scholarly journals Hydraulic Performance for Al-Dhuloyia Spillway Using Physical Model

2008 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Salahddin A. Ahmad ◽  
Susan Sh. Ahmad
Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 458
Drew C. Baird ◽  
Benjamin Abban ◽  
S. Michael Scurlock ◽  
Steven B. Abt ◽  
Christopher I. Thornton

While there are a wide range of design recommendations for using rock vanes and bendway weirs as streambank protection measures, no comprehensive, standard approach is currently available for design engineers to evaluate their hydraulic performance before construction. This study investigates using 2D numerical modeling as an option for predicting the hydraulic performance of rock vane and bendway weir structure designs for streambank protection. We used the Sedimentation and River Hydraulics (SRH)-2D depth-averaged numerical model to simulate flows around rock vane and bendway weir installations that were previously examined as part of a physical model study and that had water surface elevation and velocity observations. Overall, SRH-2D predicted the same general flow patterns as the physical model, but over- and underpredicted the flow velocity in some areas. These over- and underpredictions could be primarily attributed to the assumption of negligible vertical velocities. Nonetheless, the point differences between the predicted and observed velocities generally ranged from 15 to 25%, with some exceptions. The results showed that 2D numerical models could provide adequate insight into the hydraulic performance of rock vanes and bendway weirs. Accordingly, design guidance and implications of the study results are presented for design engineers.

2021 ◽  
Jeremy Sharp ◽  
Locke Williams ◽  
Duncan Bryant ◽  
Jake Allgeier ◽  
Kevin Pigg ◽  

The US Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District, requested the support and assistance of the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL), in the evaluation of the hydraulic performance of the replacement Outlet Works for Rough River Dam. To support the design effort, CHL constructed a 1:25.85 scale physical model. The proposed features of the model in the domain are the curved approach channel, intake structure, transition, curved conduit, stilling basin, concrete apron, and retreat channel. Tests performed to evaluate the hydraulic performance illuminated a few design concerns. To address these issues, several key design changes were made. These included the retreat channel slope, end sill design, and transition design.

2013 ◽  
Vol 8 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 350-358 ◽  
Figene Ahmedi ◽  
Petko Pelivanoski

The contribution of this work is twofold: (i) estimation of the hydraulic operation of a coal combustion byproduct (CCBs) through its physical filtration by developing a physical model, and in broader terms, (ii) promoting the transformation of native disposal materials into beneficial materials. We developed an experiment which examines fly ash as a CCBs for its hydraulic performance, and runs in four main stages: First, fly ash in its natural state is tested in the laboratory to check if its effective size and uniformity coefficient match with recommendations in the literature; Then, fly ash of effective grain size as recommended in the literature is derived; Further, a physical model comprised of such a derived fly ash media filter and which supports horizontal flow of the effluent is developed; Finally, the hydraulic performance of the physical model comprised of derived fly ash in presence of effluent is evaluated and proved that fly ash is an appropriate media filter for hydraulic performance. The work clearly highlights the potential of the easy to reach and costless native fly ash as a media filter for treatment of wastewater which we consider a viable future work.

2005 ◽  
Vol 51 (12) ◽  
pp. 173-181 ◽  
G.J. Aldana ◽  
B.J. Lloyd ◽  
K. Guganesharajah ◽  
N. Bracho

A physical and a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model (HYDRO-3D) were developed to simulate the effects of novel maturation pond configurations, and critical environmental factors (wind speed and direction) on the hydraulic efficiency (HE) of full-scale maturation ponds. The aims of the study were to assess the reliability of the physical model and convergence with HYDRO-3D, as tools for assessing and predicting best hydraulic performance of ponds. The physical model of the open ponds was scaled to provide a similar nominal retention time (NRT) of 52 hours. Under natural conditions, with a variable prevailing westerly wind opposite to the inlet, a rhodamine tracer study on the full-scale prototype pond produced a mean hydraulic retention time (MHRT) of 18.5 hours (HE = 35.5%). Simulations of these wind conditions, but with constant wind speed and direction in both the physical model and HYDRO-3D, produced a higher MHRT of 21 hours in both models and an HE of 40.4%. In the absence of wind tracer studies in the open pond physical model revealed incomplete mixing with peak concentrations leaving the model in several hours, but an increase in MHRT to 24.5–28 hours (HE = 50.2–57.1%). Although wind blowing opposite to the inlet flow increases dispersion (mixing), it reduced hydraulic performance by 18–25%. Much higher HE values were achieved by baffles (67–74%) and three channel configurations (69–92%), compared with the original open pond configuration. Good agreement was achieved between the two models where key environmental and flow parameters can be controlled and set, but it is difficult to accurately simulate full-scale works conditions due to the unpredictability of natural hourly and daily fluctuation in these parameters.

