2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (02) ◽  
pp. 522
Lukman Hakim

Formulating the goals of Islamic education must be prioritized before formulating other educational elements. Concern about educational goals is more important than concerns about educational materials or methods because educational materials and methods can change from time to time, while educational goals do not change. It is always constant and does not change. From an Islamic perspective, the purpose of education must be in line with the goal of human creation, namely to serve oneself or worship al-Kholiq Subhanahu Wata'ala and carry out the duties of the caliphate. Worship in Islam reaches to touch all aspects of life. It is not only limited to the rituals (asy-sya'aa'ir), which we are familiar with in prayer, fasting, zakat, and hajj. However, it also includes all movements and all activities that can improve human life quality or prosper human beings. Concerning the relationship with the Rabb of humans, they are servants of Allah. Meanwhile, about the relationship with the universe (kaun), man is the caliph. Therefore, it can be said that human life's purpose is to fulfill servitude and devotion - in a broad sense - to Allah Ta'ala. At the same time, his role on earth is as caliph (leader) in this universe

Ta dib ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 279
Ulfa Masamah

<p><em>Education is one of the media that is Able to help develop the potential of all human beings. Over time the implementation of many educational experience problems when the role of education has a significant influence on improving the quality of human life. Islamic education as an agent of social change should be Able to hit the problem that move dynamically and proactively to the advancement and improvement of Muslims. Das sollen, the purpose of education in Islam as the process of formation of human beings to conform with the nature of existence. Therefore, we need an alternative thinking in an effort to minimize the various educational failure. Democratization of education Considered as a solution capable of Islamic education in creating a humanist. Education that does not justify the existence of intimidation, repression and restrictions on the creativity of teachers and students can be Realized with the Efforts to create a democracy marked by education teaching-learning process that is open and full of healthy and responsible dialogue between teacher and pupil. Humanist atmosphere in education will deliver the achievement of educational goals of Islam. Islamic education is basically the Democratization of space, the which is where the education is directed at a dialogical space. Moreover, the ultimate goal of Islamic education directs its final destination on the behavior and attitude changes, the quality and variety of aspects that promote humanism space. Islamic education should be oriented to instill democratic values in the learning process, such as openness, mutual respect, sympathy, empathy, solidarity, and their understanding of pluralism in a pluralistic life.</em></p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-74
Nur Hidayat

Islam requires his people to be literate and educated people. Expected educated person in today’s global era will be increased, while those who are not educated will be reduced in accordance with present era. Islamic education guides students in their development, both physical and spiritual to form honorable personality and character. And will become moral beings in the future in accordance with the noble values of our nation. Islamic educational purposes according to the Qur’an include (1) describes the position of learners as human beings between God and responsibilities in this life, (2) explaining to do as social beings and responsibilities in order of social life, (3) explain the relationship of man the nature and duty to know the wisdom of creation by way of prosperity of the universe, (4) to explain its relationship with God as the creator of the universe.

Al-Risalah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 312-330
Sutiono Sutiono

