scholarly journals Analiza kompozicijskega stavka Alojza Srebotnjaka v orkestralni skladbi Slovenica / Analysis of Compositional Tehniques of Alojz Srebotnjak in the Orchestral Work Slovenica

Tilen Slakan

The following article presents a detailed analysis of compositional techniques in the orchestral work Slovenica for Brass, Percussion and Strings (1976) by Alojz Srebotnjak. It discusses the composer‘s intertwinment of folklore elements with the sonority of compositional processes in the 20th century. Throughout all three sentences Srebotnjak uses multiple linking compositional elements that he complexly intertwines on different levels of musical texture. The structure is also tightly connected to the concept of constructing different musical textures, melodical patterns, orchestral and dinamic constrasts, and harmonic systems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 81 (3) ◽  
pp. 63-69
E. A. Frolova

The article presents an analysis of three poems about war («The Tale of Our Lady and Russian Soldiers» («Slovo o Bogoroditse i Russkih Soldatah»), «The Attack» («Ataka»), «The Forties» («Sorokovye»)) written by D. Samoylov in different periods of his creative activity. On the basis of the existing research of the creative work of the famous poet of the 20th century, a multilevel characteristic of his war lyrics is given. The aim of the article is to characterize the specific features of the poetic language of such an original author by means of a lingvo-stylistic analysis of D. Samoilov’s poems, to reveal the richness and diversity of his artistic manner. The following research methods were used: analytical reading, comparative analysis, ontological method, a multilevel analysis of poetry. The author accentuates reminiscences in D. Samoilov’s war poetry, the contrast and contrast means, repetition as an artistic device, paronomasia in the stylistic mixture of linguistic means belonging to different levels. A multidimensional poet’s approach to the theme of the war is the conclusion of the article.

2017 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 309-327 ◽  
Kyung-Eun Shim ◽  
Blandine Bril

Due to cultural exchange between the West and Asia since the beginning of the 20th century, the Korean dance has integrated quite a few aspects of classical dance while transforming its figures. The transformation itself is what we are interested in. We focus on a central figure in classical ballet, la pirouette en dehors, which in the Korean dance is known as the Hanbaldeuleodolgi. Our research aims at understanding how is expressed in both cultures (France and Korea), a dance movement which comes under similar mechanical constraints (producing rotational forces) while displaying a unique aesthetic to each context. The detailed analysis of this figure is carried out based on the theory of Rudolf Laban.

2018 ◽  
pp. 22-24
A.A. Kulinich

The article deals with the Gloucerster candlestick's ekphrasis in the novel «The Children's Book» by Antonia Byatt, a famous English writer of the 20th century. Pictorial ekphrasises of the candlestick are analysed in the text through their functions. Ekphrasises of different artefacts have been analysed by modern scholars, the author's works included, but no detailed analysis of the phenomen under study (the Gloucerster candlestick) has been an object of literary research yet, which shows novelty and actual importance of the analysed issue.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 125-141
Noémi Karácsony ◽  
Mădălina Dana Rucsanda

"An important figure of early 20th century music, the French composer Albert Roussel was deeply influenced by his encounter with India, which led to the composition of several orientalist works. The present paper aims to disclose the influences of classical Indian music in the orchestral work Evocations. Despite the Impressionist sound of the musical discourse, a careful analysis reveals the incorporation of several scalar structures in which Hindu rāgas can be recognized. Roussel goes beyond the musical representation of India: his goal is not the creation of a musical work with powerful oriental sound, but the evocation of the impact this encounter had on his creation. Situated at the crossroad of several stylistic orientations, Roussel incorporates Impressionist, Neo-classical and Post-romantic influences in rigorously devised structures, aiming to create an unusual and novel sound. Keywords: Albert Roussel, orientalism, Impressionism, India, rāga "

2015 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-116 ◽  
José Luis Blas Arroyo ◽  
Javier Vellón Lahoz

AbstractBased on a corpus of ego-documents (private letters, diaries, memoirs) from the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries, this paper presents a variationist comparative study to determine the fate of the modal periphrasishaber de + infinitive in the history of modern Spanish. Detailed analysis of the envelope of variation enables us to show that, despite an abrupt decline in the selection ofhaber derelative totener que, both ‘to have to’, grammatical environments that favor its use remain in the mid-20th century. Many of the factor groups and the hierarchy of constraints during this period are similar to those that operated in previous periods. Nevertheless, a generalized decrease in the explanatory power of these factor groups, as well as some divergent patterns within several of these groups are also observed, mainly as a result of the fact thathaber de + infinitive is increasingly relegated to some restricted areas of the grammar and lexicon. Based on these results, some theoretical implications for changing rates and constraints in language change and grammaticalization are discussed.

