scholarly journals Historical Analysis of the Example of Nowy Sącz in Space Syntax Perspective. Guidelines for Future Development of Urban Matrix in Medium-Sized Cities

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (19) ◽  
pp. 11071
Filip Suchoń ◽  
Justyna Olesiak

This paper presents the development of the public space of Nowy Sącz, taking into account the space syntax analysis of the historical maps of the city and the structure of its development. Nowy Sącz is a city located in southern Poland, with over 80,000 residents. A space syntax analysis of historical maps helps to explain the urban space’s growth and development structure. The scientific goal of this paper was to build model solutions and urban typologies of Nowy Sącz; to present the logic of the model; and to compare simulation results with reality and historical knowledge. The application goal was to explain the processes and popularize the insight using clear space syntax visualizations. Axial maps of street networks were developed using current and historical city plans (publicly available plans from the late 18th century to the present day). The space syntax methodology was employed to measure Integration and Choice variables for each stage of the city’s spatial development. The results indicating areas of the highest Integration value were verified against historical studies. A strong correlation was demonstrated between the foci of urban life of super-local reach and their places in a growing city’s structural network.

2013 ◽  
Vol 36 (4) ◽  
pp. 272-282 ◽  
Kęstutis Zaleckis ◽  
Irina Matijošaitienė

In the article the influence of spatial structure on the safety of citizens in the public spaces is analyzed from the perspective of spatial determinism. The safety in green recreational areas is also discussed. Kaunas is chosen as the research polygon. Axial map of Kaunas was prepared while using both traditional method of space syntax and model of continuity lines. Method of overlapping layers was employed to combine the following data: space syntax analysis, crime, density of population, borders of the neighbourhoods, urban morphotypes, etc. The regularities of relations between spatial structure of Kaunas and higher crime risks were identified. Important conclusion is that the above mentioned regularities are stronger at the local level of urban structure. Santrauka Straipsnyje, žvelgiant iš erdvinio determinizmo pozicijų, analizuojama miesto erdvinės struktūros įtaka gyventojų saugumui viešosiose erdvėse, atskirai skiriant dėmesio ir saugumui žaliosiose rekreacinėse teritorijose. Pasirinkus Kauną kaip tyrimų poligoną, parengtas jo ašinis žemėlapis, taikant tradicinį ir tęstines linijas modeliuojantį erdvės sintaksės metodą. Taikant sluoksnių perdengimų metodą, sugretinus erdvės sintaksės tyrimų rezultatus, informaciją apie nusikalstamumą, gyventojų tankumo žemėlapį, teritorinių miesto vienetų ribas ir užstatymo morfotipus, išryškinti dėsningumai, susiejantys erdvinės miesto struktūros charakteristikas ir didesnę nusikalstamumo riziką. Nustatyti dėsningumai ryškesni kaimynysčių lygmenyje ir ne tokie ryškūs viso miesto lygmenyje.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-107
Vania Dwi Amanda Surya ◽  
Gregorius Prasetyo Adhitama

Padang restaurants with specialty food rendang represent the Minangkabau's eating culture. The effect of modernization and media social in the eating culture has indistinct the origin of Minangkabau's eating culture and leads to the uniformity of design, mostly its space and physical elements in the traditional building. Whereas in the roots, eating activities according to the Minangkabau custom still carried out, such as Makan Bajamba. It is essential to study the origin of Minangkabau space and eating culture before learning design development. The main problem is how the relationship between space and eating culture in the life cycle of Minangkabau society carried out at Rumah Gadang. By using a mix-method, a qualitative approach is a case study at Rumah Gadang Istana Rajo Alam Tuanku Disambah and quantitative approaches using space syntax analysis on the dimensions of connectivity and integrity. Data were from literature studies, interviews, and direct observations on how Rumah Gadang facilitated eating activities. The result shows that Rumah Gadang effectively assisted the eating culture in the life cycle of its people. The space configuration in the process of eating activities is following the roles of women and men based on a matrilineal kinship system. The seat position rules for Minangkabau men from  the matrilineal kinship system divided Ruang Lepas into smaller areas, marked by walls, columns, and seprah clothes. All space of eating activities is a social space where interactions took place as a reflection of Minangkabau customs. The space syntax analysis clarifies the relationship between space and eating activities based on the matrilineal kinship system and the social interactions that occur with the space used. For future research, the space syntax analysis is useful as a perspective to learn the relationship between space and culture.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (16) ◽  
pp. 3331 ◽  
Francesco Leccese ◽  
Davide Lista ◽  
Giacomo Salvadori ◽  
Marco Beccali ◽  
Marina Bonomolo

According to the international technical standards, higher lighting levels (luminance and illuminance levels) are expected in trafficked and central roads (where restrictive minimum lighting requirements are necessary) and lower lighting levels are expected in peripheral and less trafficked roads. Starting from this assumption, in this paper, the authors analyse the correlations between spatial properties (expressed by spatial indicators, for example, the integration index and the choice index) and lighting levels (expressed by lighting parameters, for example luminance and illuminance) upon roads of an urban context. The analysis has been applied to the case study of the medium sized town of Pontedera (central Italy). From the obtained results, it has been possible to observe how the correlations between integration index and luminance and illuminance values are significant in the case of roads equipped with lighting systems able to satisfy the lighting requirements established by the regulations. The presence of the discussed correlations lays the foundation for a change in the lighting design approach on urban scale, being able to set lighting requirements on the basis of space syntax results without the use of traditional methods of road classifications involving traffic volume estimations.

Urban Science ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 20 ◽  
António Ascensão ◽  
Laura Costa ◽  
Cláudia Fernandes ◽  
Franklim Morais ◽  
Catarina Ruivo

The article delves into the potential application of space syntax methodology to landscape architecture. Anticipating the complexity of the landscape architectural design process, the use of 3D space syntax analysis made it possible to better understand the relations between urban space shapes and their functions. The application of an iterative process of project improvement optimizes the fulfilment of the landscape architect vision, through changes in ground shaping, selection of tree species and their spatial distribution. This article explores the vegetation attributes of vegetation that are necessary to consider in landscape architecture projects in the context of the DepthSpace 3D software, using the case study of an urban park in Maia—Portugal. To achieve this, it was necessary to define the attributes to be inserted in the software. The main attributes of vegetation that can be employed in landscape architecture projects are form and dimension, growth speed, and visual permeability (opacity) of the crown in winter and summer. The software proved itself a useful tool, not only in studying and evaluating the effects of the final design, but also during project development.

KIVA ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 64 (4) ◽  
pp. 419-446 ◽  
Jason S. Shapiro

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