Characteristics of the psychoemotional status of different categories of flight persons
Annotation. An important component of psychophysiological support of professional activity of flight crew is the diagnosis of their psychoemotional status. That is why the aim of the work was to identify the features of the psycho-emotional state of military and civilian pilots by comparative analysis of the results of assessing their personal qualities. For this purpose, psychological methods of research of semantic basic attitudes, responsibility and honesty are used. The survey covered 200 civilian and 100 military pilots. Statistical analysis of the results was performed using methods of descriptive statistics, implemented using the statistical package MS Exel. It is established that in terms of verbal and emotional dependence, dependence on achievements, demanding and responsible for themselves, all pilots have an adequate level of development. However, in terms of demanding others, only military pilots have adequate personality development. According to the characteristics of responsibility, its level is expressed inherent in civilian pilots, while the military have a situational manifestation. Assessing the processes of planning, organizing and performing professional duties (integrity) revealed that military pilots have a low self-esteem of their abilities, they are quite lazy, insecure. They are driven by spontaneity in making important decisions. Civilian pilots have a much higher level of self-esteem, confidence, concentration and ability to solve life’s problems. They are more careful and prudent when making responsible decisions. They clearly show a sense of moral and professional duty. Thus, it can be concluded that the identified features of the distribution of military and civilian pilots according to the level of development of personal qualities are primarily related to certain features of the nature of work and due to the peculiarities of military service. This situation requires the introduction of psychological methods for assessing the psycho-emotional state of flight crew during the implementation of psychophysiological support.