scholarly journals Characteristics of the psychoemotional status of different categories of flight persons

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 645-650
V. V. Kravchuk ◽  
S. M. Pashkovsky

Annotation. An important component of psychophysiological support of professional activity of flight crew is the diagnosis of their psychoemotional status. That is why the aim of the work was to identify the features of the psycho-emotional state of military and civilian pilots by comparative analysis of the results of assessing their personal qualities. For this purpose, psychological methods of research of semantic basic attitudes, responsibility and honesty are used. The survey covered 200 civilian and 100 military pilots. Statistical analysis of the results was performed using methods of descriptive statistics, implemented using the statistical package MS Exel. It is established that in terms of verbal and emotional dependence, dependence on achievements, demanding and responsible for themselves, all pilots have an adequate level of development. However, in terms of demanding others, only military pilots have adequate personality development. According to the characteristics of responsibility, its level is expressed inherent in civilian pilots, while the military have a situational manifestation. Assessing the processes of planning, organizing and performing professional duties (integrity) revealed that military pilots have a low self-esteem of their abilities, they are quite lazy, insecure. They are driven by spontaneity in making important decisions. Civilian pilots have a much higher level of self-esteem, confidence, concentration and ability to solve life’s problems. They are more careful and prudent when making responsible decisions. They clearly show a sense of moral and professional duty. Thus, it can be concluded that the identified features of the distribution of military and civilian pilots according to the level of development of personal qualities are primarily related to certain features of the nature of work and due to the peculiarities of military service. This situation requires the introduction of psychological methods for assessing the psycho-emotional state of flight crew during the implementation of psychophysiological support.

Alla Bratslavska

Abstract. The article is devoted to the special features of the military pilots training and the problem of forming their readiness for professional interaction when using the joint airspace with other countries. The article deals with the specifics of a military pilot’s job and the specificity of military pilots training at the Kharkov National Air Force University, in particular, at the Aviation English Department. The components of military pilots' readiness for professional interaction, criteria and levels of such readiness are determined. It is emphasized that readiness for professional interaction in the common airspace is a necessary requirement today in view of the active development of cooperation and formation of interoperability between Ukrainian aviation and foreign partners. Such readiness is impossible without a proper level of military pilots’ foreign language command. Successful formation of future aviation pilots' readiness for professional interaction while using common airspace requires the modernization of cadets training and the use of innovative pedagogical technologies that promote personality development and increase the training effectiveness.

A. I. Savelev

The military professional training of cadets-military pilots in a military aviation university is conditioned by the trends in the development of military education, its prompt response to the personnel needs of the troops. Aviation units need military pilots who are ready to fulfill the official duties of crew commanders, to solve the urgent task of ensuring flight safety. Training of flight personnel for military aviation does not fully take into account the need to form cadets' competencies as an aviation commander and teacher, which will contribute to ensuring flight safety and increasing the combat potential of aviation units and subunits. The article deals with the problem of flight safety as a factor affecting the national security of Russia, paying attention to the causes of accidents and pilot errors. In the course of the study, it was proved that the military-professional activity of cadets-military pilots is the process of solving professional tasks that ensure the combat readiness of aviation units while observing flight safety conditions. Based on the content analysis of the command and methodological professional tasks based on the activity approach, the leading role of the command-methodological activity has been established. The functional approach and the principle of identification made it possible to identify the functions of the leading command-methodological activity (military flight training and educational, organizational and managerial). Arguments are given regarding the development of cadets not only a set of abilities for command-methodological activity, but also professionally important qualities that integrate command-methodological competence. The structure of competence (motivational-value, cognitive, activity components) is determined taking into account the specifics (leading type of activity) and features (a set of command and methodological professional tasks) of military professional activity. The criteria for the formation of the components of the command-methodical competence (professional purposefulness, intellectual potential, professional responsibility) have been identified. The methodological basis of the pedagogical system for the formation of the command-methodical competence of cadets-military pilots was formed by the system-structural, personality-activity, functional, modular, adaptive, technological and competence-based approaches. The results of the experimental work carried out in the branch of Military Educational-Research Centre of Air Force Air Force Academy in Syzran confirmed the dependence of the cadets' readiness for flight safety activities on the formation of command-methodological competence.

2021 ◽  
pp. 35-43
Larisa Arkadyevna Karaseva

The aim of the study is to study and analyze the development of the personality of a nurse-head of the pediatric service. Results. An analysis of the moral and business qualities of nursing service leaders allowed us to summarize the research results and determine the main directions — a constant increase in the level of professional activity, the desire for further creative growth, the development of the latest technologies. Conclusion. This study made it possible to analyze and evaluate the quality and level of activity of the children’s polyclinic, its staff, the level of personality development of the head of the nursing service from the standpoint of senior and middle medical personnel, and revealed patterns in the formation of management activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Anatolii Yurkov ◽  

