scholarly journals Remote Sensing-Based Analysis of Urban Landscape Change in the City of Bucharest, Romania

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 2323
Constantin Nistor ◽  
Marina Vîrghileanu ◽  
Irina Cârlan ◽  
Bogdan-Andrei Mihai ◽  
Liviu Toma ◽  

The paper investigates the urban landscape changes for the last 50 years in Bucharest, the capital city of Romania. Bucharest shows a complex structural transformation driven by the socialist urban policy, followed by an intensive real-estate market development. Our analysis is based on a diachronic set of high-resolution satellite imagery: declassified CORONA KH-4B from 1968, SPOT-1 from 1989, and multisensor stacked layers from Sentinel-1 SAR together with Sentinel-2MSI from 2018. Three different datasets of land cover/use are extracted for the reference years. Each dataset reveals its own urban structure pattern. The first one illustrates a radiography of the city in the second part of the 20th century, where rural patterns meet the modern ones, while the second one reveals the frame of a city in a full process of transformation with multiple constructions sites, based on the socialist model. The third one presents an image of a cosmopolitan city during an expansion process, with a high degree of landscape heterogeneity. All the datasets are included in a built-up change analysis in order to map and assess the spatial transformations of the city pattern over 5 decades. In order to quantify and map the changes, the Built-up Change Index (BCI) is introduced. The results highlight a particular situation linked to the policy development visions for each decade, with major changes of about 50% for different built-up classes. The GIS analysis illustrates two major landscape transformations: from the old semirural structures with houses surrounded by gardens from 1968, to a compact pattern with large districts of blocks of flats in 1989, and a contemporary city defined by an uncontrolled urban sprawl process in 2018.

Yolanda María Tapia ◽  
Adolfo Vigil-de-Insausti ◽  
María Dolores Montaño

Yolanda Tapia¹, Adolfo Vigil de Insausti¹, María Dolores Montaño ² ¹ Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Valencia, UPV. Camino de Vera, s/n. 46022 Valencia, ²Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, PUCE. Av. 12 de Octubre 1076, Vicente Ramón Roca, Quito, Ecuador E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Keywords: Tulcán, Ecuador, urban, landscape, history Conference topics and scale: The Urban Form, “City and territory in the globalization age”   Tulcán, located north in Ecuador is the capital of the province of Carchi. It is a city especially commercial and agricultural whose urban morphology responds to historical, environmental and administrative circumstances, that is how, since 1851, the date on which the “cantonization” takes place begins the formation of the capital city with an urban structure formed in checkerboard that welcomes the traditional nucleus of the typical city of the ecuatorian highlands. With the development of this city, isolated neighborhoods are born out of the original urban fabric that expand in the territory, following the main road connections, eventually to fill the internal space with a morphology of contrasts, as each neighborhood or new occupations are structured individually without thinking of a city of integral formation. The longitudinal growth of the city was marked from its beginning by the river Bobo to the north-west and the river Tajamar to the south-east that keep the city within natural limits, which also provide certain environmental and landscape benefits, however in the the last few decades the city has had a significant growth that threatens an unattended and constantly expanding periphery to these environmental resources. We are facing a heterogeneous city, with problems and possibilities and attending to the idea that the city is an unfinished work, integral and sustainable urban regeneration is the basis for a reordering and a new urban approach. It is therefore proposed to study three strategic lines: the existing city, its internal circuits of connection and the adjacent nature. Establishing initial uses in the city, to occupy the predominant urban void and thus to activate the pubic space. Restructure mobility, which will strengthen the use of new peripheral road infrastructures to reduce motorized circuits in the interior, thus promoting the use of bicycles and the creation of pedestrian routes. Finally, environmental resources will again have the value of landscape and ecological wealth producing around the city a green infrastructure that contains growth and is the link of this with the countryside. References Beery, B. (1975) ‘Consecuencias humanas de la urbanización’, Madrid: Pirámide Hernández, A. (2001) ‘La ciudad estructurada’, en Boletín CF+S 15 Calidad de vida urbana: variedad, cohesión y medio ambiente. ( Huertas Nadal, D. (2012) ‘I making Heterotopías, laboratorio de estrategias urbanas’, Vitoria: Universidad Francisco Vitoria Lopez de Lucio, R. (2007) ‘Construir ciudad en la periferia’, Madrid: ETS Arquitectura (UPM) Urbanística y ordenación del territorio Solá-Morales, M. (1997) ‘Las formas del crecimiento urbano’, Barcelona:Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Ángela Matesanz Parellada ◽  
Agustín Hernández Aja

