scholarly journals Studi Etika Bisnis Berdasarkan Alkitab

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-57
Philip Suciadi Chia ◽  
Juanda Juanda

Business ethics is part of special ethics (applied), which initially developed in the United States, where it highlights various moral aspects of human behavior that have professions in business and management. Studying business ethics can help people who are in the business world to be able to formulate and apply ethical principles in the economics and business world among each other. It is expected that ethical principles can help determining the right attitude in dealing with conflicts (both interests and conscience) that arise when doing business. Of course, the Bible will be a foundation (reference) in formulating ethical principles in business. Thus, this paper limits business ethics that only based on biblical truth, so that it does not open a space for business ethics based on the secular world. In addition, the writer will discuss the relationship between ethics and business, definition, various presuppositions in doing business, some examples of violations of business ethics and closed for the purpose of Bible-based business ethics.  Abstrak Indonesia Etika bisnis merupakan bagian dari etika khusus (terapan), yang pada awalnya berkembang di Amerika Serikat, di mana menyoroti pelbagai segi moral perilaku manusia yang mempunyai profesi di bidang bisnis dan manajemen. Mempelajari etika bisnis dapat membantu mereka yang menggeluti dunia bisnis untuk dapat merumuskan serta menerapkan prinsip-prinsip etika dibidang ekonomi maupun dunia bisnis antar sesama. Prinsip-prinsip etika ini pun diharapkan dapat menolong dalam menentukan sikap yang benar dalam menghadapi konflik-konflik (baik kepentingan maupun hati nurani) yang timbul tatkala berbisnis. Tentu saja Alkitab akan menjadi landasan (acuan) dalam merumuskan prinsip-prinsip etika dalam berbisnis. Dengan demikian, tulisan ini membatasi etika bisnis hanya berdasarkan dari kebenaran Alkitab, sehingga tidak membuka ruang bagi etika bisnis menurut dunia sekuler. Di samping itu, penulis akan membahas mengenai kaitan antara etika dengan bisnis, definisi, berbagai presuposisi dalam berbisnis, beberapa contoh pelanggaran akan etika bisnis dan ditutup dengan tujuan etika bisnis yang berdasarkan Alkitab.

Axel R. Schäfer

The political mobilization of conservative Protestants in the United States since the 1970s is commonly viewed as having resulted from a “backlash” against the alleged iniquities of the 1960s, including the excess-es of the counterculture. In contrast, this article maintains that conservative Protestant efforts to infiltrate and absorb the counterculture contributed to the organizational strength, cultural attractiveness, and politi-cal efficacy of the New Christian Right. The essay advances three arguments: First, that evangelicals did not simply reject the countercultural ideas of the 1960s, but absorbed and extended its key sentiments. Second, that conservative Protestantism’s appropriation of countercultural rhetoric and organizational styles played a significant role in the right-wing political mobilization of evangelicals. And third, that the merger of evan-gelical Christianity and countercultural styles, rather than their antagonism, ended up being one of the most enduring legacies of the sixties. In revisiting the relationship between the counterculture and evangelicalism, the essay also explores the larger implications for understanding the relationship between religion and poli-tics. The New Christian Right domesticated genuinely insurgent impulses within the evangelical resurgence. By the same token, it nurtured the conservative components of the counterculture. Conservative Protestant-ism thus constituted a political movement that channeled insurgencies into a cultural form that relegitimized the fundamental trajectories of liberal capitalism and consumerist society.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Peter A. Lillback

ABSTRACT: Half the population of the world to this day still has not experienced religious freedom. Religious persecution often still occurs at many places in the world. Research studies show that there is a direct correlation between religious freedom and economic prosperity. "Prosperity is the result of freedom, therefore the best way to improve the economic prosperity of a nation is to ensure freedom for its citizens." This article will first elaborate models of the relationship between church and state, and then explain the basic principle of the Bible regarding religious freedom. It further explains why incarceration of religious freedom or of conscience by the state is wrong, despite the reasons of protecting its citizens from false religion or from a cult. This paper will also explore religious persecution from the time of early church until the birth of Protestantism, and then speaks about the struggle and the protection of religious freedom. Furthermore this article goes into what underlies the constitutional protection of religious freedom in America, and then browse through the struggle and the protection of religious freedom as a struggle of the world. KEY WORDS: religious freedom, religious conflict, heresy, early church, Protestantism, religious freedom in the United States of America.

