2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Muhaini Muhaini ◽  
Mohd. Nasir

<strong>Abstrak</strong><strong>: </strong><strong>Syair <em>Doda Idi </em>dan Transmisi Spirit Etno-Nasionalisme pada Masyarakat Aceh</strong>. Tulisan ini membahas transmisi spirit etno-nasionalisme dalam masyarakat Aceh berdasarkan studi kasus syair doda idi. Kesarjanaan tentang Aceh kontemporer memperlihatkan tingginya komitmen etno-nasionalisme sebagai identitas sosial masyarakatnya. Tetapi sejauh ini, studi yang membahas tema tersebut belum memberi perhatian yang memadai terhadap penggunaan syair sebagai mekanisme sosial dalam reproduski dan transmisi spirit etno-nasionalisme. Berdasarkan data kualitatif yang dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi dan studi dokumentasi, tulisan ini mengajukan argumen bahwa transmisi spirit etno-nasionalisme pada masyarakat Aceh lintas generasi dimulai dari mekanisme sosial yang berlangsung alam lingkup keluarga. Syair doda idi yang dilantunkan hampir setiap ibu di Aceh ketika menidurkan anak sejak masih bayi memiliki peranan signifikan dalam proses pembentukan identitas kolektif maupun etno-nasionalisme tersebut di kemudian hari. Sejalan dengan itu artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa kesadaran etno-nasionalisme yang ditransmisikan melalui syair beroperasi dalam dua kesadaran yang saling berkoneksi satu sama lain, yaitu kesadaran diskursif (<em>discursive consciousness</em>) dan kesadaran praktis (<em>practical consciousness</em>).<br /> <br /><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> syair doda idi, identitas kolektif Aceh, etno-nasionalisme<br /> <br /><strong>Abstract:</strong> This paper discusses the transmission of ethnonationalism spirit in an Acehnese society based on the <em>doda idi</em> poem case study. The scholarship about Aceh contemporary shows the high commitment of ethnonationalism as the social identity of its people. But, the studies that discuss these themes have not given adequate attention to the use of poetry as a social mechanism in reproducing and transmitting the spirit of ethnonationalism. Based on qualitative data collected through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation studies, this paper proposes the argument that the transmission of the spirit of ethnonationalism in Acehnese society across generations begins with social mechanisms that take place within the scope of the family. <em>Dodas</em> poems chanted by almost every mother in Aceh when they put their children to sleep as infants have a significant role in the process of forming collective identity and ethnonationalism in the future. Correspondingly, this article concludes that ethnonationalism awareness transmitted through poetry operates in two consciousnesses that are interconnected with each other, namely; discursive consciousness and practical consciousness.<br /> <br /><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>doda idi</em> poetry, Aceh’s collective identity, ethnonationalism

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-44
Xun Lin ◽  
Hua Huang

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to reveal the underlying mechanisms that drive young adults’ participation in micro-charity. Design/methodology/approach A case study, which formed a large online ethnographic project, was conducted in which the twin methods of participatory observation and in-depth interviews were used to access the experience of a selected group (n = 60) of college students. Findings The present paper identifies that young adults’ participation in micro-charity is mainly driven by three underlying mechanisms: the formation of a powerful environment for the distribution of awareness of obligation, creation of trust towards others in distant or weak ties and symbolic construction of collective identity with a shared commitment. Originality/value This paper is an exploratory work which sheds new light on charity or other social entrepreneurship development in the social media era. Specifically, the connectivity of social media and the pre-existing relationships may work well together and lead to many positive outputs, including distributing awareness of social obligation, instilling social trust and strengthening social coherence.

2018 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 92
Flavius Floris Andries

The integration of religion and culture to build the discourse of social identity is an interesting issue. For Mamala, a village in the Moluccas, Indonesia, society consists of two embedded identities, namely religion and culture, in the construction of social identities. This research discusses religious and cultural integration in the construction of social identity by means of a flagellation ritual known as pukul sapu. This research applies qualitative methods to analyze qualitative data gathered through observation, in-depth interviews and document reviews. In particular, this research attempts to answer (a) why the pukul sapu ritual is performed by the Mamala community on the seventh day after Iedul Fitri, (b) how the ritual is carried out, (c) what elements are used in the ritual process, and (d) what meaning emerged in connection with the construction of their identity as Muslims and also as a society of customs. The research subjects consisted of a number of religious figures, customary figures, and people who are directed to participate in the review process of the ritual. This study shows that the ritual is regarded as a medium to construct the social identity (religion and culture). The integration of religion and culture in Mamala has proven that the social identity of this society includes religion and culture formed by dialectical processes, namely adaptation, relations, and negotiations between local traditions coupled with the influence of Javanese traditions. This, in fact, describes liquid social identity instead of static movement.

