduksi garam setiap hari sekitar 200 kilogram dari lima dapur dengan aset sekitar Rp 23.500.000. Hasil yang didapatkan, dengan adanya pelatihan produksi bersih garam dan berbagai macam manajemen pengelolaan usaha mampu merubah pola pikir mitra terkait dengan proses produksi garam. Dimana dapur garam dibuat permanen, diberi pagar keliling sehingga terhindar dari hewan yang masuk ke dapur garam. Dari aspek produksi, rata-rata produksi garam meningkat menjadi 90 kg/hari. Selain itu, garam yang dihasilkan juga berwarna putih dan bebas dari kotoran. Kesimpulan, dengan adanya pelatihan produksi bersih garam dan berbagai macam manajemen pengelolaan usaha diharapkan dapat membuka pola pikir petani garam mitra untuk menggunakan teknologi yang maju agar produktivitas garamnya meningkat.Kata kunci: garam rakyat, manajemen usaha, produksi bersih garam ABSTRACTThe purpose of this service activity is to provide training in clean production and business management to the people's salt business group in Kuala Idi Cut Village, Darul Aman Sub-District, East Aceh District. The procedure for implementing activities consists of; coordination of activities, socialization, training, and mentoring. The community group that is a partner in this activity is the Putik Meulu Group. The group is one of the people's salt business groups, with group members consisting of inong balee (widows) whose economic life is completely deprived. This group has been running its business since 2000 and is able to produce around 200 kilograms of salt every day from five kitchens with assets of around Rp 23,500,000. The results obtained, with training in clean salt production and various kinds of business management, are able to change the mindset of partners related to the salt production process. Where the salt kitchen is made permanent, it is given a fence around so as to avoid animals entering the salt kitchen. From the production aspect, the average salt production increased to 90 kg/day. In addition, the resulting salt is also white and free from impurities. In conclusion, with training in salt clean production and various kinds of business management, it is hoped that it will open the mindset of partner salt farmers to use advanced technology to increase their salt productivity.Keywords: people's salt, business management, clean salt production

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 135
Arizqi Arizqi ◽  
Diah Ayu Kusumawati ◽  
Ratna Novitasari

Desa Betokan merupakan salah satu desa yang memiliki potensi besar, mengingat desa Betokan adalah desa penghasil buah jambu dan belimbing terbesar di Kabupaten Demak. Buah jambu dan belimbing sendiri merupakan buah khas kota Demak. Meskipun demikian, sebagian besar pelaku usaha penjual jambu dan belimbing yang ada di Desa Betokan tersebut masih terkendala dalam hal manajemen usaha terutama dalam hal pemasaran dan pengembangan produk. Sehingga kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan guna meningkatkan Ekonomi kreatif� berbasis Digital masyarakat di Desa Betokan dari usaha yang telah dimiliki sehingga dapat meningkatkan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan warga desa Betokan. Metode dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini antara lain penyampaian materi penyuluhan, tanya jawab dan diskusi, dilanjutkan dengan praktik. Dari pelaksanaan pengabdian masysrakat dapat disimpulkan bahwa masyarakat antusias dalam pelaksanaan penyuluhan yang dilakukan, terlebih pada saat penyampaian materi dan praktik pembuatan akun media sosial dan juga akun E-commerce seperti akun facebook, instagram, dan juga shopee. Terlebih pada masa pandemi Covid-19 seperti sekarang ini, masyarakat selaku konsumen banyak yang beralih dari pembelian secara langsung (offline) ke pembelian online. Dari adanya akun media sosial dan e-commerce ini juga pelaku usaha dapat lebih mengembangkan pasar yang ada.Betokan is one of the villages that has great potential, considering that Betokan is the largest producer of guava and star fruit in Demak Regency. Guava and star fruit are the typical fruits of Demak city. Even so, most of the guava and starfruit selling business actors in Betokan are still constrained in terms of business management, especially in terms of marketing and product development. So that community service activities were carried out to improve the community-based digital creative economy in Betokan, Demak from the business that has been owned so that it can increase the income and welfare of Betokan villagers. Methods used in this community service included the delivery of extension materials, questions and answers and discussions, followed by practice. From the implementation of community service, it can be concluded that the public is enthusiastic about the implementation of the counseling carried out, especially when delivering material and practices for creating social media accounts and also e-commerce accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, and shopee accounts. Especially during the Covid-19 pandemic like now, many people as consumers have switched from direct (offline) purchases to online purchases. From the existence of social media and e-commerce accounts, business actors can further develop existing markets.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Sakhi Herwiana ◽  
Mukminatus Zuhriyah ◽  
Ria Kamilah Agustina