We have confirmed that Islamic education is not the same as the goals of western education, because there are differences in understanding the nature, role, and purpose of human life in the world. This is a very basic problem that is being faced in the world of Islamic education, therefore a solution must be found. The formulation of the goals of Islamic education, one of which is to deliver to the purpose of human creation, which is to become a caliph on earth as stated in the holy book of the Qur'an. The essence of Islamic education is personal development in all its aspects (body, mind, and heart). And is an activity or effort that a person does in order to achieve maximum positive development in humans. The business or activity in question can be in the form of teaching, habituation, giving examples, giving gifts and praise, as well as developing one's knowledge, skills, and  life experience. In addition to being interpreted as an activity, education can also be seen as a system. Education as a system is nothing but a functional totality that is directed at one goal. The purpose of education is to achieve the target in accordance with the purpose of creating humans to become caliphs on earth, then the Qur'an and hadith are used as the basis for Islamic education. Steps are needed to reformulate the goals of Islamic education in accordance with the guidance of the Qur'an and Hadith and refer to the Islamic intellectual tradition that has brought glory and prosperity to mankind. Pendidikan Isam sudah kita pastikan tidak sama dengan tujuan pendidikan barat, oleh karena terdapat perbedaan dalam memahami hakikat, peranan dan tujuan hidup manusia di dunia. Ini adalah persoalan yang sangat mendasar yang sedamg dihadapi pada dunia pendidikan Islam, oleh karena itu harus dicari solusinya.Rumusan tujuan pendidikan Islam salah satunya adalah menghantarkan pada tujuan penciptaan manusia, yaitu menjadi khalifah di muka bumi sesuai yang ertuang dalam kitab suci al-Qur’an. Hakikat pendidikan Islam adalah pengembangan pribadi dalam seluruh aspeknya (jasmani, akal, dan hati). Dan  merupakan aktivitas atau usaha yang dilakukan seseorang agar tercapai perkembangan maksimal yang positif dalam diri manusia. Usaha atau kegiatan yang dimaksud dapat berbentuk pengajaran, pembiasaan, pemberian contoh dan teladan, pemberian hadiah dan pujian, maupun pengembangan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan atau pengalaman hidup seseorang. pendidikan selain dimaknai sebagai sebuah aktivitas, dapat juga dipandang sebagai sebuah sistem. Pendidikan sebagai sebuah sistem, tidak lain merupakan suatu totalitas fungsional yang terarah pada satu tujuan.  tujuan pendidikan mencapai sasaran sesuai dengan tujuan penciptaan manusia menjadi khalifah di muka bumi, maka al-Qur’an dan hadits yang dijadikan sebagai landasan dalam pendidikan Islam. Perlu langkah untuk merumuskan kembali tjuan pendidikan Islam sesuai dengan tuntunan al-Qur’an dan Hadits serta mengacu pada tradisi intelektual Islam yang telah membawa kegemilangan dan kesejahteraan kepada ummat manusia.

Problemos ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 76 ◽  
pp. 52-65
Vytautas Rubavičius

