scholarly journals Trichoderma longibrachiatum (TG1) Enhances Wheat Seedlings Tolerance to Salt Stress and Resistance to Fusarium pseudograminearum

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Solomon Boamah ◽  
Shuwu Zhang ◽  
Bingliang Xu ◽  
Tong Li ◽  
Alejandro Calderón-Urrea

Salinity is abiotic stress that inhibits seed germination and suppresses plant growth and root development in a dose-dependent manner. Fusarium pseudograminearum (Fg) is a plant pathogen that causes wheat crown rot. Chemical control methods against Fg are toxic to the environment and resistance has been observed in wheat crops. Therefore, an alternative approach is needed to manage this devastating disease and the effects of salinity. Our research focused on the mycoparasitic mechanisms of Trichoderma longibrachiatum (TG1) on Fg and the induction of defenses in wheat seedlings under salt and Fg stress at physiological, biochemical and molecular levels. The average inhibition rate of TG1 against Fg was 33.86%, 36.32%, 44.59%, and 46.62%, respectively, in the four NaCl treatments (0, 50, 100, and 150 mM). The mycoparasitic mechanisms of TG1 against Fg were coiling, penetration, and wrapping of Fg hyphae. In response to inoculation of TG1 with Fg, significant upregulation of cell wall degrading enzymes (CWDEs) was observed. The expression of β-1, 6-glucan synthase (PP4), endochitinase precursor (PH-1), and chitinase (chi18-15) increased by 1. 6, 1. 9, and 1.3-fold on day 14 compared with day 3. Wheat seedlings with combined TG1 + Fg treatments under different NaCl stress levels decreased disease index by an average of 51.89%; increased the superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), and catalase (CAT) activity by an average of 38%, 61%, and 24.96%, respectively; and decreased malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content by an average of 44.07% and 41.75% respectively, compared with Fg treated seedlings. The combined TG1 + Fg treatment induced the transcription level of plant defense-related genes resulting in an increase in tyrosin-protein kinase (PR2), chitinase class I (CHIA1), and pathogenesis-related protein (PR1-2) by an average of 1.15, 1.35, and 1.37-fold, respectively compared to Fg treatment. However, the expression levels of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) increased 3.40-fold under various NaCl stresses. Our results suggest that TG1 enhances wheat seedling growth and controls wheat crown rot disease by strengthening the plant defense system and upregulating the expression of pathogenesis-related genes under both Fg and salt stress.

2019 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
Jie Sheng ◽  
Nick K. Olrichs ◽  
Willie J. Geerts ◽  
Xueyi Li ◽  
Ashfaq Ur Rehman ◽  

Abstract Members of the CAP superfamily (Cysteine-rich secretory proteins, Antigen 5, and Pathogenesis-related 1 proteins) are characterized by the presence of a CAP domain that is defined by four sequence motifs and a highly conserved tertiary structure. A common structure–function relationship for this domain is hitherto unknown. A characteristic of several CAP proteins is their formation of amyloid-like structures in the presence of lipids. Here we investigate the structural modulation of Golgi-Associated plant Pathogenesis Related protein 1 (GAPR-1) by known interactors of the CAP domain, preceding amyloid-like aggregation. Using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), we demonstrate that GAPR-1 binds zinc ions. Zn2+ binding causes a slight but significant conformational change as revealed by CD, tryptophan fluorescence, and trypsin digestion. The Zn2+-induced conformational change was required for the formation of GAPR-1 oligomers and amyloid-like assemblies in the presence of heparin, as shown by ThT fluorescence and TEM. Molecular dynamics simulations show binding of Zn2+ to His54 and His103. Mutation of these two highly conserved residues resulted in strongly diminished amyloid-like aggregation. Finally, we show that proteins from the cysteine-rich secretory protein (CRISP) subfamily are also able to form ThT-positive structures in vitro in a heparin- and Zn2+-dependent manner, suggesting that oligomerization regulated by metal ions could be a common structural property of the CAP domain.