ResumenDesde Europa, en un contexto global de crisis económica, social y ambiental, agravado en el caso español por las consecuencias de la burbuja inmobiliaria, se preconiza la apuesta por la Regeneración Urbana Integrada enmarcada dentro de la Estrategia de Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible Integrado (MHAP, 2015). Aunque ambas estrategias tienen continuidad con el modelo de intervención urbana territorializada de enfoque integrado, impulsadas mediante programas de financiación europeos y dirigidas a barrios desfavorecidos, se incorpora la visión, hasta ahora poco visible, de la necesidad de considerar estas áreas como parte de una ciudad concebida como un todo y en la que resulta fundamental el equilibrio entre sus partes. Esta idea de la rehabilitación urbana como una herramienta de cohesión global, apenas tratada hasta ahora, precisa de un nuevo marco que permita evaluar los resultados de las acciones desarrolladas hasta la fecha, de forma que sus experiencias puedan servir de base para desarrollar nuevas propuestas.Este artículo parte de la necesidad, urgente en el contexto español en el que se enmarca, de definir un nuevo modelo de rehabilitación urbana, que además de integrar las políticas sectoriales y la participación de todos los agentes, incluya el objetivo de la integración de los barrios en un modelo integrado de ciudad. Para ello, plantea un modelo de análisis del objetivo de integración que supere las metodologías, en muchos casos sectoriales, de las actuales políticas e intervención en barrios. AbstractIn the European context of economic, social and environmental crisis, we find theSpanish case where its context is hardly worse, as consequences of an economic model based on real estate market. From this point the European Union’s commitment advocates the Integrated Urban Regeneration framed in the overall context of the strategy for Integrated Sustainable Urban Development (MHAP, 2015). Moreover, both strategies establish some continuity with the line of area-based urban interventions with integrated approach promoted by European programs and targeted on disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Equally the vision of the city as a whole and the necessary balance between its parts has been incorporated to them. This last issue, treated so far in a context with falling interest in planning, requires a new analysis framework to assess the actions taken and also to date and serve as a basis for developing new proposals.Therefore, it is considered the urgency in defining a new model of urban rehabilitation in Spain, which integrates sectoral policies and the (real) participation of all actors, so that, the paper will be based on the need of the neighbourhood’s integration into the city. It is also purposed a possible base of analysis for such integration, which might improve or get over the current urban policy interventions in neighbourhoods.

2016 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-120 ◽  
Laurence Brown ◽  
Niall Cunningham

Between the 1960s and 1990s a series of urban redevelopment projects in Manchester radically transformed ethnic settlement in the city. The ward of Moss Side, which had been a gateway for Caribbean and African immigrants, experienced repeated slum clearances in which whole communities were relocated and large tracts of housing stock were demolished and redesigned. The relationship between these physical and demographic changes has been overshadowed by the persisting stigmatization of Moss Side as a racialized “ghetto,” which has meant that outsiders have constructed the area as possessing a fixed and homogenous identity. This article uses geographic information systems in conjunction with local surveys and archival records to explore how the dynamics of immigrant mobility within Moss Side were shaped by housing stock, external racism, family strategies, and urban policy. Whereas scholarship on ethnic segregation in Britain has focused on the internal migration of ethnic groups between administrative areas, using areal interpolation to connect demographic data and the built environment reveals the intense range of movements that developed within the variegated urban landscape of Moss Side.

