scholarly journals American Humor used in an American Comedy Movie The Boss

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-70
Sastika Seli ◽  
Bahya Alfitri

The research aims to describe the functions of humor used in an American comedy movie The Boss. The subject of the research was American comedy movie The Boss. Descriptive qualitative method was used to conduct the research. Data collection was done through library research and documentation. Data analysis was done through identification, coding, classification and description. The researcher found several findings. Supported by Meyers theory of joke, there are 6 functions of jokes found in the movie such as to insult someone, to express anger, to tease someone, to relieve tension, to get attention, and to amuse others. The dominant function was differentiation particularly to insult and to express anger 21 times, the second was clarification particularly to relieve tension humorous lines and amuse others 15 times, the third was enforcement particularly to tease 18 times, and the last was identification particularly to relieve tension and to get attention 27 times. These functions were also analyzed and discriminated by different setting and participant based on formality and participants distance. According to the analysis, most jokes occurred in informal situation with intimate relationship among the participants and functioned to tease someone and to relieve tension. This finding also proves that American humor is expressed with more slapstick and vulgarity as the characteristic of American humor used in daily communication. Keywords: sociolinguistics, humor, American humor, American comedy movie, The Boss movie

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-156
Yudi Permana ◽  
Meirani Rahayu Rukmanda

  This article discusses waqf: fiqh review, legal basis and its implementation in Indonesia. This study was written using qualitative method with library study as its approach. Data source is in the form of library publications (Library Research). Data types are written narrations or documents contained in publication sources. Data collection techniques are carried out by tracking the sources of such publications. Data analysis techniques use description analysis. The results of this study show that waqf is reviewed in terms of fiqh, legal basis and its implementation in Indonesia has a mutually reinforcing relationship. From these findings, it can be concluded that waqf as an Islamic fiscal instrument has a strong foundation in terms of fiqh and ushul fiqh and its implementation, especially in Indonesia.

Yossi Kristy ◽  
Deliana Deliana ◽  
Yulianus Harefa

This research was intended to find out the types of presupposition in the character’s utterances of Beauty and the Beast movie script and describe the meaning of presupposition that are represented in the movie script. This research used a descriptive qualitative method, which was carried out by collecting, grouping, analyzing and interpreting the research data. The data in this research were the utterances of the characters in movie script containing presupposition. The data were collected through four steps:  observation, taking note, data validation and setting them in tables. Based on the data analysis, it was found that 6 types of presupposition were used in the character’s utterances of the movie script. The most frequent type of presupposition used by the characters was existential presupposition with 26 data of 58 data found in this movie script. The second type of presupposition often used was factive presupposition with 9 data found in the data. Then, the third was lexical presupposition consisting of 8 data and the fourth was structural presupposition with the same number. The fifth type of presupposition used was non-factive presupposition with 4 data found in this research. The last type of presupposition used in this research was counter-factual presupposition with 3 data found in the movie script.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 181
Rahmat Rahmat

This study aims to determine the Tourist Perception of Bokori Island Tourism Object in Bokori Village, Soropia District of Konawe Regency. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Subjects in this study were tourists visiting attractions Bokori Island. Traveler sampling in this study set out in the quota sampling 50 respondents, in this study the sample collection technique by accidental sampling.Methods of  data collection using questionnaires, observation and documentation. Questionnaire data analysis in this research is the analysis presented in the table percentage and distribution. Based on the results obtained show that, according to the perception of tourists attractions of the Bokori Island (1) appeal to the average score - average rating of 3.31 with the perception of being in either category, (2) accessibility with a mean score - average of 3.40 with the perception of tourists are in good category, (3) visitor facilities with a mean score - average rating of 3.12 with the perception of being in either category, (4) infrastructure with a mean score - average 3.53 with the perception of tourists were in the excellent category, (5) security with a mean score - average of 3.24 with the perceptions of visitors are in good category, (6) the promotion with a mean score - average of 3.32 with the perceptions of visitors are in either category. Thus the perception of the overall rating showed a mean score - average rating of 3.32 with the perception of being in either category.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Amanda Rizky Amalia ◽  
Antika Suri Tauladan ◽  
Fani Aulia Sari

