2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-136
Titik Triary Wijaksani ◽  
Rita Nurmalina ◽  
Burhanuddin Burhanuddin

Government had made the first livestock vessel investment in Indonesia, namely KM Camara Nusantara I (KM CN I) which was operationalizing since 2016. The livestock vessel supported beef cattle distribution from East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT) to DKI Jakarta Province by route Tenau-Waingapu-Tanjung Priok-Cirebon. In addition the government makes another new 5 livestock vessels investment which is one of them planned for beef cattle distribution from Bali Province by Celukan Bawang Port to DKI Jakarta Province by Tanjung Priok Port. Livestock vessel investment required high cost up to Rp 58 billion per unit. Moreover the operational of KM CN I still subsidized by the government.  Therefore the objective of this study is to analyze livestock vessel investment by route scenario Celukan Bawang-Tanjung Priok-Cirebon on nonfinancial aspect, financial, economic and sensitivity analyses. Nonfinancial aspect analysis used descriptive method. Financial and economic analyses used Cost and Benefit Analysis (CBA), with shadow price for economic analysis. Sensitivity analysis used switching value method. Nonfinancial aspect analysis indicated the investment feasible. Financial analysis for livestock vessel return scenario to Celukan Bawang Port without cargo and carrying feed cargo are not feasible (NPV<0). Economic analysis for return scenario without cargo is not feasible (NPV<0), meanwhile for return scenario by carrying feed cargo is feasible (NPV>0, B/C Ratio>1, IRR 5.70% higher than discount rate, and Payback Period 13.84 years). Sensitivity analysis indicated the investment is feasible by minimum increase in the price of ticket fare 534.56% for return scenario without cargo and 410.12% by carrying feed cargo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Neide Canana

Abstract Background It is frequently said that funding is essential to ensure optimal results from a malaria intervention control. However, in recent years, the capacity of the government of Mozambique to sustain the operational cost of indoor residual spraying (IRS) is facing numerous challenges due to restrictions of the Official Development Assistance. The purpose of the study was to estimate the cost of IRS operationalization in two districts of Maputo Province (Matutuíne and Namaacha) in Mozambique. The evidence produced in this study intends to provide decision-makers with insight into where they need to pay close attention in future planning in order to operationalize IRS with the existent budget in the actual context of budget restrictions. Methods Cost information was collected retrospectively from the provider perspective, and both economic and financial costs were calculated. A “one-way” deterministic sensitivity analysis was performed. Results The average economic costs totaled US$117,351.34, with an average economic cost per household sprayed of US$16.35, and an average economic cost per person protected of US$4.09. The average financial cost totaled US$69,174.83, with an average financial cost per household sprayed and per person protected of US$9.84 and US$2.46, respectively. Vehicle, salary, and insecticide costs were the greatest contributors to overall cost in the economic and financial analysis, corresponding to 52%, 17%, and 13% in the economic analysis and 21%, 27%, and 22% in the financial analysis, respectively. The sensitivity analysis was adapted to a range of ± (above and under) 25% change. There was an approximate change of 14% in the average economic cost when vehicle costs were decreased by 25%. In the financial analysis, the average financial cost was lowered by 7% when salary costs were decreased by 25%. Conclusions Altogether, the current cost analysis provides an impetus for the consideration of targeted IRS operationalization within the available governmental budget, by using locally-available human resources as spray operators to decrease costs and having IRS rounds be correctly timed to coincide with the build-up of vector populations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (5) ◽  
pp. 1451-1461 ◽  
Fazel M. Farimani ◽  
Xiaoyi Mu ◽  
Hamed Sahebhonar ◽  
Ali Taherifard

Abstract Following three generations of buyback contracts, the new model of Iranian petroleum contracts (IPC) was introduced by the Iranian cabinet to incentivize investments in the country. This paper analyzes the fiscal terms of the contract with technical information from one of the candidate fields for licensing. The financial simulation shows that, in general, the IPC resembles more a service contract than a production sharing contract as the contractor’s take is relatively low—below 5% across different scenarios of crude oil price. Second, the IPC is progressive in that as the overall profitability of the project improves the government takes an increasing share of the economic rent. The results are confirmed in a sensitivity analysis of each party’s profitability and takes on oil price, CAPEX, OPEX and the fee.

Adeyemi Olukayode Binuyo

In this paper, the eigenvalue elasticity and sensitivity values of the mathematical model of transmission dynamics of corruption were obtained and presented using the eigenvalue elasticity and sensitivity analysis methods. The parameter with the greatest impact on the mathematical model was determined using the methods. This parameter will assist the government on how to reduce and provide measures to eradicate corrupt practices among the populace. From the mathematical model of corruption presented, it was obtained that the effective contact rate of corruption has the highest value when using the eigenvalue elasticity and sensitivity analysis.