2018 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 92
Flavius Floris Andries

The integration of religion and culture to build the discourse of social identity is an interesting issue. For Mamala, a village in the Moluccas, Indonesia, society consists of two embedded identities, namely religion and culture, in the construction of social identities. This research discusses religious and cultural integration in the construction of social identity by means of a flagellation ritual known as pukul sapu. This research applies qualitative methods to analyze qualitative data gathered through observation, in-depth interviews and document reviews. In particular, this research attempts to answer (a) why the pukul sapu ritual is performed by the Mamala community on the seventh day after Iedul Fitri, (b) how the ritual is carried out, (c) what elements are used in the ritual process, and (d) what meaning emerged in connection with the construction of their identity as Muslims and also as a society of customs. The research subjects consisted of a number of religious figures, customary figures, and people who are directed to participate in the review process of the ritual. This study shows that the ritual is regarded as a medium to construct the social identity (religion and culture). The integration of religion and culture in Mamala has proven that the social identity of this society includes religion and culture formed by dialectical processes, namely adaptation, relations, and negotiations between local traditions coupled with the influence of Javanese traditions. This, in fact, describes liquid social identity instead of static movement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
Rd Siti Sofro Sidiq

The condition of coastal communities or fishing communities in various regions is generally marked by the presence of several characteristics, such as poverty, socio-cultural underdevelopment, low human resources (HR) because most of the population only graduated from elementary school or did not complete primary school, and the weak function of the existence Business Group. Livelihoods at sea cannot provide regular and sustainable results as a result of the seasonal nature of fish availability, especially in conditions of global climate change so that the weather that occurs in coastal areas can no longer be predicted by fishermen. The thing that deserves attention is when marine resources as a potential area cannot be utilized and managed properly. Likewise, the life of coastal communities in Panglima Raja Village is inseparable from problems ranging from physical issues which are degraded to the environment with all its impacts and social and economic problems such as problems in the family, neighborhood or community, and aspects of the resources they have. . This study aims to 1) identify and assess the social and demographic aspects of coastal communities in Panglima Raja Village, 2) study the livelihood assets of coastal communities in Panglima Raja Village, 3) study the livelihood strategies of coastal communities in Panglima Raja Village. The research method used is a descriptive case study with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, observation, and literature studies. The results showed that the social demographic of the Panglima Raja village community was heterogeneous with a majority of productive age, income that was smaller than income and a low level of education, the community had social, physical, financial, natural and human capital despite limited conditions, whereas the strategy found is a strategy of survival and consolidation without an accumulation strategy.Keywords: Livelihood strategy, coastal communities, Village Pangilma Raja, Riau

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Claudia Benavides-Salazar ◽  
Cristina Iturrioz-Landart ◽  
Cristina Aragón-Amonarriz ◽  
Asunción Ibañez-Romero

Purpose This paper aims to investigate how entrepreneurial families (EFs) influence the development of entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs) by using the family social capital (FSC) approach. Design/methodology/approach For this paper, the authors analyzed the Manizales EE as a case study. The authors used a variety of data collection procedures, including in-depth interviews with 26 entrepreneurs and mentors. Findings The authors established how EFs affect EE development, identifying how the FSC bridging mechanisms impact the EE’s social and cultural attributes, boosting entrepreneurial dynamics. Originality/value The results indicated the relevance of EFs’ embeddedness and the degree of the FSC institutionalization in promoting of entrepreneurship within the EEs.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 29
Azham Md. Ali

This work investigates the role and contribution of external auditing as practised in Malaysian society during the forty year period from independence in 1957 to just before the onset of Asian Financial Crisis in 1997.  It applies the political economic theory introduced by Tinker (1980) and refined by Cooper & Sherer (1984), which emphasises the social relations aspects of professional activity rather than economic forces alone. In a case study format where qualitative data were gathered mainly from primary and secondary source materials, the study has found that the function of auditing in Malaysian society in most cases is devoid of any essence of mission; instead it is created, shaped and changed by the pressures which give rise to its development over time. The largely insignificant role that it serves is intertwined with the contexts in which it operates. 

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 516-532 ◽  
Makayla Hipke ◽  
Frauke Hachtmann

This study used a case-study approach to develop an understanding of how social-media strategy is developed and deployed in Big Ten Conference athletic departments and to explore the issues associated with it. Based on in-depth interviews with department officials, the following 6 themes emerged: connecting with target audiences, varied approaches in coordination of postings, athletic communications as content gatekeepers, desire to incorporate sponsors and generate revenue, focusing on building fan loyalty through engagement, and challenges of negativity and metrics. The social-media strategy in Big Ten Conference athletic departments appears to be driven by athletic communications/sports information departments as opposed to marketing departments. The greatest benefit of social media has been the ease of engagement and instantaneous connection between fans and the teams they love, which can lead to building greater loyalty to a team. Some of the challenges departments face include having to deal with the reality of crises and negative attention around programs more quickly than with traditional media and to measure social-media success accurately.