Language has an important role in everyday human life in society. Jargon is a kind of language that is only used by certain communities as daily communication among its members. The jargon used by the transgender community is very interesting to understand because the jargon has its own form and meaning in its disclosure and can find out how the variety of jargon-shaped language used by transgenders in hiding their secrets so as not to be known by the public. It is evident that not all users of other languages understand the jargon. In this study, the researchers analyzed the jargon used by the waria community in the salon. This study aims to determine the jargon and describe and understand the meaning of the jargon used by the transgender community in interacting orally. The source of the research data was obtained from the subject, namely the transgender women who worked at the Retah salon in Pamulang, who used jargon in their daily communication with transgender women and sometimes with their customers. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method, which describes and conveys data objectively. Describe the jargon terms of transgender language as the object of research. The data collection technique used is observation or see and note. The result of this research is the jargon used by waria in the form of transgender language vocabulary. Based on the results of the data analysis, it was found that 20 pieces of jargon used by transgender women in the salon were akika, rapose, capcus, endang gurindang, ink, sekong, belenjong, cucok, metong, hamidah, lekong, sapose, capcay, begindang, bala-bala, sindang. , lambreta, grasshopper, mesong, and mursida.Keywords: Waria, Jargon, Vocabulary

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 110
Elisa Nurul Laili

Dysphemism is an expression with connotations that are offensive either about the denotatum or the audience. It is used to talk about one’s opponents, things one wishes to show disapproval of, and things one wishes to be seen to downgrade. The topic of dysphemism is crucial to investigate because dysphemism is the infraction of the rules of politeness that deals with the matters of face and face effects.This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The approach used in this research is library research. Data taken from taking notes and observation.This article is written to explain dysphemism in the perspective of Semantics, Sociolinguistics, and Discourse Analysis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 261
Rajudin Rajudin ◽  
Miswar Miswar ◽  
Yunis Muler

AbstrakPenelitian ini adalah penelitian dasar (basic research) yang mencoba untuk mengkaji metode penciptaan karya seni murni bentuk representasional, simbolik dan abstrak. Kajian dilakukan terhadap beberapa seniman lukis, grafis dan patung di empat kota dalam wilayah Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data utama dilakukan melalui observasi dan wawancara dengan sumber primer, yaitu seniman. Sedangkan data tidak langsung dikumpulkan melalui jurnal, buku, video foto, katalog pameran, karya-karya seniman, dan dokumen-dokumen terkait. Teknik analisis data dilakukan sebelum di lapangan dan di lapangan. Temuan penelitian ini adalah berupa metode yang spesifik, lebih operasional dan teknis tentang penciptaan karya seni murni bentuk representasional, simbolik dan abstrak.  Kata Kunci: Metode, Representasional, Simbolik, Abstrak.AbstractThis research is a basic research which tries to examine the method of creating pure works of representational, symbolic and abstract forms. The study was carried out on several painters, engravers and sculptors in four cities in the West Sumatra region of Indonesia. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The main data collection techniques are carried out through observation and interviews with primary sources, namely artists. While indirect data is collected through journals, books, videos, photos, exhibition catalogs, works of artists, and related documents. Data analysis techniques were carried out before on the field and in the field. The findings of this study are in the form of specific, more operational and technical methods about the creation of pure works of representational, symbolic and abstract forms. Keywords: Method, Representational, Symbolic, Abstract. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 261
Andi Muhammad Ridwan ◽  
Baso Pallawagau

