scholarly journals Teologi Posmodern: Menimbang Konsep Naturalisme-Teistik

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Ghozi Ghozi

<p>This article will briefly discuss the problems of postmodern theology in the context of the relationship between God and nature. In this case, the author brings the conception of theistic naturalism in the view of classical theology of Islam. Theological conception of postmodernism (theistic naturalism) can be useful contributions to the refreshment of Islamic theology, particularly in the case <em>a</em><em>f</em><em>‘</em><em>â</em><em>l</em><em> </em><em>al</em><em>-</em><em>‘</em><em>ibâd</em> and its derivation. The concept of direct influence and indirect influence may help explain the intervention of God toward human beings without denying the law of causality, as the law that becomes standard of modern science. Nevertheless there are some things that need to be considered in this concept: <em>Firstly</em>, God is only the spirit of the universe, God has entrusted His power to the nature, and all the events occurred due to the co-creativity of God and nature. <em>Secondly</em>, God has no a direct influence on the external dimension, rather He is merely a Spirit of things who has influence on inner dimension.</p>

Michael Naas

This chapter analyzes a large swath of Plato’s Statesman (287b–311c) in order to ask, with “Plato’s Pharmacy” in the background, about the Stranger’s claim that law—and especially written law, since writing is the essence of law—is at once inferior to rule without law and yet, in a world without divine rulers, absolutely necessary for human governance. This chapter returns to many of the insights from Chapter 2 on the myth of the two ages, since what that myth demonstrated was the desirability and yet impossibility of an age in which a truly divine being rules over human beings and the concomitant necessity of trying to imitate that age through laws. Once again, we see that what is at issue in the relationship between the two ages, as well as in the relationship between a regime without law and a regime with it, are two different valences or valuations of life—the values of pure life, fecundity, spontaneity, and memory, on the one hand, and the values of death in life, forgetting in memory, and sterility in fecundity, on the other.

Humanities ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 54 ◽  
Abba A. Abba ◽  
Nkiru D. Onyemachi

Scholarship on Niger Delta ecopoetry has concentrated on the economic, socio-political and cultural implications of eco-degradation in the oil-rich Niger Delta region of the South-South in Nigeria, but falls short of addressing the trope of eco-alienation, the sense of separation between people and nature, which seems to be a significant idea in Niger Delta ecopoetics. For sure, literary studies in particular and the Humanities at large have shown considerable interest in the concept of the Anthropocene and the resultant eco-alienation which has dominated contemporary global ecopoetics since the 18th century. In the age of the Anthropocene, human beings deploy their exceptional capabilities to alter nature and its essence, including the ecosystem, which invariably leads to eco-alienation, a sense of breach in the relationship between people and nature. For the Humanities, if this Anthropocentric positioning of humans has brought socio-economic advancement to humans, it has equally eroded human values. This paper thus attempts to show that the anthropocentric positioning of humans at the center of the universe, with its resultant hyper-capitalist greed, is the premise in the discussion of eco-alienation in Tanure Ojaide’s Delta Blues and Home Songs (1998) and Nnimmo Bassey’s We Thought It Was Oil but It Was Blood (2002). Arguing that both poetry collections articulate the feeling of disconnect between the inhabitants of the Niger Delta region and the oil wealth in their community, the paper strives to demonstrate that the Niger Delta indigenes, as a result, have been compelled to perceive the oil environment no longer as a source of improved life but as a metaphor for death. Relying on ecocritical discursive strategies, and seeking to further foreground the implication of the Anthropocene in the conception of eco-alienation, the paper demonstrates how poetry, as a humanistic discipline, lives up to its promise as a powerful medium for interrogating the trope of eco-estrangement both in contemporary Niger Delta ecopoetry and in global eco-discourse.

