Evaluation of the Viscoelastic Temperature and Pressure Shift Factor Over the Full Range of Shear Rates**

1987 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-97 ◽  
H. Kühnle
2001 ◽  
Andras Z. Szeri

Abstract Elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) is the name given to hydrodynamic lubrication when it is applied to solid surfaces of low geometric conformity (counterformal contacts) that are capable of, and are subject to, elastic deformation. In bearings relying on EHL principles, the residence time of the fluid is less than 1 ms, the pressures are up to 4 GP, the film is thin, down to 0.1 μm, and shear rates are up to 108 s−1 — under such conditions lubricants exhibit material behavior that is distinctly different from their behavior in bulk at normal temperature and pressure. In fact, without taking into account the viscosity-pressure characteristics of the liquid lubricant and the elastic deformation of the bounding solids, hydrodynamic theory is unable to explain the existence of continuous lubricant films in highly loaded gears and rolling contact bearings.

2002 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 252-259 ◽  
Nattapong Nithi-Uthai ◽  
Ica Manas-Zloczower

Abstract PolyFlow, a software package based on the finite element method was employed to simulate the extrudate swell for polybutadiene of various molecular weight (Mw) and molecular weight distribution (MWD). We calculated the relaxation spectra for the different samples and then inserted the spectra into a standard K-BKZ constitutive model used in the numerical simulations. Accurate predictions of MWD confirm the completeness of frequency range in the oscillatory shear experimental data. In turn, the wholeness of relaxation spectra as substantiated by MWD predictions, sustain the level of confidence when using constitutive models based on these spectra. We demonstrate the importance of using the full range of relaxation spectrum rather than a short range around typical shear rates for the accuracy of the numerical predictions. We found extrudate swell ratio (ESR) to be strongly dependent on MWD and stress conditions at the die exit.

2013 ◽  
Vol 199 ◽  
pp. 188-193 ◽  
Adam Czaban

One of the most important physical quantities which has an influence on bearings and micro-bearings functioning is the viscosity of a lubricant. The data about a viscosity value dependence on temperature and shear rate are essential for designing sliding friction pairs. In design calculations usually there is assumed that a lubricant is a Newtonian fluid, therefore viscosity is constant over the full range of shear rates. During operation of friction pairs the contamination particles get into a lubricant and this causes that the lubricant becomes a non-Newtonian pseudoplastic or viscoelastic fluid. A similar effect on lubricating oil properties have combustion products or special performance additives. Furthermore, a lubricating oil ages and wears out, i.e. during its operating the initial structure of a particles is destroyed which can cause the change of the oil viscosity and lubricity values. The aim of this work is to determine the dynamic viscosity values in dependence on temperature and shear rate for selected new and used lubricating oils. In this research motor oils for passenger vehicles and tractors were investigated. This paper presents the results of measurements of the viscosity changes, in dependence on shear rate and temperature, made for the new and used oils. One of the investigated oils is Superol CC-40, which was used in four-stroke 4562 cm3 diesel engine for twenty months, which corresponds to 250 hours of operating. The second of investigated oils is Shell Helix Ultra AV-L which was used in four-stroke 2000 cm3 diesel engine for ten months at a distance of 15 000 kilometers. The viscosity measurements for the new and used lubricating oils were made with the Thermo Scientific Haake Mars III rheometer, in the range of temperatures from 10°C to 120°C and of shear rates to 51000 1/s. Moreover, the analysis of wear products, contaminants and additives in the investigated new and used lubricating oils was made with the rotating disc electrode atomic emission spectrometer Spectro Incorporated Spectroil Q100, which gives possibility to determine 22 most common elements which occur in motor, turbine and gear oils. The obtained information will be used in future studies related to hydrodynamic lubrication of slide bearings and micro-bearings. It also may be useful for designing bearings and sliding friction pairs.

2000 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-172 ◽  
A. Guerrero ◽  
P. Partal ◽  
C. Gallegos

Five different mayonnaise products were prepared with constant composition except for the type of egg product used. The linear viscoelastic functions were superposed using a time-temperature su perposition method and the shift-factor showed an Arrhenius-like temperature dependence. The ther mal susceptibility was found to be higher for processed-egg-containing mayonnaise and when egg yolk was used instead of whole egg as the emulsifier. Transient flow curves always showed a stress overshoot, but a stress undershoot was found for whole-egg-containing emulsions at high shear rates. Processed yolk gave rise to higher storage modulus values than did native yolk. This effect lost sig nificance when yolk was diluted by native egg white. Mayonnaise made from egg yolk was always more viscous and did not show a stress undershoot in transient flow. The non-linear relaxation modulus was factorized as the product of the linear relaxation modulus and the damping function. Hence, the Wagner model was able to predict the transient flow of these emulsions fairly well. However, this model failed at low shear rates. This fact may be explained on the basis of wall-slip phenomena.

Hydrobiologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Russell N. Arnott ◽  
Mehdi Cherif ◽  
Lee D. Bryant ◽  
Danielle J. Wain

AbstractBuilding on a summary of how turbulence influences biological systems, we reviewed key phytoplankton-turbulence laboratory experiments (after Peters and Redondo in Scientia Marina: Lectures on plankton and turbulence, International Centre for Coastal Resources, Barcelona, 1997) and Peters and Marrasé (Marine Ecology Progress Series 205:291–306, 2000) to provide a current overview of artificial turbulence generation methods and quantification techniques. This review found that most phytoplankton studies using artificial turbulence feature some form of quantification of turbulence; it is recommended to use turbulent dissipation rates (ε) for consistency with physical oceanographic and limnological observations. Grid-generated turbulence is the dominant method used to generate artificial turbulence with most experiments providing quantified ε values. Couette cylinders are also commonly used due to the ease of quantification, albeit as shear rates not ε. Dinoflagellates were the primary phytoplanktonic group studied due to their propensity for forming harmful algal blooms (HAB) as well as their apparent sensitivity to turbulence. This study found that a majority of experimental setups are made from acrylate plastics that could emit toxins as these materials degrade under UV light. Furthermore, most cosm systems studied were not sufficiently large to accommodate the full range of turbulent length scales, omitting larger vertical overturns. Recognising that phytoplankton-turbulence interactions are extremely complex, the continued promotion of more interdisciplinary studies is recommended.

Leonard F. Pease ◽  
Judith A. Bamberger ◽  
Michael J. Minette

Abstract One of the key challenges now facing the US Department of Energy (DOE) is the fate of radioactive waste remaining from World War II and the Cold War, which is stored underground in tanks some 75 feet in diameter and over 30 feet tall. Over time, the waste has segmented into multiple layers with sludges and slurries at the bottom with salt crust layers often at the top and liquid in between. DOE’s current official baseline plans call for remaining sludges and slurries to be removed from the tanks and converted into a stable glass waste form. Minimizing worker exposure to radiation drives DOE to use slurry processing techniques to suspend, mobilize, transport, mix, and process the waste. Therefore, a clear and quantitative understanding of Hanford waste rheology is essential for the success of the DOE mission. Historically much of the waste has been characterized using Eugene Bingham’s century old model that provides a straight line fit to higher shear rate data with the intercept suggesting a yield stress and the slope providing the consistency. Yet, Bingham fits overestimate the shear stress at a given shear rate for low to intermediate shear rates, exactly the range of shear rates typically encountered in pipe flow, where shear rates peak along the pipe wall and vanish in the center. This model produces a fictitious yield stress for some of the wastes that do not exhibit yield phenomena. While overestimating the yield stress may be prudent, safe, and conservative for some applications (e.g., pump sizing to ensure that pumps can handle yield stresses), overestimating the rheology may be inaccurate and non-conservative for other applications (e.g., eroding settled particle beds). Therefore, this paper evaluates the slurry rheology of Hanford and Savannah River wastes using a more modern rheological model that fits the full range of experimental data. Although a bias has been recognized and alternative models proposed, the magnitude of this bias and the implications for tank waste have only been qualitatively suggested. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate quantitatively implications of the poor quality of fit between a Bingham model for rheology and experimental data at modest shear rates. We first demonstrate the magnitude of the bias between the data and the Bingham extrapolation. We then evaluate quantitatively the velocity profile under laminar conditions. This analysis shows that the bias may be large (hundreds of percent or more) at modest shear rates and that modest shear rates dominate pipe velocity profiles.

2011 ◽  
Vol 83 (6) ◽  
Olga Kozlova ◽  
Stéphane Guérandel ◽  
Emeric de Clercq

Ronald S. Weinstein ◽  
N. Scott McNutt

The Type I simple cold block device was described by Bullivant and Ames in 1966 and represented the product of the first successful effort to simplify the equipment required to do sophisticated freeze-cleave techniques. Bullivant, Weinstein and Someda described the Type II device which is a modification of the Type I device and was developed as a collaborative effort at the Massachusetts General Hospital and the University of Auckland, New Zealand. The modifications reduced specimen contamination and provided controlled specimen warming for heat-etching of fracture faces. We have now tested the Mass. General Hospital version of the Type II device (called the “Type II-MGH device”) on a wide variety of biological specimens and have established temperature and pressure curves for routine heat-etching with the device.

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