The Theoretical Origins of Management of Innovation Entrepreneurship Development

Mariia Buhaieva ◽  
Sofia Demchenko ◽  

The development of any economic system involves the transformation of the basic characteristics of its participants. In this case, the development itself can be both traditional and innovative. Currently, it is important to consider the innovative type of development at the enterprise level, which means a purposeful process of finding ideas, preparing innovations and their implementation, to increase their efficiency, and for society - to increase needs, the state - to increase the competitiveness of national products in the international market. It is obvious that the development of innovative activity of the enterprise is one of the decisive factors of its successful development. The purpose of this study is a comprehensive study of the theoretical origins of management of innovative entrepreneurship, the formation of a systematic view of the features of innovation management of the enterprise in modern business conditions. A comprehensive study of the theoretical origins of management of innovative entrepreneurship development was carried out, in particular, the emergence of views on the essence of such concepts as “innovation”, “innovative enterprise”, “innovative entrepreneurship”, “development of innovative entrepreneurship” were analyzed in the article. The authors suggest their own interpretation of such categories taking into account the analysis of domestic and foreign approaches and theoretical provisions for this problems in the modern understanding. Also, a systematic presentation of the features of management of the innovative activity of an enterprise in modern economic conditions was formed. The authors believe that for successful management of innovative development of the enterprise there should be a "smart" management system of innovative development of the enterprise. The purpose of the IDE management is to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise - the stable market position for continuous development in a constantly changing external and internal environment. Features of managing the development of innovative entrepreneurship at the present stage are the following: the ability and readiness of the economic entity to positive change, progress; the sequence of management actions that realize the innovation potential; quantitative changes in the relevant "growth points"; qualitative changes based on cooperation and rivalry between market participants for better conditions of production, purchase and sale of goods. It should be noted that management of innovation entrepreneurship development should have the support of the state in the context of Ukraine's innovation policy. The prospects for further research are related to the improvement of the innovation entrepreneurship management system as a key element for increasing the competitiveness of modern enterprises in a constantly changing external and internal environment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (42) ◽  
pp. 110
L. Zgalat-Lozynska

The article considers the issue of stimulating innovative activity in construction. The purpose of our investigation is to study influence of state regulation on innovation activity in construction. The role of construction participants in the innovation process and the reasons for low innovation activity in construction are determined. The tasks of the policy of innovative development, levers of state stimulation of innovative activity were discussed. Counterfeit tenders and corruption have been identified as an important factor hindering innovations in construction. A macroeconomic model of the state's influence on the process of stimulating innovation in construction and a model of logistical relations between organizations for innovation in construction have been developed. The necessity of active realization of organizational, financial, tax, budgetary, legal, information levers of the state policy as the tool of the state stimulation of innovative development in the building sphere is substantiated.Key words: state innovation policy, construction, public policy, project organization, building contractors, innovative activity. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 3604-3609 ◽  

In modern conditions of global transformations and the growth of crisis phenomena in the global economy, the question of finding and developing alternative economic models becomes urgent. As a tool for stimulating economic development and a new source of growth, innovations and the results of scientific and technological activities were chosen. This approach was theoretically developed and described at the beginning of the last century, but it has become in demand only now. The development of the innovative sector of the economy leads to the emergence of qualitatively new technologies and is non-linear. The complexity of management objects, the dynamism of innovative processes, which, in turn, transform the economy, markets, institutions, are growing. Changing management objects require new scientific theories, management technologies and tools. In this article, the author analyzes modern economic and technological trends, identifies the main scientific theories that describe these processes, identifies trends in changes in management sciences. The article discusses the classification of models of innovative development, outlines the main directions of changes in the state management of innovative development and innovative infrastructure. Based on the study, the systematic changes in the role of the state in building an innovative economy are systematized, the emerging formats of managerial structures and the institutions for the development of innovative infrastructure are described.

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Yuriy I. Razorenov ◽  
Konstantin V. Vodenko