2015 ◽  
pp. 45-63
Maciej Falski

Continuity and Discontinuity in the Cultural Landscape of the Capital City: Paris and SkopjeThe object of my reflections in this article is the question of creating a vision of historical continuity, and thus making significant the narratives about the past, in the space of the city. I treat the city as a cultural landscape par excellence; it is precisely the city that creates the best opportunities of influencing interpretation by means of creating a specific set of symbolic references and of images awakening the play of interpretation. The city is inhabited by many individuals and varied groups, which forces it into negotiations of signification. The research present herein concerns the capital cities. The capital of a nation state is a specific city, normally defined by its very legal status as capital, recognized and regulated by special edict, it is also a symbolic space of particular weight, a place to demonstrate the power of the state and of the nation, to display and consolidate identity, to present one’s image to outsiders and mould a desired self-image for the benefit of the citizens – members of one’s group. Drawing on the example of Paris and Skopje, two cities whose historical contexts are considerably different, I would like to show the specific ways of drawing conclusions adapted to the urban landscape, because despite the obvious differences, both cities allow for the discernment of a historical period in which the city itself served as an important element of the public realm and as symbolic public property. The increased significance of cities in Europe is connected without a doubt to the process of democratization, thus the capitals of France and Macedonia are good examples of the transformation that converted a privatized (feudal) space or a space interpreted along sacred lines (as land belonging to God) into a public space and public property of citizens, and/or the dominant nation.It appears that the most important agent in the capital landscape is the state. It is the bureaucracy of the state, appearing in the role of executor of the national will, deciding on the shape of the image of the city, reinforcing those values that seem to be desirable from the perspective of the represented group. The lack of that factor leads, as in the case of Skopje, to the preservation of the local past and/or to a haphazardly implemented publicly sponsored construction. In both cases discussed above, the map and the landmarks mirror the most important categories of national narrative. The shape of this narrative depends largely upon the central authorities of the nation.Ciągłość i nieciągłość w przestrzeni miasta stołecznego: Paryż i SkopjePrzedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest zagadnienie tworzenia wizji ciągłości dziejowej, a więc usensowionej narracji o przeszłości, w przestrzeni miasta. Miasto bowiem jawi się jako przestrzeń kulturowa par excellence i ono właśnie stwarza najlepsze możliwości wpływu na interpretację poprzez tworzenie specyficznego układu odniesień symbolicznych i obrazów, pobudzających grę interpretacji. Miasto zamieszkiwane jest przez wiele jednostek i różnorakich grup, co zmusza je do negocjacji znaczeń. Przedmiotem przedstawionych tu badań są stolice. Stolica państwa to bowiem miasto szczególne, co zazwyczaj podkreśla sam status prawny ośrodka stołecznego regulowany przez specjalną ustawę, staje się niezwykle ważną przestrzenią symboliczną, miejscem pokazu państwowej i narodowej siły, eksponowania i utwierdzania tożsamości, prezentowania wizerunku obcym oraz kształtowania pożądanego wizerunku na użytek obywateli – członków swojej grupy. Na przykładzie Paryża i Skopja, miast o odmiennej kontekstowo historii, chciałbym pokazać specyficzne dla przestrzeni miejskiej sposoby indukowania interpretacji, albowiem mimo oczywistych różnic oba miasta pozwalają dostrzec historyczny okres, w którym samo miasto stało się istotnym składnikiem sfery publicznej i publicznej własności symbolicznej. Wzrost znaczenia miast w Europie wiąże się bez wątpienia z procesem demokratyzacji, zaś stolice Francji i Macedonii są dobrym przykładem tej przemiany, która przestrzeń sprywatyzowaną (feudalną) bądź interpretowaną w wymiarze sakralnym (jako ziemia należąca do Boga) przekształciła w przestrzeń publiczną, będącą dobrem wspólnym obywateli i/lub dominującego narodu.Najważniejszym agensem w przestrzeni stołecznej okazuje się państwo. To biurokracja państwowa, występująca w charakterze nosiciela woli narodu, decyduje o kształtowaniu wizerunku miasta, wzmacniając te wartości, które wydają się pożądane z perspektywy reprezentowanej grupy. Brak tego czynnika skutkuje, jak w przypadku Skopje, zachowaniem lokalności i/lub przypadkowością realizowanych inwestycji publicznych. W obu omawianych przypadkach mapa i punkty orientacyjne zdradzają najważniejsze kategorie narracji narodowej, a przecież za jej kształt w znacznym stopniu odpowiada właśnie władza centralna.

