scholarly journals Transient Flow of a Horizontal Well with Multiple Fracture Wings in Coalbed Methane Reservoirs

Energies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 1498 ◽  
Qing Tian ◽  
Yudong Cui ◽  
Wanjing Luo ◽  
Pengcheng Liu ◽  
Bo Ning

Horizontal wells with multi-stage fractures have been widely used to improve coalbed methane (CBM) production from coalbed methane reservoirs. The main focus of this work is to establish a new semi-analytical method in the Laplace domain and investigate the transient pressure behavior in coalbed methane reservoirs. With the new semi-analytical method, flow regimes of a multi-fractured horizontal well in coalbed methane reservoirs were identified. In addition, the sensitivities of fracture conductivity, diffusion model, storability ratio, inter-porosity flow coefficient, adsorption index, fracture spacing, fracture asymmetry, non-planar angle, and wellbore storage were studied. Results indicate that six characteristic flow regimes can be identified for multi-fractured horizontal wells in coalbed methane reservoirs, which are bilinear flow, first linear flow, desorption-diffusion flow, first pseudo-radial flow, second linear flow, and second pseudo-radial flow. Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis shows that the early flow is mainly determined by the fracture conductivity, the asymmetry factor, the non-planar angle, and the wellbore storage; while the desorption-diffusion flow regime is mainly influenced by the diffusion model, the storability ratio, the inter-porosity flow coefficient, the adsorption index, and the fracture spacing. Our work can provide a deep insight into the fluid flow mechanism of multi-fractured horizontal wells in coalbed methane reservoirs.

2011 ◽  
Vol 14 (02) ◽  
pp. 248-259 ◽  
E.. Ozkan ◽  
M Brown ◽  
R.. Raghavan ◽  
H.. Kazemi

Summary This paper presents a discussion of fractured-horizontal-well performance in millidarcy permeability (conventional) and micro- to nanodarcy permeability (unconventional) reservoirs. It provides interpretations of the reasons to fracture horizontal wells in both types of formations. The objective of the paper is to highlight the special productivity features of unconventional shale reservoirs. By using a trilinear-flow model, it is shown that the drainage volume of a multiple-fractured horizontal well in a shale reservoir is limited to the inner reservoir between the fractures. Unlike conventional reservoirs, high reservoir permeability and high hydraulic-fracture conductivity may not warrant favorable productivity in shale reservoirs. An efficient way to improve the productivity of ultratight shale formations is to increase the density of natural fractures. High natural-fracture conductivities may not necessarily contribute to productivity either. Decreasing hydraulic-fracture spacing increases the productivity of the well, but the incremental production gain for each additional hydraulic fracture decreases. The trilinear-flow model presented in this work and the information derived from it should help the design and performance prediction of multiple-fractured horizontal wells in shale reservoirs.

2021 ◽  
Ruslan Rubikovich Urazov ◽  
Alfred Yadgarovich Davletbaev ◽  
Alexey Igorevich Sinitskiy ◽  
Ilnur Anifovich Zarafutdinov ◽  
Artur Khamitovich Nuriev ◽  

Abstract This research presents a modified approach to the data interpretation of Rate Transient Analysis (RTA) in hydraulically fractured horizontal well. The results of testing of data interpretation technique taking account of the flow allocation in the borehole according to the well logging and to the injection tests outcomes while carrying out hydraulic fracturing are given. In the course of the interpretation of the field data the parameters of each fracture of hydraulic fracturing were selected with control for results of well logging (WL) by defining the fluid influx in the borehole.

2014 ◽  
Vol 962-965 ◽  
pp. 489-493
Zhi Qiang Li ◽  
Yong Quan Hu ◽  
Wen Jiang Xu ◽  
Jin Zhou Zhao ◽  
Jian Zhong Liu ◽  

This article presents a new exploitation method based on the same fractured horizontal well with fractures for injection or production on offshore low permeability oilfields for the purpose of adapting to their practical situations and characteristics, which means fractures close to the toe of horizontal well used for injecting water and fractures near the heel of horizontal well used for producing oil. According to proposed development mode of fracturing, relevant physical model is established, Then reservoir numerical simulation method has been applied to study the effect of arrangement pattern of injection and production fractures, fracture conductivity, fracture length on oil production. Research indicates cumulative oil production is much higher by employing the middle fracture for injecting water compared with using the remote one, suggesting that the middle fracture adopted for injecting water, and hydraulic fracture length and conductivity have been optimized. The proposed development pattern of a staged fracturing for horizontal wells with some fractures applied for injecting water and others for production based on the same horizontal well provides new thoughts for offshore oilfields exploitation.

