scholarly journals Chain of Custody Implementation on Public Service Administration in Indonesia: A Framework

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 61
Resista Vikaliana ◽  
Maya Puspita Dewi ◽  
Munir Saputra ◽  
Tulus Santoso ◽  
Sukarni Novitasari

Proses administrasi dapat dilihat melalui proses umum, sedangkan tindakan administratif dapat dilihat pada tingkat program tertentu. Chain of custody (CoC), dalam konteks hukum, mengacu pada dokumentasi kronologis atau jejak kertas yang mencatat urutan penahanan, kontrol, transfer, analisis, dan disposisi bukti fisik atau elektronik. Dalam proses layanan, CoC berfungsi untuk melacak dokumen layanan atau jejak dokumen sesuai dengan prosedur yang ditentukan. Dalam pelayanan publik, kegiatan administrasi dilakukan untuk mengendalikan upaya instansi pemerintah agar tujuannya tercapai. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji penerapan CoC dalam penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik di Indonesia. Berdasarkan pendekatan kuasi-kualitatif yang dilakukan, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa penerapan CoC dalam penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik dapat memberikan kerangka kerja yang berguna untuk memahami dan meningkatkan upaya pengurangan masalah administrasi dalam pelayanan publik.Administrative processes can be seen through a general process, while administrative action can be examined at a certain program level. Chain of custody (CoC), in the context of law, refers to chronological documentation or paper traces that record the sequence of detention, control, transfer, analysis, and disposition of physical or electronic evidence. In the service process, the CoC serves to track service documents or document traces according to the procedures specified. In public services, administrative activities are carried out to control the efforts of government agencies so that their objectives are achieved. This paper aims to examine the application of CoC to the administration of public services in Indonesia. Based on the quasi-qualitative approach taken, it was produced that the application of CoC to the administration of public services can provide a useful framework for understanding and improving efforts to reduce administrative problems in public services.

Wacana Publik ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (02) ◽  
pp. 57-67
Azima Dimyati ◽  
Devi Ratnasari Togatorop ◽  
Selvi Diana Meilinda

The purpose of this study was to describe public services during a pandemic, as initial research, public services are focused on e-KTP services at the Bandar Lampung City Population and Civil Registry Service because e-KTP services are a priority ahead of the simultaneous Regional Head Elections on 9 December 2020. Public service is an activity that is given to meet the needs of every person or society. Therefore, the government must have a strategy of responsibility and serving various problems and responses from the community. The e-KTP making service is measured from various dimensions of service quality such as reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. With a qualitative approach, data is obtained based on the results of observations and interviews, it is known that administrative services for making ID cards have not been carried out by following changes during the pandemic, problems that arose before the pandemic still occur so that it does not provide satisfaction to the community, this is seen from the lack of infrastructure. adjusting to pandemic conditions, lack of responsiveness and attention from staff and employees, guaranteeing certainty of settlement that is not in accordance with the stipulated rules is a challenge in implementing the dimensions of e-KTP services.

2020 ◽  
pp. 009539972094985
Jeroen van der Heijden

For many years, governments around the globe have been called on to increase the professionalism of their public services. The New Zealand Government Regulatory Practice Initiative (G-REG) is an illustrative example of a network of government agencies responding to this call by providing a program of standardized training for public servants. This article maps, explores, and interrogates this example to obtain a better understanding of whether a standardized program can help to nurture and increase the professionalism of a community of public servants. It finds that the main challenge of such an undertaking is finding a balance between narrow professionalism (technical expertise and knowledge) and broad professionalism (acting proficiently and ethically).

Tuturlogi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 221-230
Saras Desca Lestari ◽  
Fajar Hariyanto ◽  
Yanti Tayo

Communication is a very decisive aspect for the delivery of public services, so service providers must know how to communicate well so that they can influence others in the service. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Interviews were conducted with informants determined by purposive sampling, the informants were employees who handled services at DLHK Karawang, and the society who received services. And use one of three important aspects/dimensions in public service communication, namely Institution/Corporate Image. The results showed that, communication of public services provided by the PPL DLHK Karawang had given a pretty good impression. Communities and companies have received complete information and good service, because important aspects/dimensions in service communication already exist in the DLHKKarawang. However there are still some shortcomings, DLHKKarawang does not have brochures, leaflets or films about services. Yet in the implementation of public service communication must pay attention to all things that can support the achievement of the goal of providing excellent service.