Yiftach Fehige

Summary Thomas Nagel has proposed a highly speculative metaphysical theory to account for the cosmological significance that he claims the human mind to have. Nagel argues that the mind cannot be fully explained by Darwinian evolutionary theory, nor should theological accounts be accepted. What he proposes instead is an explanation in terms of cosmological non-purposive teleological principles. Our universe awakens to itself in each and every individual consciousness. What comes to light in a pronounced manner when consciousness arises, are the mental aspects of the stuff that the universe is made of. These mental aspects are always concurrently present with the physical aspects of the basic elements that constitute the universe. This paper situates Nagel’s cosmology in the context of discussions of the relationship between modern science and Christian theology. It focuses on the history of modern science’s efforts to locate the origins of humanity. The aim of the paper is to present a qualified “Lutheran” reading of Nagel’s theory of the cosmological significance of the human mind. This will unearth strong reasons to think that Nagel’s cosmology is less secular than it claims to be.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
pp. 183
Achmad Asrori

The study of humans is a very interesting study, because besides being approachable from various aspects, it also concerns us as human beings. This study of humans has been done for a long time since the time of the ancient philosophers in Greece. They have started talking about humans, besides talking about God and the universe. This study of humans also eventually gave birth to various scientific disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, biology, psychology, and other sciences.Religion is a part that cannot be separated from humans, considering that since humans were born into the world, God has actually been equipped with religion. For this reason, the relationship between humans and religion will be explained in this section so that it becomes clear that religion is an absolute necessity for humans and humans cannot live in order and prosperity in this world without religion. In other words, human nature is religious, so when a human claims to be non-religious means he has lied to himself and at the same time has done wrong against him.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Dr. Poonam Khurana ◽  
Mr. Miklesh Prasad Yadav ◽  
Ms. Deepika Varshney

All human beings are virtue by God as they get controlling mind and an attitude towards something with the help of which they can experience spirituality. People have different psychological thoughts and beliefs relating to god. Some people feel the immense pleasure in performing religious activities while some believe in the thought "Ahem Brahmasmi" i.e I am part of the divine and they feel pleasure in activities which motivate them to achieve peace. Religion in psychology is considered as a specific fundamental set of beliefs, thoughts and practices generally agreed and controlled by a number of person. It is the psychology of a person which commands their mind in deciding at which path they can attain the eternal feelings of the universe and accordingly they will develop their behavior towards religion and spirituality. Keeping the same in mind, the present study is based much on literature and a brief analysis of 50 teachers in Delhi and NCR collegesandmakes an attempt to study the relationship of spiritual quotient and effective teaching and suggest spiritual quotient as a considerablepredictor to make the workplace accessible.

2016 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 217-225 ◽  
Abdolghader Assarroudi ◽  
Abbas Heydari

SummaryResearch is an approach with which human beings can attempt to answer questions and discover the unknowns. Research methodology is something that is determined by the researcher’s attitude toward the universe as well as by the question he is trying to answer. Some essential questions regarding the research process are: “What is the nature of reality?”, “What is the nature of the relationship between the scholar and the subject of interest?”, and “How can one understand the subject, and what are the methods?”. Research approaches can be categorized as quantitative and qualitative. In the former, measurement, prediction, and control are the bases, while in the latter, exploring, describing, and explaining the phenomena are fundamental. Among qualitative research methods, phenomenography is one of the newest methods. However, in spite of proving to be useful in various disciplines, it has yet to become popular, and many scholars mistake it for phenomenology. The focus of phenomenography is on what is known as the second-order perspective and the different ways that people can experience the same phenomenon, while phenomenology primarily emphasizes the first-order perspective and the similar essences that are derived from various experiences. This article aims to provide a better understanding of phenomenography through explaining it and comparing it with phenomenology in order to facilitate its proper and timely application in medical studies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. p129
Yu Fu ◽  
Xi Kang

God is the core of Christian religion, where the whole Christian faith and creed rest upon. While the relationship between the mortal and God is the fundamental question that makes Christianity distinguish from other religions. This paper aims to discover the secular meaning of God, such as in China, with the perspective of relationship between God and mortal and the theory of holographic theory, which brings atheists a better comprehension of human beings and the universe through a religious philosophy.