The main tasks of the experimental work were: checking the pedagogical conditions identified on the basis of theoretical analysis of the establishment of readiness of future military psychologists for professional activity in the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the process of professional training; determining the dynamics of the establishment of readiness of future officers-psychologists for military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the basis of developed criteria and indicators; performing statistical verification and confirming the results of experimental work; analyzing the results obtained and drawing conclusions and recommendations based on the results of the conducted pedagogical research.The study was conducted on the basis of the Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, the Military Academy (Odessa) and the Department of military training of the National Aviation University. Three/four-year cadets, attendees on the training of reserve officers, educators and officers were involved in the experimental work. The given analysis of the components of readiness of future officers-psychologists of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for military service, namely: knowledge of theoretical material, motivation, emotional stability, endurance and communicative component have the root-mean-square results at the end of the experiment the analysis shows an increase in indicators by 10% in experimental groups relative to the control with the same indicators at the beginning of the experiment 58.5%. The qualitative indicator in the control group increased by 13.5%, and in the experimental group by 23.5%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 524-527
L.V. Kovtunenko ◽  
E.V. Paramonov ◽  

Due to the collapse of the Sovietsystem ofmilitary professional orientation it has become necessary to review the work with pre-conscription youth oriented toward military service; the work, includes, among other things, expanding a network of cadet educational organizations. The main goals in forming the military-professional orientation of pre-conscription youth are achieved by providing resources for the educational process, service and extracurricular activities. Motivational and value-based attitude toward military service is developed throughout the entire educational period; this contributes to the formation of cadets’ readiness to become career militaryofficers and choose military service as a priority type of professional activity. Having analyzed psychological and pedagogical literature,we came to the conclusion that the system of military orientation of pre-conscription youth currently implemented in cadet corps, will contribute to the effective development of young people’s orientation toward military service.

2019 ◽  
Vol 95 (7) ◽  
pp. 627-632 ◽  
Elena I. Budanova ◽  
A. V. Bogomolov

There are presented results of a comprehensive study of the life quality of representatives of three reference groups of servicemen on contract: cadets of military high schools (n = 400), contracted servicemen of the units of power ministries and departments (n = 453), common soldiers and junior commanders (n = 357). The study was executed with the aid of the public survey, the performing of both psychological and functional load tests. This work is notable for the complexation of indices which characterize socio-hygienic, psychological and medical aspects of the life quality, life values, life satisfaction, and specific features of the military profession. Results of the study, which differ from the prior investigation by inclusion of indices characterizing the specific features of military-professional activity, lifestyle and spirituality, for the first time made it possible to assess the life quality related to health, taking into account the axiological values in life and important needs of the studied population. Changes in the life quality indices of contract servicemen were shown to be more sensitive to changes in their health than the traditional clinical-laboratory and instrumental data, which allows to recommend a wide practical use of the monitoring the life quality for professional selection and medical support of the military service, including the implementation of measures on optimization of psychological climate in military units, and the personification of the complex of therapeutic-recreational measures. The results allow us to recommend to military medical commissions of military commissariats in the call of citizens for military service under contract to carry out studies of quality and lifestyle of recruits for the early detection of groups of risk for their health. The program of in-depth medical examinations of military-contract there is recommended to include research aimed at identifying adverse social and hygienic factors of service and living conditions, psychopathological personality traits, rehabilitation and psychological climate in a military collective, execution of a personalized set of therapeutic measures.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 589-591
Lyudmila V. Kovtunenko ◽  
Egor V. Paramonov

Due to the collapse of the Soviet system of military professional orientation it has become necessary to review the work with pre-conscription youth oriented toward military service; the work, includes, among other things, expanding a network of cadet educational organizations. The main goals in forming the military-professional orientation of pre-conscription youth are achieved by providing resources for the educational process, service and extracurricular activities. Motivational and value-based attitude toward military service is developed throughout the entire educational period; this contributes to the formation of cadets’ readiness to become career military officers and choose military service as a priority type of professional activity. Having analyzed psychological and pedagogical literature, we came to the conclusion that the system of military orientation of pre-conscription youth currently implemented in cadet corps, will contribute to the effective development of young people’s orientation toward military service. Key words: military service, motivational and value-based orientation, pre-conscription youth, cadets, cadet corps.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 266
Iryna Reva

The aim of the article is to study the entrepreneurial characteristics, attitudes and behavioral patterns of Ukrainian volunteer soldiers who have their own entrepreneurial experience and / or whose family memory has been saved examples of successful management of ancestors.In this study was used an interdisciplinary approach, the following historical and psychological methods of research were applied such as the method of oral history, psychodiagnostic method, biographical method, retrospective, comparative, and others.The main results of this work are the definition of such personal qualities of military, who are entrepreneurs: developed subjectivity, determined by faith in the effectiveness of their actions; leadership qualities and organizational skills; readiness to assume responsibility; creativity, ingenuity; the existence of a clear system of values; desire for self-identity; faith in the justice of the universe; preparedness for risk; active civic position; formed Ukrainian national identity. Some respondents who are descendants of repressed people have mistrust of the authorities and state institutions; shyness towards the expression of Ukrainian identity; readiness to rely only on oneself.Concise conclusions. During the rebuilt of the Ukrainian Army, especially in early 2014, to a large extent, the very entrepreneurial features allowed entrepreneurs to show themselves as active, creative, organizational strength.Practical meaning. The observations in this article can be taken into account when enrolling in the military service of citizens with entrepreneurial experience.Originality. For the first time in the focus of the study were features, outlook settings and patterns of Ukrainian military, who are entrepreneurs.The scientific novelty is the application of a transgenic approach that allows a deeper understanding of the mechanism of the formation of the ideological system of the personality of the Ukrainian military, who are entrepreneurs.Type of article: empirical.

