Zhykharieva O.O. ◽  
Izotova N.P.

Purpose of the research. This research paper focuses on the models of creating a feedback loop as a narrative technique implemented in the following biblical narrations: the story of king David in 2 Samuel, king Manasseh in 2 Chronicles, prophet Jonah in Jonah from the Old Testament. The paper aims at identifying narrative mechanisms and linguistic means of creating a feedback loop in English biblical discourse. Methods. The methodology of the feedback loop reconstruction integrates: narrative analysis and contextual-interpretive analysis to show axiological meanings of the ecologically charged biblical narrations; elements of syntactic analysis in order to determine cause and effect relations between events and actions, or axiological changes in the participants’ behavior; structural analysis and semantic analysis – to distinguish the models of creating a feedback loop according to the criterion of their complexity. Results. The feedback loop as a narrative technique in English biblical discourse reflects the didactic stages of teaching man by God and man’s responsibility for his environment. Explicitly marked causal relations outlining ecological imbalance in ecologically charged biblical narrations are manifested by means of gradation, syntactic parallelism, polysyndeton, and repetition. The narrative technique of creating a feedback loop in English biblical discourse is represented by three models. With regard to the number of the participants involved in the information transmission, three models of feedback loop can be singled out: the model of a simple feedback loop, the model of extended feedback loop (there is an additional turn), and the model of complex feedback loop (there is a mediator). Conclusions. This narrative technique entails the modification of the whole model of relations (presented in the stories of king David in 2 Samuel, king Manasseh in 2 Chronicles, and prophet Jonah in Jonah from the Old Testament), as it depends on the participants’ values and behavior alterations, as well as spiritual changes in worldview and lifestyle of a man or the whole society. Key words: Bible, biblical narrations, discourse, ecological values, feedback loop. Мета. У статті розглядаються моделі формування петлі зворотного зв’язку як наративного прийому, реалізованого у біблійних нараціях Старого Завіту про царя Давида з Другої книги Самуїла, про царя Манасію з Другої книги хронік, про пророка Йону з однойменної книги. Мета дослідження полягає у з’ясуванні наративних механізмів та лінгвальних засобів формування петлі зворотного зв’язку в англомовному біблійному дискурсі. Методи. Під час реконструювання етапів формування петлі зворотного зв’язку залучалися: наративний і контекстуально-інтерпретаційний аналіз для виведення ціннісних смислів оповіді; елементи синтаксичного аналізу з метою з’ясування причинно-наслідкових або умовно-наслідкових зв’язків між подіями, вчинками, ціннісними змінами у поведінці учасників подій та структурно-змістовий аналіз для розмежування моделей петлі зворотного зв’язку за критерієм їх складності. Результати. Петля зворотного зв’язку як наративний прийом, властивий англомовному біблійному дискурсу, відобра-жає проходження людиною етапів повчання від Господа і, відповідно, усвідомлення відповідальності щодо свого існування у навколишньому світі. Експліцитно марковані причинно-наслідкові відношення, що актуалізують причини або наслідки порушення екологічної рівноваги, реалізуються за допомогою стилістичних прийомів градації, синтаксичного паралелізму, полісиндетону, повтору. З огляду на кількість задіяних учасників у передачі інформації наративна техніка формування петлі зворотного зв’язку в англомовному біблійному дискурсі представлена трьома моделями: простої петлі зворотного зв’язку, розширеної петлі зворотного зв’язку (з’являється додатковий її виток) або складної петлі зворотного зв’язку (залучається додатковий посередник, що маркується появою нового витка-відгалуження). Висновки дослідження. Зазначена наративна техніка передбачає модифікацію всієї моделі відносин, оскільки залежить від того, як змінюються цінності і поведінка залучених до неї учасників, як відбуваються духовні зміни у світосприйнятті і способі життя людини або усього суспільства. Ключові слова: Біблія, біблійні нарації, дискурс, екологічні цінності, петля зворотного зв’язку.

J. Andrew Dearman

This chapter explores the relevance of semantics and the art of verbal and literary expression for interpreting Old Testament narratives. Texts from Genesis 16 and 38, and more extensively 2 Samuel 7, are examined for examples of wordplay, distinctive vocabulary such as that employed by the Deuteronomistic writers, and intertextual references to other books in the Old Testament. The name Ishmael is the subject of a wordplay that indicates God has heard the plea of Hagar his mother. In Genesis 38 the names Er and Perez are briefly examined for their contribution to the plot of an heir for the patriarch Judah. The several uses of the Hebrew words for “house” and “name” in 2 Samuel 7 are discussed in the context of traditions about the rule of King David over Israel.

