Latest Publications





Published By Universitas Padjadjaran

2443-2660, 1411-0911

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 307
Elis Suryani Nani Sumarlina ◽  
Undang Ahmad Darsa ◽  
Rangga Saptya Mohamad Permana ◽  
Ike Rostikawati Husen

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 346
Handi Mulyaningsih ◽  
Tina Kartika ◽  
Hertanto Hertanto ◽  
Ari Darmastuti

The traditional wisdom of tunggu tubang has shifted  due to economic needs, lack of agricultural land, job mobility, marriage with other than Semende tribe, which impacts the rights fulfilling and obligations of tunggu tubang. However, this shift has been  responded to by innovations so that this traditional wisdom persisted. This research  is to describe innovations in maintaining the traditional wisdom. This research uses descriptive quantitative method with 40 randomly chosen respondents. Data were taken from interviews using a questionnaire, and  interviews with key informants. The data were analyzed quantitatively with frequency tables, given the meaning with the structural functional approach of Talcott Parson, that traditional wisdom still functions when able to adapt,  goal attainment, integration, latent maintenance. The results showed:  92.5% tunggu tubang to get rights to houses, gardens, fields and carrying out their obligations, but 7.5% without these rights (tepang bangkang) so they cannot carry out their obligations, namely occupying an inheritance house, taking care of their parents and their younger siblings. Tunggu tubang property sold out.This violation is tolerated because of economic necessity. But tepang bangkang still the decision maker in the family and  can give the right for the next tunggu tubang. If tunggu tubang married to someone other than Semende tribe, her husband follows it.If working outside the city, rights are still given while obligations are carried out indirectly. This adaptation makes the  traditional wisdom survive, be the goal of life, carries out the function of integration, but the function of pattern maintenance is getting weaker.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 418
Yohanes Susanto ◽  
Yuliana Yuliana

This study aims to analyze the factors that affect employee performance at the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency, Musi Rawas Regency, South Sumatra. This research is a quantitative study with a total population of 60 respondents. The results of the analysis show that the variables of Competence, Leadership and Motivation simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on performance. Moreover, Competence (X1) Leadership (X2) and Motivation (X3) partially have a positive and significant effect on employee performance (Y). However, the Leadership variable has a very dominant influence on performance. It is recommended that the performance of employees at the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency of Musi Rawas Regency to be improved. The role of leadership can also be used as a benchmark for the success of a team’s work in public services, delegation of authority and supervision. It is also recommended that the leader’s task evaluation be carried out periodically. In addition, efforts to improve employee competence are a strategic step in increasing employee motivation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 400
Romi Saputra

The regional expansion is a way to accelerate development acceleration. In addition, regional expansion is the process of dividing an existing administrative area into two or more new autonomous regions. Regional expansion in Indonesia is carried out based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 9 of 2015 concerning Regional Autonomy and Regional Government as a result of the second amendment to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2014. However, in the process of regional expansion in Indonesia, there are still some problems. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate government policies in regional expansion and determine regional boundaries in the provinces of Banten and West Java based on the laws in force in Indonesia. The method used in this research is the mix method, namely quantitative and qualitative. The data used are obtained from references and interviews related to regional autonomy policies, regional governments, and the determination of regional boundaries. The results of the evaluation, there are several factors that cause regional expansion, namely religious differences, ethnic and cultural differences, inequality in economic development in an area, and the size of the area. The formation of regional boundaries is carried out through 4 stages, namely Allocation, Delimitation, Demarcation, and Administration. One very important aspect of the implementation of regional autonomy is to merge regions with the hope of strengthening the relationship between local governments and local communities. In addition, it is hoped that there will be more intensive interaction between the community and the new local government, civil society will get better rights and obligations as citizens.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 372
Ni Made Ary Widiastini ◽  
Siti Annisa Silvia Rosa ◽  
Roni Ekha Putera ◽  
Gabriella Susilowati ◽  
Totok Hari Wibowo

This study aims to determine the form of resilience of women tourism workers affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data sources are primary data from interviews with various parties, including hotel owners, hotel associations and hotel employees, while secondary data sources are documentation data. Data analysis was performed using an interactive model. The spread of the corona virus globally has affected various lines of community life, including in Bali. Hotels are the tourist facilities in Bali that are most affected. The decline in tourist visits, causing hotel occupancy rates to experience a drastic drop which resulted in layoffs. The finding of this research is that job termination for female employees occurs in almost every hotel in Bali. However, the termination of employment was responded creatively. In an effort to maintain a life for themselves and their families, women who are affected by hotel employees, especially those who have worked in the food and beverage division, react by adjusting to the conditions that occur. They make various types of food that are sold online using WhatsApp, I.G. and F.B. social media. The attitude of women who are former hotel workers in the food and beverage division in Bali towards termination of employment shows that creativity is driven by the spirit of survival as a modality that needs to be supported and worthy of being a good practice as well as a model on develop women’s capacities during pandemic Covid-19 and new normal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 429
Tati Sarihati ◽  
Pandji Santosa

