scholarly journals Cooperative Learning Strategies and their Impact on the Promotion of Editorial Expression Students of the Department of Arabic Language Teaching at the Islamic University of Tulung Agung/استراتيجيات التعلّم التعاوني وأثرها في ترقية التعبير التحريري لدى طلبة قسم تعليم للغة العربية بالجامعة الإسلامية الحكومية تولونج أجونج

Luthfi Abdul Manaf

The aim of this research is to identify cooperative learning strategies in enhancing the skill of written expression and understanding the impact of these strategies. The introduction of collaborative learning in the promotion of the skill of written expression among students at the Department of Arabic Language Education at the Islamic University of Tolong Agung. Use this search descriptive qualitative portal. The researcher also used research tools to collect data, namely observation, interview and documents. Data analysis is data reduction, data presentation, and data validation by constant comparison. To examine the validity of the data, the researcher is working to prolong the times of attendance and tripartite and discuss with some of the brothers.The results of this research showed that the goals of teaching expression in the cooperative learning strategy are using steps such as the teacher to set goals, materials and teaching methods and then set the procedures of education by dividing the students into six groups. The teacher prepares the working drawings for the students with different colors for each group, distributed to each group. A student from the groups began working by walking around the teacher to observe the positive tingling atmosphere. After the students finished working, each group discussed their work in front of another group, and then the teacher evaluated the students' work. The use of cooperative learning strategies has a significant impact on students' skill upgrading in the expression of discretion.يهدف هذا البحث إلى معرفة إستراتيجات التعلم التعاوني في ترقية مهارة التعبير التحريري ومعرفة أثر تلك الاستراتيجات مدخل التعلم التعاوني في ترقية مهارة التعبير التحريري لدى طلبة لدى قسم التربية للغة العربية بالجامعة الإسلامية الحكومية تولونج أجونج. استخدم هذا البحث المدخل الوصفي الكيفي. كما استخدم الباحث أدوات البحث لجمع البيانات وهي الملاحظة والمقابلة والوثائق. وأما تحليل البينات فهو تنقيص البيانات، وتقديم البيانات، واثبات البيانات بمقارنة الثابت. ولتفتيش صحة البيانات يعمل الباحث تطويل أوقات الحضور والتثليثي والمناقشة مع بعض الإخوان.ودلت نتائج هذا البحث على أن أهداف التعليم التعبير التحريري باستراتيجية التعلم التعاوني تستخدم الخطوات منها تعيين المعلم الأهداف والمواد ووسائل التعليمية ثم تعيين إجراءات التعليم بتقسيم الطلبة في ست مجموعات، فيعد المعلم قراطيس العمل للطلبة مع ألوان مختلفة لكل مجموعة، فيوزعها على كل مجموعة. بدأ طالب من المجموعات بالعمل فيتجول المعلم لمراقبة جو التلعم الإيجابي. بعد أن انتهى الطلبة من العمل، قامت كل مجموعة بالمناقشة حول عملهم أمام مجموعة أخرى، ثم بعد ذلك قام المعلم بالتقويم على أعمال الطلبة. واستخدام استراتيجيات التعلم التعاوني له أثر كبير عند الطلبة في ترقية المهارة التعبير التحريري.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-29
Adi Marsono

The background of this research is that the emergence of the revitalization of education become the talk very interesting and crucial entered the times of the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) recently. Seeing the condition of a nation that increasingly worse with a variety of educational failure phenomena occurring generation of people. At the regional level (ASEAN), Arabic is the language of the second alternative communication after the Malay language. Since Arabic is the language of the religious culture of the Islamic community of Malay and Arabic language turns more dominant than in English. This is because the majority of the people of ASEAN are Muslims who think that the Arabic language is flexible, open and elastic in answering the challenges of globalization and cultural transformation. State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Tulungagung is one of the universities which have policies, matakuliah, environment and curriculum that supports the education of Arabic-based life skill education in the ASEAN Economic Community mengahadapi (MEA). The method used in this research are : the type of research is qualitative descriptive. Methods of data collection are observation, interview, documentation. Methods of data analysis are reduction, data display and then drawing conclusions / verification.The results of this research are : 1) the revitalization of the Arabic language education based life skills education at State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Tulungagung in the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) is conducted by: a) To formulate vision and mission that suppor Competence Life Skills Arabic, b) Develop curriculum a greater emphasis on deepening the Arabic language skills competence, c) Establishing Bi'ah Lughawiyah Arabic language in Campus and Ma'had, d) Create a special program of learning the Arabic language, e) Mastery learning strategies and Arabic language skills, f) Lecturer Professional and have optimum competence, g) Provide additional extra-based Life Skills, and h) To sharpen the practical and Delivers Native speakers. 2) The implications of life skill education to the Arabic language education at State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Tulungagung for facing the ASEAN Economic Community, the following: a) Linking the use of language in context, b) Lecturer more frequent use of the media, c) Institutions must make improvements in particular, d) Optimization Arabic Education management, and e) Overcoming the obstacles faced.