2021 ◽  
Yuan Xie ◽  
Zhifang Wang ◽  
Ke Li ◽  
Dongwei Liu ◽  
Yifan Jia ◽  

Fusarium pseudograminearum is a phytopathogen that causes wheat crown rot disease worldwide. Fusarium pseudograminearum megabirnavirus 1 (FpgMBV1) was isolated from the hypovirulent strain FC136-2A of F. pseudograminearum as a novel dsRNA mycovirus belonging to the family Megabirnaviridae. Here we examined the effects of FpgMBV1 on colony morphology and pathogenicity of F. pseudograminearum. Through hyphal tip culture, we obtained virus-free progeny of strain FC136-2A, referred to as FC136-2A-V-.FpgMBV1 was transferred horizontally to another virus-free strain, WZ-8A-HygR-V-. The progeny that obtained through horizontal transfer was referred to as WZ-8A-HygR-V+. Colony morphology was similar between the FpgMBV1-positive and -negative strains. The ability to penetrate cellophane in vitro was lost and pathogenicity on wheat plants was reduced significantly in the FpgMBV1-positive strains relative to the FpgMBV1-negative strains. Microscopic observations showed a 6-h delay in the formation of appressoria-like structures in FC136-2A relative to FC136-2A-V-. And mycelium extension was significantly longer in wheat coleoptiles infected by WZ-8A-HygR-V- than in that infected by WZ-8A-HygR-V+ at 12 and 20 hours after inoculation (HAI). In addition, expression of five genes that encode cell wall-degrading enzymes differed significantly between FpgMBV1-positive and -negative strains at 12 and 20 HAI during early infection of wheat cells by conidia. This study provides evidence for the hypovirulence effect of FpgMBV1 on F. pseudograminearum and suggests that the underlying mechanism involves unsuccessful early infection and perhaps cell wall degradation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Lucia Landi ◽  
Yeimmy Peralta-Ruiz ◽  
Clemencia Chaves-López ◽  
Gianfranco Romanazzi

Anthracnose of papaya (Carica papaya L.) caused by the fungus Colletotrichum spp. is one of the most economically important postharvest diseases. Coating with chitosan (CS) and Ruta graveolens essential oil (REO) might represent a novel eco-friendly method to prevent postharvest anthracnose infection. These compounds show both antimicrobial and eliciting activities, although the molecular mechanisms in papaya have not been investigated to date. In this study, the effectiveness of CS and REO alone and combined (CS-REO) on postharvest anthracnose of papaya fruit during storage were investigated, along with the expression of selected genes involved in plant defense mechanisms. Anthracnose incidence was reduced with CS, REO, and CS-REO emulsions after 9 days storage at 25°C, by 8, 21, and 37%, respectively, with disease severity reduced by 22, 29, and 44%, respectively. Thus, McKinney’s decay index was reduced by 22, 30, and 44%, respectively. A protocol based on reverse transcription quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) was validated for 17 papaya target genes linked to signaling pathways that regulate plant defense, pathogenesis-related protein, cell wall-degrading enzymes, oxidative stress, abiotic stress, and the phenylpropanoid pathway. CS induced gene upregulation mainly at 6 h posttreatment (hpt) and 48 hpt, while REO induced the highest upregulation at 0.5 hpt, which then decreased over time. Furthermore, CS-REO treatment delayed gene upregulation by REO alone, from 0.5 to 6 hpt, and kept that longer over time. This study suggests that CS stabilizes the volatile and/or hydrophobic substances of highly reactive essential oils. The additive effects of CS and REO were able to reduce postharvest decay and affect gene expression in papaya fruit.

2003 ◽  
Vol 278 (33) ◽  
pp. 31105-31110 ◽  
Trudy J. Milne ◽  
Giovanni Abbenante ◽  
Joel D. A. Tyndall ◽  
Judy Halliday ◽  
Richard J. Lewis

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 867
John P. Thompson ◽  
Timothy G. Clewett

In two experiments on a farm practicing conservation agriculture, the grain yield of a range of wheat cultivars was significantly (p < 0.001) negatively related to the post-harvest population densities of Pratylenchus thornei in the soil profile to 45 cm depth. In a third and fourth experiment with different rotations, methyl bromide fumigation significantly (p < 0.05) decreased (a) a low initial population density of P. thornei in the soil profile to 90 cm depth and (b) a high initial population of P. thornei to 45 cm depth, and a medium level of the crown rot fungus, Fusarium pseudograminearum, at 0–15 cm depth to a low level. For a range of wheat and durum cultivars, grain yield and response to fumigation were highly significantly (p < 0.001) related to (a) the P. thornei tolerance index of the cultivars in the third experiment, and (b) to both the P. thornei tolerance index and the crown rot resistance index in the fourth experiment. In the latter, grain yield was significantly (p < 0.001) positively related to biomass at anthesis and negatively related to percentage whiteheads at grain fill growth stage. One barley cultivar was more tolerant to both diseases than the wheat and durum cultivars. Crop rotation, utilizing crop cultivars resistant and tolerant to both P. thornei and F. pseudograminearum, is key to success for conservation farming in this region.