2016 ◽  
Vol 75 (9) ◽  
pp. 1991-1996
Sher Khan ◽  
Bruce W. Melville ◽  
Mudasser Muneer Khan ◽  
Muhammad Shoaib ◽  
Asaad Shamseldin

An investigation of the effect of baffles on retention pond performance using a physical model of an existing sediment retention pond is presented. Analysis of residence time (RTD curves) was used to compare the hydraulic performance of different arrangements of baffles in the pond. Five different arrangements for the design of baffles were studied. The results show that placing a single baffle to deflect the influent to a sediment retention pond does not improve pond performance; rather, it stimulates short-circuiting. This is contradictory to the literature and is considered to be a consequence of the model pond incorporating sloping walls, which is a novel aspect of this study. Most of the previous studies have neglected the effects of battered walls. Conversely, the inclusion of more than two baffles was found to increase the hydraulic performance. The results reported here are limited to small and narrow ponds where a large portion of the pond is batter (i.e. made up of sloping walls). For large area ponds, batter effects may be negligible and are likely to be different from those reported here.

Oleksii Timkov ◽  
Dmytro Yashchenko ◽  
Volodymyr Bosenko

The article deals with the development of a physical model of a car equipped with measuring, recording and remote control equipment for experimental study of car properties. A detailed description of the design of the physical model and of the electronic modules used is given, links to application libraries and the code of the first part of the program for remote control of the model are given. Atmega microcontroller on the Arduino Uno platform was used to manage the model and register the parameters. When moving the car on the memory card saved such parameters as speed, voltage on the motor, current on the motor, the angle of the steered wheel, acceleration along three coordinate axes are recorded. Use of more powerful microcontrollers will allow to expand the list of the registered parameters of movement of the car. It is possible to measure the forces acting on the elements of the car and other parameters. In the future, it is planned to develop a mathematical model of motion of the car and check its adequacy in conducting experimental studies on maneuverability on the physical model. In addition, it is possible to conduct studies of stability and consumption of electrical energy. The physical model allows to quickly change geometric dimensions and mass parameters. In the study of highway trains, this approach will allow to investigate the various layout schemes of highway trains in the short term. It is possible to make two-axle road trains and saddle towed trains, three-way hitched trains of different layout. The results obtained will allow us to improve not only the mathematical model, but also the experimental physical model, and move on to further study the properties of hybrid road trains with an active trailer link. This approach allows to reduce material and time costs when researching the properties of cars and road trains. Keywords: car, physical model, experiment, road trains, sensor, remote control, maneuverability, stability.

E. M. Solovyov ◽  
V. I. Novikov ◽  
B. V. Spitsyn ◽  
M. R. Kiselev ◽  
V. A. Sorokin ◽  

Irriga ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-68 ◽  
Marco Antonio Fonseca Conceição ◽  
Rubens Duarte Coelho

RELAÇÃO VAZÃO x PRESSÃO EM MICROASPERSORES DAN 2001 SOB CONDIÇÃO ADVERSA DE OPERAÇÃO  Marco Antônio Fonseca ConceiçãoEmbrapa Uva e Vinho, Estação Experimental de Jales, Jales, SP. CP 241. CEP 15700-000.E-mail: [email protected] Duarte CoelhoDepartamento de Engenharia Rural, Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba, SP. CP 09, CEP 13418-900.E-mail: [email protected]  1 RESUMO  Alguns microaspersores possuem membranas que regulam a sua pressão de operação, mantendo a vazão praticamente estável dentro de uma faixa de pressão na rede hidráulica. Operadores de irrigação no campo, muitas vezes com baixo nível de instrução e sem orientação profissional qualificada, visando reduzir problemas de entupimento ou para diminuir o tempo de irrigação, costumam retirar as membranas autocompensantes para aumentar a vazão do emissores, o que pode comprometer o desempenho hidráulico do sistema. Para avaliar o efeito da retirada da membrana  sobre as vazões dos microaspersores, no presente trabalho determinou-se as relações entre pressão e vazão para sete bocais do microaspersor DAN 2001, operando na ausência da membrana autocompensante. As curvas pressão-vazão sem as membranas autocompensantes apresentaram comportamento potencial com expoentes variando entre 0,58 e 0,64. As vazões dos microaspersores sem as membranas aumentaram de forma inversamente proporcional aos diâmetros dos emissores, quando comparadas às vazões nominais com as membranas.  UNITERMOS: Hidráulica, irrigação, microaspersão.  CONCEIÇÃO, M.A.F.; COELHO, R.D. FLOW X PRESSURE RELATIONSHIP FOR DAN 2001 MICROSPRINKLERS UNDER ADVERSE CONDITION  2 ABSTRACT  Many types of microsprinklers have a self-compensating membrane to regulate their pressure, keeping a stable flow. Many producers usually take the membranes off to reduce clogging problems  or irrigation time. This procedure could endanger the system hydraulic performance. To evaluate the effect of taking off the self-compensating membrane from microsprinklers it was determined, in the present work, the pressure-flow relationship for seven Dan 2001 microsprinkler nozzles operating without the membrane. The pressure-flow curves presented a potential behavior with the exponents varying from 0.58 to 0.64. Microsprinkler flows without the membranes increased inversely proportional to the emitter diameters, comparing to the nominal flows using the membranes.  KEYWORDS: Hydraulic, irrigation, microsprinkler.

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