scholarly journals Evaluation of Features in Detection of Dislike Responses to Audio–Visual Stimuli from EEG Signals

Computers ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 33 ◽  
Firgan Feradov ◽  
Iosif Mporas ◽  
Todor Ganchev

There is a strong correlation between the like/dislike responses to audio–visual stimuli and the emotional arousal and valence reactions of a person. In the present work, our attention is focused on the automated detection of dislike responses based on EEG activity when music videos are used as audio–visual stimuli. Specifically, we investigate the discriminative capacity of the Logarithmic Energy (LogE), Linear Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (LFCC), Power Spectral Density (PSD) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)-based EEG features, computed with and without segmentation of the EEG signal, on the dislike detection task. We carried out a comparative evaluation with eighteen modifications of the above-mentioned EEG features that cover different frequency bands and use different energy decomposition methods and spectral resolutions. For that purpose, we made use of Naïve Bayes classifier (NB), Classification and regression trees (CART), k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) classifier, and support vector machines (SVM) classifier with a radial basis function (RBF) kernel trained with the Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) method. The experimental evaluation was performed on the well-known and widely used DEAP dataset. A classification accuracy of up to 98.6% was observed for the best performing combination of pre-processing, EEG features and classifier. These results support that the automated detection of like/dislike reactions based on EEG activity is feasible in a personalized setup. This opens opportunities for the incorporation of such functionality in entertainment, healthcare and security applications.

2015 ◽  
Vol 74 (6) ◽  
Siti Zubaidah Mohd Tumari ◽  
Rubita Sudirman

The aim of this study is to examine the working memory impairments imitate age-related between 7 to 12 years old using Event-Related Potentials (ERP) signal. 97 normal children were selected to a visual stimuli assessment (Phase 1 and Phase 2) while their working memory response was recorded using Electroencephalograph (EEG) machine. Raw EEG signal were segmented and averaged into the ERP signal according to the event stimulus occur. Discrete Wavelet Transform technique is preferred to decompose the ERP signal into different frequency band. ERP signal at alpha frequency is used because of alpha is the most prominent component of brain waves activity. The necessary features were extracted as an input for the Logistic Regression (LR) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. Consequence indicated that the accuracy and mean performance results were significant in predicting either a child had working memory impairment or not. 7 years old have lower accuracy compared to other groups with 60% for LR and 86% for SVM. In conclusion, the study proposed that age-related changes and increasing level of visual stimuli affect working memory impaired. Thus, this study has provided empirical evidence in support for the assumption that younger children have working memory impaired through visual stimuli assessment.  

B. Yekkehkhany ◽  
A. Safari ◽  
S. Homayouni ◽  
M. Hasanlou

In this paper, a framework is developed based on Support Vector Machines (SVM) for crop classification using polarimetric features extracted from multi-temporal Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imageries. The multi-temporal integration of data not only improves the overall retrieval accuracy but also provides more reliable estimates with respect to single-date data. Several kernel functions are employed and compared in this study for mapping the input space to higher Hilbert dimension space. These kernel functions include linear, polynomials and Radial Based Function (RBF). <br><br> The method is applied to several UAVSAR L-band SAR images acquired over an agricultural area near Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. In this research, the temporal alpha features of H/A/α decomposition method are used in classification. The experimental tests show an SVM classifier with RBF kernel for three dates of data increases the Overall Accuracy (OA) to up to 3% in comparison to using linear kernel function, and up to 1% in comparison to a 3rd degree polynomial kernel function.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 109 ◽  
Bo Cheng ◽  
Shiai Cui ◽  
Xiaoxiao Ma ◽  
Chenbin Liang

