scholarly journals Analysis of Influence of Motivation, Competence, Compensation toward Performance of Employee

Tati Hartati

Motivation, competence, compensation and performance are important factors in an organization to achieve its stated goals. This study will examine empirically related to motivation, competence and compensation for its effect on employee performance. The research method used in this research is quantitative with survey techniques. The sample in this study were employees. Determination of the sample is done by proportional random sampling. Sources of data in this study are primary and secondary data. The analysis technique used in this study is path analysis. The results of the study prove that motivation, competence, compensation and performance are in the category of being headed well. While the results of verification studies prove that motivation, competence and compensation have a significant effect both partially and simultaneously on employee performance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Rasmansyah Rasmansyah ◽  
M Zainal Aripin

<em>This research was conducted based on the existence of problems in the competence and physical work environment of employee performance. This study aims to determine the effect of competencies and physical work environment simultaneously or partially on the performance of employees of PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor. The sampling technique is the sample random sampling technique. The type of research used is descriptive and verivative research methods, with data collection techniques using primary data and secondary data. The results showed that competency, physical work environment, and performance were categorized quite well. Based on the calculation, it can be seen that simultaneously the competence and physical work environment have a positive and significant influence on the performance of the employees of PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor. Partially shows that the physical work environment has the most dominant influence on the performance of employees of PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor</em>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 179-186
Reiny Irianti Poetri ◽  
Bambang Mantikei ◽  
Thresia Kristiana

Government agencies' service standards have been established based on MENPAN Decree No. 25/2004. Therefore it is necessary to review the giving of work motivation, so that job satisfaction and performance can be improved again. The purpose of this research is to measure and analyze the direct and indirect effects of service quality, work motiva-tion, on job satisfaction and performance and to measure and analyze the direct influence and indirect effect between job satisfactions on employee performance. The sample of the study consisted of 200 people taxpayers service staff Palangka Raya BPPRD Office. Research data in the form of primary and secondary data obtained through observation and questionnaires. Data were analyzed using path analysis, while the job satisfaction variable was an intervening varia-ble and performance was the dependent variable (the dependent variable). From the results of path analysis where the direct effect between service quality on job satisfaction and on performance has a significant effect, and work motiva-tion on job satisfaction is not significant. While the indirect effect (indirect effects) quality of service on performance through job satisfaction with a coefficient of 0.115 is greater than work motivation on performance through job satis-faction by 0.030, meaning that work motivation on performance through job satisfaction has a non-significant effect.

Samuel Egenius ◽  
Boge Triatmanto ◽  
Mohamad Natsir

This research aims to 1) describe the description of Job Satisfaction, Employee Loyalty, and Performance. 2) analyze the effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance. 3) to analyze the influence of Job Satisfaction on Loyalty. 4) to analyze the effect of the influence of loyalty on employee performance. 5) to analyze the influence of Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance through Loyalty as an Intervening Variable in the Credit Union Cooperative, East Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan. The sample in this study was 68 employees. The analysis technique uses path analysis. The results of the analysis show that job satisfaction has a significant effect on employee performance. Job satisfaction has a significant effect on loyalty. Besides, loyalty has a significant effect on employee performance. And job satisfaction has a significant effect on employee performance through loyalty. loyalty moderates job satisfaction on employee performance. Loyalty is the most important part to be noticed and considered by upper management because through loyalty employee work results can be achieved and employee performance increases.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-66
Andres Dharma Nurhalim

PT. XYZ is a company engaged in the sale of paper and printing machines which will increase greatly in paper demand is increasing every year. therefore the employee's performance is an important factor in increasing the sales of the company so that it can compete with other competitors. To maintain the necessary motivation employee performance so employees can work maximal.This purpose of study was to analyze the effect of transformational leadership style, communication on the motivation and impact on employee performance PT. XYZ. The population used in this study were all employees of PT. XYZ, Tangerang Cipondoh many as 43 people. The analysis technique used is the path analysis (path analysis) .Data obtained from questionnaires distributed to all employees PT. XYZ totaling 43 people to measure transformational leadership style, communication on the motivation and performance of employees by using a Likert scale. From the analysis of the data obtained showed that the Transformational leadership style, communication to motivation and significant influence simultaneously on employee performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 351
Auriand Ebeneser ◽  
Safuan Safuan

This study discusses the impact of work compensation on employee performance during the Covid 19 pandemic with job satisfaction at PT XYZ. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of job compensation on employee performance, the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance and the effect on job compensation and job satisfaction on employee performance partially and to see the effect of job compensation and job satisfaction on employee performance simultaneously and for the simultaneous influence. direct and indirect compensation variables on employee performance and compensation. This study used a population of 60 employees as respondents. Data collection uses primary and secondary data. Secondary data using a questionnaire using previous research and linear studies. The analysis technique used is path analysis. Based on the partial test the effect of job compensation on job satisfaction, the effect of compensation on employee performance, the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance partially has a significant effect and the effect of job compensation and job satisfaction on employee performance simultaneously also has a significant effect.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.   <br /><br /><br />