2021 ◽  
Neide Canana

Abstract Background It is frequently said that funding is essential to ensure optimal results from a malaria intervention control. However, in recent years, the capacity of the government of Mozambique to sustain the operational cost of Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) is facing numerous challenges due to restrictions of the Official Development Assistance. The purpose of the study was to estimate the cost of IRS operationalization in two districts of Maputo Province (Matutuíne and Namaacha) in Mozambique. The evidence produced in this study intends to provide decision-makers with insight into where they need to pay close attention in future planning in order to operationalize IRS with the existent budget in the actual context of budget restrictions. Methods Cost information was collected retrospectively from the provider perspective, and both economic and financial costs were calculated. A “one-way” deterministic sensitivity analysis was performed. Results The average economic costs totaled US$117,351.34, with an average economic cost per household sprayed of US$16.35, and an average economic cost per person protected of US$4.09. The average financial cost totaled US$69,174.83, with an average financial cost per household sprayed and per person protected of US$9.84 and US$2.46, respectively. Vehicle, salary, and insecticide costs were the greatest contributors to overall cost in the economic and financial analysis, corresponding to 52%, 17%, and 13% in the economic analysis and 21%, 27%, and 22% in the financial analysis, respectively. The sensitivity analysis was adapted to a range of ± (above and under) 25% change. There was an approximate change of 14% in the average economic cost when vehicle costs were decreased by 25%. In the financial analysis, the average financial cost was lowered by 7% when salary costs were decreased by 25%. Conclusion Altogether, the current cost analysis provides an impetus for the consideration of targeted IRS operationalization within the available governmental budget, by using locally-available human resources as spray operators to decrease costs and having IRS rounds be correctly timed to coincide with the build-up of vector populations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 167-176
Krisni handayani ◽  
I. Sembiring ◽  
GA Wirawan Siregar

This study aims to determine the income of beef cattle breeders, to determine the analysis of beef cattle business in terms of financial and non-financial aspects, and to determine whether the beef cattle business can help breeders' lives in fulfilling  their  needs. The research was conducted  in Pulau Rakyat Subdistrict, Asahan Regency in July-August 2020. The types of data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Determination  of  the sample by stratified sampling, namely by dividing three groups based on livestock population, namely the low population group (1-10 cow), the medium population group (11-20 cow)  and the high population group (21-41 cow) then by purposive sampling, namely by taking 9 farmers from each population group.           The results showed that beef cattle  acceptance could meet production costs so that the income was positive. The financial analysis of beef cattle business on smallholder farms  obtained  the value of  R/C >1, the value of  BEP >0, value Net B/C and Gross B/C >1, the NPV value >0 or positive, the IRR value with an interest rate of 16.75%, respectively is 25.85%, 25.80% and 26% greater than the rate interest and PP 7,7,5 months respectively before the project age (5 years). Based on the results of the non-financial analysis, it shows that the beef cattle business in Pulau Rakyat District in the legal aspect shows that the beef cattle business does not require a business license from the government because the ownership scale has not reached the applicable rules, namely >50 heads. The organizational aspect is that breeders are not tied to farmer/livestock groups, this is because the system in farmer groups is considered too complicated for breeders. The technical aspect explains that the location of the beef cattle business is strategic and the workforce used is that of family members. The management aspect explains that the farmer has managed the beef cattle business as much as possible to produce good productivity. The marketing aspect explains that the products produced have been accepted by the market and are profitable for breeders, breeders sell cattle directly to agents and the price of cows varies depending on gender, age of cattle and body weight of cattle.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Supardi Rusdiana ◽  
L. Praharani ◽  
D.A. Kusumaningrum

<p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of beef cattle business scale in Mmalingping and Hasanah breeders in Sukabumi Regency. The study was conducted on a group of beef cattle farmers in Purabaya District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java Province, in 2016. With a structured interview survey method for a group of Malingping beef cattle breeders by purposive random sampling as many as 18 farmers, and the Hasanah breeders group of 18 farmers. Each group of breeders is divided into 2 (two) parts, namely group I maintains beef cattle on a 2-3-scale scale and group II maintains beef cattle on a scale of 4-6 head. The research data is then t</em><em>abulated by descriptive, quantitative and financial economic analysis of the B/C ratio. The results of the financial economic analysis of the net profit in the breeders of Malingping  beef  cattle  from  the  maintenance  of  2  mains  to  3  mains  of  IDR 2,078,000/year to IDR 5,799,500/years, or an increase of 65.13%, B/C ratio 1.06-1.12. The net profit in the Hasanah beef cattle breeders group from 2 parent scale maintenance to 3 parent head scale is IDR 2,384,000/year to be IDR 5,009,250/year, or an increase of 64.18%, B/C ratio 1.05-1.10. If the Malingping and Hasanah beef cattle  breeders  maintain  a  scale  of  &gt;3  productive  female  mothers,  it  is  very</em><em>economical, effective and efficient, economically beneficial.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 009 (01) ◽  
pp. 30-44
Harry Irawan Johari ◽  
Sukuryadi Sukuryadi ◽  
Ibrahim Ibrahim ◽  
Joni Safaat Adiansyah ◽  