The objective of this community service activity / PKM (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) is to provide knowledge to participants (parents and children) about the importance of character education from early age through the family. This program was motivated by problems that happens in society in Ngusikan, Jombang, East Java, children in that area addicted to play gadgets and have a tendency to anti-social behavior and lack of social courtesy. The method in this program used a dialogical collaborative-participatory approach includes in-house training (lectures, questions and answers, discussions) for the delivery of material, direct practice to make storytelling media, testing, practice of using fairy tale media and mentoring assisted by KKNT students. The number of participants in this program is approximately 40 participants, including students. This community service activity (PKM) was followed by women who have job as a housewife. The participants stated that this activity was very useful and was a new experience. This community service activity went well and was greeted with enthusiasm from the participants..

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-72
Khaeruman ◽  
M. Ilmi Syiraf ◽  
Defi Mugfiroh ◽  
Yeny Safriyana ◽  
Fariha Maulani ◽  

Marketing is a business function that identifies current unmet wants and needs and manages their size, determines which target markets the organization can best serve, and determines the appropriate range of products, services and programs to serve those markets. So marketing acts as a liaison between the needs of the community and the pattern of industrial responses.This community service activity is carried out at the home of the business actor who has the address. The method used in the implementation of community service activities is business assistance.The purpose of this method is the participatory-lecture method,discussion-information and continued with direct training on making business management development models for business actors "Cireng Ceu Iin" in Padasuka Village, Baros District, Serang Regency.In a business, it is better to plan carefully both in terms of future prospects and the management system that can be done to manage the business in question. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the prospect of competition, market segmentation and the smooth running of its business. Especially for the management of the Cireng-making business, it is necessary to pay attention to the availability of raw materials in the form of sago and flour which must be processed into dough. Setting the selling price is one of the factors that must be considered in a business. Prices must be realistic but do not forget the capital spent to carry out the business in question.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-13
Ni'matul Ulya ◽  
Pedvin Ratna Meikawati

Balita means children under 5 years old. The consumption of good and sufficient nutrition often cannot be fulfilled by a child due to external and internal factors. Therefore, as parents, we must also be democratic in order to serve food that is indeed the child's interest. Good nutrition intake plays an important role in achieving optimal body growth. And optimal body growth also includes brain growth that really determines one's intelligence. The food that consumed by the children can be influenced by the knowledge and attitudes of mothers and the support of family and the environment. The knowledge and attitude of the mother will affect food intake in the family, especially children. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide knowledge related to toddler nutrition to mothers who have toddlers in the Medono Village. The method used is education through lectures, questions and answers and discussions. The results obtained by mothers' knowledge regarding the fulfillment of toddler nutrition increased. Before education, 50% of knowledgeable mothers and 80% after being educated. In this activity a commitment was also reached, namely mothers who have babies and toddlers are willing to provide exclusive breastfeeding and are willing to provide MP-ASI which are rich in nutrition

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-37
Imam Ardiansyah ◽  
Sofiani Sofiani ◽  
Yudhiet Fajar Dewantara ◽  
Stephanie Rosanto ◽  
Vivian Octariana ◽  