2016 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Ika Hariyani

Campaigns nowadays are oftenly carried through social medias, including campaigns concerning the environment. Based on previous studies, effectivity of campaigns through social medias were affected by many factors, such as the activity of the online administrator, additional socialization that were carried off- line, and also the involvement of the active followers in social medias. However, this paper views environmental campaign in social medias could be effective if viewed from another side,that is social network. This study sees how social network can improve the effectivity of environmental campaigns in social medias,therefore it’s safe to say that this study brings an addition to previous studies related tofactors that influenced the effectivity of environmental campaigns that utilized social medias as a channel of communication. The method used for this paper is qualitative method, with case study on Melawan Asap (Fight the Haze) campaign initiated by BEM UI (Executive Board of Students of University of Indonesia) in 2015 to form an alliance consisting several organizations from inside and outside of the university. Collection of data for this study was done with in-depth interviews with certain informants, based on a criteria established previously by the author, beside an observation upon social media accounts that were used for Fight the Haze campaign. The result shows that the involvement of networks in social media affects the effectivity of Fight the Haze campaign. Also, the social relation between organizations that are united under the alliance of Fight the Haze campaign are based on sentimental network.Kampanye kian marak dilakukan dengan menggunakan media sosial, tidak terkecuali kampanye lingkungan. Berdasarkan kajian-kajian sebelumnya, keefektifan kampanye dengan menggunakan media sosial dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor seperti adanya administrator online yang aktif, adanya sosialisasi tambahan yang dilakukan secara offline, dan juga terlibatnya pengikut/followers di media sosial secara aktif. Namun, tulisanini melihat kampanye lingkungan di media sosial dapat efektif dari sisi lain yaitu dari jaringan sosial. Kajian ini melihat bagaimana jaringan sosial berperan dalam membuat efektif kampanye lingkungan di media sosial, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa kajian ini menambahkan penemuan dari kajian-kajian sebelumnya yang berbicara mengenai faktor yang membuat efektif kampanye lingkungan dengan menggunakan media sosial sebagai media komunikasinya. Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan studi kasus pada kampanye melawan asap yang diinisiatori oleh BEM UI 2015 untuk membentuk sebuah aliansi dengan menggandeng beberapa organisasi di UI dan juga dari luar UI. Pengambilan data dalam studi ini dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan informan- informan tertentu berdasarkan kriteria yang penulis tetapkan dan melakukan observasi terhadap akun media sosial yang digunakan untuk menyebarluaskan kampanye melawan asap. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa keterlibatan peran jaringan di media sosial mempengaruhi efektifitas kampanye melawan asap, serta hubungan sosial antar organisasi yang tergabung dalam aliansi gerakan melawan asap terbentuk berdasarkan jaringan perasaan/sentiment.

Tumou Tou ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-61
Wolter Weol ◽  
Nency Aprilia Heydemans ◽  
Fienny Maria Langi

This paper describes the transformation of gratitude: identity and social relations during the Covid-19 pandemic era in Tomohon. The expression of gratitude to God Almighty (Opo Empung Wailan Wangko) was inherited from the ancestors of the Tou (people) of Minahasa for the yields obtained in the form of offerings. This one gratitude is done every one person in social relations and cultural integration. This article aims to analyze the transformation of gratitude carried out in Tomohon during the Covid-19 Pandemic era. This study reveals the social identity theory from the sociological paradigm by Steph Lawler (2014) which functions as a relationship between relatives as individuals, which in this study is called family, basudara. The article data uses field research with the method of observation and in-depth interviews. The results of the research are expected to help the government and society in preventing Covid-19 so as to minimize consumptive lifestyles and maintain distance. There are three values ​​that are useful for building life, namely the value of brotherhood, mutual cooperation (mapalus) and spirituality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Driana Leniwati ◽  
Aliya Nur Aisyah

The aimed of this study was to analyze the management of Boonpring Ecotourism by Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in order to increase income of the village (PADes). This study uses a case study design with a qualitative descriptive method. Qualitative data obtained by conducting in depth interviews, observations and documentation. The informants in this study were the Head of village, the Head of BUMDes, staff and community. Data reduction, data presentation, trianggulation and conclusion are data analysis  used in this study. The results of the study stated that the management of Boonpring Ecotourism had been carried out well by the Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) of Sanan Kerto in accordance with the cooperative, participatory, transparent, accountable, and sustainable principles. Good management of Boonpring Ecotourism is expected to increase Income of village in a sustainable manner by exploring the potential of villages through the tourism sector even though there are obstacles in the application of participatory principles, namely the quality of Human Resources (HR) that need to be trained.Keywords: Management Principles; tourismp; BUMDes; Income of Village. AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengelolaan Ekowisata Boonpring oleh Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) dalam rangka meningkatkan pendapatan desa (PADes). Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi kasus dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data kualitatif diperoleh dengan melakukan wawancara secara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah Kepala Desa, kepala BUMDes, karyawan, dan masyarakat. Reduksi data, penyajian data, trianggulasi dan penarikan kesimpulan merupakan analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menyatakan pengelolaan Ekowisata Boonpring sudah dilakukan dengan baik oleh Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) Sanan kerto sesuai dengan prinsip kooperatif, partisipatif, emansipatif, transparan, akuntable, dan sustainable. Pengelolaan Ekowisata Boonpring yang baik diharapkan dapat meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Desa secara berkelanjutan dengan menggali potensi desa melalui sektor pariwisata walaupun ada kendala dalam penerapan prinsip partisipatif yaitu kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang perlu dilatih.Kata Kunci: Prinsip Pengelolaan, wisata, BUMDes, PADes. 

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