2020 ◽  
И.В. Мамиева

В статье исследуется функционально-семантическая сфера и художественно-когнитивный потенциал ментальных глаголов, употребленных К. Л. Хетагуровым в сборнике Ирон фандыр ( Осетинская лира , 1899) и примыкающих к нему текстах на осетинском языке.На основе лексико-семантического анализа прототипической глагольной лексемы зонын, доминантной в словаре языка сборника, и ее производных определены важные структурные компоненты когнитивного фрейма осуществление ментальной деятельности. Очерчен состав номинативного поля ментальных глаголов с прямым и контекстным значением слов: конститутивные элементы отнесены к ядру и приядерному слою номинации, эксплицирующие синонимические ряды дополнительных характеристик, к области ближней и дальней периферии. В работе изложен опыт применения комплексного (лингво-литературоведческого) подхода к исследованию вербальных средств выражения мыслительных действий с использованием элементов этимологического, контекстуального и интерпретативного анализа. В основу организации материала лег метод структуризации семантического поля ментальных глаголов по признаку действие/состояние с различением трех аспектов ментальной сферы сознания: 1) мыслительных действий, цель которых получение знания (процесс мышления) 2) мыслительных актов, свидетельствующих о результатах реализации ментальной способности 3) ментальных состояний (статуальность как результат предшествующих мыслительных действий) с указанием дифференцированной частоты их употребления. Делается вывод о том, что единицы ментального поля являются ключевыми и концептуально значимыми в анализируемыхтекстах Коста Хетагурова. Проблема рассмотрена под углом зрения антропного фактора в аспекте репрезентации фрагментов картины мира в художественном тексте, отражающих ценностно-мировоззренческие установки автора. The article explores the functional-semantic sphere and artistic-cognitive potential of the mental verbs used by K.L. Khetagurov in his anthology Iron Fandyr ( Ossetian Lira, 1899) and the adjoining Ossetic texts. Based on the lexico-semantic analysis of the prototypical verb lexem zonyn, which is dominant in the dictionary of the anthology language, and its derivatives the important structural components of the cognitive frame exercise of the mental activities are defined. The structure of the nominative field of mental verbs is outlined (direct and contextual meanings of words): the constitutional elements are classified as the nucleus and nearby layer the nominations which make synonymic rows of additional characteristics explicit, to the area of near and far periphery. The paper outlines the experience of applying a comprehensive (linguo-literary) approach to the study of verb means of expression of thought actions, including the elements of etymological, contextual and interpretive analysis. The material organization is based on the method of structuring the semantic field of mental verbs on the basis of action/station with the distinction of three aspects of the mental sphere of consciousness: 1) cognitive actions, which purpose is to obtain knowledge (process of thinking) 2) the cognitive acts confirming results of mental ability realization 3) mental conditions (a stasis as a result of the previous cogitative actions) with the indication of the total and differentiated frequency of their use. It is concluded that mental verbs are key-note and conceptually significant in Kosta Khetagurovs poetry. The problem is considered from the point of view of the anthropic factor in the aspect of representation of fragments of the image of the world in the literary text, reflecting the axiological and worldview attitudes of the author.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 99-123 ◽  
Lisa van der Werff ◽  
Alison Legood ◽  
Finian Buckley ◽  
Antoinette Weibel ◽  
David de Cremer

Theorizing about trust has focused predominantly on cognitive trust cues such as trustworthiness, portraying the trustor as a relatively passive observer reacting to the attributes of the other party. Using self-determination and control theories of motivation, we propose a model of trust motivation that explores the intraindividual processes involved in the volitional aspects of trust decision-making implied by the definition of trust as a willingness to be vulnerable. We distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic drivers of trust and propose a two-phase model of trust goal setting and trust regulation. Our model offers a dynamic view of the trusting process and a framework for understanding how trust cognition, affect and behavior interact over time. Furthermore, we discuss how trust goals may be altered or abandoned via a feedback loop during the trust regulation process. We conclude with a discussion of potential implications for existing theory and future research.

2002 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-78
Keith Bodner

In the biblical narrative of 2 Samuel 15-17, Absalom conspires against his father, King David, and attempts to seize the throne of Israel. Absalom's rebellion gains a key ally when Ahithophel, designated as one of David's senior advisors, joins the forces of Absalom. The reasons behind this défection are obscure in the narrative, and there is no motive stated in the text explaining why Ahithophel would act in this manner toward David. However, the German biblical scholar Gerhard von Rad has drawn attention to an interesting connection between Bathsheba (with whom David has an affair in 2 Sam. 11) and Ahithophel. In 2 Samuel 11:3, Bathsheba is mentioned as "the daughter of Eliam." In 2 Samuel 23:34, Eliam is mentioned as "the son of Ahithophel," hence Bathsheba and Ahithophel seem to be close relatives. This article surveys the major scenes where Ahithophel appears in 2 Samuel 15-17, and explores this genealogical connection as a possible motive for Ahithophel's defection: he is angry and disillusioned with David after the Bathsheba affair and subsequent murder by proxy of her husband, Uriah the Hittite.