2020 ◽  
pp. 360-383
Everton Bedin ◽  
José Claudio Del Pino

Este artículo tiene como objetivos, presentar una metodología de enseñanza llamada DICUMBA (Desarrollo Cognitivo Universal-Bilateral del Aprendizaje), y reflexionar sobre cómo el aprendizaje a través de la investigación centrada en el estudiante (Aprender pela Pesquisa Centrada no Aluno, APCA), cuando se desarrolla a partir del interés y la inserción activa de éste en el aula, permite la movilización de habilidades para la formación crítica y ética. En esta investigación cualitativa que se desarrolló en cinco pasos, participaron 3 maestros y 85 estudiantes. Para la recolección de información, además de la observación participante, se utilizó un cuestionario de validación. Al final, después de un análisis detallado de las respuestas al cuestionario dadas por los estudiantes y docentes en el cuestionario, así como de la interpretación empírica y transversal de la investigación desarrollada por los estudiantes a la luz del APCA, queda claro que el Desarrollo Cognitivo Universal-Bilateral del Aprendizaje (DICUMBA) en la educación científica se configura como una acción que motiva y estimula a los estudiantes a enseñar, haciéndolos participar en múltiples acciones que requieren la movilización de habilidades para organizar diferentes niveles del dominio cognitivo.Palabras clave: Aprendizaje por investigación. DICUMBA. Movilización de habilidades.MOBILIZAÇÃO DE COMPETÊNCIAS E O DESENVOLVIMENTO COGNITIVO UNIVERSAL-BILATERAL DA APRENDIZAGEM NO ENSINO DE CIÊNCIASResumoEste artigo tem como objetivos apresentar um método de aprendizagem chamado DICUMBA (Desenvolvimento Cognitivo Universal-Bilateral da Aprendizagem) e refletir sobre como Aprender pela Pesquisa Centrada no Aluno (APCA), quando se desenvolve a partir dos interesses e da sua inserção ativa na sala de aula, permite a mobilização de habilidades para a própria formação crítica e ética. Nesta pesquisa qualitativa, realizada em cinco etapas, participaram 3 professores e 85 alunos. Para a coleta de informações, além da observação participante, foi utilizado um questionário de validação. Por fim, após uma análise detalhada das respostas dadas pelos alunos e professores ao questionário, bem como a interpretação empírica e transversal da pesquisa realizada pelos alunos à luz da APCA, fica claro que o Desenvolvimento Cognitivo Universal-Bilateral da Aprendizagem (DICUMBA) no ensino de ciências se configura como uma ação que motiva e estimula os alunos a aprender, participando de múltiplas ações que exigem a mobilização de habilidades para organizar diferentes níveis de domínio cognitivo.Palavras-chave: Aprendizagem em pesquisa. DICUMBA Mobilização de habilidades.MOBILIZATION OF COMPETENCES AND THE DEVELOPMENT COGNITIVE UNIVERSAL-BILATERAL LEARNING IN SCIENCE TEACHINGAbstractThis article aims to present a learning method called DICUMBA (Universal-Bilateral Cognitive Development of Learning) and reflect on how to Learn through Student-Centered Research (APCA), when it develops from the interests and its active insertion in the classroom, allows the mobilization of skills for critical and ethical training. In this qualitative research, carried out in five stages, 3 teachers and 85 students participated. For the collection of information, in addition to participant observation, a validation questionnaire was used. Finally, after a detailed analysis of the answers given by the students and teachers to the questionnaire, as well as the empirical and transversal interpretation of the research carried out by the students in the light of the APCA, it is clear that the Universal-Bilateral Cognitive Development of Learning (DICUMBA) in teaching of sciences is configured as an action that motivates and encourages students to learn, participating in multiple actions that require the mobilization of skills to organize different levels of cognitive domain.Keywords: Research learning. DICUMBA Mobilization of skills.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 278-289
Marina S. Krutova

The article raises the actual questions: if the theater can be Christian and who in that case the actor is — “a priest” or “a buffoon”. The purpose of this article is to consider the issue of “Christian theater” at different levels: historical, psychological, social. The article analyzes the issues of actors’ personalities formation and their religious sear­ches. There are considered the conditions of Christian upbringing in families and faith preservation in the complex historical period of the Russian history of the late 19th — mid-20th century. The no­velty of this study lies in the fact that it introduces into scientific circulation little-known manuscript materials stored in the Manuscripts Department of the Russian State Library: 44 autobiographies of recognized actors, which were published in 1928 in edited form by the writer V.G. Lidin; as well as some other unpublished documents. The sources show that actors brought up on Christian ideals followed them in their work, despite the difficult conditions of socio-political life in the country. Among them are well-known actors of the Moscow Art Theater, Moscow Art Academic Theater, State Academic Maly Thea­ter, Vsevolod Meyerhold State Theater, Bolshoi Drama Theater, Vakhtangov State Academic Theater (and others): V. Kachalov, I. Ilyinsky, R. Apollonsky, L. Vivyen, G. Ge, A Koonen, A. Orochko, G. Martynova and other masters. The article also uses some little-known writings of the actors, their questionnaires on the psychology of acting, photographs, as well as manuscripts and published memoirs of their contemporaries (E.D. Golovinskaya, E.A. Korotneva, V.D. Markov, Yu. Panich), allowing to consider the issue of “Christian theater” from different sides.

