2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 213-221
Yuriy Dzyuba ◽  
Ruslan Mochalov

This research assesses a comprehensive study of the system of economic and financial indicators, reflecting the work of companies in the oil and gas industry in Russian Federation. The purpose of this article is a comprehensive assessment of the dynamics of the financial and economic state of the oil and gas industry in Russia. The article analyzes the dynamics and structure of key economic indicators of the oil and gas industry - revenues, tax payments, net profit with detailed information on companies in the industry, as well as integrated to the industry-wide level. The regularities of changes in indicators, as well as features for individual companies. The potential of the oil and gas complex to expand hydrocarbon production has been confirmed, which allows us to conclude that the industry will continue to be the engine of import substitution, financial stability of the budget and the guarantor of the country's international obligations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 138-146
Irina Filimonova

The article carried out a comprehensive study and analyzed a set of indicators reflecting the performance of companies in the oil and gas industry in Russia, namely, the return on sales by net profit, the ratio of operating expenses (including tax payments), the tax burden, the ratio of revenue to hydrocarbon production, the ratio operating costs to production, the ratio of net profit to production, the coefficient of economic efficiency of capital investments. Thus, the purpose of this research was to assess the effectiveness of the oil and gas industry in Russia. The article based on the works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of forecasting the world and Russian energy, general theoretical, macroeconomic, regional issues, including those related to the energy supply of the economy, the study of energy economics, energy efficiency, etc.

Н.Д. Айсунгуров ◽  
П.С. Цамаева ◽  
А.А. Эльмурзаев ◽  
С.С. Юсупов

Экономической составляющей нашей страны была и остается топливно-энергетическая промышленность, в частности нефтегазовая отрасль промышленности. Снижение объемов добычи жидких углеводородов из-за истощения огромного количества эксплуатируемых скважин заставляет искать пути решения возникающих проблем. Одним из решений такого рода проблем видится увеличение числа эксплуатации нефтегазовых скважин, которые сталкиваются с проблемами из-за высокого содержания в составе вредных компонентов, в частности сероводорода. Ведущие нефтяные компании имеют свое видение решения этих проблем. Исследования ученых в этой области предлагают свои решения подобного рода вопросов. Одним из таких предложений является разработка технологии утилизации сероводорода путем окисления газов кислородом воздуха на твердых катализаторах. В статье предлагается метод выделения серы из высококонцентрированного сероводородсодержащего газа в кипящем слое катализатора. Авторами проведены испытания предлагаемого метода на опытной установке и даны рекомендации по проведению такого рода исследований. The economic component of our country has been and remains the fuel and energy industry, in particular the oil and gas industry. The decline in liquid hydrocarbon production, due to the depletion of a huge number of exploited wells, makes us look for ways to solve the problems that arise. One of the solutions to this kind of problems seems to be an increase in the number of oil and gas wells that encounter problems due to the high content of harmful components, in particular hydrogen sulfide. Leading oil campaigns have their own vision for solving these problems. Researches of scientists in this area offer their solutions to this kind of issues. One of such proposals is the development of technology for the utilization of hydrogen sulfide by oxidizing gases with atmospheric oxygen on solid catalysts. The article proposes a method for the separation of sulfur from highly concentrated hydrogen sulfide-containing gas in a fluidized bed of catalyst. The authors tested the proposed method in a pilot plant and made recommendations for conducting this kind of research.

2020 ◽  
Vol 175 ◽  
pp. 13029
Denis Ushakov ◽  
Oleg Patlasov

Paper analyzes the prospects of biofuels second and third generation in the structure of the global energy balance, demonstrates a sharp decline in oil and gas revenues in the Russian budget, describes advantages and disadvantages of biodiesel and bioethanol production. The connection between the growth of Russia’s export potential in terms of hydrocarbon products processing with EU standards implementation has been proved. The problems of the realization of programs on the oxygenate technologies development in the Union State of Russia-Belarus were revealed. The capacity of the market of 3-4 generations fuel with using non-food raw materials and various types of biomass was estimated. Was proved that at a high level of growth in business value and profitability of production there are incentives to organize deep processing in Russia’s hydrocarbon production. It is proved that the oil and gas industry in a creative economy should increase its science intensity and depth of raw materials processing, including ones in related industries.

Iasmin Maratovna Mustafina ◽  
Sergei Nikolaevich Larin ◽  
Oleg Evgenevich Khrstalev ◽  

2012 ◽  
pp. 76-91
L. Eder ◽  
I. Filimonova

The article describes the complex of economic and financial indicators reflecting the results of Russia’s oil and gas industry in 2011. Price environment of the major energy resources with regard to their realization at the domestic and international markets is analyzed. Main indicators of economic performance of the oil and gas industry (revenue, profit, profitability) are reviewed with differentiation by companies. The authors consider the tax burden for the oil and gas companies; show their role in forming federal budget revenues. The paper presents the analysis of specialized funds and reserves that are formed at the expense of oil and gas industry sources; examines Russia’s balance of payments as well as revenues generated by oil and gas exports. The stock market structure of Russia and the world is described with consideration of particular oil and gas companies.

Ivan Havrylovych Zezekalo ◽  
Hanna Anatoliyivna Dumenko

The current state of the oil and gas industry of Ukraine and the possibility of increasing the hydrocarbon base due to the introduction of fields with compacted reservoirs, which contain significant gas resources. Some methods of intensification of wells that are used in Ukraine, such as hydraulic fracturing and the GasGun method, are considered. Their main shortcomings are given: unforeseen situations of depressurization of the water horizon, use of large volumes of water, utilization of process water, incomplete release of rupture fluid from the reservoir, swelling and hydration of clay components of the reservoir, impossibility of use at extremely high temperatures and pressures. The world modern technologies based on the action of inert gases in hydrocarbon production are covered. Studies on the application of anhydrous rock breaks and intensification methods using inert gases are analyzed. The application of the method of pneumatic compaction of coal seams in Ukraine with the use of flue gases for the release of methane and degassing of coal mines is presented. Modern studies on the use of liquid nitrogen and liquefied carbon dioxide as fracturing agents with rocks with low filtration–capacity properties are presented. The main advantages of using nitrogen, liquefied and supercritical carbon dioxide as reservoir decompression agents are presented. It is proposed to study the method of pneumatic compaction on different samples of rocks in the laboratory using various agents and surfactants, select the appropriate reagents and develop technology for pneumatic rupture of hydrocarbon reservoirs as a cheap and environmentally friendly alternative to existing methods.

Vestnik NSUEM ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 99-113
I. N. Maryunina

The article analyses experience of foreign countries in import substitution policy in oil and gas industry as an important part of industrial development of national economies and effective use of natural resources on the example of such countries as Brazil, Norway and Great Britain. The considerable role of the state, its ministries and departments is underlined in forming and realization of import substitution policy and consists in the development of regulatory basis, introduction of requirements on localization of production, concessionary financing of enterprises from budget and off-budget sources, development of national standards of product quality, application of special custom regimes and decline in tax rates. Drawn a conclusion about efficiency of oil and gas clusters for the development of national production of goods and services.Identifying features of inside- and out- side-based strategies of import substitution are educed and realized in Brazil and Norway. Taking into account all obtained results, the strategy of mixed-based import substitution is defined as the most acceptable to application in Russian oil and gas industry.Its essence consists in the necessity for industry enterprises to combine strategies of substituting for selective number of import products, that doesn`t have sufficient amount of analogues on the territory of the country, and strategy of creation of new modern import substitution productions that oriented on export where it`s economically reasonable.

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