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (5-6) ◽  
pp. 673-698 ◽  
Robert M. Cutler

This article concerns Chinese energy relations with Kazakhstan and Russia, surveying the foreign direct investment (fdi) behavior of Chinese National Oil Companies (nocs) in Kazakhstan and Russia. The first section provides a schematic overview of the general development of Chinese fdi strategy and behavior from the disintegration of the Soviet Union up until the present day. It systematically explains how that development occurred in three phases and gives some key indicators for distinguishing among the phases and the transition between successive phases. The second section looks more closely at the fdi strategy and behavior of the Chinese nocs specifically regarding Kazakhstan and Russia, periodizing it according to the first two of the three chronological phases distinguished in the first section. The third section of the article examines still more closely the phenomenon regarding Kazakhstan and Russia from the end of the last decade up until the present day, dividing the third above-mentioned phase into three subphases and inspecting the first two, of which the second is still ongoing. The fourth section of the article evaluates the conduct of Chinese nocs with regard to Kazakhstan and Russia from the standpoint of motives of corporate behavior and comparative incentive structures. The fifth section of the article concludes by introducing some caveats on the basis of a glance at recent behavior with respect to another large resource-rich country, Canada, where Chinese nocs have made massive fdi for some years now, but which has a rather different economic and social structure from Kazakhstan and Russia. The last section of the conclusion also includes a few final comments on the prospects for Chinese energy and Chinese nocs during the remainder of the decade and into the 2020s, on the basis of the analytical framework employed to structure the narrative analysis in the body of the article.

2006 ◽  
Vol 14 (5) ◽  
pp. 456-485
Baruch Alster

AbstractSurprise is a common narrative technique, but as it is based on the implied reader's 'false impressions', it undermines the reliability of the narrator, which can be a problem in biblical literature. This article attempts to show that the use of surprise in the Bible corresponds to each story's literary and theological goals. I do this by comparing three pairs of parallel narratives: David's bringing the Ark to Jerusalem in 2 Samuel 6 and 1 Chronicles 13 and 15; Moses' sending messengers to Sihon in Deuteronomy 2 and Numbers 21; and the spies' counsel against conquering the land in Deuteronomy 1 and Numbers 13–14. The first of each pair includes a narrative surprise, while the second conveys the same information without surprise. In the first two pairs—the Ark and Sihon—I find that the use of surprise or lack of it corresponds to the literary and ideological goals of each narrative. In the third pair—the Spies—I find that the supposed surprise in Deuteronomy blatantly contradicts the main theme of the narrative. But by taking into account its Numbers counterpart, and by assuming that the reader of the former has at least partial prior knowledge of the latter (an assumption backed up by a number of previous studies), I find that there is indeed no real surprise in the narrative.

2019 ◽  
Marta del Olmo ◽  
Achim Kramer ◽  
Hanspeter Herzel

AbstractThe circadian clock is an endogenous oscillator that controls daily rhythms in metabolism, physiology and behavior. Although the timekeeping components differ among species, a common design principle is a transcription-translation negative feedback loop. However, it is becoming clear that other mechanisms can contribute to the generation of 24 h rhythms. In mammalian adrenal gland, heart and brown adipose tissue, peroxiredoxins (Prx) exhibit 24 h rhythms in their redox state. Such rhythms are generated as a result of an inactivating hyperoxidation reaction that is reduced by coordinated import of the sulfiredoxin (Srx) into the mitochondria. However, a quantitative description of the Prx/Srx oscillating system is still missing. We investigate the basic principles that generate mitochondrial Prx/Srx rhythms using computational modeling. We observe that the previously described delay in mitochondrial Srx import, in combination with an appropriate separation of fast and slow reactions is sufficient to generate robust self-sustained relaxation-like oscillations. We find that our conceptual model can be regarded as a series of three consecutive phases and two temporal switches, highlighting the importance of delayed negative feedback and switches in the generation of oscillations.

Luthfi Nur Utari ◽  
Ely Triasih Rahayu ◽  
Hartati Hartati

The research entitled Semantic Analysis of Japanese Idiom Using Eye Lexem, aims to 1) describe the lexical meaning behind the forming element of Japanese language idioms using eye lexem 2) describe the idiomatic meaning behind the forming element of the Japanese language idioms using eye lexem. The research belong to descriptive qualitative especially using reading and noting method. The result shows that there are 25 eye lexeme idioms, among other things 7 idioms belong to sentiment, 2 of them belong to characters, 12 of them belong to the action and behavior, and 4 of them belong to the value and degrees. Based on the results according to the data source, there are no idioms stating the culture of society. However, it can be concluded that the Japanese idioms using eye lexem are still frequently used.

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