2013 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-60
Eduard Hofmann ◽  
Hana Svobodová

Field work often takes place in the countryside and the city environment is neglected, although we usually move there more often. Natural science education should, however, include not only the evaluation of the rural landscape, but also the city, because we can find there an explanation for a number of physical-geographical but also socioeconomic phenomena and their spatio-temporal evolution. Therefore, the authors focused on the goal to use urban landscape as a "geography textbook". Urban landscape serves in this case as a didactic image. A study about significant viewpoints in Brno and its surroundings served as a basis for the experiment in which pupils and students had to sketch a view from these viewpoints and authors evaluated how they are able to perceive the urban landscape, locate the significant elements in an urban structure, identify their functions and relations among them. This concept can be understood as a use of nonverbal elements in teaching. The results of this experiment and namely the comparison of sketches produced by pupils and university students are described in the paper which also describes the blending of old and new approaches in geographical education. Key words: didactic image, geographical education, panoramic sketch, urban landscape.

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 35 ◽  
Emil CREANGA ◽  
Maria DUDA

Public spaces within the city in all their form of different types - streets, boulevards, squares, plazas, market places, green areas - are the backbone of cities. Over the centuries buildings defined the shape and quality of public spaces, valorising them in various ways. The post-modern development of urban form generated a great number of “urban spaces”, where there is no longer correspondence between architectural forms and social and political messages: shopping malls and theme parks, inner public spaces, strip developments etc. Urban sprawl accompanied by loss of agricultural/rural land and its impact on the environment are serious concerns for most cities over Europe. To strike the right balance between inner city regeneration, under-use of urban land in the old abandoned sites and the ecological benefits that accompany the new private business initiatives in suburban areas, is one of the major challenges confronting cities in Europe. The paper will analyze the complex relations between architecture and public space, in an attempt to understand how traditional urban structures, public and green spaces, squares and streets, could provide orientation for quality-oriented regeneration. Case in point is Bucharest - capital city of Romania - where aggressive intervention in the urban structure during the 1980s disrupted the fabric of the city. The investigation is oriented towards fundamental questions such as: how to secure and preserve sites that serve as initial points in upgrading processes, how to balance private investment criteria and the quality interests of the urban communities.The major aim is to provide a support for decision making in restoring the fundamental role of public urban space in shaping urban form and supporting community life.

2021 ◽  
pp. 127-136
Мохаммед Хасан Аль Савафи

This article follows the stages of urban planning in the Iraqi cities Al-Kūt, Amarah and Najaf. These large cities have emerged as populated localities in different historical periods. This has played a certain role in formation of the urban landscape. The author determines the stages of urban development of these cities. Depending on the period of establishment of the populated locality, the author distinguished from six (Najaf) to three (Al-Kūt and Amarah) stages of formation of the functional planning structure. The historical periods of Iraq impacted the formation of urban planning periodization and models of the ongoing urban processes. The article reviews the models of urban processes proposed by Western scholars, and their influence upon the formation of new characteristics of Iraqi urbanism in the modern landscape of the listed cities. The Iraqi cities have certain similarity in functional planning structure; however, each city has own peculiarities that define its uniqueness. The uniqueness of cities is determined by a number of characteristics: the hierarchy of urban structure, architectural image of the city, social harmony through the organization of residential environment, transport and pedestrian accessibility, recreation and tourism sites, human resources, and level of environmental pollution. As a result  of studying Al-Kūt, Amarah and Najaf, it is revealed that Najaf plays a special religious role among Shiite Muslims; it also features archaeological sites attractive for tourists, such as the ancient mosques and churches. Al-Kūt and Amarah also have a rich history, although they have emerged in a later period. Urbanization of Iraq is particularly specific with regards to residential developments in the new urban districts. It manifests in the construction of residential areas by the type of professional activity (for example, a district for teachers, workers, police, etc.)

