Degi Alrinda Agustina ◽  
Lili Rahmawati

This study aims to analyze the scientific literacy skills of PGSD students at the University of Borneo Tarakan with the Test of Scientific Literacy Skills (TOSLS). TOSLS is a test that measures skills related to the main aspects of scientific literacy, namely recognizing and analyzing the use of investigative methods that lead to scientific knowledge and skills to organize, analyze, and interpret quantitative data and scientific information. This study uses qualitative research, namely by analyzing and describing the main aspects of student scientific literacy with TOSLS. The results showed that the students 'scientific literacy skills were still in poor criteria as indicated by the students' skills in understanding the method of investigation that led to scientific knowledge of 59.54%, and the skills of organizing, analyzing, and interpreting quantitative data and scientific information by 54.56%. The results of this research become the basis for further research with innovative learning models and teaching materials to improve students' scientific literacy. 

Francisco Gilson Rebouças Porto Junior ◽  
Edson De Sousa Oliveira

O artigo discute o projeto de criação e implantação do Repositório Institucional da Universidade Federal do Tocantins, RIUFT. O objetivo é agrupar, armazenar, organizar, preservar, recuperar e divulgar a produção científica e acadêmica da UFT com vistas à gestão da informação cientifica, aumentando a visibilidade e o prestígio da instituição em âmbito nacional e internacional. Busca disponibilizar à comunidade universitária um espaço para armazenar e preservar a informação produzida na Instituição e ao mesmo tempo promover a transparência dos gastos públicos e apoio às atividades de pesquisa e criação do conhecimento científico no âmbito da UFT. A implantação do RIUFT será mediante adesão ao edital do Ibict, e será desenvolvido em duas fases: planejamento e implementação. Este estudo aborda também um histórico das ações implantadas pelo Ibict em prol do movimento de acesso livre ao conhecimento científico, bem como uma breve revisão de literatura sobre a sociedade do conhecimento e as tecnologias de informação e comunicação. Como técnica de pesquisa, adotamos uma abordagem qualitativa, utilizando-se de revisão bibliográfica e pesquisa exploratória. O método de coleta de dados adotado foi a partir de informações fornecidas pela universidade e seus programas de pós-graduação. Palavras-chave: Repositório Institucional; Comunicação científica; Acesso aberto. ABSTRACTThe article discusses the project of creation and implementation of the Institutional Repository of the Federal University of Tocantins, RIUFT. The goal is to gather, store, organize, preserve, retrieve and disseminate scientific and academic production of UFT with a view to the management of scientific information, increasing the visibility and prestige of the institution in the national and international levels. Search available to the university community a space to store and preserve the information produced in the institution and at the same time promoting the transparency of public spending and support for research activities and creation of scientific knowledge within the UFT. The implementation of RIUFT is through adherence to Ibict the notice, and will be developed in two phases: planning and implementation. This study also addresses a history of actions implemented by Ibict in favor of open access movement to scientific knowledge as well as a brief literature review of the knowledge society and information and communication technologies. As a research technique, we adopted a qualitative approach, using literature review and exploratory research. The data collection method adopted was based on information provided by the university and its graduate programs. Keywords: Institutional Repository; scientific communication; open access

2012 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 364-377 ◽  
Cara Gormally ◽  
Peggy Brickman ◽  
Mary Lutz

Life sciences faculty agree that developing scientific literacy is an integral part of undergraduate education and report that they teach these skills. However, few measures of scientific literacy are available to assess students’ proficiency in using scientific literacy skills to solve scenarios in and beyond the undergraduate biology classroom. In this paper, we describe the development, validation, and testing of the Test of Scientific Literacy Skills (TOSLS) in five general education biology classes at three undergraduate institutions. The test measures skills related to major aspects of scientific literacy: recognizing and analyzing the use of methods of inquiry that lead to scientific knowledge and the ability to organize, analyze, and interpret quantitative data and scientific information. Measures of validity included correspondence between items and scientific literacy goals of the National Research Council and Project 2061, findings from a survey of biology faculty, expert biology educator reviews, student interviews, and statistical analyses. Classroom testing contexts varied both in terms of student demographics and pedagogical approaches. We propose that biology instructors can use the TOSLS to evaluate their students’ proficiencies in using scientific literacy skills and to document the impacts of curricular reform on students’ scientific literacy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-76
Muhammad Retsa Rizaldi Mujayapura ◽  
Karim Suryadi ◽  
Sardin Sardin

This article aims to examine the importance of information literacy and scientific literacy skills to prevent exposure to misinformation in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Believing in misinformation encourages behaviour that is detrimental to individuals and groups due to anxiety, fear, uncertainty, and a lack of critical thinking skills. This study uses a qualitative approach with a systematic literature review (SLR) method. Through the SLR method, this article uses various sources of empirical research by collecting data and information to analyze elements in information literacy and scientific literacy that can identify misinformation. Information literacy is considered to be more useful in preventing belief in misinformation compared to the concepts of digital literacy, media literacy, and news literacy. Information literacy skills with information verification, and supported by scientific literacy with intellectual virtue, can recognize misinformation about COVID-19 so that it can prevent individuals from believing in misinformation that can result in errors of action. Scientific information literacy needs practical intervention to the public, one of which is through the role of educational institutions.

