Proceedings of the III International Conference on Literature and Linguistics "The future of Language"

2000 ◽  
Vol 33 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 3-5
Mirko Jurak

In spring this year Professor Janez Stanonik decided to retire as the Editor of the scholarly journal Acta Neophilologica, which he founded in 1968 and edited for thirty-two years. I endeavoured to help him with the material side of the journal from the very beginning until1995; since then this task has been performed by the present Associate Editor.At the time when Janez Stanonik began publishing this journal, his main aim was to make our research work in Western European and American literature better known to scholars all over the world. However, in a few years' time the journal also became open to scholars from other countries and other fields, particularly in areas connected with Slovene literature and culture, Slovene immigrant literature, and linguistics. I believe that this approach gave the journal a new openness and that it enriched its quality, therefore I intend to follow this policy in the future too.

2018 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 126-130
E. Lebedeva ◽  
E. Sergienko ◽  
A. Ul'anova ◽  

2019 ◽  
pp. 130-151
Александр Добросельский

Автор статьи ставит целью найти механизм суицида через анализ слова и понятия «уныние». В качестве методов используются этимологический анализ, анализ слова «уныние» на стыке богословия, психологии и лингвистики. Указанные методы позволяют понять, что «уныние» происходит от славянского слова «ныть (нытьё)», которое использовалось для описания неблагополучия телесного. С помощью приставки «у» было создано новое слово, имеющее тот же смысл неблагополучного состояния, но для духа человека, что подтверждается несколькими древними текстами. Общий для этих слов праиндоевропейский корень «nu» подразумевает бездеятельное, беспечное и бесперспективное предстояние перед исполненным нужды и мучений настоящим и отчаяние в будущем. Данный вывод весьма важен для изучения механизма суицидального поведения, дабы найти методы его разрушения, который могли бы взять на вооружение педагоги и психологи. Последнюю тему мы предложим читателю в следующей статье. In the act of suicide there is an enforcement mechanism that matures in low spirits and is triggered by despair. The key issue is finding a method to destroy such a mechanism in order to help educators and psychologists. This article is an attempt to find the framework of suicide through an analysis of the word and concept of «уныние». The etymological study of the word «уныние» shows that it has an artificial origin and occurs for any functions only in the Slavonic Church and languages it influenced on. The word «уныние» is used to name a sinful situation. The study of the word «уныние» is at the intersection of theology, psychology and linguistics and makes it possible to understand that the word «уныние» came into existent simultaneously with the Church Slavonic. There was a word «ныть (нытьё)» in the Slavic languages. It is used to describe physical ill-being. The new word was created by adding prefix «у» to describe spiritual ill-being. Some ancient texts corroborate it. Common for these words etymological proto-indo-european root «nu» fills the word «уныние» with the meaning of inactive, careless and hopeless status before the miserable and bitter, present and desolation in the future. This conclusion is highly significant to follow in the next article, studying the framework of suicidal behavior.

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