L. Dipasquale ◽  
M. Carta ◽  
S. Galassi ◽  
A. Merlo

Abstract. The old town of Gjirokastra (Albania), was included in the World Heritage List in 2005 thanks to the valuable presence of several remarkable examples of Ottoman-styled houses and in the integrity of the vernacular urban landscape. The urban structure is strongly influenced by the orography of the Drino valley and its slopes where the city was founded. Stone is the building material that characterizes the paving of the streets, the walls of the buildings and the roof coverings. The wood, mostly local, was used to build the frame structure of the upper floors and the roofs, in order to provide large windows and bright interior spaces. In December 2018, as part of the activities of the 3D Past project, founded by Eu Creative Europe Programme, Italian and Albanian students took part in a workshop in Gjirokastra. Such an initiative was designed to understand the tangible and intangible components of the vernacular heritage of Gjrokastra. In a multidisciplinary approach, students, professors, researchers and local experts analysed the morphological features of the historic center, the public spaces, and the traditional building systems. Traditional instruments such as the direct survey, the on-site observation and the interviews were adopted in combination with more innovative tools such as the laser scanner and the photogrammetry. This contribution not only illustrates the results of a multi-scale analysis, but it also highlights the transformations and threats that endanger the transmission of the unique characteristics of the city to the future generations. Moreover, it deals with the conservation strategies currently in use and some possible future measures that can contribute to the sustainable safeguard and development of the site.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-110
Sławomir Palicki ◽  
Łukasz Strączkowski

Abstract The article aims at analyzing the possibility of including developers (private companies focused on profits) into the process of revitalizing tenement houses located in the center of Poznan. The consideration is located in the capital city of Wielkopolska and takes into account the analysis of both the local housing real estate market and developers’ enterprises in the city. The authors, supported by economic calculation and a case study, have researched the case of a free-market developer’s project of revitalizing a well-located, yet run-down tenement house, and, on the contrary, the case of a developer taking over a property being a municipal resource. Having researched the market in order to set the parameters of further research works, both scenarios where evaluated when it comes to their economic, social and spatial results. The main purpose of the article was to analyze possibilities and to point out the determinant factors of using the economic potential of developers in the process of revitalizing housing resources located in downtown areas. The work is to contribute to the discussion on making the actions of public administration more flexible when it comes to cooperation with private investors. By outlining the research concept, the authors aim to set the basis for further and deeper analysis. The paper is to test the scientific community when it comes to the appropriateness of the diagnosis and the direction of potential research.

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 220-226
Manuela Triggianese ◽  
Fabrizia Berlingieri

Since more than fifty years, in the Netherlands, the Randstad Holland [1,2] represents a model of reference within the international debate on the sustainable balance between urban areas, infrastructural development and preservation of natural environment. The polycentric urban structure of the country progressively built up a new metropolitan reality of Europe, based on a stable configuration of cities’ spatial relations around the maintenance of the Green Hearth core and on strategic logics of infrastructural developments. However today the double awareness to rebalance growing population of urban areas and to open the region towards North-Central Europe, create fundamental conditions for a renewed expanding vision [3]. The current Dutch metropolitan perspective looks at the densest cities of Amsterdam and Rotterdam as main European and international gates, addressing large scale ambitions to clusters of urban developments at the intersection of main roads, railways and local infrastructures. This paper presents an investigative approach and intends to provoke academic discussion on the conflicting and possible relationships between urban policies and design strategies in the construction of a new metropolitan European perspective. Particular emphasis is put on the coordination between contemporary policies with spatial implications in the city of Amsterdam. Exploring its geographical advantages, the City tries to give form to policies’ abstraction of Randstad 2040 vision in the recent structural spatial Agenda, focused on strategic urban and economic cores. The current vision represents the metropolitan ambition of the Netherlands, where the project of Zuidas - literally South Axis - is a prime example of a new model of intermodal urban hub. Throughout the Dutch example, this paper attempts to presentZuidas testing its capability to enhance an innovative approach – in urban policy and spatial implication- to sustainable development.

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