This study is to examine Describe and analyze the quality of the implementation of public services by the district government in public services through the Public Service Mall (MPP) in the Sumedang patent district. Seeing the supporting factors and servants in the process of public service that refers to KememPan number 31 of 2019 there are still not many maximums from the start of the regent's regulations that have not yet come out even though the service has begun to run, this study will analyze how public services should be carried out in the process of implementing the pub service system lik through the Mall Public Services (MPP) in Sumedang Regency. The method used in the activity is a descriptive method through a qualitative approach. With this method and approach, it is expected to be able to describe various problems in their entirety and comprehensively, so that the results of the problem analysis can be used as a basis for understanding phenomena and giving birth to a concept of the quality of public service delivery in Sumedang Regency

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Eliyusnadi M.Si

Analysis of General Principles of Public Service at the Industry and Trade Office of Kerinci Regency. Every community certainly really hopes for the existence of general principles of public services in providing services to the community, especially at the Kerinci Regency Industry and Trade Office. In order to provide satisfactory services to service users, service delivery must meet the general principles of good governance in order to create customer satisfaction, which is a measure of the success of a public service. The formulation of the research problem, namely, how are the general principles of public services at the Kerinci Regency Industry and Trade Service. The objective of the research is to find out the general principles of public services in the Kerinci Regency Industry and Trade Service. This research uses a qualitative approach where data is obtained through field interview guides to 7 informants referring to 6 research indicators, namely 1. Transparency 2. Accountability 3. Conditional 4. Participation 5. Non-Discriminatory. 6. Balance of Rights and Obligations. The data obtained in the field were analyzed based on the classification of the informants' answers which were described in the results and discussion of the research which was then carried out by the interpretative researcher. It is known that the General Principles of Public Service at the Industry and Trade Office of Kerinci Regency, from the six research indicators, five indicators are well implemented, namely accountability, conditionality, participation, non-discrimination and balance of rights and obligations, while transparency indicators have not been maximally implemented. For this reason, the authors suggest that the General Principles of Public Service in the Kerinci Regency Industry and Trade Service can be improved so that they are more transparent in providing services to the community.

Surya Arfan ◽  
Mayarni Mayarni ◽  
Mimin Sundari Nasution

This study aims to determine the responsiveness of public services in Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic, this time digital bureaucracy is very much needed in every government agency in carrying out its duties and functions in order to accelerate the process of public services during the Covid-19 pandemic. Service standardization is the next most important thing to keep the bureaucracy running effectively, quickly and responsively in providing the best service to the community. This study chooses a qualitative research type with a literature review approach. The results of this study found that The Indonesian bureaucracy has not been able to respond to strategic problems in Indonesia quickly due to several obstacles to an apathetic bureaucratic culture, and the lack of participation of all parties in the public service process during the Covid-19 pandemic, there are still shortcomings in terms of speed, quality and community satisfaction. This is also influenced by overlapping policies that take a long time to implement.

Publika ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 63-76
Ayu Apriliana Puspita Styareni ◽  
Eva Hany Fanida

Pelayanan yang efektif dan efisien adalah tuntutan dari masyarakat kepada instansi pemerintah dalam memberikan pelayanannya. DPMPTSP Kabupaten Blitar merupakan salah satu instansi pemerintah yang meluncurkan inovasi pelayanan publik. Inovasi yang diluncurkan oleh DPMPTSP adalah Pelayanan Joss Banget Mas, yaitu Jemput Online Single Submission Bersama Instansi Terkait dan Malam Hari Bisa. Inovasi ini merupakan bukti bahwa DPMPTSP Kabupaten Blitar telah melakukan percepatan pelayanan dan sekaligus menjawab permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat. Jauhnya lokasi kantor yang berada di tengah kota serta persyaratan yang belum diketahui banyak masyarakat menjadi dasar diluncurkannya inovasi Joss Banget Mas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini guna mendeskripsikan terkait pelayanan Joss Banget Mas. Penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif merupakan jenis penelitian yang dipilih oleh peneliti dengan pengumpulan datanya menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa inovasi pelayanan Joss Banget Mas telah beroperasi dengan baik dan sesuai dengan kebijakan PP No. 24 Tahun 2018. Selanjutnya sumber ide-ide inovasi mendapatkan masukan dari pegawai maupun masyarakat. Budaya inovasi pada inovasi Joss Banget Mas adalah penyederhanaan syarat-syarat sehingga memudahkan masyarakat dalam mendaftarkan perizinan usahanya. Selanjutnya kemampuan dan alat inovasi Joss Banget Mas cukup memadahi tetapi terdapat kekurangan pada bagian alat yang digunakan. Kemudian tujuan, hasil, pendorong dan hambatan adalah untuk mempermudah pelaku usaha dalam memperoleh perizinan berusaha, hambatannya yaitu sering terjadi error dan down pada server OSS. Terakhir, DPMPTSP Kabupaten Blitar mengadakan pelayanan mandiri kepada masyarakat guna mengumpulkan data inovasi untuk inovasi tunggal. Kata Kunci: Inovasi, Pelayanan Publik, Pelayanan Joss Banget Mas, Online Single Submission (OSS).   Effective and efficient services are demands from the community on government agencies in providing their services. DPMPTSP Blitar regency of the government agencies that has launched public service innovations. The innovation launched by the DPMPTSP Blitar Regency call as Joss Banget Mas Service with Online Single Submission Delivery with Related Agencies and Can Night. This innovation is proof that the DPMPTSP Blitar Regency and at the same time answers the problems faced by the community. The remote location of the launch of the Joss Banget Mas innovation. The purpose of this research is to describe the services related to Joss Banget Mas. Descriptive research with a qualitative approach is the type with the data collection techniques using observation, interviews, documentation and literature study. The results showed that the Joss Banget Mas service innovation had operated well and was in accordance with applicable policies. The second indicator of governance and innovation in its implementation is in accordance with PP. 24 of 2018. Furthermore, sources of innovative ideas get input from employees and the public. The culture of innovation in Joss Banget Mas innovation is the simplification of the requirements so that it makes it easier for the public to register business licenses. Furthermore, the capabilities and innovation tools of Joss Banget Mas were sufficient but there were shortcoming in the parts of the tools used. Then the objectives, results, drivers and obstacles are to make it easier for business actors to obtain business licenses, there are also obstacles, namely frequent errors and downs on the OSS server. Finally, DPMPTSP Blitar Regency provides independent services to the community to collect innovation data for a single innovation. Keywords: Innovation, Public  Service, Joss Banget Mas Service, Online Single Submission (OSS)