2022 ◽  
Josef R. Shaoul ◽  
Jason Park ◽  
Andrew Boucher ◽  
Inna Tkachuk ◽  
Cornelis Veeken ◽  

Abstract The Saih Rawl gas condensate field has been producing for 20 years from multiple fractured vertical wells covering a very thick gross interval with varying reservoir permeability. After many years of production, the remaining reserves are mainly in the lowest permeability upper units. A pilot program using horizontal multi-frac wells was started in 2015, and five wells were drilled, stimulated and tested over a four-year period. The number of stages per horizontal well ranged from 6 to 14, but in all cases production was much less than expected based on the number of stages and the production from offset vertical wells producing from the same reservoir units with a single fracture. The scope of this paper is to describe the work that was performed to understand the reason for the lower than expected performance of the horizontal wells, how to improve the performance, and the implementation of those ideas in two additional horizontal wells completed in 2020. The study workflow was to perform an integrated analysis of fracturing, production and well test data, in order to history match all available data with a consistent reservoir description (permeability and fracture properties). Fracturing data included diagnostic injections (breakdown, step-rate test and minifrac) and main fracture treatments, where net pressure matching was performed. After closure analysis (ACA) was not possible in most cases due to low reservoir pressure and absence of downhole gauges. Post-fracture well test and production matching was performed using 3D reservoir simulation models including local grid refinement to capture fracture dimensions and conductivity. Based on simulation results, the effective propped fracture half-length seen in the post-frac production was extremely small, on the order of tens of meters, in some of the wells. In other wells, the effective fracture half-length was consistent with the created propped half-length, but the fracture conductivity was extremely small (finite conductivity fracture). The problems with the propped fractures appear to be related to a combination of poor proppant pack cleanup, low proppant concentration and small proppant diameter, compounded by low reservoir pressure which has a negative impact on proppant regained permeability after fracturing with crosslinked gel. Key conclusions from this study are that 1) using the same fracture design in a horizontal well with transverse fractures will not give the same result as in a vertical well in the same reservoir, 2) the effect of depletion on proppant pack cleanup in high temperature tight gas reservoirs appears to be very strong, requiring an adjustment in fracture design and proppant selection to achieve reasonable fracture conductivity, and 3) achieving sufficient effective propped length and height is key to economic production.

2020 ◽  
Vol 143 (1) ◽  
Ruizhong Jiang ◽  
Xiuwei Liu ◽  
Xing Wang ◽  
Qiong Wang ◽  
Yongzheng Cui ◽  

Abstract Coalbed methane (CBM) which is clean energy has received great emphasis recently, and the multi-fracturing technology is widely applied in the exploitation of CBM. Due to the complexity, the randomness, and the anisotropism of the porous medium and the anomalous diffusion process, the fractal theory and fractional calculus are utilized to establish a semi-analytical fractal-fractional mathematical model considering the stress sensitivity of the cleat system for multi-fractured horizontal wells in CBM reservoirs. Through line-sink theory, Pedrosa transformation, perturbation theory, Laplace transformation, element discretization, superposition principle, and Stehfest numerical inversion, the pressure-transient analysis curves are plotted in the double logarithmic coordinates. By comparing with the existing model, the validation of the proposed model is illustrated. Also, nine flowing stages are identified according to different characteristics. Then, sensitivity analysis is conducted and influence laws are summarized. At last, a field application is introduced to furtherly verify the reliability of the proposed model. The relevant results analysis can provide some new significant guidance for interpreting the field data more precisely.

2014 ◽  
Vol 513-517 ◽  
pp. 2586-2589 ◽  
Xin Feng Du ◽  
Yong Zhe Zhao

Due to the unique reservoir characteristics of the coalbed methane (CBM) in China, many technical problems have to be studied and solved in the development of horizontal wells for CBM. In this paper, based on the V-type wells, we have summarized the many techniques involved in Drilling and completion of horizontal well for CBM in Binchang mining area, such as leakage protection and sealing, geosteering while drilling, remote connection, variable density cementing, Coal seam cavitation, fiberglass casing running into the well, and etc. It is pointed out that the air foam under-balance drilling will be the development direction for coalbed methane drilling technology.

1998 ◽  
Vol 1 (05) ◽  
pp. 392-399 ◽  
L.K. Thomas ◽  
B.J. Todd ◽  
C.E. Evans ◽  
R.G. Pierson

This paper (SPE 51396) was revised for publication from paper SPE 36753, first presented at the 1996 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, 6-9 October. Original manuscript received for review 24 October 1996. Revised manuscript received 23 October 1997. Paper peer approved 7 July 1998. Summary This paper presents the calculation of near-wellbore skin and non-Darcy flow coefficient for horizontal wells based on whether the well is drilled in an underbalanced or overbalanced condition, whether the well is completed openhole, with a slotted liner, or cased, and on the number of shots per foot and phasing for cased wells. The inclusion of mechanical skin and the non-Darcy flow coefficient in previously published horizontal well equations is presented and a comparison between these equations is given. In addition, both analytical and numerical solutions for horizontal wells with skin and non-Darcy flow are presented for comparison. P. 392

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