2015 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 401
Yusriyah Yusriyah

<p class="IIABSBARU">As a result of the processes of thinking on theological concept, Islamic theology may change according to its social dynamics. In the contemporary, theology can be studied by interdisciplinary sciences, which eventually theology became the source of the birth of some sciences. Hence, the science produced by the understanding of monotheism will produce peaceful religion for the universe (<em>raḥmatan li ’l-‘ālamīn</em>). The data presented in this article derived from the study applying literature review on the related topics of writing. Applying qualitative approach, this article showed that religion and science have a point of tangency. Science helps to facilitate human beings in their religious living. Concerning to faith, science activities can strengthen the faith and arise the motivation to express something in recognizing more toward God as the center of unity of existence (<em>tawḥīd</em>). In order to integrate the belief and sciences, it is needed the effort of islamization of science and the effort to reconstruct theology into a format that make it possible to dialogue with the reality of current development of thinking.</p><p class="IIABSBARU" align="center">***</p><p class="IIABSBARU">Sebagai hasil dari pemikiran konsep teologis teologi Islam dapat berubah sesuai dengan dinamika sosial. Dalam era kontemporer teologi dapat dikaji oleh ilmu-ilmu interdisipliner, yang akhirnya teologi merupakan sumber lahirnya beberapa ilmu sehingga ilmu yang dihasilkan oleh pemahaman <em>tawḥīd</em> akan menghasilkan agama damai bagi alam semesta (<em>raḥmatan li ’l-‘ālamīn</em>). Data yang disajikan dalam artikel ini berasal dari penelaahan terhadap literatur yang terkait dengan topik penulisan. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa agama dan sains memiliki titik singgung. Ilmu membantu memfasilitasi manusia dalam kehidupan keagamaannya. Dengan iman, kegiatan ilmiah dapat memper­kuat iman dan mem­buat motivasi untuk mengekspresikan sesuatu yang dapat menambah peng­akuan terhadap Allah sebagai pusat kesatuan eksistensi (<em>tawḥīd</em>). Untuk me­wujudkan ketersinggungan antara iman dan ilmu maka perlu islamisasi ilmu pengetahuan dan juga dalam upaya untuk merekonstruksi teologi ke format yang dapat berdialog dengan realitas perkembangan pemikiran yang berlangsung hari ini.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (02) ◽  
pp. 522
Lukman Hakim

Formulating the goals of Islamic education must be prioritized before formulating other educational elements. Concern about educational goals is more important than concerns about educational materials or methods because educational materials and methods can change from time to time, while educational goals do not change. It is always constant and does not change. From an Islamic perspective, the purpose of education must be in line with the goal of human creation, namely to serve oneself or worship al-Kholiq Subhanahu Wata'ala and carry out the duties of the caliphate. Worship in Islam reaches to touch all aspects of life. It is not only limited to the rituals (asy-sya'aa'ir), which we are familiar with in prayer, fasting, zakat, and hajj. However, it also includes all movements and all activities that can improve human life quality or prosper human beings. Concerning the relationship with the Rabb of humans, they are servants of Allah. Meanwhile, about the relationship with the universe (kaun), man is the caliph. Therefore, it can be said that human life's purpose is to fulfill servitude and devotion - in a broad sense - to Allah Ta'ala. At the same time, his role on earth is as caliph (leader) in this universe

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 143-146
M R Sandhya ◽  
M V Vinodkumar

Theory of Triguna, originally explained in Sankhya Darshana and accepted in Ayurveda, says that the whole universe is composed of three major attributes namely Satwa, Raja and Tama. The living being, with its physique and psyche, represents the universe, hence, is made up of these three major attributes. The relationship of triguna with Panchamahabhuta, Tridosha and Shadchakra are already studied. Transactional analysis and triguna are inter-related. Basic emotions of human beings are love, hatred and fear. They generate need, action and confusion. These three qualities are interdependent, complementary and antagonistic at the same time. Wellness of human beings incorporates eight mutually interdependent dimensions. All these dimensions cannot be satisfied by a personality with a single guna, but a combination of Satwa, Raja and Tamo guna play here. Similarly multiple intelligences in a person depend on the predominant guna present in them. By understanding and promoting the multiple intelligences in a person helps to shine them in their own world. This paper is a prime attempt to put light on the concept of triguna.

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