Straipsnyje grindžiama nuomonė, jog postmodernybė yra iš modernybės kylantis kapitalizmo sistemos būvis, kuriam būdinga gyvybės suprekinimas ir suišteklinimas. Postmodernybę charakterizuoja populiariosios ir medijų kultūros išplitimas. Tos kultūros apima ne tik kultūros prekes, bet ir vartojimo būdus, įgūdžius ir jų lavinimą. Pastaruoju metu jos kuria nemirtingumo vaizdiniams bei nuojautoms palankią kultūrinę, intelektinę ir pasaulėvaizdinę terpę, kurioje struktūriškai įsitvirtina genetinis diskursas ir jo nustatomos žmogaus ir jo gyvenamo pasaulio aiškinimo gairės. Svarbus šio diskurso bruožas yra technologinis inžinerinis jo pobūdis, išryškėjęs susiejant nano ir biotechnologijas, kuriomis tikimasi įveikti gyvąją ir negyvąją gamtą skiriančią prarają, iš reikalingų atomų bei molekulių kuriant reikalingų ląstelių dalis ir klonuojant gyvas būtybes. Gyvybė suprekinama ir suišteklinama patentuojant gyvybės elementus – genus ir su jais susijusius procesus. Daroma išvada, jog visi genetikos, informatikos ir kitų mokslų laimėjimai, teikiantys žmogaus gyvenimo ilginimo galimybių, kurios palaiko gundančią nemirtingumo idėją, jau yra persmelkti prekinių santykių, tad ir pats nemirtingumas įmanomas tik kaip prekė. Aptariami kai kurie evoliuciniai ir religiniai techno sapiens sampratos aspektai. Detaliau gvildenamos dvi „nemirtingumo“ versijos: Z. Baumano, kuris nemirtingumo pažadą sieja su kompiuterinės technikos plėtra prasidėjus „Antrajai medijų erai“, ir J. Baudrillard’o, tegiančio, jog klonavimo technologijos „apgręžia“ evoliuciją ir žmogų gundo virusiniu ar vėžiniu belyčiu nemirtingumu.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: genetinis diskursas, klonavimas, medijų kultūra, nanobiotechnologijos, nemirtingumas, suprekinimas.Genetic Discourse in Media Culture: Temptation by Commodified ImmoralityVytautas Rubavičius   SummaryPostmodernity is maintained as a stage of the development of capitalism. The difference between modernity and postmodernity is explained in relation to the new sphere of commodification and resourcification, namely, that of life and of all natural living processes. Postmodern media culture, or popular culture, is peopled by signs of immortality and various kinds of immortals – cyborgs, clones, zombies, immortal human beings and others. Thus, culture accustoms a consumer to immortals and immortality which is concidered as the main goal of a human being and evolution. By nano-bio-technologies and genetic discourse this goal is made scientifically valid, thus reachable. Genetic discourse is becoming the fundamental world-view providing focal landmarks for the emerging future. Media culture supports the spreading of genetic discourse and facilitates its understanding. The temptation by immortality can be considered as a version of modernist ideology of human liberation from various natural, social and heavenly bonds. This liberation, and also secularization, is supported by a scientific genetic technological discourse which is becoming a stimulating factor of postmodern media production. The genetic explanation of the world is particularly handy for technological reflexivity: the entire world is as if encapsulated into human genes, which become the principle explaining the mystery of life, evolution and the future of humanity, thus rendering power to produce the human proper form and the future of people. All the possibilities stemming from the new genetic and biotech discoveries fell under the regulation of property relations by patenting, thus making “immortality” – as a temptation and brand – not only an exeptional commodity, but also a political tool and a commodifying force. As the relationships of private property have penetrated natural biogenetic diversity and, having turned it into a resource, the cognitive subject has reached the goal to secularise the Universe, which he has set for himself: only he as the owner and producer of genes lures people with the eternal shapes of the clones and their genetic information, which will be sustained in any location of the Universe. The temptation by “immortality” will become even stronger when the genetic code is mastered. The future of humanity is related to the mixed forms of life, trans-genic or otherwise genetically modified organisms and techno-human forms that will help to postpone, and later to conquer, death. Even thinkers with religious tendencies perceive the technological improvement of human beings as their evolution towards the techno sapiens and consider such a development as an advancement towards the Kingdom of God. The technologization of human beings is imagined in terms of their divination. Yet in this case the character of contemporary science secularising God and obliterating the perception of divinity is overlooked. Two versions of immortality are analyzed more closely – that of Z. Bauman, who links it with the development of computer technologies, and that of J. Baudrillard, who gives a warning that by cloning technologies humanity is trying to inverse the evolution and to return to the undifferentiated state of cells. The conclusion is drawn that regardless of how we understand ‘immortality,’ argue over its reality or unreality, all possibilities to prolong human life granted by genetics, informatics and other advances in science and technologies, which support the tempting idea of immortality, have already been penetrated by commodity relationships; therefore, “immortality” itself will be available only as a commodity.Keywords: cloning, commodification, genetic discourse, immortality, media culture, nano-bio-technologies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 171
Zulkifli H. Achmad ◽  
Antariksa Sudikno ◽  
Agung Murti Nugroho