Iqbal Iqbal

This study aimed to describe the planning, the implementation, and evaluation of the implementation of integrated learning strategies to improve student learning of listening and speaking. The research design is a classroom action research. Data was obtained from one teacher, and 40 sophomore students of Indonesia Language Education Department of Muhammadiyah STKIP in Bone. The research results showed that; (1) the planning of integrated learning strategies can improve the students learning of listening and speaking. (2 ) the implementation of integrated learning strategy can improve students  learning of listening and speaking. Implementation steps were included; listening in pairs and cooperative learning, (3) evaluation of the integrated learning strategy can improve students learning of listening and speaking. It should be in line with the context of the content, real and factual.

Marco Civico

AbstractThe objective of this paper is to develop an simulation model able to test different language education orientations and their consequences for the EU population in terms of linguistic disenfranchisement, that is, the inability of citizens to understand EU documents and parliamentary discussions should their native language(s) no longer be official. I will focus on the impact of linguistic distance and language learning. Ideally, this model would be a tool to help EU policy makers make informed decisions about language practices and education policies, taking into account their consequences in terms of diversity and linguistic disenfranchisement. The model can be used to force agents to make certain choices in terms of language skills acquisition. The user can then go on to compare different scenarios in which language skills are acquired according to different rationales. The idea is that, by forcing agents to adopt certain language learning strategies, the model user can simulate policies promoting the acquisition of language skills and get an idea of their impact. In this way, the model allows not only to sketch various scenarios of the evolution of language skills among EU citizens, but also to estimate the level of disenfranchisement in each of these scenarios.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 55-77
Nurhasnah Nurhasnah ◽  
Yogia Prihartini

The Arabic learning process is directed to encourage, guide, develop, and foster students' Arabic language skills, Arabic language skills will also support students in understanding the sources of Islamic teachings, such as the Al-Qur'an and Hadith, and other books that use Arabic . In the Arabic learning process, it is expected that students will have good abilities in learning Arabic. To achieve the expected objectives, the Hiwar learning strategy is to use the Hiwar (conversation) method. The lesson material consists of fluency in speaking by using Arabic.This research is a field research in the form of descriptive qualitative research. Data collection was carried out by interview, observation and documentation. The data analysis used is descriptive in the form of secondary data and primary data. In analyzing the data, it begins with examining the data, after the data is collected then its contents are clarified and analyzed, then interpreted and concluded. The Arabic learning process at MAN 1 Payakumbuh has been implemented in accordance with the existing curriculum, based on Content Standards (SI) and Graduates Competency Standards (SKL), which explains that learning Arabic at Islamic Senior High School is a process of activities directed at encouraging, guiding, develop and develop fushha Arabic language skills, by prioritizing the ability to read and understand reading material. The ability to speak and compose sentences is aimed at strengthening reading skills, which is the main goal of learning, namely the ability to communicate as well as a provision for understanding Islamic teachings from the original sources, namely Al-Quran and Al-hadith. The conclusion of this study is that it turns out that students are still not able to carry out good faith in Arabic and cannot use it in daily conversations, because the learning strategies used are still not optimal due to the lack of media and supporting infrastructure that support the learning process of Hiwar. So that it hasn't got maximum results.

Daniel Chavarría-Bolaños ◽  
Adrián Gómez-Fernández ◽  
Carmen Dittel-Jiménez ◽  
Mauricio Montero-Aguilar

While countries are facing different stages in their COVID-19 infection rates, worldwide there are millions of students affected by universities’ facilities closures due to the pandemic. Some institutions have enforced strategies to transfer some courses to a virtual modality, but many Dental Schools have been challenged to deal with a situation which requires emergency measures to continue the academic course in the middle of lock-downs and social distancing measures. Despite the fact that the number of online academic programs available, especially graduate programs, has increased in diverse modalities, this pandemic forced e-learning processes to develop abruptly. The likelihood of using e-learning strategies in dentistry was substantiated in the scientific literature and an overview of these opportunities is presented. Additionally, the experience of the University of Costa Rica Faculty of Dentistry is presented, as it was evident that some of the key elements in a e-learning environment needed a quick enhancement and initiation of some processes was required. First, it was necessary to categorize the academic courses depending on their virtualization's possibility (curricula analysis and classification), to better understand the extent of the impact and the work needed to contain, as far as the possibilities allowed, negative consequences on students learning process. Second, teachers needed further training in the application of virtual strategies which they hadn’t used before. do Third, an evaluation of the students’ conditions and needs was conducted in a form of a survey. Finally, teachers and students activated the available virtual platforms. For many Dental Schools, this virtualization process is an ongoing progress although it was abruptly imposed, but this moment indeed represents an enormous opportunity to move forward and get immerse in the virtualization environment as a teaching/learning experience.