Genes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 1007
Divya Kattupalli ◽  
Asha Sreenivasan ◽  
Eppurathu Vasudevan Soniya

Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is a prominent spice that is an indispensable ingredient in cuisine and traditional medicine. Phytophthora capsici, the causative agent of footrot disease, causes a drastic constraint in P. nigrum cultivation and productivity. To counterattack various biotic and abiotic stresses, plants employ a broad array of mechanisms that includes the accumulation of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins. Through a genome-wide survey, eleven PR-1 genes that belong to a CAP superfamily protein with a caveolin-binding motif (CBM) and a CAP-derived peptide (CAPE) were identified from P. nigrum. Despite the critical functional domains, PnPR-1 homologs differ in their signal peptide motifs and core amino acid composition in the functional protein domains. The conserved motifs of PnPR-1 proteins were identified using MEME. Most of the PnPR-1 proteins were basic in nature. Secondary and 3D structure analyses of the PnPR-1 proteins were also predicted, which may be linked to a functional role in P. nigrum. The GO and KEGG functional annotations predicted their function in the defense responses of plant-pathogen interactions. Furthermore, a transcriptome-assisted FPKM analysis revealed PnPR-1 genes mapped to the P. nigrum-P. capsici interaction pathway. An altered expression pattern was detected for PnPR-1 transcripts among which a significant upregulation was noted for basic PnPR-1 genes such as CL10113.C1 and Unigene17664. The drastic variation in the transcript levels of CL10113.C1 was further validated through qRT-PCR and it showed a significant upregulation in infected leaf samples compared with the control. A subsequent analysis revealed the structural details, phylogenetic relationships, conserved sequence motifs and critical cis-regulatory elements of PnPR-1 genes. This is the first genome-wide study that identified the role of PR-1 genes during P. nigrum-P. capsici interactions. The detailed in silico experimental analysis revealed the vital role of PnPR-1 genes in regulating the first layer of defense towards a P. capsici infection in Panniyur-1 plants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (14) ◽  
pp. 8030
Shehzad Mehmood ◽  
Amir Abdullah Khan ◽  
Fuchen Shi ◽  
Muhammad Tahir ◽  
Tariq Sultan ◽  

Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria play a substantial role in plant growth and development under biotic and abiotic stress conditions. However, understanding about the functional role of rhizobacterial strains for wheat growth under salt stress remains largely unknown. Here we investigated the antagonistic bacterial strain Bacillus aryabhattai PM34 inhabiting ACC deaminase and exopolysaccharide producing ability to ameliorate salinity stress in wheat seedlings under in vitro conditions. The strain PM34 was isolated from the potato rhizosphere and screened for different PGP traits comprising nitrogen fixation, potassium, zinc solubilization, indole acetic acid, siderophore, and ammonia production, along with various extracellular enzyme activities. The strain PM34 showed significant tolerance towards both abiotic stresses including salt stress (NaCl 2 M), heavy metal (nickel, 100 ppm, and cadmium, 300 ppm), heat stress (60 °C), and biotic stress through mycelial inhibition of Rhizoctonia solani (43%) and Fusarium solani (41%). The PCR detection of ituC, nifH, and acds genes coding for iturin, nitrogenase, and ACC deaminase enzyme indicated the potential of strain PM34 for plant growth promotion and stress tolerance. In the in vitro experiment, NaCl (2 M) decreased the wheat growth while the inoculation of strain PM34 enhanced the germination% (48%), root length (76%), shoot length (75%), fresh biomass (79%), and dry biomass (87%) over to un-inoculated control under 2M NaCl level. The results of experiments depicted the ability of antagonistic bacterial strain Bacillus aryabhattai PM34 to augment salt stress tolerance when inoculated to wheat plants under saline environment.

Plant Disease ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 101 (10) ◽  
pp. 1788-1794 ◽  
Noel L. Knight ◽  
Bethany Macdonald ◽  
Mark W. Sutherland

Fusarium crown rot is a significant disease of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum), which exhibits high levels of disease susceptibility. The most extreme symptom of crown rot is a prematurely senescing culm that typically fails to set grain. Individual crown rot-affected durum wheat plants displaying both nonsenescent and prematurely senescent culms were harvested to compare visual discoloration, Fusarium pseudograminearum biomass, and vascular colonization in culm sections sampled at three different heights above the crown. Field samples of EGA Bellaroi were collected at Wellcamp, QLD, in 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014, and of Hyperno at Narrabri, NSW, in 2014. Prematurely senescent culms exhibited greater visual discoloration, F. pseudograminearum biomass, and vascular colonization than nonsenescent culms in each year they were examined. The extent of these differences varied between environments and timing of collection in each year. Vascular colonization initially occurred in xylem vessels and spread into phloem tissues as disease severity increased. The increased presence of hyphae in vascular bundles of prematurely senescing culms provides strong evidence for the hypothesis that restriction of water and nutrient movement in a diseased culm is a key factor in crown rot severity.

Mohammed Khudhair ◽  
F. Obanor ◽  
K. Kazan ◽  
D. M. Gardiner ◽  
E. Aitken ◽  

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