2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 461
Poltak Johansen

AbstrakArsitektur dari suatu bangsa, pada suatu masa sering berbeda-beda, baik dalam hal bentuk maupun konsep-konsep yang melandasinya. Hal ini tentu disebabkan adanya perbedaan kebudayaan dari suatu masyarakat dengan masyarakat lainnya. Setiap suku bangsa biasanya akan menunjukkan identitas budayanya melalui benda-benda budaya yang mereka buat. Demikian halnya masyarakat Dayak Kanayatn memiliki ciri tersendiri dalam bentuk arsitektur bangunan khususnya bangunan rumah tinggal. Bentuk arsitektur masyarakat Dayak Kanayat’n yang tinggal di Desa Sahapm tercermin dalam bentuk Rumah Betang atau Rumah Panjang dan hingga kini masih dijaga dan dihuni oleh masyarakat. Bentuk rumah Betang juga menunjukkan hidup kebersamaan bagi penghuninya. Dalam  Rumah panjang atau Rumah Betang mereka berinteraksi antara bilik yang satu dengan bilik yang lainnya. Tujuan penulisan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk arsitektur Rumah Betang dan keberadaannya pada saat ini, selain itu penelitian ini juga  mendeskripsikan kehidupan masyarakat di Rumah Betang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan tehnik pengamatan dan wawancara dalam menggali data di lapangan serta studi kepustakaan sebagai menggali bahan untuk menulis. AbstractThe nation has a diverse architecture, both in terms of form as well as the underlying concepts. The diversity of architecture due to differences in the culture of a society. Each tribe will usually show its cultural identity through cultural objects that they create. Similarly with Kanayatn Dayak community has its own characteristics in the architecture, especially residential buildings. Architectural form of the Dayak people who live in the village Dayak Kanayat'n reflected in the form of Rumah Betang or Rumah Panjang and is still maintained and inhabited by people. Betang shapes also showed live together or togetherness. The people who lived in Rumah Panjang interact with each other in one room to other room. The main purposes of this study is to describe the architectural form and its existence today. In addition, this study describe betang people's lives at home. The method used is descriptive-qualitative method using the techniques of observation and interviews to collect data in the field and library research.

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 155
Gita Sarwadi ◽  
Mahsun Mahsun ◽  
Burhanuddin Burhanuddin

<p>Despite Sasak community in five sub-districts of North Lombok uses the same dialect, namely kuto-Kute Dialect (BSDK), the people within those sub-districts demonstrate different lexicals to express the same meaning. The purpose of this study is to describe the lexicals variations in Kuto-Kute Dialect used by the community in North Lombok. This study used a descriptive-qualitative method. The data was taken by using observation and conversational method. Observation method was applied by observing the language used by communities within the observation spots in the village, while conversational method was used by having conversations with the informants from the observed villages. The data was analysed by using referential identity and distributional methods. The result of the analysis showed that Sasak Kuto-Kute dialect in certain gloss has lexical variations they are glosses having two lexical variation and three lexical variations.</p>


Banjarmasin merupakan ibukota Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan yang dikenal sebagai kota seribu sungai. Kota ini bernama Banjarmasin karena kondisi geografisnya yang dikelilingi oleh sungai besar dan kecil. Salah satu sungai tersebut adalah sungai yang melewati wilayah Desa Kuin Kuin Utara, Selatan Kuin dan Kuin Cerucuk. Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk membahas fungsi sungai bagi masyarakat yang tinggal di tepi Sungai Kuin Banjarmasin Kalimantan Selatan. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sungai tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai jalur transportasi, tetapi juga berfungsi untuk kegiatan ekonomi, interaksi, dan sosialisasi.Banjarmasin is the capital of South Kalimantan Province, which is also known as the city of a thousand rivers. The city is named Banjarmasin due to its geographical conditions which is surrounded by large and small rivers. One of the rivers is the Kuin river that passes through the village of Kuin, North and South Kuin and Kuin Cerucuk. The purpose of this article is to discuss the functions of the river for the people living on the banks of the River Kuin Banjarmasin South Kalimatan. The writing used descriptive qualitative method. Data were collected through interviews and observation. The results show that the river does not only serve as transportation routes, but also serves as economic activity, interaction, and socialization.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
Asman Asman