Feature extraction of an urban area is one of the most important directions of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) applications. A high-resolution PolSAR image has the characteristics of high dimensions and nonlinearity. Therefore, to find intrinsic features for target recognition, a building area extraction method for PolSAR images based on the Adaptive Neighborhoods selection Neighborhood Preserving Embedding (ANSNPE) algorithm is proposed. First, 52 features are extracted by using the Gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) and five polarization decomposition methods. The feature set is divided into 20 dimensions, 36 dimensions, and 52 dimensions. Next, the ANSNPE algorithm is applied to the training samples, and the projection matrix is obtained for the test image to extract the new features. Lastly, the Support Vector machine (SVM) classifier and post processing are used to extract the building area, and the accuracy is evaluated. Comparative experiments are conducted using Radarsat-2, and the results show that the ANSNPE algorithm could effectively extract the building area and that it had a better generalization ability; the projection matrix is obtained using the training data and could be directly applied to the new sample, and the building area extraction accuracy is above 80%. The combination of polarization and texture features provide a wealth of information that is more conducive to the extraction of building areas.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (03) ◽  
pp. 1950008

Ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF) are the life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias that require treatment in an emergency. Detection of VT and VF at an early stage is crucial for achieving the success of the defibrillation treatment. Hence an automatic system using computer-aided diagnosis tool is helpful in detecting the ventricular arrhythmias in electrocardiogram (ECG) signal. In this paper, a discrete wavelet transform (DWT) was used to denoise and decompose the ECG signals into different consecutive frequency bands to reduce noise. The methodology was tested using ECG data from standard CU ventricular tachyarrhythmia database (CUDB) and MIT-BIH malignant ventricular ectopy database (VFDB) datasets of PhysioNet databases. A set of time-frequency features consists of temporal, spectral, and statistical were extracted and ranked by the correlation attribute evaluation with ranker search method in order to improve the accuracy of detection. The ranked features were classified for VT and VF conditions using support vector machine (SVM) and decision tree (C4.5) classifier. The proposed DWT based features yielded the average sensitivity of 98%, specificity of 99.32%, and accuracy of 99.23% using a decision tree (C4.5) classifier. These results were better than the SVM classifier having an average accuracy of 92.43%. The obtained results prove that using DWT based time-frequency features with decision tree (C4.5) classifier can be one of the best choices for clinicians for precise detection of ventricular arrhythmias.

2003 ◽  
Vol 15 (7) ◽  
pp. 1667-1689 ◽  
S. Sathiya Keerthi ◽  
Chih-Jen Lin

Support vector machines (SVMs) with the gaussian (RBF) kernel have been popular for practical use. Model selection in this class of SVMs involves two hyper parameters: the penalty parameter C and the kernel width σ. This letter analyzes the behavior of the SVM classifier when these hyper parameters take very small or very large values. Our results help in understanding the hyperparameter space that leads to an efficient heuristic method of searching for hyperparameter values with small generalization errors. The analysis also indicates that if complete model selection using the gaussian kernel has been conducted, there is no need to consider linear SVM.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Turky N. Alotaiby ◽  
Fatima Aljabarti ◽  
Gaseb Alotibi ◽  
Saleh A. Alshebeili

Nowadays, there is a global change in lifestyle that is moving more toward the use of e-services and smart devices which necessitate the verification of user identity. Different organizations have put into place a range of technologies, hardware, and/or software to authenticate users using fingerprints, iris recognition, and so forth. However, cost and reliability are significant limitations to the use of such technologies. This study presents a nonfiducial PPG-based subject authentication system. In particular, the photoplethysmogram (PPG) signal is first filtered into four signals using the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and then segmented into frames. Ten simple statistical features are extracted from the frame of each signal band to compose the feature vector. Augmenting the feature vector with the same features extracted from the 1st derivative of the corresponding signal is investigated, along with different fusion approaches. A support vector machine (SVM) classifier is then employed for the purpose of identity authentication. The proposed authentication system achieved an average authentication accuracy of 99.3% using a 15 sec frame length with the augmented multiband approach.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 269-279
Hayet Djellali ◽  
Nacira Ghoualmi-Zine ◽  
Souad Guessoum

This paper investigates feature selection methods based on hybrid architecture using feature selection algorithm called Adapted Fast Correlation Based Feature selection and Support Vector Machine Recursive Feature Elimination (AFCBF-SVMRFE). The AFCBF-SVMRFE has three stages and composed of SVMRFE embedded method with Correlation based Features Selection. The first stage is the relevance analysis, the second one is a redundancy analysis, and the third stage is a performance evaluation and features restoration stage. Experiments show that the proposed method tested on different classifiers: Support Vector Machine SVM and K nearest neighbors KNN provide a best accuracy on various dataset. The SVM classifier outperforms KNN classifier on these data. The AFCBF-SVMRFE outperforms FCBF multivariate filter, SVMRFE, Particle swarm optimization PSO and Artificial bees colony ABC.

