Covid Patient Health Monitoring Using IoT During Quarantine
The term “COVID” is breaking the hearts of the entire human community. The Corona virus is more infectious and is exceptionally irresistible, it is vital to isolate the patients and yet the specialists need to screen Corona virus patients as well. With the expanding increase in the number of Corona cases, the doctors find it difficult to keep track on the medical issue of isolated patients. To address this issue, we designed a distant IOT based screen framework, that considers observing of numerous Corona virus patients over the web. The system uses temperature sensor, respiratory sensor and pulse oximeter to measure the health parameters of the patients. If any oddity is detected in patient’s health, the patient presses the emergency help button which we installed in our system. This will alert the doctor and the care taker over IOT remotely. Our system thus provides a safe health monitoring design, in order to prevent the disease spreading through Corona virus and monitoring the individual health of each patient.