2021 ◽  
pp. 45-60
Jason Brennan ◽  
William English ◽  
John Hasnas ◽  
Peter Jaworski

Business ethics primarily concerns how businesses conduct themselves and how they make their money. Sometimes businesspeople act badly because they suffer from moral confusion—that is, they are genuinely unsure what moral principles apply to their situation or how to apply them correctly. There are at least five major principles of business ethics which are inherent or built-in to the very idea of doing business. These include that personal responsibility is inalienable, that we must respect the autonomy of others, that coercion, discrimination, and deception are forbidden, and that contracts must be honored. Further, building these ethical principles into each stage of the strategic planning process helps to ensure that businesses act well.

2021 ◽  
Vol 79 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-92

On January 6, 2021, an angry mob attacked security forces and stormed the United States Congress, a significant portion of which carried placards containing Christian symbols and manifested ultra-religious conduct. The crowd chanted religious slogans and songs mixed with extremist ideological-political landmarks, QAnon conspiracy theories and racist attitudes. The protesters also followed a ritual found in the Bible, in the Old Testament, in the book of Joshua Navi, an Israelite leader to whom God indicated how he would conquer the City of Jericho, full of corrupt and fornicating people if he obeyed the divine command. The participants in the assault followed the same ritual to “conquer” the fortress of the Capitol a month before and repeated it starting with January 5, 2021. Since religion is the belief in God and represents the relationship between the faithful man and divinity, the acquisition of elements of political ideology by ultra-religious people was considered natural and mandatory in shaping a society to develop on Christian principles in the form of a “Christian city”. In this article, by analyzing the attitude of the Christian community in two distinct phases, before and during and after the assault on the US Congress, the result of the manifestation of the phenomenon of ultrareligiosity combined with an extremist political ideology will be revealed.

2007 ◽  
Vol 17 (03) ◽  
pp. 427-431 ◽  
Thomas W. Dunfee

ABSTRACT: Hasnas is correct that ethicists should pay attention to law and be on guard for perverse effects from regulation and legal interpretations that may encourage or require unethical behavior. He is not correct that the business ethics literature assumes that law and ethics consistently pull in the same direction. Analysis of the relationship between law and ethics requires nuanced, in-depth treatment. An example is provided regarding the well-known case of United States v. Park. Ultimately, there is a need for more serious consideration of ethical principles and norms in legal policy making and practice.

10.1068/a3948 ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 258-282 ◽  
R Alan Walks

One of the trends marking neoliberalism and the attack on the welfare state from the right is the move toward the privatization of public services. Recent research in both the United States and Canada suggests that residents of the suburbs of large urban regions are more likely to vote for political parties on the right and to support neoliberal policies such as privatization, while the opposite is true for inner-city dwellers. However, the reasons why such a spatial division should occur have received little academic attention. This paper seeks to fill this gap in the literature by analyzing the relationship between residential location, spatial factors, and attitudes toward privatization, using survey data collected in the Toronto region. Results suggest that the way urban space influences residents' daily routines and personal experiences may then mediate their perception of the uses of public services and the efficacy of government spending, factors which are found to affect spatial disparities in support of and/or in opposition to privatization. Thus, there is some evidence that urban spatial form is important for understanding the geographic unevenness of support for neoliberalism, and thus ultimately for the production of ideology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Rianti Rianti