Robert A. Salvador ◽  
Cherrypn B. Barbacena ◽  
Francisco D. Esponilla II

Higher education is a window for people to gain knowledge and skills. People who step out in higher academic learning are expected to be equipped with competencies needed in the different job sites. Therefore, the responsibility of every institution to seek alternatives to further enhance academic opportunities. The main objective of this study was to develop an academic-industry partnership (AIP) framework for the Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU). A qualitative research design was utilized in exploring the partnership engagement of the different colleges of the university. Interviews inquiring about participants' lived experiences were purposively selected for a grounded-theory analysis following the thematic coding process. The coding was further subjected to a triangulation for purposes of validating the data from various sources. The study revealed that the AIP is focused on the areas of instruction, research and production, and research and extension. This leads to the creation of the AIP framework which can contribute to the development of AIP policy of the MMSU and other higher education institutions.

2012 ◽  
Vol 74 (6) ◽  
pp. 374-379 ◽  
Peggy Brickman ◽  
Cara Gormally ◽  
Greg Francom ◽  
Sarah E. Jardeleza ◽  
Virginia G.W. Schutte ◽  

Students must learn content knowledge and develop scientific literacy skills to evaluate and use scientific information in real-world situations. Recognizing the accessibility of scientific information to the average citizen, we developed an instructional approach to help students learn how to judge the quality of claims. We describe a project-based applied learning (PAL) approach that utilizes engaging questions about biological issues relevant to students. Working through these projects, students are challenged to evaluate sources of information and communicate their understanding of scientific claims. We discuss challenges that students encounter and offer suggestions for enacting this approach in a general-education college classroom.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-141
Said Hasan ◽  
Abdu Mas’ud ◽  
Sundari Sundari

Local wisdom-oriented learning in elementary schools in the city of Ternate has not been implemented optimally. In general, schools have implemented thematic learning that should contain local wisdom. Ethnopedagogy is the actualization of learning oriented to the cultivation of local wisdom values. Ethnopedagogic aproach in elementary schools need to be implemented through strategies and innovative learning media that are able to attract students' attention to understand and apply local wisdom. This study aims to integrate Cloves as an identity flora in North Maluku in the implementation of an ethnopedagogic aproach at elementary schools in Ternate. This study uses a qualitative approach with a mixed method of research instruments consisting of observation sheets and questionnaires. Data analysis technique with concurrent triangulation strategy. The results showed that the ethnopedagogical approach implemented through learning activities using cloves as a spice study object in North Maluku was an effective alternative to local wisdom-based learning applied in elementary schools in Ternate city. Through the integration of cloves in an ethnopedagogical approach, it can improve scientific literacy skills and students' learning motivation. This study recommends that the ethnopedagogical approach can be implemented with innovative learning activities based on local wisdom.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 1

Science literacy is a person's ability to understand science so that it is able to apply (Dani, 2009). Students who have scientific literacy skills can either apply their knowledge to solve problems in everyday life both in private, social or global (OECD, 2009). This study aims to describe the scientific literacy skills of PGSD students, the first semester of the University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya. Science literacy tests are adapted from PISA 2012 questions and consulted with experts. Students are given 50 minutes to solve the test questions given. Student answers were then analyzed and described based on nominal, functional, procedural, and multidimensional categories. From the results of the analysis it was found that the scientific literacy skills of the first semester PGSD students were in the nominal category (41.25%), functional categories (38.42%), procedural categories (21.18%), and the remainder in the multidimensional category.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Anggun Winata ◽  
Sri Cacik ◽  
Ifa Seftia R. W.

Has conducted research that aims to determine the ability of early scientific literacy of students PGSD UNIROW on the concept of IPA consists of seven indicators: 1) identify the scientific opinion is valid 2) perform literature searches were effectively 3) to understand the elements of research design and how it will impact the findings / conclusions 4) make precise graph of the data; 5) solve problems using quantitative skills, including basic statistics; 6) understand and interpret basic statistics; 7) perform inference, prediction, and drawing conclusions based on quantitative data. The study is part of a study of the development of learning tools to improve science literacy. Science literacy proficiency tests were arranged were twenty-five items. Initial capability analyzed scientific literacy is the ability of scientific literacy of students before applied a model that could be expected to develop the ability of science literacy of students. The analysis showed that the literacy skills of students of higher science is an indicator of effective literature searches with a percentage of 40.15%. While the results of the analysis of the ability of scientific literacy of students lower is an indicator of solve problems using quantitative skills, including basic statistics with a percentage of 6.82%. The results obtained in accordance with the results of surve PISA 2003, 2006, 2009 and 2012 and the results of the TIMSS surve 2007dan year 2011 Indonesia demonstrate the ability of students in Indonesia, including in the low category.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 44-51
Yunika Apriyani ◽  
Yetti Supriyati ◽  
Gaguk Margono

This study aims to analyze the influence of learning models on students' scientific literacy skills. This research method is a meta-analysis with a sample of ten national and international journal articles. The results of this study indicate that the STEAM learning model, STEM, Problem Based Learning, Literacy Learning Model, E-learning, Project Based Learning or combination models have an influence on students' scientific literacy skills because they connect classroom learning activities with students' daily lives and motivate students to participate actively in the learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 316-321

This research explores innovative learning models to ensure that Indonesian vocational high school graduates still have an excellent competency after being hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. This research adopted the qualitative method by conducting content analysis. Based on the analysis, this study has discovered three innovative learning methods, namely [1] research-based learning; to enhance data literacy, [2] interactive multimedia-based learning; for increasing technological literacy, and [3] project-based learning; conducted to empower human literacy. The students’ capabilities to compete in the corporate world are better if they apply these three learning models. It would also reduce the risk of unemployment due to technological disruption during the pandemic and the increased population by acquiring these literacy skills. It is hoped that vocational high school graduates will be hired fast and able to take part in the corporate world and have the three new literacy skills as the principal capital in taking part in the corporate world. Keywords: Competence of vocational high school graduates; Covid-19 pandemic; Innovative learning models

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