ABSTRAK Penerapan kebijakan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) oleh pemerintah  Indonesia berdampak besar terhadap penurunan kegiatan ekonomi di masyarakat.Hal tersebut memberikan pengaruh kepada sejumlah pengusaha terpaksa membuat keputusan dengan menutup usahanya dan sebagian karyawannya dirumahkan atau melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja karena beban operasional yang tetap berjalan, seperti biaya sewa tempat, listrik, maupun gaji karyawan sementara tidak ada pemasukan. Bagi pengusaha yang memiliki modal yang besar, kemungkinan masih bisa bertahan untuk beberapa waktu ke depan. Namun lain halnya bila pengusaha yang memiliki modal yang relatif kecil atau pas-pasan. Tentu menjadi pekerjaan rumah yang tidak mudah untuk bertahan. UMKM merupakan salah satu sector yang terimbas dari adanya Pemabatasan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, Universitas Bunda Mulia melalui program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini, membantu para penggiat UMKM di Desa Cadas Ngampar untuk dapat bangkit dan berinovasi dalam menjalankan usahanya. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk melatih kemampuan berwirausaha masyarakat di desa cadas ngampar.  Beberapa paparan materi yang disampaikan dalam PKM ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas UMKM warga lokal dan meningkatkan lagi perekonomian di Desa Cadas Ngampar. Setelah melakukan penyuluhan dengan pemaparan materi dari masing-masing dosen maka hasil yang di dapatkan berdasarkan intensitas tanya jawab yang muncul, kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman serta keterampilan peserta dalam kewirausahaan, dapat mengetahui manfaat-manfaat dari materi yang disampaikan, dan adanya tambahan motivasi dalam berwirausaha. Kata Kunci: Kewirausahaan, Pemasaran, Higiene dan Sanitasi ABSTRACTThe implementation of the Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) policy by the Indonesian government has had a major impact on the decline in economic activity in the community. This has affected a number of entrepreneurs who were forced to make decisions by closing their businesses and some of their employees being laid off or terminating their employment due to ongoing operational expenses, such as the cost of renting a place, electricity, or employee salary while there is no income. For entrepreneurs who have a large capital, chances are they can survive for some time to come. However, it is different if the entrepreneur has a relatively small or mediocre capital. Of course, being homework that is not easy to survive. MSMEs are one of the sectors affected by these restrictions. Therefore, Universitas Bunda Mulia through this Community Service (PKM) program, helps MSME activists in Cadas Ngampar Village to be able to rise and innovate in running their business. The purpose of this community service activity is to train community entrepreneurship skills in the village of rock ngampar. Some of the material presentations presented in this PKM are expected to improve the quality of local MSMEs and improve the economy in Cadas Ngampar Village. After conducting counseling with material presentation from each lecturer, the results obtained were based on the intensity of the questions and answers that emerged, this service activity was an increase in the knowledge and understanding, and skills of participants in entrepreneurship, being able to find out the benefits of the material presented, and additional motivation in entrepreneurship. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Hygiene and SanitationABSTRAK Penerapan kebijakan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) oleh pemerintah  Indonesia berdampak besar terhadap penurunan kegiatan ekonomi di masyarakat.Hal tersebut memberikan pengaruh kepada sejumlah pengusaha terpaksa membuat keputusan dengan menutup usahanya dan sebagian karyawannya dirumahkan atau melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja karena beban operasional yang tetap berjalan, seperti biaya sewa tempat, listrik, maupun gaji karyawan sementara tidak ada pemasukan. Bagi pengusaha yang memiliki modal yang besar, kemungkinan masih bisa bertahan untuk beberapa waktu ke depan. Namun lain halnya bila pengusaha yang memiliki modal yang relatif kecil atau pas-pasan. Tentu menjadi pekerjaan rumah yang tidak mudah untuk bertahan. UMKM merupakan salah satu sector yang terimbas dari adanya Pemabatasan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, Universitas Bunda Mulia melalui program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini, membantu para penggiat UMKM di Desa Cadas Ngampar untuk dapat bangkit dan berinovasi dalam menjalankan usahanya. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk melatih kemampuan berwirausaha masyarakat di desa cadas ngampar.  Beberapa paparan materi yang disampaikan dalam PKM ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas UMKM warga lokal dan meningkatkan lagi perekonomian di Desa Cadas Ngampar. Setelah melakukan penyuluhan dengan pemaparan materi dari masing-masing dosen maka hasil yang di dapatkan berdasarkan intensitas tanya jawab yang muncul, kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman serta keterampilan peserta dalam kewirausahaan, dapat mengetahui manfaat-manfaat dari materi yang disampaikan, dan adanya tambahan motivasi dalam berwirausaha. Kata Kunci: Kewirausahaan, Pemasaran, Higiene dan Sanitasi ABSTRACTThe implementation of the Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) policy by the Indonesian government has had a major impact on the decline in economic activity in the community. This has affected a number of entrepreneurs who were forced to make decisions by closing their businesses and some of their employees being laid off or terminating their employment due to ongoing operational expenses, such as the cost of renting a place, electricity, or employee salary while there is no income. For entrepreneurs who have large capital, chances are they can survive for some time to come. However, it is different if the entrepreneur has a relatively small or mediocre capital. Of course, being a homework that is not easy to survive. MSMEs are one of the sectors affected by these restrictions. Therefore, Universitas Bunda Mulia through this Community Service (PKM) program, helps MSME activists in Cadas Ngampar Village to be able to rise and innovate in running their business. The purpose of this community service activity is to train community entrepreneurship skills in the village of rock ngampar. Some of the material presentations presented in this PKM are expected to improve the quality of local MSMEs and improve the economy in Cadas Ngampar Village. After conducting counseling with material presentation from each lecturer, the results obtained were based on the intensity of the questions and answers that emerged, this service activity was an increase in the knowledge and understanding and skills of participants in entrepreneurship, being able to find out the benefits of the material presented, and additional motivation in entrepreneurship. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Hygiene and Sanitation