Damar Gemilang ◽  
Hastuti Listiana

This article discusses the media of learning Arabic language, through library studies that focus on distributing material effectively to students without making them boring. The limited creations and variations in learning as well as the low ability of Arabic language maharah of students make the role of the media so important. The selection of media correctly, can improve the mastery of material skills, motivate, and stimulate students. Through library studies from journals, papers, and books on learning media for the Arabic curriculum which are then analyzed and concluded data will be obtained about learning media for the Arabic curriculum which is useful for teachers. There are several rules in determining the media that will be used by taking into account the direction and objectives of learning, types of learning strategies, understanding the characteristics of the media by the teacher, in terms of cost suitability, media readiness, quality, and environment to operate the media. In terms of functions related to sensing devices, the media are divided into visual media, audio media, and audiovisual media. Meanwhile, viewed from the viewpoint in Arabic and that maharah, the media can be grouped into learning media mufrodat, nahwu-shorof, and Arabic language skills consisting of media istima', qiro'ah, kitabah, and kalam. This can help academics in applying media correctly in the learning of the Arabic language curriculum.One of the elements of learning Arabic is the student's Arabic learning strategy. But there are still some students who have not found the right strategy for learning Arabic, because of a lack of knowledge about Arabic learning strategies, especially the Oxford model of language learning strategies. The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of the Arabic language learning strategy for students in the Oxford model of Madrasah Ibitidaiyah Al Islam Kartasura students.This research is descriptive qualitative, as for the research site at Madrasah Ibitidaiyah Al Islam Kartasura. This research was conducted from March to June 2020. The subjects in this study were students of class V A at Madrasah Ibitidaiyah Al Islam Kartasura. The informants in this study were the fifth grade Arabic teachers at Madrasah Ibitidaiyah Al Islam Kartasura. Data collection methods used were interviews, observation and documentation.The conclusion of this study is that students use Arabic learning strategies in the Oxford model because there are indications that students are using their learning. The strategies used are memory strategies, cognitive strategies, compensation strategies, metacognitive strategies, affective strategies, and social strategies. The strategy that is often used by students is the memorial strategy.

Fuzi Fauziyah ◽  
Siti Gina Meilani ◽  
Salsabila Salsabila

The rapid development of information has the potential to spread negative content such as hoax news, hate speech, or issues of radicalism and intolerance. In this case, critical reading skills are needed. By reading critically, readers can become more objective, able to sort and not easily swayed. However, the learning implementation of critical reading is not easy, especially coupled with the students' low reading interest and ability, especially towards English reading texts. This narrative review aims to examine cooperative learning strategies in critical reading of English texts through Team Game Tournament (TGT) and Jenga. The method used is literature study by examining various sources from journal articles in various databases, proceedings, and official websites on critical reading, cooperative learning, TGT, and Jenga games. The selected data is then reduced, classified, analyzed, and concluded. The results of literature search show that in critical reading students not only understand the content of the text but also analyze and evaluate the text they read. In this case, cooperative learning facilitates students to critically exchange ideas about the insights, ideas, and points of view they get from the text. TGT, as a form of cooperative technique, has advantages of making students work together to try to improve critical reading scores quickly and accurately in groups. In practice, Jenga which is believed to have the superiority of cooperative, communicative, and effective aspects can be used by modifying and adding questions related to critical reading so that students try to understand and analyze the text accurately. Seeing the advantages of TGT as a cooperative learning strategy and the benefits of the Jenga in critical reading, the integration between the two can facilitate three important aspects, namely critical, fast and accurate so that it has the potential to develop students' critical reading skill in reading English text.Keywords: critical reading, cooperative learning, team game tournament (TGT), jenga 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 176-189