This article aims to learn more about marriage in an aged wawah because of an extramarital pregnancy and the psychological impact on children in the village of Makrampai West Kalimantan. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach, namely observations in the field, the authors want to describe how the attention of the people of Makrampai Village in Tebas Subdistrict to underage marriages due to pregnancy out of wedlock itself. From the results of this study it was found that underage marriages in Makrampai Village came from a background of lack of parental attention to their biological children so that their children fell into promiscuity which cannot be changed so that the future of children is damaged and the educational background of parents is also very influential towards the education of children at home. Underage marriage has many impacts on the perpetrator, including depression, anxiety, fear and stress which are the effects of underage marriage in Makrampai Village, Tebas District, Sambas Regency.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 306
Asri Soraya Afsari

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji perbandingan kepercayaan masyarakat Talagadi Majalengka dan masyarakat Nagoya di Jepang. Kepercayaan yang dimaksud dalampenelitian ini adalah kepercayaan yang berhubungan dengan tabu atau pamali dankepercayaan yang berhubungan dengan keberuntungan pada kedua masyarakat tersebut.Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut digunakan metode deskripstif kualitatif. Dalam memupudata digunakan metode lapangan karena peneliti terjun langsung ke masyarakat. Disamping itu, digunakan pula metode survey melalui penyebaran daftar kuesioner. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk kepercayaan yang berhubungan dengan tabu ataupamali pada masyarakat Talaga dan Nagoya meliputi kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh manusia.Adapun kepercayaan yang berhubungan dengan keberuntungan pada kedua masyarakattersebut berkaitan dengan binatang, benda, dan kegiatan manusia. Sampai saat ini baikmasyarakat Talaga maupun Nagoya masih memegang teguh kepercayaan tersebut.Kata kunci: kepercayaan, Talaga, Nagoya, deskriptif kualitatif, komparasi budaya.AbstractThe aim of this research is to review the comparison of belief between the society ofTalaga in Majalengka and the society of Nagoya in Japan. The intended belief on this study isthe one related with a taboo or pamali, and the belief correlated to luck on both societies. Inachieving the goal, this research uses a descriptive qualitative method. To get the data, thewriter uses a field method that he (/she) directly involves with the people. On the other hand,the writer also uses a survey method by distributing questioners. The result shows that the beliefcorrelated with the taboo or pamali of Talaga and Nagoya societies covers the activities doneby human. Also with the belief related to luck of both societies corresponds to animals, things,and human’s activities. Until now, either Talaga society or Nagoya’s still keeps those beliefs.Keyword: belief, Talaga, Nagoya, descriptive qualitative, cultural comparison.

2020 ◽  
Askar Nur

This research explains the mysticism of mappadendang tradition in Allamungeng Patue Village, Bone Regency, which is believed by the local community as a form of shielding from danger and can resist reinforcemen such as Covid-19 outbreak. This research is a descriptive study using qualitative method and an ethnographic approach. This research was carried out with the aim of identifying the mystical space in mappadendang tradition which was held in Allamungeng Patue Village. After conducting the tracing process, the researcher found that mappadendang tradition which was held in Allamungeng Patue Village, Bone Regency in July 2020 was not a tradition of harvest celebration as generally in several villages in Bone Regency, especially Bugis tribe, but mappadendang was held as a form of shielding from all distress including Covid-19 outbreak. This trust was obtained after one of the immigrants who now resides in the village dreamed of meeting an invisible figure (tau panrita) who ordered a party to be held that would bring all the village people because remembering that in the village during Covid-19 happened to almost all the existing areas in Indonesia, the people of Allamungeng Patue Village were spared from the outbreak. Spontaneously, the people of Allamungeng Patue Village worked together to immediately carry out the mappadendang tradition as a form of interpretation of the message carried by the figure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 15
Khairuddin Khairuddin

 Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam that must be fulfilled for Muslims who have reached their haul and nisab. The types of assets that must be paid for zakat continue to grow from only five types, namely zakat, gold, silver, agriculture, trade, livestock, and rikaz, while nowadays there are more professions that generate a lot of money, including income from State Civil Apparatus (ASN). Given the large amount of income of an ASN, it is necessary to study the implementation and nisab of ASN zakat. Therefore, this study will discuss how the implementation of ASN Zakat and what the nisab is so that someone pays zakat and what percentage must be issued in Kuala Baru District, Aceh Singkil Regency. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method. The results of the discussion found that the people of Gunung Meriah District issued their zakat at the time of class IIIc and deducted it when they received their salary.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 282-305
Iswanto Iswanto ◽  
Marsi Bombongan Rantesalu

Abstract: Tolerance as a value is manifested in the life behavior of a group of people. The aim of this study is to analyze and describe tolerance studies based on the folklore of the people of Rote in East Nusa Tenggara. As research conducted by Rantesalu and Iswanto (2018), defines tolerance values based on the stories of the people of the Toraja community, namely the value of acceptability and understanding combined with togetherness and complementary. Another empirical paradigm was obtained from Hofner (2018) which explains the tolerance is influenced by social and political contexts. This research is focused on the specificity of the perception of tolerance that is formed from values based on folklore data. The method used is descriptive qualitative method and enriched with Ricour hermeneutic method in text analysis. The data obtained in the form of a folklore titled Landu, which tells the history of the formation of the Landu community on the island of Rote. The Landu Kingdom is one of the 19 kingdoms on Rote Island in the 14th century. Based on the data obtained the results of research on tolerance values contained in CRMR Landu are (1) This acceptability and understanding as a base the basis of tolerance is explained by the verb diadik loke // hule 'beri // kasih' and (2) the value of brotherhood based on the form of diadik dalek // teik 'rasa // inner', inak // touk 'father // mother '.Keywords: Tolerance, Text, Value Abstrak: Toleransi sebagai sebuah nilai diwujudkan dalam perilaku kehidupan suatu kelompok masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah meganalisa dan mendeskripsikan kajian toleransi berdasarkan cerita rakyat masyarakat Rote di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Sebagaimana penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Rantesalu dan Iswanto (2018), mendefinisikan nilai toleransi berdasarkan ceritera rakyat masyarakat Toraja yang di dalamnya terdapat internalisasi nilai keberterimaan dan kesepahaman (acceptability and understanding). Selanjutnya, nilai-nilai tersebut disejajarkan dengan kebersamaan (togetherness) dan saling melengkapi (complementary). Paradigma empiris lainnya diperoleh dari Hofner (2018) yang menjelaskan toleransi yang ditimbulkan dari konteks politik di Indonesia. Penelitian ini lebih difukuskan pada kekhasan persepsi toleransi yang terbentuk dari nilai berdasarkan data cerita rakyat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif yang diperkaya dengan metode hermeneutik Ricour dalam analisa teks. Data yang diperoleh berupa cerita rakyat berjudul Landu, yang menceritakan sejarah terbentuknya masyarakat Landu di pulau Rote. Kerajaan Landu adalah salah satu kerajaan dari 19 kerajaan di Pulau Rote pada abad ke-14. Berdasarkan data diperoleh hasil penelitian nilai toleransi yang terdapat dalam CRMR Landu adalah (1) Nilai keberterimaan dan kesepahaman (acceptability and understanding) ini sebagai alas dasar toleransi dijelaskan berdasarkan verba diadik loke//hule ‘beri//kasih’ dan (2) nilai persaudaraan (brotherhood) yang berdasarkan pada bentuk diadik dalek//teik ‘rasa//batin’, inak//touk ‘ayah//ibu’. Kata Kunci: Toleransi, Teks, Landu

NALARs ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 69 ◽  
Primi Artiningrum ◽  
Danto Sukmajati

