In general, Ukraine has developed a sufficiently detailed practice on the management of public sector entities, although unfortunately, not all of its fundamentally important provisions, adapt the experience of managing the civil sector. For example, especially at the national level, the overall goal of the government is to achieve certain policy goals, for example, in environmental, social or economic aspects. In this context, governments need to have well-organized work with the civil sector on social security programs or health care services to study service delivery performance for target groups.It is established that today, improvement of the mechanism of introduction of modern technologies of information presence and informing citizens about their rights, in particular, about the right to choose, the right of responsibility is the first important step for their participation in the process of monitoring the development and implementation of state policy. By receiving full information, civil society institutions can better assess the effectiveness of the public sector and submit their proposals. Despite the apparent need for a thorough analysis of competitors of the communicative environment of the interaction of public authorities with the public, when formulating the state strategy, analysis is far from always sufficiently clear and comprehensive. The difficulty lies in the fact that a comprehensive analysis of the competitors of the communicative environment of the interaction of public authorities with the public requires a large amount of data, most of which is difficult to obtain without much effort. Many state authorities do not systematically collect information about competitors of the communicative environment of the interaction of public authorities with the public, but act on the basis of fragmentary information, informal impressions, assumptions and intuitions. The lack of qualitative information is extremely difficult to analyze the competitor’s communicative environment of interaction between public authorities and the public.However, it is important that such an exchange is bilateral - from officials to citizens, and vice versa. This leads to maximizing the effectiveness of internal system management and to qualitative improvements in external management performance both of public authorities and the public sector as a whole. Control measures in the management of both sectors should be directly linked to the use of these indicators, both for feedback and for direct control. This will help identify new strategic opportunities for achieving control objectives and ensure the ability to use existing capabilities.