Needs Investigation Methods Compatible With Key End User Limitation (Nickel): A Tool For Selecting User Centered Needs Elicitation Methods For Older Adults
During the design process older and/or disabled adults are often left out of the needs elicitation process because many of the User Centered Needs Elicitation Methods (UCNEM) are not accessible to these individuals. This thesis explains the development of NICKEL, a decision-support tool which allows users to determine UCNEMs that fit the human capability of the older and/or disabled adult participants in their study. Three levels of the cognitive, visual, hearing and physical human capabilities required for 19 UCNEMs are determined using a survey and focus group with expert designers/researchers. A user study is carried out to determine the usability and usefulness of NICKEL with novice and expert designers/researchers. Major findings indicated that NICKEL is an easy to use and useful tool for users when determining appropriate UCNEMs for older and disabled adults. Future work could include adding other capabilities such as interpersonal skills and adding new methods to NICKEL.