2021 ◽  
pp. 90-98
Иван Николаевич Новиков

В настоящее время большую роль в освоении военной специальности играет личность каждого военнослужащего. Рассматривается личность военнослужащего с психологической стороны через сущность основных психических свойств, к которым относятся направленность, темперамент, характер и способности. Изучены немаловажные для военнослужащего волевые и эмоциональные качества личности, позитивные и негативные привычки, военно-профессиональная воспитанность военнослужащего, отражающаяся в его дисциплинированности. Раскрыто понятие профессионализма как уровня освоения профессиональной деятельности, соответствующей имеющимся в мире стандартам и объективным требованиям. Определена зависимость успешности служебно-боевой деятельности военнослужащих от их профессионализма. Описана структура военно-профессиональной компетентности, осознание которой каждым военнослужащим способствует раскрытию их творческого потенциала в пользу военной деятельности, мотивирует на успешное выполнение служебно-боевых задач. Приведены результаты проведенного анализа по изучению уровня готовности к выполнению служебно-боевых задач различными категориями военнослужащих. Полученные данные указывают на высокую степень готовности офицеров, принявших участие в эксперименте, к выполнению служебно-боевых задач. Военнослужащие по контракту и курсанты, принимавшие участие в эксперименте, показали уровень готовности к выполнению служебно-боевых задач, не выходящий за рамки показателя средних значений. Результат эксперимента подтверждает, что его участники обладают необходимыми профессиональными и личностными качествами, способствующими успешному выполнению стоящих служебно-боевых задач. Показатели готовности военнослужащих по контракту и курсантов, принимавших участие в исследовании, подталкивают к поиску путей повышения эффективности выполнения военнослужащими служебно-боевых задач повседневной деятельности. Currently, the personality of each serviceman plays an important role in the development of a military specialty. The article examines the personality of a serviceman from the psychological point of view through the essence of the main mental properties, which include: focus, temperament, character and abilities. The article considers the strong-willed and emotional qualities of the personality, positive and negative habits, the military-professional education of the soldier, which is reflected in his discipline, which are important for a serviceman. The concept of «professionalism» is disclosed as the level of mastering a professional activity that meets the existing standards and objective requirements in the world. The dependence of the success of service and combat activities of servicemen on their professionalism has been determined. The article describes the structure of militaryprofessional competence, the realization of which by each serviceman contributes to the disclosure of their creative potential in favor of military activity, motivates them to successfully perform service-combat tasks. The article presents the results of the analysis to study the level of readiness to perform service and combat missions by various categories of servicemen. The data obtained indicate a high degree of readiness of the officers who took part in the experiment to perform service and combat missions. Contract servicemen and cadets who took part in the experiment showed a level of readiness to perform service and combat missions that did not go beyond the average values. The result of the experiment confirms that its participants have the necessary professional and personal qualities that contribute to the successful fulfillment of the assigned service and combat missions. The readiness indicators of contract servicemen and cadets who took part in the study push us to look for ways to increase the efficiency of servicemen’s performance of service and combat tasks in their daily activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 189-197
Alexander Kolosovich ◽  

Introduction. The professional activity of servicemen is a special kind, where the coordination of their actions is important for the performance of the task, the preservation of life. This is the kind of professional activity in which mistakes of mutual understanding, inconsistency of actions are very expensive. Therefore, it is expedient and promising to focus on the peculiarities of the formation and functioning of service interaction in the military-professional environment under the influence of its existing organizational culture. Purpose. The study is driven by a desire to focus on defining organizational (corporate) culture as a factor in the existence of a military unit in general and on service interaction in the interests of the ability to perform military service tasks. Methods. To achieve the goal of the study, the following methodological tools were selected: Parametric sociometry, for which a questionnaire was developed. To assess the socio-psychological characteristics of military unit a relatively new method for research in military psychology and very well known in organizational psychology (management psychologists), namely the method of diagnosing organizational culture K. Cameron and R. Quinn OSAI (Organization Culture Assessment Instrument) was used. A survey was also conducted on the level of readiness for service of each serviceman and the intensity of service. Results. The application of these methods in the empirical study made it possible to obtain information of an empirical nature, which was processed by applying factor analysis by the method of "principal component analysis" in the software SPSS - 20. Conclusion. Service interaction of servicemen in the performance of their combat missions is extremely necessary not only to achieve appropriate results, but also to save lives. It is not common enough in the vast majority of situations. Organizational and psychological features of the formation of service interaction in the performance of military service tasks are strong formal leadership, a sufficient level of complexity, as well as the intensity of service tasks, through which servicemen are more focused on each other and, thus, more focused on better service tasks.

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