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-106
Yoga Paripurna ◽  
Hening Widi Oetomo ◽  
Djawoto Djawoto

This study aimed to identify and analyze the effect of leadership and spirituality styles on organizational commitment and performance of Balai Yasa Surabaya. The population were all staff in the production unit that were determined using non-random sampling. The technique sampling was saturated sampling; and the samples were 155 respondents. While the analysis technique applied SEM (Structural Equation Model). As the results, this study indicated that the leadership style had a significant effect on organizational commitment, that the spirituality had a sigificant effect on organizational commitment, that the organizational commitment had a significant effect on employee performance, that the leadership style had a significant effect on employee performance, and that the spirituality had a significant effect on employee performance. Furthermore, the organizational commitment mediated the effect of  leadership style on employee performance; and the organizational commitment mediated the effect of spirituality on employee performance.              Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan dan spiritualitas terhadap komitmen organisasional dan kinerja karyawan Balai Yasa Surabaya Gubeng. Teknik penentuan sampel yang digunakan yaitu sampling jenuh, semua anggota populasi dijadikan sampel yakni sebanyak 155 responden. Populasi penelitian ini menggunakan penentuan non random sampling dimana respondennya merupakan karyawan bagian unit produksi dan unit penunjangnya. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis SEM (Structural Equation Model). Hasil pengujian menunjukkan gaya kepemimpinan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap komitmen organisasional, spriritualitas berpengaruh signifikan terhadap komitmen organisasional, komitmen organisasional berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan, gaya kepemimpinan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan, dan spiritualitas berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Komitmen organisasional memediasi pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja karyawan dan komitmen organisasional memediasi pengaruh spiritualitas terhadap kinerja karyawan

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-41
Emmy Ermawati ◽  
Noer Aisyah Barlian

This study aims to identify the effects of direct compensation, indirect compensation and non-financial compensation on the motivation and performance of employees of private health clinics. The population of this research is private clinic employee in Lumajanga Regency with 34 respondents used as sample. Data analysis technique used multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that partially all variables have no significant effect on motivation and performance. While simultaneously the three variables only have a significant effect on motivation but not on employee performance. In addition, this study indicates that motivation has a significant effect on employee performance. Coefficient of determination for motivation variable equal to 58,9% which means this variable can be explained by three independent variable in this research. This is different from the performance variable which is only 14.2%. As for the influence of motivation on the performance of coefficient of determination of 14.2%. Furthermore, this research is expected to contribute in the development of management science studies, especially human resource management so that it can become a reference for further research

Nurlina Nurlina ◽  
Safrida Safrida ◽  
Musmulyadi Musmulyadi ◽  
Burhan Burhan

This study aims to determine the effect of leadership style and motivation on the performance of the employees of the Ministry of Religion of South Sulawesi Province. This research uses a quantitative approach, primary and secondary data sources. Collecting data through field research by means of questionnaires and documentation. As for the population in this study were all employees totaling 232 civil servants. To determine the minimum required sample, the Slovin formula is used. By calculating the sample size, 69 samples were obtained. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The results showed that there was a partially positive and significant influence between leadership style and motivation on employee performance. The most dominant factor of leadership style influences employee performance. Leadership and work motivation are in the good category, and this condition should be maintained and improved. Keywords: Leadership, Motivation, and Performance

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-67
Zulkifli Rusby ◽  
Zulfadli Hamzah

  Human resource plays important role and the most dominant factors in organization. Employee performance can be measured by various indicators, one of which is job satisfaction. This research employs descriptive approach with collected primary and secondary data in describing the effect of carrier development and culture organization on teacher performance through job satisfaction. The population of this research include all teacher are 46 respondent. Data analysis technique use path analysis. The result of this research found that carrier development through job satisfaction indirectly has positive influence or significance toward teacher performance. Besides that, organizational culture through job satisfaction indirectly also has positive influence or significance toward teacher performance. Keywords: Carrier Development,Organizational Culture,Performance,Job Satisfaction, Path Analysis

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 4788
Ni Putu Sinta Kumala Sari ◽  
A.A Ayu Sriathi

The purpose of this research was to examine the role of mediation work motivation on the effect on performance of employee career development. This research was conducted at the Fairmont Hotel Sanur Beach with samples as many as 72 people are determined by the method of proportionate stratified random sampling. The collection of data obtained from the results of the dissemination of the questionnaire by using as many as 13 indicators. As for the data analysis technique used in this study i.e. path analysis (path analysis) accompanied by sobel test. The results showed that the career development positive and significant effect on performance and motivation of the employees work. Motivation work positive and significant effect on performance as well as employees are able to mediate the influence of career development employee performance against. The results suggested that the better career development in the enterprise the higher the employee motivation, and higher employee motivation will be higher performance Fairmont Hotel Sanur Beach. Keywords: career development, work motivation, employee performance  

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