This study aims to improve student achievement in Aqidah Akhlak subjects, especially KD Understanding Sufism. The assessment of this Sufism material is not only in the realm of knowledge (cognitive) but includes the entire domain of attitude (there is a change in attitude) and skills (application of religious understanding) for each student. That's why researchers formulate strategies that can generate student achievement, where in this learning activity, apart from being able to achieve all the aspects that are expected, students are also able to instill social traits in each of them. The learning strategy offered is cooperative learning (Cooperative Learning Strategy), namely by using the Team Games Tournament (TGT) type. Conducted in class XI IPS1 MAN 1 Jombang. This research was conducted in two cycles, each consisting of two face-to-face meetings. Before carrying out the research action, the researcher conducted a pre-test in the class being studied (before the implementation of cooperative learning strategies, in this pret test the results obtained by students on this material with an average of 79. Furthermore, after the cooperative learning model through the TGT type (Teams Games Tournaments) then in the second cycle obtained an average learning completeness of 84, and in the third cycle the increase in the average score became 95, very significant. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Aqidah Akhlak khususnya KD Memahami Tasawuf. Penilaian pada materi tasawuf ini bukan hanya padah ranah pengetahuan (kognitif) melainkan mencakup seluruh ranah sikap (ada perubahan sikap) dan Ketrampilan (penerapan pemahaman religi) pada setiap siswa. Karena itulah peneliti merumuskan strategi yang dapat membangkitkan prestasi belajar siswa, dimana dalam kegiatan pembelajaran ini selain mampu mencapai seluruh aspek yang diharapkan siswa juga mampu menanamkan sifat social dalam diri mereka masing-masing. Strategi pembelajaran yang ditawarkan adalah pembelajaran kooperatif (Cooperative Learning Strategy), yaitu dengan menggunakan tipe Teams Games Tournament (TGT). Dilakukan pada kelas XI IPS1 MAN 1 Jombang. Penelitian dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran cooperative learning melalui tipe TGT (Teams Games Tournaments) ini dilakukan dalam dua kali siklus, masing-masing terdiri dari dua kali pertemuan tatap muka. Sebelum melakukan tindakan penelitian, peneliti melakukan pre test terlebih dahulu pada kelas yang diteliti (sebelum diterapkannya strategi pembelajaran kooperatif, pada pret test ini didapatkan hasil nilai yang didapat siswa pada materi ini dengan rata-rata 79. Selanjutnya setelah model pembelajaran cooperative learning melalui tipe TGT (Teams Games Tournaments) maka pada siklus kedua diperoleh rata-rata ketruntasan belajar 84, dan pada siklus ke tiga peningkatan nilai rata-rata mejadi 95, sangat signifikan.

This study aims to examine the effectiveness of interactive entrepreneurship activity in mathematics learning towards students’ mastery in mathematics concepts. The objective is to look at the impact of implementing an active learning strategy combined with technology on mastery of mathematics concepts after engaging in a learning activity. The combination of technology in interactive learning and games kits in the form of interactive entrepreneurship activity has resulted in the innovation of learning strategies to enhance the learning interest, enjoyment and to influence the mastery of students' mathematics concepts. The effectiveness study of the strategy was conducted using an experimental study design that involved 109 students from 2 secondary schools who had participated in a 4-week mathematics learning treatment session. The experiment group was exposed to interactive entrepreneurship activity through the use of a learning kit while the control group followed conventional learning for a selected mathematics topic. Post-test were conducted to see differences in understanding and achievement of mathematics concepts for both groups of students. The results show that there is a significant difference between the mastery of mathematics concept of the experiment group students and the control group students. This shows that the integration of technology in learning activities has a positive impact on student learning. The implications of the study indicate that teachers need to constantly improve pedagogical knowledge based on current technological developments and improve teaching strategies in order to improve student competencies. The parties also need to provide the latest technology to improve the quality of education in line with global developments.

Safa Migdad ◽  
Amjad Joma ◽  
Olivier Arvisais

This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of the project-based learning strategy on developing third graders' leadership skills. The research questions were addressed using the experimental approach. The researchers purposively sampled 76 third graders from Al Zaitun Co-ed Elementary C School in Gaza and randomly sampled two classes of third graders. Participants were divided into two equivalent groups, each consisting of 38 students. The project-based learning strategy was used for teaching English to the experimental group, whereas the traditional method was used for the control group. The study tool consisted of an observation card on which the student's leadership skills were rated pre- and post-application. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Independent samples t-test and effect size were used in the analysis. Results revealed higher mean scores in leadership skills for the experimental group in the post-application observation card. The researchers attributed these findings to the project-based learning strategy and recommend its use in teaching English to develop leadership skills. Further research is needed to investigate the effect of other project-based learning strategies on other grade levels and life skills.

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