PurposeThe goal of the research is to analyze the university development trends in the national innovation system. The paper presents a review of the formation of innovative development strategies and the place of a university in them. The structure is based on the analysis of foreign trends of the transformation of universities and the examination of the efficiency of the interaction between the university, industry and the state. Russian experience in the transformation of universities is presented.Design/methodology/approachResearch methodologies include methods of statistical and comparative analysis and synthesis. The information analysis base of the research is composed of the reports of the World Intellectual Property Organization at year-end 2019, as well as global comparative assessments of the status and development of innovation activities by the Global Innovation Index and Global Competitiveness Index, which are calculated according to the methodology of the World Economic Forum and others.FindingsIn the course of research, the authors put forward a new model of universities within the framework of the national innovation system, which is based on the “triple helix model of innovation” implemented by universities, industry and the state. The logic and structure of the research are set forth in the following way. First, a review of the global practice of the formation and implementation of state innovation policy is given, with the university being a key link, the foreign experience in the transformation of universities is analyzed and the efficiency of the interaction between the university, industry and the state is examined. Furthermore, consideration is given to the Russian experience in the transformation of universities. In conclusion, the main findings of the research are presented.Practical implicationsResults testify that goals and objectives that can be solved by achieving indicators in the world rankings are important for improving competitiveness of education, but they are only efficient if they conform to management decisions that are taken for achieving them and coincide with strategic goals and directions that should be implemented within the framework of the national innovation and academic system.Originality/valueResearch hypothesis is as follows: modern age is characterized by the rapid development of digital technologies and globalization processes, which transform technologies and cultural patterns into techniques and methods of working with information. Despite the fact that a university is the center for the development of society and culture, which serves as an axiological core, it is subject to the transformation, which is mainly manifested in instrumental changes and the expansion of the social procurement range. The modern educational system is yet to find a contemporary conceptual framework of a university that would satisfy the up-to-date requirements of the global information society in an age of digital revolution and dominate in the educational services market.

V.I. Karyuk

The article describes the essence and basic approaches to the concept of "innovation", formed the author's concept of innovative development of the enterprise; in the process of studying the specifics of the aeronautical sector of Ukraine considered and analyzed the components of innovative development of the aircraft industry, identified the main negative trends that characterize the state of innovative development of the aircraft industry of Ukraine caused by economic crises and the problem of import substitution; analyzed the dynamics of enterprises engaged in the production of aircraft and spacecraft and related equipment, and in particular those that are innovative, based on which it was concluded that the level of development of innovation in the domestic aviation industry is quite low and has a declining trend. confirmed by the low level of implementation of technological innovations and the reduction in the number of aircraft companies engaged in innovative activities; It is established that the innovative development of domestic aircraft industry is currently extensive, as the increase in innovation is more than 80% through the purchase of machinery, equipment and software from third parties at a constant level of the existing technical basis of production and almost no own research and development; a system of measures aimed at forming an updated paradigm of development of innovative activity of the aviation industry of Ukraine is proposed, which provide for: integration of higher educational institutions, scientific institutions, international scientific organizations into the innovation process; development of the system of financial and credit support for the implementation of scientific, technical and innovative programs; technological re-equipment and structural restructuring of production; improving the organizational structure of business entities; technology transfer; development and stimulation of scientific and inventive potential of enterprises; introduction of effective mechanisms of state support of innovative activity of enterprises.

Oksana N. Kiseleva ◽  

Introduction. One of the priority tasks for our country is to activate the innovative activity of domestic enterprises. The most important modern tool for increasing the activity of innovative development is digitalization. To achieve high efficiency of digital transformation processes in the context of innovation, it is necessary to determine the most promising option for implementing digitalization processes in order to activate and maintain a high level of efficiency in the development and implementation of innovations at domestic enterprises. Theoretical analysis. Existing theoretical approaches to the concept of digitalization define it as a driver of innovative development. The transition to digital technologies transforms the innovative activity of the enterprise, providing a wide range of opportunities, both by improving the efficiency of processes, and by developing and launching new products or services to the market. While there is a lack of scientific interest in issues complementing the digital transformation of the management system, whereas the concept of balanced digital transformation of production and management systems of the enterprise is not considered that determines the low performance of the initiated change processes of innovation. Empirical analysis. It has been revealed that currently the transition to “digital” is carried out mainly in the production sector. At the same time, there is no relationship between digital technologies used in the management system and the production system, which negatively affects both the effectiveness of current and innovative activities, while research by foreign authors shows an increase in profitability as a result of the synergistic effect of simultaneous digital transformation of the management system and production. Results. A conceptual approach to digitalization of innovative activities of domestic enterprises has been proposed, based on synchronous, dynamic, complementary digital transformation of the production and management spheres. It will ensure the achievement of the goals set.

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (27) ◽  
pp. 334-347 ◽  
Lujza Jurkovičová ◽  
Natalya Kubiniy ◽  
Viktoria V. Hotra

Abstract The article examines the current state of innovative agricultural development in Ukraine and determines the role of the state in the sphere of innovative development of the agricultural complex. It considers the most problematic characteristics and factors of the slowdown of innovative development of domestic agricultural enterprises. It also suggests measures that would promote the increase of innovative activity of agricultural enterprises.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (514) ◽  
pp. 49-54
O. A. Dovgal ◽  
G. V. Dovgal ◽  

The article carries out a comparative analysis of innovative models of development of some countries of South and North America on the example of Brazil, Chile and Mexico, taking into account three components ? science, business communities and the State whose experience can be used by other countries, including Ukraine, in the formation of national innovation policy. It is proved that Brazil’s economy demonstrates the highest rates of modernization and economic development in South America through the introduction of foreign innovations first into large companies, and later – into small innovative enterprises. It is substantiated that the peculiarity of the innovative development of Chile’s economy is the expansion of training of specialists through the system of foreign internships and training of a growing number of students abroad with the further formation of startup commands from domestic specialists who have gained theoretical knowledge and practical experience abroad. It is identified that the innovative model of development of Mexico’s economy is implemented through to the increased interest of the State, aimed at stimulating large companies to implement innovative technologies based on significant amounts of budget expenditures on R&D. It is concluded that macro-economic and foreign economic indicators of the economies of Brazil, Chile and Mexico show the growth of the pace of innovation development of these countries, which characterizes them as potentially strong players on the international stage.