Facing the Covid 19 pandemic, Indonesia is faced with the quality of essential health services that are still not optimal in various provinces. The main problems of vital health services that have emerged in West Java Province include the number and infrastructure of public health centers, the affordability of services and types of services such as maternal and child health, immunization, nutrition, environmental health and coverage of public health nursing performance. service quality variable, the theoretical approach of Fitzsimmons & Fitzimmons (2011) is used with Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy factors. The research method used is an informative survey approach by collecting data from library analysis sources and field experiments, including questionnaires, observations, and interviews. The sampling method used is Plain Random Sampling. The selected sample (n) was 92 people. The data analysis methodology used is route analysis. The results of the study reveal the positive and significant impact of policy implementation on the effectiveness of the quality of critical health services. In addition, it was also found that communication effectiveness variables that affect the quality of essential health services in West Java Province are also found

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 330
Nia Kurniati ◽  
Jordan Mordekhai

As an implementation of welfare society, the government issued Law Number 5 of 1960 Article 19 paragraph (2) c, which provide the legal certainty of land rights for all Indonesians carried out through land registration. The land registration system adopted by Indonesia is negative land cadastre with positive tendency. The implementation of land registration provide the basis of state duty to produce land registration evidence, namely certificate, which is valid as a strong proof of rights. This certificate guarantees the correctness of physical data besides juridical data as long as it is not proven otherwise. Method: This legal research used Normative juridical method, with qualitative juridical data analysis. Results of the study: Negative land cadastre with positive tendency adopted by Indonesia currently does not guarantee legal certainty of land ownership and the community justice itself. This is indicated by the fact that there is still a phenomenon of land disputes, among the result of the issuance of overlapping. By using a legal cadastre-based domain approach, through an approach of extracting historical values of land and integrating the process of dialogue within the issuing of certificate; obtaining legal certainty and the community justice can be achieved. Conclusion: Negative land cadastre with positive tendency is still unable to manifest legal certainty of land ownership and community justice so it is appropriate that an adage states “the highest legal certainty, is the highest injustice”. Strengthening land registration system through the domain approach is an alternative option to manifest legal certainty and community justice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 299
Arifin Arifin ◽  
Rupita Rupita

One of the fundamental problems in the border area of Sanggau Regency is the infrastructure of roads and bridges. Those problems become more complex due to various aspects that affect the governmental institutions are the community, environment, and other aspects. The above problems will produce some implication to many fields such as society, culture, economic, defence and security. The implications are not only local but also national. Based on the problems, the research aims is to describe and analyze the complexity of public basic services for roads and bridges by point of view of the external aspects of an organization. The results of the study show that the main factors in which the public basic services are not optimal are the unfavourable local and socio-economic conditions of the community. The cost needed in basic public services is high enough because of the landscape range. It is exacerbated by the socio-economic constraints of the community which indirectly can hamper the process of running the public services provided. In overcoming of the two problems, the strategic effort that needed is better coordination amongst the organizations in the area. For example, The public works Services (Dinas Pekerjaan Umum) must be coordinated to the other government organization in implementing some programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 364
Rita Aryani ◽  
Leroy Holman Siahaan

This study aims to describe qualitatively about e-learning management in the current Covid-19 pandemic era. This research is a descriptive qualitative study that aims to define and describe phenomena that appear natural or artificial, focusing more on examining the character, quality, and phenomenon. Besides, the e-learning approach is an approach using technology distance learning. The e-learning utilization that is arranged using an electronic internet system that supports learning activities. The method used in this research is qualitative with descriptive analysis. Research subjects are Informantss who provide research data through interviews, observation, and documents. The Informantss in this study were lecturers at Panca Sakti Bekasi University. The Informantss were determined by purposive sampling technique. At the same time, the data analysis used in this research is descriptive. This research results in the finding that lecturers have carried out web e-learning with Moodle and face-to-face with zoom or google meet in managing learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. as numerous as 80% of speakers expressed that they utilized zoom, this was on the grounds that it was simpler to apply it straightforwardly, like instructing up close and personal classes. At that point, as numerous as 55% of Google Meet clients, the instructor expressed that Google Meet is not difficult to actualize on the grounds that the video is straightforwardly associated on the off chance that you as of now have a Google Mail account straightforwardly. Lastly, as numerous as 85% of teachers use Moodle, on the grounds that Moodle gives more highlights to learning exercises.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 437
Ricardi S Adnan ◽  
Fadlan Khaerul Anam ◽  
Radhiatmoko Radhiatmoko

This article aims to analyze the confusion of information, uncertainty in the situation, and human puzzlement have overshadowed the actions of Indonesian citizens throughout 2020 until the end of January 2021 in line with the pandemic outbreak which have not yet ended and still cannot be predicted when it will end. Volatility, uncertainty, problems of complexity and ambiguity of the choices are conditions that have been described by the VUCA concept. Covid-19, which has infected more than one million people in the country, has caused a lot of excitement in various domains: economic, political, social, cultural, and various other aspects of life. By conducting a literature review from March 2020 to January 2021 and analyzing secondary data from Twitter and distributing short questionnaires through Google Form on August 2020, as 969 respondents in Java, Bali, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara dan Papua Islands the authors found that the VUCA era facilitates various complexities in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. The clumsy policies create uncertainty way in the process of social transformation towards society who cares about health protocols. Some of the solutions offered by Bennet and Lemoine (2014) or Aura Codreanu (2016) are still insufficient to manage the changes that occur towards a better life. This article contributes ideas related to social action about new social care, togetherness, and responsibility for realizing a new normal life.

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