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (48) ◽  
pp. 117-134
Sandra M. MOREIRA ◽  
Robson L. MONTANARI ◽  

The present study aimed to identify the hierarchy of work values from higher education students in the areas of health and business management. The study used the Labor Values Scale (LVS), from Porto and Tamayo (2003) as a research and diagnostic tool. The study sample consisted of 335 students from a private college from the areas of health and business, aged over 17 years. The results show that the priority of values begins with stability, followed by fulfilment at work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 554
Nina Puspitaloka ◽  
Zaenal Arifin ◽  
Purwantoro Masbro

ABSTRAKKemajuan teknologi membangun perubahan dalam berbagai bidang, khususnya dalam bidang pendidikan. Semua elemen dalam bidang tersebut dituntut untuk dapat memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi, seperti hal nya guru yang harus mampu beralih dari penggunaan modul cetak ke modul elektronik (e-modul). Tujuan dari pelaksanaan program pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan dan melatih keterampilan teknologi para guru bahasa Inggris SMK di Karawang. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan memberikan pendampingan membuat e-modul interaktif berbasis Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) menggunakan Sigil Software kepada 15 orang guru Bahasa Inggris SMK di Karawang. Pendampingan pembuatan e-modul ini dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, tanya jawab, serta praktik pembuatan e-modul. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di laboratorium komputer SMK Saintek Nurul Muslimin. Hasil dari pelaksanaan kegiatan ini menunjukan bahwa program pengadian kepada masyarakat mampu meningkatkan kompetensi para guru bahasa Inggris dalam penguasaan materi dan pengajaran sesuai dengan jurusan bidang keahlian di sekolah. Selain itu, dapat memberikan manfaat yang sangat besar dan tepat sasaran bagi guru Bahasa Inggris. Bentuk pendampingan seperti ini merupakan bentuk yang sangat efektif untuk memberikan tambahan wawasan serta pengetahuan baru di bidang teknologi informasi di luar proses pembelajaran yang sekolah berikan untuk meningkatkan kualitas guru. Kata kunci: bahasa inggris; content language integrated learning (clil); e-modul; pendampingan; sigil software. ABSTRACTThe Advances in technology build changes in various fields, especially in the field of education. All elements in these fields can take advantage of technological developments, such as teachers who must be able to switch from using print modules to electronic modules (e-modules). This community service activity is carried out by providing assistance in the form of interactive e-modules based on Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) using Sigil Software to 15 English Vocational High School teachers in Karawang. Assistance in the manufacture of e-modules is carried out by means of lectures, questions and answers, and the practice of making e-modules. This activity was carried out in the computer laboratory of SMK Saintek Nurul Muslimin. The purpose of implementing this community service program is to improve and train the technology skills of vocational English teachers in Karawang. The results of the implementation of this activity show that the community service program is able to improve the competence of English teachers in mastering the material and teaching in accordance with the field of expertise at school. In addition, it can provide enormous and targeted benefits for English teachers. This form of assistance is a very effective form of providing additional insight and new knowledge in the field of technology outside of the learning process provided by schools to improve the quality of teachers.             Keywords: assistance; e-modul; english language; content language integrated learning (clil); sigil software.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Nurjanti Takarini ◽  
Anajeng Esri Edhi Mahanani ◽  
Eko Wahyudi

This article discusses the community service activities that have been carried out in the PKK RT / RW 005/005 Manukan Kulon group, Surabaya. This community service activity is held with the consideration that the author as an academic feels the need to participate in parsing the economic problems in society caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, which created many unemployment clusters due to layoffs from closed businesses, as well as macroeconomic impacts that affect the economic conditions of the Indonesian State, require the contribution of solutions from all parties, including academics who have the dharma of community service. Business management literacy andlegality are e-commerce implemented as a means of providing understanding to the community and building PKK groups that are legally aware and smart in managing their business by utilizing information technology media.    Keywords : Community Service, Pandemic Covid 19, Business Management, Legality, E Commerce.

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