Mangroves have various functions and roles, both economic and ecological. In Jerowaru District, East Lombok Regency, the function and role of mangroves are economically and ecologically beneficial, but their value has not been measured. This study aims to determine the valuation of direct benefits of mangroves in Jerowaru District, East Lombok Regency. The approach taken in determining the economic value of mangrove products and services is financial analysis and economic analysis. In financial analysis, a direct approach is used, namely by using market values for marketed commodities and determining the value of substitutes for goods and services that are not marketed. While in the economic analysis, the shadow price or accounting price, namely the value adjusted in such a way as to describe the true value of mangrove goods and services. The results showed that the value of the direct benefit of mangroves in the study area was ± IDR 88.162.750/ha/year. Valuation of the value of direct benefits of mangroves at the location comes from mangrove products and services in the form of firewood and charcoal products, construction wood, capture fisheries products, fish and shrimp larvae stocks, wildlife, preservatives and dyes, food ingredients, and medicines, animal feed, salt, recreation, and tourism, as well as education and research.

2018 ◽  
pp. 03-08
Yu. A. Popova

The article considers the concept of anti-crisis business regulation and outlines its main goals and objectives both for preventing the crisis in the enterprise and for overcoming it. According to the methodology of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 367 of June 25, 2003 "On Approval of the Rules for Conducting Financial Analysis by the Arbitrator," a diagnosis was made of the financial and economic state of the enterprise, which is one of the largest producers and distributors of household chemicals in Russia. Based on the analysis, recommendations were developed to strengthen the company's financial stability.

Indra Kesuma ◽  
Rusdan ◽  
M. Machrus ◽  
Andi Thahir

Purpose of Study: This study aims to analyze the level of visibility of low-scale ground coffee agro-industry and determine the role of the government in the development of low-scale ground coffee agro-industry. Methodology: This research was conducted using a low-scale survey agro-industry method which was applied to a ground coffee centre in one of the provinces in Indonesia. The number of samples is seven low-scale coffee business units. Data analysis used is financial analysis (NPV, IRR, Net B/C ratio, and Payback Period), Break-Even Point analysis, and sensitivity analysis. Results: The results showed that the low-scale ground coffee agro-industry was profitable and looked to be continued (IRR 99%, NPV 27,883,981.46 to 16,076,282,505.24 and Net B/C of 1.02 to 1.32), the sensitivity analysis showed that the cost of production to the scale of costs decreased, namely the decline in production below 20%. Application: The creativity of producers in the marketing of processed coffee products and innovation of flavour variants is important for consumer attractiveness in maintaining the stability of agro-industry income. Novelty: As for the role of the government, the seven production units have received guidance, counselling, and training.

Hubert Winata ◽  
Parino Rahardjo

Housing has always been a necessity in the lives of modern man. Anyone who was already working needs to own at least some form of housing. Development of a city plays a part in determining the prices of the housing sold whereas in the central and business district houses can be very expensive, the one’s at the outskirt of the town can be cheaper or it can be which will be shown in this research. The government concerned offered developers a project which is known as Subsidized Housing, a house which is cheap with lots of benefits to encourage low income buyers. The industrial sector is known for its High Workforce which implies that a lot of manpower is involved, this creates ample market opportunities. Why don’t we see a lot of subsidized housing? This concerns the fact that not all houses built for this manner yields enough profit to entice developers to actually build them. Thus the research for counting the actual benefit must be done in order to convince developers that there is an acceptable return to be gained when developing Subsidized Housing. The analysis conducted in this research include location analysis, site analysis, legality analysis, comparative object study analysis, preference analysis and financial analysis. The analytical tool used is the analysis of proximity, Discounted Cashflow, Sensitivity Analysis, descriptive and quantitative. The results of this study are the amount of returns obtained by the developer in n years, the length of the return and the percentage of profits. Keywords: building material; developer’s profit; industrial district; subsidized housing ABSTRAKRumah sudah menjadi sesuatu yang wajar dimiliki oleh masyarakat di berbagai kalangan, rumah tidak hanya berperan dalam memberikan perlindungan terhadap cuaca tetapi juga sebagai tempat untuk keluarga berkumpul dan menikmati waktu bersama dengan keluarga maupun orang lain. Tentu tidak semua orang bisa memiliki rumah dengan berbagai alasan, oleh sebab itu pemerintah melakukan intervensi dalam bentuk penyediaan subsidi. Namun mengapa tidak banyak perumahan subsidi dikarenakan pihak pengembang hanya melihat secara singkat seberapa besar pengembalian yang didapat pengembang tingkat pengembalian tersebut yang menentukan apakah pengembang mau atau tidak mengembangkan perumahan subsidi. Dengan pertanyaan tersebut dilakukanlah penelitian pengembangan perumahan perumahan subsidi untuk menunjukkan tingakt keuntungan yang akan didapatkan seorang pengembang beserta lamanya pengembalian modal. Analisis yang dilakukan yakni analisis lokasi, analisis tapak, analisis legalitan, analisis objek studi banding, analisis preferensi dan analisis keuangan. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis proximitas, Discounted Cashflow, Sensitivity Analysis, deskriptif dan kuatitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah besarnya pengembalian yang didapatkan pengembang pada tahun n, lama pengembaliannya dan persentase keuntungannya.

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