2020 ◽  
Tetiana Zaiats ◽  

The article identifies the problems of state regulation of innovation in construction and substantiates the main directions of improving its efficiency. The Bloomberg Innovation Index was used to assess the general state of innovation in Ukraine. Dynamic analysis of Ukraine's position in the ranking of the Bloomberg Innovation Index as a whole and by individual sub-indices of 2018–2020 revealed such problems as the reduction of production of high-tech goods, labor productivity, intensity of research and development. The study of innovation management was performed using a situational approach. It is established that the state regulation of innovation is mainly based on the methods of indirect influence. It is emphasized that in the conditions of economic crisis it is expedient to prefer methods of direct state regulation. The analysis revealed a range of problems related to forecasting and programming of innovation development, organization and coordination of relevant bodies in the implementation of innovation policy, regulation, financial and investment support for innovation, insufficient stimulation of demand for innovative products, unsatisfactory state of protection of intellectual property rights. The problems of state management of innovation activity are specified. The imbalance of the branch, national and regional programs of innovative development coordinating was revealed. Problems and directions of development of infrastructure of innovative activity are defined. Perspective directions of technological renewal of construction are defined, in particular development of resource-saving, energy-efficient technologies, introduction of Building Information Modeling technologies. The organization of public and private mortgage funds is offered, which will allow to receive financial resources at a low interest rate. It is established that the underdevelopment of the financial market of Ukraine most slows down the solution of problems of financing innovative activities in construction through the attraction of credit, venture capital, state budget funds for innovative development of the construction sector.

The article is devoted to the important role of clusters in the innovative development of the economy. The article reviews the particularities and regulatory support of the modern clustering policy of the Russian Federation. The results of the activities of 25 pilot innovative territorial cluster-leaders of the Russian Federation in terms of investment potential in 2012-2018 were estimated in the article. The original method of identification of the innovative territorial clusters was suggested in the article, its main advantages being universalism, comprehensiveness and credibility. Using this methodology, the authors of the article identified the territorial industrial clusters and ranged them according to their innovation potential

2020 ◽  
pp. 72-79
Vitalii Voloshchuk

Purpose. The aim of the article is generalization of theoretical and methodological approaches to determining the effectiveness of innovative activities of the enterprise, the study of requirements, criteria and evaluation indicators. Methodology of research. General scientific and special methods are used in the course of research, in particular: monographic, analysis and synthesis – at research of concept of efficiency of innovative activity and approaches to its estimation; system analysis – in determining the state of innovation in industrial enterprises; tabular – for visual presentation of the analysed statistical data; abstract and logical – in determining the possible areas of innovative activity of enterprises of different sizes. Findings. There is an unstable trend of increasing the share of industrial enterprises that have implemented innovations (products and / or technological processes) in the total number of industrial enterprises, and an increase in the cost of innovative activity for the analysed period. It is determined that the best result is observed when implementing new or significantly improved low-waste, resource-saving technological processes, which indicates the dominance of process innovations. It is proved that the main source of funding for innovative activity is the own funds of enterprises, whose costs are growing annually and whose share is 87.7%. At the same time, most funds were spent on the purchase of machinery, software and equipment, iюeю on the renewal of material and technical base and modernization. There is an increase in the number of profitable enterprises, which indicates an increase in efficiency, as well as an increase in operating profitability and all activities of enterprises, but much higher rates are typical for micro and small enterprises, indicating their higher innovation activity and efficiency of modern development. Originality. Methodological approaches to determining the effectiveness of innovative development of enterprises have been improved, which, unlike existing ones, are based on incurred costs for innovation, volumes and sources of funding, reinvestment of profits, innovation activity, share of innovative products and increase profitability to substantiate possible directions of innovative development and implementation of measures to implement the results of research and development, taking into account the specifics and size of the business entities, the state and dynamics of the internal and external environment. Practical value. The use of generalized systematized methodological approaches to determining the effectiveness of innovative development of enterprises will allow to assess the results of the enterprise in each area of innovation based on the implemented innovative solutions in the current period and in the medium and long term. Key words: innovations, efficiency, technologies, products, development, enterprise, attractiveness, results, methodology.

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