Pedro Pedrosa Rebouças Filho ◽  
Suane Pires Pinheiro Da Silva ◽  
Jefferson Silva Almeida ◽  
Elene Firmeza Ohata ◽  
Shara Shami Araujo Alves ◽  

Chronic kidney diseases cause over a million deaths worldwide every year. One of the techniques used to diagnose the diseases is renal scintigraphy. However, the way that is processed can vary depending on hospitals and doctors, compromising the reproducibility of the method. In this context, we propose an approach to process the exam using computer vision and machine learning to classify the stage of chronic kidney disease. An analysis of different features extraction methods, such as Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix, Structural Co-occurrence Matrix, Local Binary Patters (LBP), Hu's Moments and Zernike's Moments in combination with machine learning methods, such as Bayes, Multi-layer Perceptron, k-Nearest Neighbors, Random Forest and Support Vector Machines (SVM), was performed. The best result was obtained by combining LBP feature extractor with SVM classifier. This combination achieved accuracy of 92.00% and F1-score of 91.00%, indicating that the proposed method is adequate to classify chronic kidney disease in two stages, being a high risk of developing end-stage renal failure and other outcomes, and otherwise.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 116-120
Mansour Rezaei ◽  
Ehsan Zereshki ◽  
Soodeh Shahsavari ◽  
Mohammad Gharib Salehi ◽  
Hamid Sharini

Background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common brain failure for which no cure has yet been found. The disease starts with a disturbance in the brain structure and then it manifests itself clinically. Therefore, by timely and correct diagnosis of changes in the structure of the brain, the occurrence of this disease or at least its progression can be prevented. Due to the fact that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to obtain very useful information from the brain, and also because it is non-invasive, this method has been considered by researchers. Materials and Methods: The data were obtained from an MRI database (MIRIAD) of 69 subjects including 46 AD patients and 23 healthy controls (HC). Individuals were categorized based on two criteria including NINCDS-ADRAD and MMSE, as the gold standard. In this paper, we used the support vector machine (SVM) and Bayesian SVM classifiers. Results: Using the SVM classifier with Gaussian radial basis function (RBF) kernel, we distinguished AD and HC with an accuracy of 88.34%. The most important regions of interest (ROIs) in this study included right para hippocampal gyrus, left para hippocampal gyrus, right hippocampus, and left hippocampus. Conclusion: This study showed that the SVM model with Gaussian RBF kernel can distinguish AD from HC with high accuracy. These studies are of great importance in medical science. Based on the results of this study, MRI centers and neurologists can perform AD screening tests in people over the age of 50 years.

Suhas S ◽  
Dr. C. R. Venugopal

An enhanced classification system for classification of MR images using association of kernels with support vector machine is developed and presented in this paper along with the design and development of content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system. Content of image retrieval is the process of finding relevant image from large collection of image database using visual queries. Medical images have led to growth in large image collection. Oriented Rician Noise Reduction Anisotropic Diffusion filter is used for image denoising. A modified hybrid Otsu algorithm termed is used for image segmentation. The texture features are extracted using GLCM method. Genetic algorithm with Joint entropy is adopted for feature selection. The classification is done by support vector machine along with various kernels and the performance is validated. A classification accuracy of 98.83% is obtained using SVM with GRBF kernel. Various features have been extracted and these features are used to classify MR images into five different categories. Performance of the MC-SVM classifier is compared with different kernel functions. From the analysis and performance measures like classification accuracy, it is inferred that the brain and spinal cord MRI classification is best done using MC- SVM with Gaussian RBF kernel function than linear and polynomial kernel functions. The proposed system can provide best classification performance with high accuracy and low error rate.

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