حاولت هذه الدراسة الكشف عن فلسفة وحدة الوجود في التصوف الإسلامي والفلسفي، وتتكون قضية هذه الدراسة من الأسئلة الآتية: ما هي أصول فلسفة وحدة الوجود في الدين الإسلامي؟ كيف موقف العلماء من فلسفة وحدة الوجود؟ وأمّا نوع البحث المستخدم في هذه الدراسة فهو البحث الوصفي النوعي وطريقة جمع البيانات هي الطريقة المكتبية، وتحليلها عن طريق تحليل علم الكلام. ونتيجة البحث تجيب عن الأسئلة المذكورة وهي: أن أصحاب فلسفة وحدة الوجود اعتمدت إلى مصدر قرآني ونبوي، والنبوي يشتمل على الأحاديث القدسية والأحاديث الشريفة، في دعم عقيدتهم الوجودية. وأما موقف العلماء في تقدير فلسفة وحدة الوجود فهم منقسمون إلى فريقين متعارضين: فريق يرى أنها تتمشى مع روح العقيدة الصحيحة وفريق يرى أنها خارجة عن عقيدة الإسلام الصحيحة. والمستفاد من هذه الدراسة وهو أن فلسفة وحدة الوجود من المذاهب الصوفية اعتنقها كثير من أتباع الصوفية الذين يعيشون في المجتمع قديما وحديثا، وهم لا يخرجون عن عقيدة الإسلام الصحيحة.This research reveals the philosophy of pantheism (wahdatul wujud) in Islamic tasawwuf and philosophical tasawwuf with the aim of exploring the basic philosophy of pantheism in Islam and how the ulama's attitude towards the philosophy of pantheism. This research used descriptive qualitative, library research data methods (library research) and data analysis using kalam science analysis. The results showed that: Adherents of the philosophy of pantheism were guided by the Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet, both the qudsi and nabaw’s hadits of the prophet in supporting their faith. the attitude of the scholar in assessing pantheism, they are divided into two groups with different opinions. Groups who argue that the philosophy of pantheism is in accordance with the correct Islamic creed, and groups who argue that this philosophy deviates from Islamic creeds. The implication of this research shows that the philosophy of pantheism is one of the Sufism schools adopted by many Sufis who are present in society, both traditional and modern societies. They actually do not deviate from the true Islamic creed.Penelitian ini mengungkap filsafat panteisme (wahdatul wujud) di dalam tasawwuf Islam dan tasawwuf filosofis, dengan tujuan menggali dasar filsafat panteisme di dalam Islam dan bagaimana sikap ulama terhadap filsafat panteisme. Jenis penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif, metode pengumpulan data bersifat penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dan analisis data mempergunakan analisis ilmu kalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Penganut filsafat panteisme berpedoman pada al-Qur'an dan Hadis Nabi saw., baik hadis qudsi maupun hadis nabawi dalam menyokong akidah mereka. Adapun sikap ulama di dalam menilai filsafat panteisme, mereka terbagi dua golongan yang berbeda pendapat. Ada golongan yang berpendapat bahwa filsafat panteisme sesuai dengan akidah Islam yang benar, dan ada golongan yang berpendapat bahwa filsafat tersebut melenceng dari akidah Islam. Implikasi penelitian menunjukkan bahwa filsafat panteisme merupakan salah satu aliran tasawwuf yang dianut oleh banyak kaum sufi yang hadir di masyarakat, baik masyarakat tradisional maupun masyarakat moderen. Mereka sebenarnya tidak melenceng dari akidah Islam yang benar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Suci Nurul Afidah ◽  
Asep Purwo Yudi Utomo

The purpose of this research is to describe the illocutionary acts on one of Gita Savitri Devi’s Youtube Channel video entitled Kenapa kita membenci? Beropini eps. 46. The method use in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The data in this research are illocutionary acts spoken by Gita Savitri Devi in one of her Youtube Channel videos. The data source in this research is the narration delivered by Gita Savitri Devi in that video. The data collection techniques using hearken technique. Data analysis techniques in this research were carried out through the steps : (1) Data transcription, (2) Data classification, and (3) Data inference. The results obtained by the type of assertive illocutionary acts, directive illocutionary acts, and expresive illocutionary acts. While the types of commissive illocutionary acts and declaration illocutionary acts were not found in this research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Saiful Anwar

This study examines the implementation of moral education in QS. Al-Hujurat verses 11-13 in Sayyid Qutb's Tafsir Fi Zilalil Quran. The purpose of this research is to describe the messages and values ​​of moral education as contained in the letter Al-Hujurat verses 11-13. The benefits of this research are theoretically expected to provide a small contribution of thought or input that is useful for Islamic education, while practically this research is expected to provide a little contribution of thought, especially for researchers and readers in general in understanding the contents of the content or values ​​in the letter. Al-Hujurat verses 11-13. The data collection method in this thesis research is a qualitative method through searching data or library research, library data collection methods, reading and processing research materials. The source of the commentary book Fi Zhilalil Qur'an is supported by secondary sources which are related to the problem. Based on the results of research and data analysis, it can be concluded that: The values ​​of moral education contained in the Al-Hujurat verse 11-13 in the interpretation of Fi Zhilalil qur'an, namely the prohibition of making fun of, criticizing, calling badly, haram and prejudice , backbiting, finding fault with others and equality and ta'aruf. The study found that there are three types of interpretation used by sayyid qutub. The methods used are takhalli, tahalli and tajalli.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 261
Wilya Setiawati ◽  
Maryani Maryani

AbstractThis research is entitled An Analysis of Figurative Language in Taylor Swift's song lyrics it aims to know the types of figurative language that are used in Taylor swift lyrics and describe the contextual meaning of the figurative language used in Taylor's lyrics. The research data is obtained from two songs from one albumof Taylor Swift. The album titled Red with three songs taken entitles Red and 22. This research uses descriptive qualitative method in observation and library research in collecting data of this research. Figurative language found consists of simile, metaphor, hyperbole, paradox, irony and personification. In this research, these findingsshow that hyperbole is the most dominant in Taylor Swift’s song and based on the contextual meaning of overall song lyrics of Taylor Swift tell about conflict, pain heart and deeply treachery.Keywords: song, lyric, figurative language, contextual meaning

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