Business ethics is a character that is used to differentiate between a good and bad thing, right or wrong, should or should not, etc. and means a general principle that corrects someone to implement it in their behavior in terms of the business world. In today's era where technology has developed very rapidly, people can often understand in the business world about a business that has the main goal of getting very much profit. In economic law that continues to rely on little capital and also wants to get as much profit as possible, it is possible that business actors dominate business actors so that they do everything they can to get very large profits. Whereas in Islamic law, it has been explained how the ethics of doing business in sharia which have been exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. This study aims to analyze the suitability of the application of business ethics in online buying and selling transactions on Lazada Marketplace with sharia business ethics in accordance with the rules set by Islam. The method used in this study is a descriptive method to describe an object or subject as it is to present reality and have the characteristics of the object precisely studied. The results showed that Islamic business ethics have not been applied in the practice of buying and selling in online stores in Marketplace Lazada and the application of business ethics practices has not been in accordance with islamic business ethics principles. Etika bisnis adalah karakter yang digunakan untuk membedakan antara hal yang baik dan buruk, benar atau salah, harus atau tidak, dll dan berarti prinsip umum yang mengoreksi seseorang untuk menerapkannya dalam perilaku mereka dalam dunia bisnis. Di era sekarang ini di mana teknologi berkembang sangat pesat, orang sering kali dapat memahami dalam dunia bisnis tentang sebuah bisnis yang memiliki tujuan utama untuk mendapatkan keuntungan yang sangat banyak. Dalam hukum ekonomi yang terus mengandalkan modal yang kecil dan juga ingin mendapatkan keuntungan yang sebesar-besarnya, tidak menutup kemungkinan pelaku usaha mendominasi pelaku usaha sehingga melakukan segala cara untuk mendapatkan keuntungan yang sangat besar. Padahal dalam hukum Islam telah dijelaskan bagaimana etika berbisnis secara syariah yang telah dicontohkan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesesuaian penerapan etika bisnis dalam transaksi jual beli online di Marketplace Lazada dengan etika bisnis syariah sesuai dengan aturan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Islam. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif untuk menggambarkan suatu objek atau subjek apa adanya untuk menyajikan realitas dan memiliki ciri-ciri objek yang diteliti secara tepat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa etika bisnis Islam belum diterapkan dalam praktik jual beli di toko online dalam Marketplace Lazada serta penerapan praktik etika bisnis belum sesuai dengan dengan prinsip etika bisnis Islam.

1987 ◽  
Vol 13 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 213-232
George J. Annas

In the context of the bicentennial of the Constitution and science's relationship to society, it has been argued that “the advance of science and technology in the West has changed not only the relation of man to nature but of man to man.“ This seemingly immodest statement may soon prove an understatement. In the arena of human reproduction, the marriage of science and technology in medicine may change not only the relationship of man to nature and man to man, but more significantly, the very concept of what it means to be human. This, in turn, will directly affect how we define the “rights” this “new human” may properly claim.This article begins to explore developing reproductive medical technology with a view toward examining the way it might change our concept of humanness, and how this change might be accommodated, encouraged, or truncated by the relationship between the government and its pregnant citizens as defined by the United States Constitution and the “right to privacy.”

2017 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-91
Ricky Arnold Nggili

Business ethics bring business back to substantially. The essence to ensure their common prosperity and continuity for life next. Business ethics involves not only the role business people, but also involves the role of government and society. Doing business with ethics placing as human beings, civilized and cultured. Doing business with ethics placed man as beings who are able to work together, sensitivity and concern as well as creatures full responsibilities moral responsibility. The relationship between business, society and government will be harmonious, and able to continue the development of the Indonesian people who are responsible, if the company is conducting its activities in an ethical manner.

2012 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-20 ◽  
Charles Comegys ◽  
Jaani Vaisanen ◽  
Robert A. Lupton ◽  
David R Rawlinson

The purpose of this study was to compare the attitudes towards business ethics of future managers in three countries: the United State, Finland, and China, and determine whether business ethics attitudes differed by the students major, class year, GPA, gender, age, and the number of ethics and religious studies courses completed. Additionally the relationship between the degree of opinion leadership and ethical attitudes was examined to determine if opinion leaders exhibited different attitudes towards business ethics.

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