Title: Vertical and Horizontal Room Cosmology in Traditional House (Sa’o) Adat Saga Village, Ende Regency, Flores Cosmology is the science related to kemestaan (cosmos) in a concept of the relationship between the human world (micro-cosmos) and of the universe. Space in traditional house Saga has values and khasan interesting architecturally is examined. The influence of Ngga'e on the Du'a belief and traditional home space Saga interesting architecturally is identified. This study uses qualitative methods with an ethnographic approach that is description. The findings of this study is about the cosmology of the space on a traditional home. Cosmological view of space in traditional house Saga is distinguished into three parts namely is lewu, gara as one and mention the position of the human body parts. Cosmological view of space in traditional Indigenous Villages (Sa'o) Saga depicted horizontally with the mother lay. Nature of traditional house Saga is the core of fertility and birth. Being a mother is clearly visible on a carved door (pene ria) enter Sa'o believe carving the breasts of a woman who symbolizes the human life and a transverse under IE peneria koba leke symbolizing the human development. The position of the head of the mother at the lulu (the dugout), second legs on his back is to the fore in the tent (dugout or accepting guests), second hand mereba is at the right and left dhembi space, the womb or humanitarian space are at puse ndawa. Keywords: traditional house (sa'o), the indigenous village of saga, the cosmology of the vertical and horizontal spaces

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 217
Moch. Sony Fauzi

<p>Education is a process of individual continuously learning and adaptation to the cultural values and social ideals. Education is a comprehensive process including all the aspects of life to prepare them to be able to face all the challenges. Considering the definition, we will see how dominant the aspects of human life style management in order to be in accordance with the universe are. An education process is expected to produce tolerance, egalitarianism, and skills to actualize one's self in the constellation of human life dynamics. It is also expected to produce peace and harmony as a part of ideal community with the educated people as the members. It means that the education process is considered failed if it produces totalitarian cannibalism that can easily arouse conflicts among people. Therefore, the understanding of an ideal Islamic education that is accommodative to the values of plurality and brotherhood among people should emerge. Finally, the values can be the source of aspiration in rearranging the religious concept of this nation to regain the peace that has once been disappeared because of the conflict among the religious communities, through education</p><p> </p><p>Pendidikan adalah proses individu yang terus belajar dan beradaptasi dengan nilai budaya dan cita-cita sosial. Pendidikan adalah proses yang komprehensif termasuk semua aspek kehidupan untuk mempersiapkan mereka untuk dapat menghadapi semua tantangan. Dengan mempertimbangkan definisinya, kita akan melihat betapa dominannya aspek manajemen gaya hidup manusia agar sesuai dengan alam semesta tersebut. Proses pendidikan diharapkan bisa menghasilkan toleransi, egalitarianisme, dan keterampilan untuk mengaktualisasikan diri seseorang dalam konvergensi dinamika kehidupan manusia. Hal ini juga diharapkan dapat menghasilkan kedamaian dan harmoni sebagai bagian dari komunitas ideal dengan orang-orang terpelajar sebagai anggotanya. Artinya, proses pendidikan dianggap gagal jika menghasilkan kanibalisme totaliter yang bisa dengan mudah menimbulkan konflik antar manusia. Oleh karena itu, pemahaman tentang pendidikan Islam ideal yang akomodatif terhadap nilai pluralitas dan persaudaraan antarmanusia diharapkan muncul. Akhirnya, nilai-nilai bisa menjadi sumber aspirasi dalam menata ulang konsep religius bangsa ini untuk mendapatkan kembali kedamaian yang dulunya lenyap karena konflik antar umat beragama, melalui pendidikan.</p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Ghozi Ghozi

<p>This article will briefly discuss the problems of postmodern theology in the context of the relationship between God and nature. In this case, the author brings the conception of theistic naturalism in the view of classical theology of Islam. Theological conception of postmodernism (theistic naturalism) can be useful contributions to the refreshment of Islamic theology, particularly in the case <em>a</em><em>f</em><em>‘</em><em>â</em><em>l</em><em> </em><em>al</em><em>-</em><em>‘</em><em>ibâd</em> and its derivation. The concept of direct influence and indirect influence may help explain the intervention of God toward human beings without denying the law of causality, as the law that becomes standard of modern science. Nevertheless there are some things that need to be considered in this concept: <em>Firstly</em>, God is only the spirit of the universe, God has entrusted His power to the nature, and all the events occurred due to the co-creativity of God and nature. <em>Secondly</em>, God has no a direct influence on the external dimension, rather He is merely a Spirit of things who has influence on inner dimension.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-106
Danang Priyanto ◽  
FP Sri Wuryani