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 149
Rekho Adriadi ◽  
Linda Safitra

Along with  level of social media fame that higer than before, we cannot deny that now there is an expansion of social media "functions", where the social media is not only used as a medium of self-existence, but also the existence of groups, institutions and state institutions. Used not only for individual interests, but also for economic, social, political, and cultural interests. One of the social media functions “now” is the function of public services, where the social media is used as a medium of public service by institutions and state institutions like Ombudsman RI Bengkulu. Digital-based services through the internet network are carried out by Ombudsman RI Bengkulu as a way to reach the community. Such as through Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram. Digital-based services via the internet by the Ombudsman RI Bengkulu can be said a manifestation of the Ombudsman service innovation to the public. Therefore it is interesting to see about how far the social media is used by the Indonesian Ombudsman Bengkulu for public service purposes. This study is a qualitative study that seeks to analyze and describe the use of Instagram in public services by the Ombudsman RI Bengkulu. The results showed that social media, by the Ombudsman RI Bengkulu, was used as a medium for socializing and raising complaints in the process of public service. Besides being used as a media for public services, there are positive and negative impacts arising from the use of social media in the public service process by the Ombudsman RI Bengkulu. However, the use of social media is considered effective and is considered to be able to facilitate the process of public service, besides that it is also a manifestation of the diffusion of innovation in the public service process by the Indonesian Ombudsman Bengkulu. Keywords: Utilization, Social Media, public services, RI Ombudsman Bengkulu, Innovation  

2017 ◽  
Zulfan Nahruddin ◽  
Hesty Tambajong

This study aims to determine the behavior of district officials in the delivery of public services and know the culture of a growing organization in the district office in order to give service in society. Meanwhile at the end of this study, it can provide insight into the raising behavior from organization culture. This study used a qualitative approach, the sampling is purposive data sources on the apparatus districts and snowball on society service recipients in Tamalanrea district. The results showed that reflected behavioral aspects of the experience and discipline of apparatus, transparency and rules observance would make the bureaucracy becomes stiff but it aims to prevent irregularities and chaos in the administration service. Besides that the openness have become important factors in the process of public services, the information provided openly necessary in order to attempt to obtain a compensation. It does not occur to the apparatus meanwhile the service can be sincere. Then the findings of this study indicate that the culture that is built on the ideals, values that exist within the organization over time will form the professional behavioral apparatus.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Sukur Suleman ◽  
Marno Wance

This research was conducted by looking at the condition of public service in South Halmahera Regency which always expands various problems both public services, public goods and public administration, besides that the role of the ombudsman as an oversight agency for public services is also still weak. Therefore, the task and authority of the Ombudsman in South Halmahera Regency is a study in order to address the existing maladministration issues. This study aims to determine the North Maluku Ombudsman in carrying out its role as a public service supervision institution in South Halmahera Regency, then to examine what are the determinant factors of the North Maluku Ombudsman in carrying out its role as a supervisor in South Halmahera Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach to the type of case study (case study). Data used through observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the role of ombudsmna in South Halmahera Regency was not maximal, as seen from the process and stages of receiving reports, clarification, infestigation, mediation and recommendations, then the low level of innovation carried out, both socialization, cooperation, then its human resources, supporting facilities, budget and knowledge Public.

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