ABSTRAK.Masyarakat Bugis terkenal sebagai pelaut ulung di Indonesia yang telah menjelajahi seluruh wilayah nusantara.Oleh karena itu permukiman masyarakat Bugis dapat ditemukan di hampir seluruh wilayah Indonesia, terutama di kawasan pesisir.Di pantai Utara Jakarta juga terdapat satu kampung nelayan Bugis, yaitu di wilayah Kamal Muara.Karakter fisik dari permukiman ini menunjukkan ciri-ciri arsitektur vernacular Bugis yang dapat dilihat dari bentuk rumah-rumahnya.Akan tetapi, kondisi lingkungan yang berbeda dengan di tempat asalnya memaksa masyarakat kampung Bugis tersebut untuk beradaptasi baik terhadap lingkungan fisik maupun lingkungan sosial budayanya.Adaptasi tersebut menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan-perubahan pada bentuk dan pola perkampungannya.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan pengaruh adaptasi terhadap bentuk rumah dan pola kampung yang dibandingkan dengan arsitektur Bugis yang asli.Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif.Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi lapangan dan wawancara kepada informan kunci termasuk beberapa pemilik rumah.Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah teridentifikasinya adapatasi bentuk arsitektur dan pola kampung terkait dengan kondisi lingkungan dan sosial budaya. Kata  kunci : adaptasi, vernakular, arsitektur, nelayan, kampung ABSTRACT.Bugis people are famous as the best sailor in Indonesia who have sailed all over the archipelago. Their settlements can be found all over the country especially in the coastal area. Kamal Muara is one of the Bugis fishermen village located in the North coast of Jakarta. The physical character of this settlement demonstrates Bugis vernacular architecture which is especially noticeable in the form of its houses. However, the new place has forced the people to adapt to the physical environment as well as to the social and cultural environment. Consequently, the adaptation caused changes of architectural shapes and the pattern of the village. This objective of this research was to find out the influence of the adaptation to the house form and village pattern that was compared to its original Bugis Architecture. The method of this research was qualitative descriptive research. The data was collected through field study, observation, and interview to the key informants including the owner of the houses. The outcomes of this research is the identification of the adaptation in architectural form and village pattern related to the environmental condition and the sociocultural problem. Keywords:  adaptation, vernacular, architecture, fishermen, village

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-148
Abdul Rohman

This Article discusses the orientation of the interpretation of Al-Furqân by Ahmad Hassan. The purpose of this paper is to find out the socio-intellectual contect behind the birth of the work of Al-Furqân interpretation and to find out the orientatios in the interpretation. The method used in writing this article is a qualitative method based on library research studies and the main object is the interpretation of Al-Furqân. The results obtained are that the context in which the interpretation of Al-Furqân was written was due to the socio-intellectual conditions of the people at the time Ahmad Hassan lived at the beginning of the 20th century in general they still adhere to conservative beliefs and the study of interpretation is still centered on several interpretations. So that the birth of this Al-Furqân interpretation is a reflection of Ahmad Hassan’s spirit of renewal and the renewal movement promoted by him. Than the orientation of the interpretation of Al-Furqân from its vaious aspects is obtainned that the orientation of Ahmad Hassan’s trust is Ahlu Sunah wal Jama’ah; in the terms of the orientation of the madzhab Ahmad Hassan not only to one madzhab; the orientation of the pattern that dominates the interpretation is the language pattern;  the orientasi of the general method used is the global method; and the finally, orientation of the sources used dominantly is the interpretation of bi ar-ra’yi.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-70
Sastika Seli ◽  
Bahya Alfitri

The research aims to describe the functions of humor used in an American comedy movie The Boss. The subject of the research was American comedy movie The Boss. Descriptive qualitative method was used to conduct the research. Data collection was done through library research and documentation. Data analysis was done through identification, coding, classification and description. The researcher found several findings. Supported by Meyers theory of joke, there are 6 functions of jokes found in the movie such as to insult someone, to express anger, to tease someone, to relieve tension, to get attention, and to amuse others. The dominant function was differentiation particularly to insult and to express anger 21 times, the second was clarification particularly to relieve tension humorous lines and amuse others 15 times, the third was enforcement particularly to tease 18 times, and the last was identification particularly to relieve tension and to get attention 27 times. These functions were also analyzed and discriminated by different setting and participant based on formality and participants distance. According to the analysis, most jokes occurred in informal situation with intimate relationship among the participants and functioned to tease someone and to relieve tension. This finding also proves that American humor is expressed with more slapstick and vulgarity as the characteristic of American humor used in daily communication. Keywords: sociolinguistics, humor, American humor, American comedy movie, The Boss movie

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