Human beings which are wired as leaders should live based on the practice of transcendent value and total clarity on noble deeds. It functions as a guideline in living to avoid the crisis of morality that often occurs today. One of the values in this leadershipquality is the teaching of asthabrata containing the noble deeds of a leader who symbolized in the elements of the universe: the fire, the ground, the water, the air, the moon, the clouds, the sun, and the stars. The stage of human fetal development occurs from the age of one to nine months. These stages, along with the teachings of asthabrata become the base of an idea in the creation of batik art. The idea comes from the question of how to process the development stages of human fetal and ways of asthabrata as a base on creating the batik artwork which conveys sublime values about leadership. The purpose of this batik artwork creation are:incorporating the concept of human fetal development as part of human life cycle with the tradition of batik; Conveying the sublime sublime of leadership based on the asthabrata which refers to human nature as a natural born leader. The creation processcovering the method of design exploration, design process, and batik as a result of design by establishing the combination ofhuman fetal development and the asthabrata. The result shows nine sinjang batik tulis artworks, covering; Hamasesa Tan Pilih Warna (manage without seeing the color), Sukci (sacred), Hanguripi Sagung Dumadi (give strength to all life), Girise Kang Samya Miyat (be who you want to see), Sorota Hayem Angayomi (make peaceful and full protection), Jembar Tanpa Pagut(sincerity without limit), Muntir Tan Ana Pedhote (infinite rotation), Panengeraning Keblad (signpost), and Ngudi Kasampurnan(sharpening perfection). 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-63
Muslina Muslina ◽  
Rini Rahman

This study aims to discuss and examine the thoughts of Sheikh Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas about Islamic education. The method used is a literature study, which uses library data as a source. The results of the study reveal that there are 5 (five) important points of Sheikh Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas' thoughts related to education, namely: First, the purpose of education, namely to instill goodness or justice in humans as human beings and personal self which focuses on the formation of individual personalities and expects the formation of an ideal society, Second, Educational Methods, The method he mostly uses is Tawhid, Metaphors and Stories, Third, Educational Curriculum, is divided into Fardhu 'ain and fardhu kifayah, Fourth Educators, according to Al-attas Educators must have personality and manners Fifth, students, according to Al-Attas, students are required to develop perfect etiquette in science

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-122
Sudar Kajin

Grounding the transmission of knowledge by simplifying the learning process on real-world problems helps students maintain what is taught and remembers lessons learned when and when needed will have benefits and can be achieved using a variety of student-friendly teaching and learning methods that take into account interests, needs, and levels students. This article was written with the aim of studying the mechanism of knowledge transmission with the Readiness and Ability to Apply Learning Mode in the Islamic Education Perspective. The results of the discussion conclude that: 1) The concept of learning from teacher to student is popularly referred to as the 'Transmission' paradigm in learning and the process as a 'Transmission mechanism' with a different hierarchical Imperative mode; 2. In Islam, education is based on what Islamic ideals once held about educating all human beings rather than the narrow transmission of discursive knowledge. Islamic knowledge is the knowledge contained in the human body and the ways in which Muslims use it to archive, transmit, decode, and actualize religious knowledge based on a combination of imperative modes; 3) Islamic education aims to develop humans holistically, contrary to western education which focuses primarily on intellectual development. The main purpose of Islamic education is to reform and build human life and develop balanced relationships between individuals, communities and the world based on ethical concepts; 4) regardless of the frame of 'readiness to learn' or 'readiness for school', there is far more preparedness than this and far more that we can do to help everyone become more prepared to learn and overcome life.

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