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 ◽  
pp. 331-341 ◽  
Małgorzata Kasner

Mačiulis, D., & Staliūnas, D., Vilnius – Lietuvos sostinė: problema tautinės valstybės projekte (XIX a. pabaiga – 1940 m.) [Vilnius – The capital of Lithuania: A problem in the project of the national state (late 19th century – 1940)], Vilnius: Lietuvos istorijos instituto leidykla, 2015. Santrauka angl. – Bibliogr., s. 297–315, ir išnašose. – Asmenvardžių rodyklė: s. 319–322. Tiražas: 400 egz. ISBN 978-9955-847-97-7This paper is a review of the latest research work of two Lithuanian historians, Dangiras Mačiulis and Darius Staliūnas (Lithuanian Institute of History, Vilnius), entitled “Vilnius - the capital of Lithuania: A problem in the project of the national state (late 19th century – 1940)”. The authors in their work analyse the emergence, evolution and implementation of the idea of Vilnius as the capital of modern Lithuanian state at the turn of the 20th century until 1940. The monograph is based on valuable material from the archives, bibliographic sources and interesting iconography. With particular regard to the Lithuanian national project, describing and explaining the strategies of the symbolic appropriation of Vilnius and the question of Vilnius’ Lithuanisation, Mačiulis and Staliūnas first of all focus on the Lithuanian case in as much detail as possible. Here in the reviewed work we do not find such detailed analysis of Polish, Jewish, Belarusian or Russian attitudes towards the Vilnius question. Of course this does not detract from the importance of this inspiring book which is as a valuable academic publication and useful source for further research. Mačiulis, D., & Staliūnas, D., Vilnius – Lietuvos sostinė: problema tautinės valstybės projekte (XIX a. pabaiga – 1940 m.), Vilnius: Lietuvos istorijos instituto leidykla, 2015. Santrauka angl. – Bibliogr., s. 297–315, ir išnašose. – Asmenvardžių rodyklė: s. 319–322. Tiražas: 400 egz. ISBN 978-9955-847-97-7Poniższy artykuł jest recenzją najnowszej pracy autorstwa litewskich historyków z Instytutu Historii Litwy (Wilno): Dangirasa Mačiulisa i Dariusa Staliūnasa. Autorzy poddają w niej wnikliwej analizie ideę Wilna jako stolicy litewskiego państwa narodowego: jej narodziny, rozwój i masowe upowszechnienie w okresie od końca XIX w. do roku 1940. W monografii wykorzystano bogate materiały archiwalne, źródła bibliograficzne oraz interesującą ikonografię. D. Mačiulis i D. Staliūnas skoncentrowali się na jak najdokładniejszym opisie projektu litewskiego państwa narodowego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kwestii symbolicznego zawłaszczenia Wilna oraz procesu jego lituanizacji. Właśnie z tego powodu nie znajdziemy w omawianej pracy równie szczegółowej analizy stanowiska polskiego, żydowskiego, białoruskiego czy rosyjskiego. Oczywiście nie umniejsza to wartości tej interesującej i inspirującej książki, która jest cenną publikacją akademicką oraz użytecznym źródłem do prowadzenia dalszych badań naukowych.

Dan Vena

This chapter prosecutes a cogent and detailed analysis of 1980s GI Joe Comics villain Cobra Commander, whose organization, upon closer examination, bears “more resemblance to the neoliberal ethos of the Reagan Administration itself than to its clandestine non-state opponents. The chapter explores Marvel Comics’ framing of the Joe and Cobra teams, which appears to present a striking critique of neoliberalism as an ideology – one which enshrines itself in Americana while actually undermining the values and tenets of 20th Century American values.

2019 ◽  
pp. 155541201987501
Benjamin Litherland

This article offers a social history of funfairs and arcades in mid-20th-century urban England. Critiquing existing histories of games for often neglecting players and the specific locales in which games are played, it draws on both new cinema history and cultural studies’ conception of “radical contextualism” to outline what the article describes as a game’s ludosity. Ludosity, the article proposes, is the condition or quality of game partcipation as shaped by a range of agents, institutions, and contexts. Utilizing mass observation records, it offers a detailed analysis of the ways in which social interactions influenced ludic experiences of pinball tables and crane machines and posits that games history needs to center players in order to fully conceptualize games in history.

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